I Found Myself Pregnant After Becoming An Omega

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 30th

The night breeze moved the broken hair on his forehead.

He Zhou stood by the window, and his deep pupils reflected the lights of Wanjia in the distance.

His eyebrows were slightly closed, his complexion was cold, his slender fingers tapped on the window edge, as if he was thinking about a problem.

After a long time, he suddenly moved.

He took out his cell phone, found the number and dialed it.

“Help me book a hotel in Bo Cui Resort, which is close to Nanshan Park, has an open-air swimming pool, and—”

The “buzzing” sound rang, indicating an incoming call.

He Zhou took the phone in front of him and looked at it. He raised his eyebrows and said concisely when he answered the phone: “In short, set the best location and cover the entire National Day time. You can take care of the rest.”

I was about to hang up, but I thought of something and added, “Two people live.”

After speaking, the phone hangs up.

He Zhou clicked on the phone that came in midway, paused with his fingers, and called back–

“Dad,” he said.

next door.

Ji Yu is working on plans intently.

The doctor told him that the operation could be arranged in advance and asked him to think about it. He immediately agreed to it without even thinking about it. He even planned to ask for leave from the school tomorrow, and no class this week.

He now wants to get rid of this disturbing mark more than studying.

Because he felt that this mark was the same as the **** of ancient slaves, symbolizing no freedom, no self, not only controlled by others, but also no resistance.

It’s too much to answer.

Therefore, the marking operation is definitely the sooner the better.

But before washing the mark, he has to plan some things first.

The doctor told him that he would be able to go home in about three to five days after the operation, but it is best to have someone take care of it during the period, because although the wound is small, it is a very important gland in the human body, which affects the entire physiological system. Normal operation.

Ji Yu’s first thought was to let Yuesao and Xiao Universe come over to accompany him.

He still remembered that the doctor reminded him during the previous examination that the taste of pheromone will slightly change after the operation, which may affect Xiao Universe’s perception of him, so he wants the confinement wife and Xiao Universe to accompany the bed-confinement can Take care of yourself, and the small universe can be more familiar with your own taste during this period.

But after another round of mind, I felt it was impossible.

After all, that place is a hospital. There are too many germs, so adults are fine. Children still don’t go, and if the small universe doesn’t go, the confinement wife will naturally not come.

Ji Yu thought about it, the drawing on the notebook was a mess, and finally decided to go to the operating table by himself.

“Ah, it’s miserable.”

Unexpectedly, after being healthy for eighteen years, the first time he had an operation, there was no one to accompany him.

But he was happy to be able to wash, so Jiyu got up early the next day, and happily asked for leave from the head teacher after washing up.

In this world, even the third year of high school is very good to ask for leave.

Probably because Omega is in estrus, it takes time to adjust even if the inhibitor is injected, so people in the class often ask for leave.

After asking for a vacation, Ji Yu looked up and saw He Zhou coming down from the stairs.

He greeted He Zhou in a good mood: “Morning.”

He Zhou nodded: “Get up so early?”


“You think you are in a good mood, any happy events?” He Zhou walked to the table and sat down.

Ji Yu didn’t tell me about the washing mark, he bit the buns: “The National Day holiday is coming soon, of course I am happy.”

He Zhou screamed and asked unintentionally, “Do you have any arrangements for the National Day?”

Ji Yu paused: “No.”

“How about going to Platinum Resort with me?”

He Zhou raised his eyes and looked at Ji Yu, his expression and tone were very casual, “There are swimming pools, grasslands, and parachuting nearby. Barbecue parties and concerts will be held during the National Day, which is pretty good.”

“Just the two of us?”

“Can’t it work?” Ji Yu is affectionate, and he is also interested. Isn’t it right for two people to be together?

However, He Zhou tried to figure out the look of Ji Yu, and naturally changed his words, “Of course not, I have a few friends also go, they invited me, since you are all right, you might as well join me.”

Ji Yu nodded and said, “Let’s watch it again.”

If you watch it again, you will be there.

He Zhou had a count in his heart, and said, “I have something a little bit wrong these days. If I want to go home and live, I can’t accompany you.”

Ji Yu: “…” Didn’t you come here by yourself? Who wants you to be with me?

He paused for a while, then held back the complaints in his heart, and said, “Well, okay, you are busy with you. By the way, I asked for leave today. You can go to school alone. I will take Xiao Universe to the hospital for review.

“it is good.”

After breakfast, He Zhou left, and Ji Yu turned upstairs to pack his things.

He only brought two pieces of clothes. He didn’t take any more. Anyway, the hospital has them. You can buy the ones you didn’t.

“Sister Chen, I have something to go out for a few days, you watch the universe at home, I will video with you every day.”

Ji Yu didn’t tell anyone that he was going to have the operation, only that he was going out because of something. Before leaving home, he hugged Xiao Universe, kissed him and walked out of the house with high morale.

