I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 .Your Majesty is unfathomable

Old Blood Shadow was dumbfounded.

The blood phoenix in front of him was really different from his blood phoenix.

For the same magic way to practice the blood phoenix change, the method is different, and there is indeed a difference in personal level.

Right now, Zhang Dongyunliang’s hand was on top of the old blood shadow demon.

The old demon just watched it a few times, and he was fascinated, and he felt that he had benefited a lot.

He knows that his majesty is powerful.

But isn’t your majesty always practicing martial arts?

Why is there such a high level of attainments in the practice of the magic way?

Is it because your Majesty has been hiding it all the time, or is it the result of his refinement?

At this moment, Old Blood Shadow only felt that Zhang Dongyun was unfathomable.

There are so many ways to practice the magic way, how could your majesty be proficient in the change of the blood phoenix?

More likely, isn’t it because his old man has learned everything and mastered everything?

The old blood shadow demon came back to his senses and glanced at Zhang Dongyun who was aside, with awe and fear in his heart.

The blood phoenix at Zhang Dongyun’s feet kept screaming and screaming.

In the long cry, the blood lines extending from its wings tremble.

The arrows shot did not escape the control of the blood phoenix.

The arrow pierced the human body, and the connected blood line began to draw people’s flesh and blood.

The flesh and blood of those Tang Jun quickly dried up.

And the lines of blood dancing in the air, at this time, seemed to become a series of terrifying and weird blood vessels.

The blood flowed continuously and was drawn into the blood phoenix itself.

His eyes flashed with evil and monsters.

This is a bit too cruel… Zhang Dongyun was startled secretly when he saw this, and quickly quietly stopped the bleeding Phoenix.

However, everything is not over yet.

The tail feathers of the blood phoenix flashed with cold brilliance.

Then, these tail feathers suddenly extended, turned into a few thick chains, and waved them out.

The giant crossbow arrows on each tail feathers are automatically split into sections, and surrounded by blood, they can extend and change directions freely.

The horrible chains whipped in the air as fast as lightning.

The people who fled towards the city gate were caught up by the blood chain for the first time.

The hall master of Shanhutang jumped up, almost gliding at a low altitude, and instantly reached the city gate.

But before he breathed a sigh of relief, a whistling sound suddenly sounded behind him.


The hall master of Shanhutang was tied to his vest by a thick blood chain.

He flew out diagonally like a broken kite and hit the wall, dripping with blood.

After sticking to the wall for a while, he slowly slipped down the wall.

Gao Qi, in the flying commander realm, grabbed Du Yifan, flying into the air like a bird, directly over the Chang’an city wall, and flew out.

But the two blood chains opened their bows left and right, and they caught up with him instantly.

Gao Qi was agile and turned in the air, trying to avoid.

However, the blood chain was more flexible than him, one drawing him, the other drawing Du Yifan who he was holding.

Gao Qi had no choice but to let go of Du Yifan, and then drew his knife out of the sheath to resist.

As a result, with two “bangs”, the two of them couldn’t fly over the city, and they all fell off.

Outside the city of Chang’an, the few soldiers and wounded soldiers of the Tang army who were left behind with heavy logistics, and the Hanshan faction both looked nervously at the distant city.

They only heard a clamor from Shen Zhong.

The next moment, he suddenly saw Gao Qi taking Du Yifan up into the air, as if he was about to cross the city and get out of the city.

But immediately after the red light flashed, the two of Gao Qi were gone.

Looking in from the open gate, only a flash of red light could be seen.

None of the people who entered the city before could get out.

The Tang Jun, who was left behind with heavy logistics, looked at each other, and the discussion in the crowd grew louder and nervousness continued to spread.

The two of the Hanshan faction looked at from a distance, and both were somewhat at a loss.

After a while, suddenly a blood shadow flew out of the city gate.

The old demon sneered, holding a round thing in his hand and threw it in front of Tang Jun outside the city.

Everyone looked intently, it was Du Yifan’s head!

“Dare to disturb Your Majesty Quiet, this is the end.”

The blood shadow old demon sneered, and the blood mist spread all over his body: “Your majesty is generous, and you are gifted with grace. Those who descend can be exonerated from death, otherwise they will be killed.

