I Found Myself Pregnant After Becoming An Omega

Chapter 112

Chapter 112 Universe Galaxy (4)

After that, Ji Yu took his two children to several experience classes.

If you don’t learn something, it’s better if the child feels happy. After all, the joy of playing with peers can’t be matched by a bunch of babysitters around and coaxing them.

So after a few classes, Ji Yu readily paid the money and packed the two children into the early education class.

Little Universe and Xiaoxinghe are not at all repulsive.

Not only does it not exclude, but under the enthusiasm of the small universe, the mother of a few alha boys who originally wanted to experience more early education institutions also directly paid the money so that the two friends who knew each other would not need to be separated.

The same goes for Xiaoxinghe.

Although he is quiet and does not take the initiative to communicate with others, he seems to have a fascinating aura. Even if he is sitting on a small bench, children will come over to talk to him and actively want to be friends with him. So Xiao Universe made new friends, and Xiao Xinghe also made new friends.

Ji Yu looked in his eyes and was also very happy, so when he swiped the card, his eyes didn’t blink and he was extremely happy.

In this way, the little guys have two more morning lessons in their weekly schedule.

Time flies by.

A few months later, the little universe is about to enter the kindergarten.

It was early morning in September, when the sun was fiery, and the scorching sun flooded the earth.

The heavens and the earth are bright, and even the wind blowing across the cheeks seems to have been roasted. It is warm and can’t take away the sweat on the body, but it adds stickiness.

This kind of weather is not suitable for going out and playing, it is most suitable to stay at home and use the air conditioner and eat watermelon.

It is best to cut the watermelon in two pieces, revealing the red sweet flesh, and then use a spoon to dig out the two middle pieces, one for Xiaoxinghe and the other for the small universe.

But today, the two pieces in the middle belong to Xiaoxinghe.


Little Universe went to kindergarten!

September 1st is the day when the kindergarten officially opens for classes, and it is also the day when college students start classes, but the university class hours are relaxed, sometimes it takes a full day of class, sometimes only half a day of class.

On this day, Ji Yu was still at home, and He Zhou had already gone to a distant school.

But at ten o’clock, Ji Yu will also leave. His class is half past ten.

“Would you like to go up and have a look, Xiao Xinghe should also wake up?” It will be 9:30 in the morning. He Xiong has already punched a set of punches outside, and he has studied the game record for a while after returning.

He wants to wait for his grandson to eat breakfast together.

In the past, this treatment was given to He Jiao, no matter how late He Jiao wakes up, as long as he is at home, he will wait for her to eat together, but now with two big babies, He Jiao’s treatment is no longer the same.

“I just watched it and haven’t woken up yet.”

Ji Yu took out his mobile phone, turned on the monitoring screen and took a look, “Huh? Are you up?”

When the voice fell, He Xiong couldn’t sit still and said, “I’ll go up and take a look.”

“Ah, good.” Ji Yu nodded.

As long as He Xiong is there, he and He Zhou don’t need to worry about the children’s affairs, so Ji Yu didn’t lift his head and continued to swipe his phone.

Just two years ago, he and He Zhou were admitted to the top Longcheng University in the country, and the other was admitted to the National University of Defense Technology.

Jiyu’s school is in the local area, which is convenient for taking care of the two children, but He Zhou has gone one hundred and eighty thousand miles away, and can only come back once a month after school starts, completely separated from his wife and children.


Ji Yu looked at the successful ticket purchase displayed on the phone with satisfaction, and he was greatly relieved.

If the Buddha is not for him, he will go to the Buddha.

The transportation is so convenient, and wanting to meet is just a ticket.

But he would never tell He Zhou that he had only left for one day, and he couldn’t wait to buy a ticket!

In the dim bedroom, Xiao Xinghe was sitting on the bed and rubbing his eyes.

He yawned milky, looked at Kongkong’s side, and at the door, he looked dimly about to wake up.

“Dad.” He shouted.

However, the room was quiet, there was no voice, and he shouted again, “Brother.” Still no one answered.

Xiao Xinghe didn’t cry or make trouble. He stood up on the bed, then walked to the fence, put his hands on him, and waited for his father to take him out.

