I Found Myself Pregnant After Becoming An Omega

Chapter 131

When the original owner wears Jiyu (7)

The tide of love gradually receded, and an unspeakable and charming breath still hovered in the air.

The dark orange lights lit up in the four corners, and the light was dim, leaving a large vague and ambiguous dimness in the room.

The two people inside sat and stood one by one, silent for a long while.

The hand hanging to his side was clenched, Fu Ren pursed his lips, and looked at Ji Yu sitting on the sofa without blinking—

He is wiping his hands.

Wipe slowly, finger by finger.

First, I wiped it with a napkin, but it was not clean. Then I took a napkin soaked in water and continued to wipe. The water marks reflected the light and left wet marks on the slender and white fingers.

The sticky stains mixed with clean water gathered at the fingertips, smashed into the trash can, and made a sneer.

The drops of water seemed to hit Fu Ren’s heart.

The Adam’s apple rolled involuntarily, and his eyes could not tolerate anything except the hands that seemed to be surrounded by a faint light in the dim light.

Suddenly, Fu Ren’s pupils contracted, his eyes widened, and the nerves all over his body suddenly became excited, just because he saw that Ji Yu lowered his head and sniffed gently on the water-stained fingers.

It left at the touch of a button, and then changed a new piece of paper towel without changing his face, soaked it in water, and continued to wipe it.

Fu Ren swallowed and licked his lips.

Didn’t you wipe it clean? It should have not been wiped clean, otherwise it will not be wiped again. What will Jiyu smell? It should smell… smelly, sticky, dirty, which belongs to him.

Fu Ren’s throat tightened, and he looked at Ji Yu and said dumbly: “There is mineral water on the table, please give it a shot.”

Ji Yu raised his head and smiled at him: “I thought you would let me go to the bathroom to wash my hands.”

Fu Ren pursed his lips and said nothing.

He wouldn’t say that, because he didn’t want Jiyu to go out. He wanted Jiyu and himself to stay in this ambiguous private room, even if they were silent, even if they were embarrassed, they still had to stay in this world where only the two of them were in.

“Do you like me?” Ji Yu said suddenly.

He had asked this sentence just now, and this was the second time, and his tone was much more serious than before.

Fu Ren paused and nodded: “Yes.”

“Do you know my age?”

“I know.”

Ji Yu glanced at him: “I like people for the first time?”

“Yes.” Fu Ren nodded without thinking.

Ji Yu chuckled slightly: “No wonder.”

No wonder it is so clumsy, so reckless, that the design “trap” is also naive and old-fashioned.

Fu Ren understood Ji Yu’s meaning, his face turned redder in an instant, and a trace of shame appeared in his eyes.

His reaction was seen by Ji Yu, and Ji Yu smiled: “How can I say, many people have said that they like me, and many people have chased me, young, older, male, female, Gentleness, elegance, enthusiasm, madness, and…”

“Then do you like them?”

Fu Ren’s voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Ji Yu’s leisurely chatter.

Ji Yu moved his eyelashes and looked at Fu Ren.

“You don’t like them.”

Fu Ren asked and answered, but his tone was sure. He raised his eyes, his deep eyes locked Ji Yu’s expression, and asked, “Have you done what you did with me just now with them?”

Ji Yu slowly shook his head: “No.”

Fu Ren’s heart loosened, the light in his eyes became stronger and stronger: “Have you held hands with them?”


“Have you kissed?”

“Have you done anything more intimate than these?”

Questions were raised one after another, all about **.

When asked these questions by a person who is not so close, most people will feel offended, but Jiyu is like a okay person, not only lacking in anger, but also answering one by one with a good temper.

He either shook his head or answered “No”, every time he answered, Fu Ren’s eyes brightened.

Finally, Fu Renwei lifted his chin and said in conclusion: “I am special, am I?”

The heart was pounding, the palms of the tightly held hands were full of sweat, a cluster of flames was burning in the dark eyes, and the center of the flames reflected the face of Jiyu, as if as long as Jiyu gave a signal, the flames could ignite in an instant. Fire.

The signal he wanted was Ji Yu’s affirmative answer.

Ji Yu nodded lightly in his scorching gaze: “Yes.”

Fu Ren was overjoyed, and then asked: “Why is it different?”

Without waiting for Ji Yu’s answer, he said to himself, “Because you also like me and have feelings for me, right? Otherwise, why do you help me? Why indulge me? You can go, but you don’t, so ,and so…”

As the Adam’s apple rolled, Fu Ren’s voice trembled with excitement, “So, you like me too, don’t you?”

Ji Yu leaned back on the sofa, his dark brown eyes filled with a shallow warm light against the light. He put his cheek in one hand and looked at Fu Ren with a smile. This time he did not nod or shook his head.

But for Fu Ren, it didn’t matter if he didn’t get a positive answer.

At this moment, the corners of his mouth rose involuntarily. Although the whole person stood motionless, his heart was completely indulged in Ji Yu’s smiling eyes.

“Young man, are you finally in love?” The old father sat cross-legged on the sofa, holding a little golden retriever in his arms.

This little golden retriever is called Xiaodian, three months old, full of golden color, strong hair, simple and cute appearance, and is shrinking in his old father’s arms and acting like a baby.

Ji Yu held a freeze-dried can in his hand and was teasing the dog: “It doesn’t count, I haven’t agreed directly.”

The old father took the freeze-dried from Ji Yu’s hand and fed it to the little milk dog’s mouth: “Just the 18-year-old kid you mentioned?”

Ji Yu coughed and said with a serious tone: “Strictly speaking, eighteen years old cannot be regarded as a child. He is already an adult and possesses full capacity for behavior.”

“That’s also a child to you.” The old father smiled with his eyes bent.