These soldiers in charge of logistics are not elite, and the wounded among them are even more powerless.

The rain of arrows shot back in the city had already shocked them.

At this moment, seeing the large troops fall, Gao Qi disappeared, and Du Yifan was chopped off again, and everyone’s courage completely collapsed.

Du Yifan, the son of the master general, died, even if they fled back, they might be angry.

Not to mention that the old blood shadow is so terrifying.

The first “pop” sounded.

Someone took the lead, everyone followed, and weapons were thrown on the ground.

The two of the Hanshan faction watched the Tang army soldiers surrender, and both sucked in air.

“The whole army is annihilated… the whole army is annihilated!”

The middle-aged man looked at the old man beside him: “Such strength and courage can at least be comparable to Wangzhen View, right?”

The old man nodded again and again: “I am afraid that the view of forgetting the truth is not comparable. The point is not that they have the ability to solve this Tang army. The key is that they are so simple and neat, as if they are not afraid of the Eastern Tang Dynasty to pursue it afterwards.”

“What shall we do next?” the middle-aged man asked.

The old man looked at the city head of Chang’an: “The masters of Shanhutang are all stuck in the city.”

“Uncle Shi meant that we took the opportunity to serve Shanhutang?” The middle-aged man understood, “But here is Chang’an City…”

“No contradiction.”

The old man said: “By taking down the Mountain Tiger Hall, this faction can raise manpower and material resources from the entire Qinzhou Mansion. When the time comes, the leader will personally come to meet the city lord here, and we will have more weight.

Moreover, the war here has just begun. The Xuanwu general Du Kun died of his only son, and he must retaliate. ”

After a short pause, his voice was a little low:

“The old man is now embarrassed by the Wangzhen View. Although this Chang’an City has a strong performance, the Wangzhen View is not something that the original school can afford…”

“Go back and ask the head to make a decision.” The middle-aged man said: “Fortunately, here in Chang’an City, we already have Tianyu to lay a good foundation.”

The old man nodded, and the two left immediately.

The old blood shadow demon returned to Chang’an City with a group of prisoners.

Zhang Dongyun was looking at the system at this time.

[Random Guardian Mission 1.2-Kill or capture the Dongtang Fenwei general Gao Qi who entered the city]

[The city lord captures Gao Qi who has entered the city, completes random guard mission 1.2, and gains 300 points of upgrade experience]

In addition to the previous cleanup of the old blood shadow demons, in this way, the current guardian experience has accumulated 800 points.

As a novice benefit, the points required for the first upgrade and expansion of Invincible City are not high.

It is enough to satisfy 1,000 points at the same time for guarding experience and building experience.

Right now the guarding experience is close, but the building power is still far behind.

Zhang Dongyun looked at the system count with mixed joys and sorrows.


Hi, of course, this time the other party took the initiative to send it to the door, and he has more than a thousand people in the account.

Worry, it’s because I just wanted to be happy, and the start was a little light.

A total of more than two thousand people came from Tang Jun and Shanhutang.

There are only one thousand six hundred and seventy-four living people captured into the city.

Most of them were injured.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if they are injured, City Lord Zhang can recover them at any time.

But there are four or five hundred people who will always close their eyes.

Part of this is because when the arrow rain in the city counterattacked, it was brought down outside the city.

After entering the city, Zhang Dongyun’s blood phoenix was powerful, but he had the heart to control it. Although most people were not injured, they survived.

Integrating the memories of the evil emperor once made Zhang Dongyun more indifferent than he had expected when facing this **** Shura field at this moment.

The main hope is to land on the fluctuating refugees, or the large forces under the command of the Xuanwu general Du Kun… Zhang Dongyun will restrain his chaotic thoughts.

He re-incarnates the old man in black and takes over the prisoner from the old blood shadow demon.

The old blood shadow demon returned to the city, but he had already disappeared from his Majesty, and his heart sank.

Seeing the most annoying old man in black again, he felt even worse.

The old man in black is very relaxed: “If you think about it, reply to your majesty as soon as possible. How can you let your majesty wait for you?”

The other party was not polite, but the old blood shadow demon didn’t care about it.

He was stunned: “The old man’s reply…what did your majesty mean?”

The old demon was full of excitement.

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