However, it is not Dad who is here today, but Grandpa.

Xiao Xinghe blinked and suddenly remembered that grandpa came back yesterday, not only brought him and his brother a lot of gifts, but also went to the kindergarten with them to watch the show!

“Grandpa!” He bounced, his voice cheerful.

“Eh! Grandpa’s little boy!”

He Xiongxi smiled, and took Xiao Xinghe out of the bed twice, “Why is it still so light? Didn’t you eat well?”

Xiao Xinghe said seriously: “You have a good boy, and you have a lot of food.”

“Then show it to Grandpa later!”

“Good ”

He Xiong took Xiaoyushu into the bathroom, and the mighty and invincible general willingly washed his grandson’s face and brushed his teeth. He even smelled it after brushing: “Hahaha, is it clean for grandpa.”

Xiao Xinghe opened her mouth and clicked cooperatively.

A faint milky smell mixed with the smell of mint drifted into the tip of his nose. He Xiong nodded in satisfaction: “Xiao Xinghe’s mouth is very fragrant and very clean! Good! Let’s go down for breakfast!”

Little Universe hugged He Xiong’s neck and was hugged by his grandpa downstairs.

After sitting in the position, he looked left and right, his little head turned around, and after a while, he asked aloud: “Grandpa, where’s Dad? Where’s older brother?” His big grape-like eyes were filled with confusion.

“They all went to school.”

He Xiong rubbed Xiao Xinghe’s head, “It’s okay, grandpa will be with you at home today.”

“Going to school?” Xiao Xinghe repeated word by word.

“Yes, go to school, Xiao Xinghe forgot? Your two dads had to go to school before.”

He Xiong peeled the egg, fearing Xiao Xinghe might choke, crushed it with a spoon and put it in his porridge bowl, “Didn’t we attend the opening ceremony of brother together yesterday? Huh? We forgot it?”

Xiao Xinghe remembered it, and he blinked, “Isn’t my brother bringing Xiao Xinghe?”

The kindergarten they went to together, why didn’t his brother take him to school?

“Xiao Xinghe is still young, I want my brother to go to school first, and then Xiao Xinghe.”

When Xiao Xinghe heard it, his eyes drooped quickly, and his little face was full of unhappiness.

He said: “Everyone goes to school, and Xiao Xinghe also goes to school.”

He Xiong coaxed patiently: “When Xiao Xinghe grows up a little bit, he can go to school with his brother.”

Little Xinghe groaned, and asked his grandpa: “How old is it when you grow up a little bit?”

He Xiong thought for a while, and brought Xiao Xinghe to a corner of the wall.

There are several horizontal lines drawn on the snow-white wall. There are green and red. The green is for the small universe, and the red is for the small universe. There are three lines for the small universe, and there are only two lines for the small universe.

He Xiong pointed to the highest red line and announced: “When you grow up to this height, you can go to school!”

Xiao Xinghe reached out and touched the short green line, and then touched the tall red line. After thinking for a while, he said, “Then Xiao Xinghe has a lot of food, can I go to school tomorrow?”

He Xiong neither nodded nor shook his head: “It’s not enough to eat a lot of food today. You have to eat obediently every day, eat a lot of vegetables, and be nutritious, so that you can grow fast and grow taller before you can go to school with your brother. .”

Xiao Xinghe seems to know but not understand, but keenly grasps the keyword: “Be nutritious.”

“Yes, be nutritious.”

He Xiong pointed to the newly planted saplings outside and said, “The young saplings outside need sunlight and water to grow up. These are their nutrients. If we want to grow up, Xiao Xinghe has to eat obediently and eat vegetables and meat. Will be nutritious.”

Xiao Xinghe nodded, looking at his eyes and expressions, he seemed to understand something, then he returned to the chair and continued to have breakfast with his grandfather.

The daily breakfast is very rich, sweet and fragrant, which suits the children’s preferences, but today Xiao Xinghe’s appetite seems to be exceptionally good. He ate half of the usual amount, so scared that He Xiong quickly moved the bowl away. He didn’t dare. Give it to him, for fear that his round belly will break.