Don’t say it, it’s quite exciting.

I was not afraid, nor did I feel afraid, even thinking that the invisible shackles were about to be untied, I was thrilled.

This excitement continued all the way, reaching the peak when I saw the doctor at the hospital.

Ji Yu: “Doctor, here I am!”

The doctor was stunned.

No, why would anyone be so happy in a place like a hospital?

He reacted with a low cough, and took out a piece of information from the drawer: “This is your physical examination report. All the values ​​show that it is qualified. It’s just that a tumor with a diameter of one centimeter was found inside your gestational sac. It is benign. Yes, it has no effect on your body. You need to know about this situation.”

Ji Yu nodded, and took the information with both hands: “It’s fine if it doesn’t affect, thank you doctor.”

The doctor said again: “Today, let the nurse take you to perform a psychological examination. After the report is completed, I will report it to me, and then go to register for hospitalization. You can move freely today, but don’t sleep too late. You will be banned after nine o’clock this evening. Avoid food and water, prepare for surgery.”

Ji Yu took a careful note and nodded again: “Okay, thank you.”

After thanking him, Ji Yu followed the nurse for a psychological examination.

Psychological examination is mainly conducted through question and answer. The doctor probably asked him more than 20 questions and the report was completed on the spot. Ji Yu only waited ten minutes to get the report. After the test, he has excellent psychological quality and can undergo surgery at any time. station.

“Could it be that the operation is not allowed after this examination is unqualified?” Ji Yu handed the report to his attending doctor.

“That’s not true. It will be a lot of trouble. If you fail to pass, we usually suggest to observe for two more days.”

The doctor roughly talked to him about the reason, mainly because gland surgery will directly affect the body’s hormones and endocrine.

After the operation, the two will be temporarily imbalanced, and usually return to normal in about three days. If the mental state is unstable at this time, then there will be a high probability of depression and other mental illnesses after the operation, and even shock, etc. Happening.

Ji Yu smiled and said, “Then I think I should have no problem.”

The doctor also smiled and nodded: “I think so too, your operation will be very smooth.”

“Then I will borrow your auspicious words.”

That night, Ji Yu went through the hospitalization procedures and changed into hospital gowns.

With one hand resting on the back of his head, he held the phone in the other hand, smiling and chatting with Yuesao and Xiao Universe video.

“Is there a good boy in Xiao Universe today?” he asked.

The more spoiled the child, the more spoiled. Ji Yu still remembers that when he first saw the little universe, he didn’t cry or make trouble. He was lying in a crib and behaved badly. Now it’s completely changed. His two little hands are always raised high. She has to be hugged as soon as she wakes up, and she likes to stick to her face and forehead, which is pleasing and clingy.


Little Universe blinked, and his entire little face was almost on the phone. He was full of curiosity about the video, probably because he didn’t understand why his mother was in this small box, so he touched it with his hands and wanted to bite.

Ji Yu laughed: “Ah, you are not good.”

Sister Chen also smiled happily: “Why, our little universe is behaved, right?”

Saying that she moved the phone far away, and then drew a paper towel to wipe the corners of Xiao Universe’s mouth. Xiao Universe stretched out her hand, babbling in her mouth and wanted to grab the phone.

Ji Yu looked at the little universe on the phone, feeling very relaxed.

Although the tip of his nose was full of the smell of disinfectant, he still didn’t feel a trace of panic, even though there were two people lying on the other two beds in the ward who moaned with low pain from time to time.

Hormone imbalance and endocrine imbalance are terrible, but it doesn’t matter, he can handle it for only three days.

At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open, and someone came to visit the patient again.

Ji Yu’s attention was on the phone, and he didn’t pay attention to the movement. He raised his eyes and looked over until someone came to his bed. He was a very young guy with a small card in his hand.

The man was stunned, and said, “Jiyu?”

Jiyu: “…”

Who is this person? How come someone knows you every time you come out?

He thought for a while, then hung up the video first, and looked straight at the incoming person.

“Haha, you don’t know me, my name is Xie You, we are from a school.”

After that, Xie You handed the card to Ji Yu, “This is my restaurant’s menu. If you need it, you can call to place an order without any seasoning. It’s very healthy. Many people in the hospital order meals here.”

Ji Yu nodded and took it: “Thank you.”

“you are welcome.”

Xie You touched his head and asked, “Why are you hospitalized? Ah, sorry, I just asked casually, then I won’t disturb you, I will continue to deliver the food.”

Ji Yu waved his hand: “Okay, goodbye.”

He didn’t pay much attention to Xie Youtai, and looked at the card instead.

The card is folded, and the menu becomes more comprehensive and longer as soon as it is opened, and it is all suitable for patients to eat. Ji Yuxin said that the food was good, more than ten times better than the one in the hospital. Looking at it, he couldn’t help thinking about the postoperative menu.

Xie You, who was not at heart by Ji Yu, took out his cell phone as soon as he got out of the ward and walked to the corner to make a call.