Ji Yu was silent: “Uncle, have you heard a word?”


“As long as it is well maintained, my husband is in the college entrance examination.”

He looked at the old father and said seriously, “So age is not a problem.”

The old father was stunned for a while and reacted, and he snorted for a while: “My husband yelled and said he didn’t confirm his relationship?”

Ji Yu also laughed: “How can it be so fast?”

I said that, but there was a voice in my heart saying: Of course it can be so fast.

He can accept Fu Ren’s likes every minute, confirm his love relationship with him every minute, and even go straight to the subject to talk about a less reserved, adult love.

But he didn’t.

He didn’t do this, instead he chose to observe and enjoy it patiently and without moving, observing Fu Ren’s attitude and behavior, and enjoying the kind of unreserved like full of enthusiasm.

“Then do you think he is a good boy?” The old father took a sip of his tea and asked again.

Ji Yu nodded: “Yes.”

But not a good boy in the traditional sense.

After a month of getting along and observing, Ji Yu knew that Fu Ren did not perform well. He went to school in a second-rate high school in this city. He was always surrounded by a few scumbags. When other students saw them, they walked around, as if they were What a scourge.

He also occasionally saw Fu Ren smoking a cigarette, and noticed the bruises and scratches on the back of his hand while watching a movie one night, which seemed to be the result of a fight.

Fu Ren always showed a well-behaved and obedient appearance in front of him, as if he could not tolerate anything but him in his eyes, blushing and shy, but when he was away, he held his chin proudly like a wolf. .

Of course, it could also be a vicious dog.

How interesting, Ji Yu thought.

The old father smiled meaningfully: “Really?”

Ji Yu: “Really.”

“I don’t think you would like any good kids.”

The old father said, “If you like good kids, you won’t be alone for so many years.”

Ji Yu smiled and shook his head: “Where is it.”

He stroked Little Golden Retriever’s head with his fingers. He looked at it and said, “Good boy, who doesn’t like it, doesn’t it, small?”

“Wow!” Little Golden Retriever stuck his tongue out and shook his head happily.

Ji Yu bent his eyes and rewarded him with two freeze-dried ones, then raised his head to look at his old father and said, “Time is almost up, I’m out of the door.”

“Okay, then you are careful on the way.”

The old father added, “Since you are a good boy, be nice to others. Don’t scare people away. It’s not easy for you to find someone.”

Ji Yu laughed: “Okay, OK, I see.”

At about 4:30 in the afternoon, Ji Yu drove to the gate of Jiangcheng No. 2 Middle School.

Today he took a shift and had a whole day of free time, but it happened to be a working day. There was no one to make appointments during the day when he went to work and school. He was also very happy. He lay at home for most of the day, drinking tea and reading books, three in the afternoon. After a lot of time, I cleaned up and got up, chatted with the old father a few words, and then went out leisurely, ready to pick up my boyfriend from school.

But he came early, and it took more than half an hour to finish class.

Ji Yu was not in a hurry, he took out the kindle, went to the door guard and borrowed a chair smoothly, then sat under the eaves at the door, and continued to read what he hadn’t finished reading.

In the school, Fu Ren was boringly running the soles of his shoes against the stones on the ground.

There was a girl standing in front of him, a girl with her head down, who was confessing to him. In the words of his friends, a girl at this age is a budding flower, which must be taken care of and cherished, and absolutely not scared.

But he didn’t like this soft and weak flower bone.

Even a little bored.

Glancing at Hupengouyou who was watching a good show behind the tree, Fu Ren curled his eyebrows and couldn’t help interrupting the female voice: “Okay, don’t say it.”

After the girl had a meal, tears began to grow in her eyes after seeing Fu Ren’s frown.

She pursed her lips and held back her tears, and said, “Okay, I know what you mean, then I’m sorry, I’m bothering you.”


A fluttering syllable made the girl’s courage disappear completely. She pinched the love letter that could not be sent, and with a tear of tears, she turned and ran in the direction of the teaching building.

Fu Ren glanced into the bushes next to him, “Have you seen enough?”

A boy jumped out from behind the bushes. He shook his head and walked over and patted Fu Ren’s shoulder: “What a cute girl, I really don’t know how to cherish.”

Fu Ren put one hand in his pocket and walked out with his schoolbag: “You like to chase it by yourself.”

“I don’t, why should I chase you down?”

Fu Ren lowered his eyes and sneered, “Do you dare to chase after what I like?”

The boys also laughed: “Cut, what’s not to dare? Doesn’t this mean that we have the same vision, and we will compete fairly then, so it’s better to see who our brothers are awesome.”

As he was talking, the boy’s voice suddenly stopped, and it took a few seconds before it sounded, “I think I have found my goal.”

Fu Ren followed the boy’s gaze and looked over, and the moment his gaze reached him, all the expressions on his face froze. He said solemnly, “Who did you see?”

“The man sitting at the door.”

“No.” Fu Ren said.


The boy looked at Fu Ren and said in amazement, “Isn’t it, it’s such a coincidence? It will come true after speaking? I just said it, I won’t let it, let’s play fair-puff!”

Before he finished speaking, the fist on his stomach caused the boy to bend over and hug his stomach abruptly.

He cursed in pain, before he stood up straight, he heard Fu Ren’s deliberately lowered gloomy voice—

“he’s mine.”

“Fight with me? Are you afraid that you want to die.”

The author has something to say: Wow, I finally wrote a line of the most Su, the second and the second most suitable for the age of the characters in the youth school romance drama, Chiji!

Coming late, 88 red envelopes are dropped in the comment section of this chapter.

The plan can’t keep up with the changes. There are many things in the three dimensions. It is probably because the environment is sluggish this year. There are also many problems in the company. I plan to change jobs this year and run away with my boss. Qwq

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