“Can you support it, is it uncomfortable?”

He Xiong gently rubbed Xiao Xinghe’s belly, regretting what he had just said, “It’s useless to eat a lot of meals at once, just the same as before.”

Xiao Xinghe shook his head: “But I don’t grow up, so eat more.” He lifted his clothes and let his grandfather touch his stomach.

Later, Grandpa said a lot, and Xiao Xinghe nodded all.

But adults have the ideas of adults, and children have the ideas of children.

In the afternoon, the little universe who woke up from a nap had no idea about his brother, because he was so busy, he was busy using his little brain to think about how to get more nutrition to help him grow taller.

He ate a lot today and took a long nap. What should he do next?

In the afternoon, someone came to discuss with He Xiong, and Xiao Xinghe was handed over to the housekeeper.

Xiao Xinghe raised his head: “Grandpa Lin, what should I do if I want to grow taller?”

Grandpa the housekeeper said: “Of course I want to grow taller by drinking milk.”

Xiao Xinghe: “Then I just want to drink a lot of milk, right?”

“Yes, drink milk every day.”

Xiao Xinghe nodded and took notes seriously.

When she was led by the housekeeper for a walk and met the gardener’s grandfather in the garden, Xiao Xinghe asked again: “Grandfather Hua, I want to grow taller, what should I do?”

Grandpa Gardener said: “Of course it takes more sun to grow strong and strong bones.”

Xiao Xinghe said: “Then I just want to get a lot of sun.”

“Yes, you have to bask in the sun every day.”

Grandpa the gardener smiled again and picked a flower and held it to Xiao Xinghe, “Now, little boy, let’s play with it.”

Xiao Xinghe took it and said seriously, “Thank you, Grandpa!”

By the time he finished his walk, Xiao Xinghe had gained a lot of ways to grow taller and taller.

When Grandpa had something, he asked Grandpa the Butler to soak milk for himself. When he got his hand, he held the bottle in one hand, and dragged his small blue bench to the door to sit down with the other hand.

“The sun and milk are the best together.” After speaking, he nodded, obviously approving of his conclusion.

The housekeeper couldn’t help but squatted down with a smile: “Then what should I do after drinking the milk?”

“To jump around.”

Xiao Xinghe pointed to the toy room. There was a small trampoline in it. He said with a sharp glance, “You have to jump and jump, and sleep again, tomorrow Xiao Xinghe will grow taller!”

On the other side, the small universe that had been so happy in the kindergarten for a long time suddenly wilted after waking up from a nap.

He held milk in one hand and snack in the other. He took a sigh, sighed like an adult, and sighed when he took a bite, so that his friend Xixi, whom he made on the first day in the garden, put down the snack. Asked him with concern: “Why are you sighing? It’s not good to sigh. Mom said that he would become a little old man.”

“My brother must miss me, and I also miss my brother.”

With that said, Xiao Universe turned to ask Xixi, “Do you have a brother?”

“I don’t have one.” Xixi shook her head.

Xiao Universe put down his snack, his expression was a little sad: “Then you must not understand.”

“But my parents will miss me.” Xixi said.

“That’s different.” Little Universe said solemnly, “You have mom and dad, and two people miss you, but I have a younger brother, and three people miss me. You are less than me, so it’s different.”

Xixi wowed enviously: “Then you have a brother so great.”

The corners of Little Universe’s mouth curled up a little, and his eyes were a little triumphant: “My father is great! My brother was born to my father, and I was born to my father. My father is the best!”

Xixi pursed her lips, a little dissatisfied: “My mother is also very good.”

Little Universe raised his chin: “Your mother didn’t give you a brother.”

Xiao Xixi had nothing to refute, his eyes were red, and he didn’t want any snacks. He ran into the arms of the teacher, crying and crying to call his mother, asking his mother to give him a younger brother.

Seeing the little friend running away, Xiao Universe’s eyes bend, and he shook his head happily: “My babble is the best!”

After finishing talking, I took a bite of a snack, drank a bite of milk, and said, “My brother is also the cutest and cutest!”

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