In the splendid hotel box, the senior elders sitting in the upper ranks talked happily.

“You really gave birth to a good son!”

“Hahaha, isn’t your family also excellent?”

The two people talked about by the elders all sat quietly, bowed their heads and ate vegetables.

After a long time, Xie Qi put down the knife and fork and took the initiative to say: “Why didn’t you come last time?”

He lowered his voice, only He Zhou who was sitting next to him could hear it.

Both of them are in the lowest position.

He Zhou replied: “Something happened temporarily.”

Xie Qi said, he lowered his eyes and pursed his lips. After all, he couldn’t hold back and asked: “Are you and him…really together?”

He Zhou raised his eyes and glanced at him: “Of course.”

Xie Qi smiled when he heard the words, and gently scooped the soup in his hands: “Then why are you here this time? Don’t you know what the uncles, aunts, and my parents mean?”

He Zhou didn’t change his face: “As long as you know what I mean.”

Xie Qi was startled, not knowing what to say for a while.

Just then the phone rang, and he quickly stood up as if he was relieved, and said with a smile: “I’ll go out and take a call.”

However, as soon as he walked out of the box, the smile on his face collapsed.

Xie Qi walked quickly to the window at the corner of the stairs, took a deep breath and then answered the phone: “Hey.”

“Brother, guess who I saw in the hospital just now?”

Xie Qi frowned: “Why are you in the hospital?”

“I took a fancy to a locomotive, and it was half the money. I asked my dad, but he wouldn’t give it. I didn’t want to owe someone money, so I just took the money in hand and opened a restaurant with Zhou Jing. The restaurant is there. By the hospital, I came over to help after school. The business was very good. My eloquence and face were all–Oh, no, don’t talk about this, brother, guess who I just saw in the hospital?”

“How do I know? Just tell me.” Xie Qi is not in a good mood and has no interest in chatting.


Xie Qi was stunned: “Jiyu? Which Jiyu?”

“Which Jiyu is there? Just the one you think!”

“What’s up with him?”

“He was in the hospital. I saw him when I delivered the meal. It’s not sick. He went to wash the signs. The ward he stayed in was all marked. I know very well…”

When she hung up, Xie Qi was trembling with anger.

He looked up at the ceiling, breathing deeply, his chest rising and falling, his delicate blushing and white. He wandered back and forth around the corner of the stairs, only to feel that his face was severely slapped a few times, and it was hot and painful.

He likes He Zhou so much.

I love it until I know that he and Ji Yu can’t put it down completely, so I have to go abroad to look quiet in my ears, but I can’t let go of my heart, and always ask his cousin He Zhou about the current situation from time to time.

Knowing that the two of them had broken up, he was very happy, but when the marriage contract was terminated, the two families had a ugly quarrel, so he was too embarrassed to take the initiative to look for him again, and wanted to wait for the relationship to ease and then come back and get close to him again.

He even hoped that He Zhou could take the initiative to contact him.

But instead of waiting for his contact, he waited for a picture of He Zhou holding Jiyu.

He couldn’t help it anymore and hurried back immediately.

I don’t know what I can do when I rush back. I just bought the tickets in my head, notified my family, and then just came back.

Maybe there is a trace of luck hidden in my heart.

Fortunately, Ji Yu once embarrassed He Zhou and the He family so embarrassed. They were still able to get together again. So what was the little conflict between himself and He Zhou?

He was very confident, and Ji Yu couldn’t compare to him.

Moreover, he has the support of his parents, the love of his uncles and aunts, and he is in opposition to He Zhoumen. He stands with Ji Yu and sees each other.

He told himself to be patient, wait, wait.

As a result, another bad news came.

He Zhou would rather deceive himself, saying that he and Ji Yu were together, and he didn’t want to have anything to do with him.

It turned out that he despised himself so much in his heart, and even refused to hesitate to use lies.

If it wasn’t for his cousin who happened to see Ji Yu going to wash the marks, how long would he have to lie to himself?

Xie Qi smiled mockingly, lowered his head and pressed the phone screen hard.

[If I don’t like it, I can just say it, cheating or something, it’s not necessary, it’s really boring, and it’s very styleless. 】

The other side sent a reply quickly-

【? 】

Xie Qi sneered and continued to pretend.

He took a deep breath, looked up at the box door not far away, pinched the phone hard with his fingers, his joints faintly white.

But after waiting for almost ten minutes, no one came out, nor did the phone ring.

Xie Qi pursed his lips and sneered.

He picked up his cell phone and dialed Xie You’s phone neatly.

“Hey. Have you taken a picture of Ji Yu in the ward?”

“No, but there is the room number and the corresponding patient name tag at the service desk.”

Xie Qi said solemnly: “Take it down and find a chance to get out.”

He paused, then added, “You don’t need to make a lot of noise, it can be passed to He Zhou’s ears.”

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