I Found Myself Pregnant After Becoming An Omega

Chapter 109

Chapter 109 Universe Galaxy (1)

“Is our little universe awake?” Ji Yu stood at the door, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

“He didn’t wake up yet.” The voice from the room was tender.

“That’s it.”

Ji Yu looked down at Xiao Xinghe, who was only close to his knees, touched his little head, and said, “Then Xiao Xinghe, you come to ask, just ask if your brother is awake.”

Xiao Xinghe nodded obediently: “Is your brother awake?”

The voice was soft and soft.

There was no sound in the bedroom this time, and after a while, the kid lying on the bed finally sat up.

Little Universe hugged the quilt and said reluctantly: “Brother is awake.”

Xiao Xinghe raised his head and looked at Ji Yu, his big watery eyes flickered: “Brother is awake.”

“Little Xinghe is awesome!”

After exaggerating the little one, Ji Yu put his hands around his chest and looked at the big one on the bed. “My brother woke up when he shouted, but he didn’t wake up when he shouted, isn’t it, Xiao universe?”

Xiao Universe’s mouth flattened when he heard that, and two big eyes were filled with water mist: “Dad, do you really want uncle to pierce me with a needle?” His eyes were red, but he actually woke up a long time ago and kept tossing in bed.

He heard his fathers whispering last night, saying that he would take him to get an injection today.

The more he thought about it, the more he was afraid, and the more he was wronged. He has been pierced once, why should he pierce it? It was so painful that he was about to lose the golden peas.

“After the injection, Universe will be very healthy, so I must go for it.”

Ji Yu took Xiao Xinghe into the house, “Tell my brother, be obedient and don’t be afraid.”

Xiao Xinghe earnestly learns his tongue: “Brother, be good, don’t be afraid, okay?”

Little Universe with tears in his eyes: “Okay…”

Ji Yu couldn’t help laughing: “Then you put on your clothes, and I will help you wash your face and brush your teeth. After breakfast, we will set off. Once the injection is completed, we will take you and Xiao Xinghe to your favorite Little Pig Castle. it is good?”

Little Universe rubbed his head, and after thinking about it for a long time, he sighed like a little adult, “Okay.”

Jiyu stood in place and happily.

This year, Little Universe is three and a half years old, and Xiao Xinghe is more than two years old. It has been more than two years since the outbreak of the mutation event that year.

During this period, Ji Yuansheng had been imprisoned in the highest prison in the country, and the people behind him were either arrested or disappeared. In short, the mutated things were largely settled.

Vaccines and anti-mutation drugs have been successfully developed one after another, so the impact of once-poisonous vaccines has been waning.

In order to stabilize the people’s minds, in addition to dispatching troops to maintain stability, the leaders of the heads of state have also participated in many related speeches and lectures, promoting vaccines and anti-mutation drugs, and at the same time using the credibility of the government to call on people to accept and love mutated people. Eliminate discrimination.

But nothing can be accomplished overnight, and the placement method for mutants is still being perfected.

In a slightly mutated and controllable situation like the small universe, as long as you wear a locator, be accompanied by a guardian when entering and leaving public places, and regularly inject anti-mutation needles, you can live like ordinary people.

After getting dressed, Xiao Universe still feels sad after thinking about it. When Ji Yu wiped his face, he took a step forward and hugged Ji Yu’s neck with his little hand: “Dad, can you not let uncle hurt me?”

After talking and blinking, Ji Yu kissed twice on his face.

He is used to acting like a baby.

Ji Yu laughed: “This is not hurting you.”

“The injection is for your health. Only when you are healthy can you play and run around. You can eat delicious and fun. If you don’t get an injection, you will be unhealthy and you can’t eat good food. I can’t have fun, I can only lie at home and drink porridge every day.”

He deliberately scared Little Universe.

Xiao Xinghe was vaccinated when he was just one year old, and there has been no mutation since then. It is a small universe. After discussing with He Zhou, Ji Yu has not given him an anti-mutation injection until the protection law related to mutants is promulgated. And after implementation, he took Xiao Universe out and got the first shot.

This injection will be very painful after the injection. It is fast and powerful. When the injection was given for the first time, Xiao Universe cried on the spot. After the injection, the whole person was awkward, crying for pain and crying again, in the evening. I started to burn, and then repeatedly, I burned for three days before barely regaining my strength.

But I had to fight again.

The small universe had a tail when it was eight months old. When he was one and a half years old, his head had horns. After a while, when he was three years old, he kept scratching his neck, always talking about itching, Ji Yu was worried that it would grow again. Besides, it happened that the law was promulgated again, so he didn’t hesitate anymore and took him to the hospital.

Even if the world will move toward another kind of future, no one knows when the future will come.

They live in the present, live in the present, and no one wants to be an alien.

He and He Zhou naturally did not want the small universe to be viewed with strange eyes.

Moreover, the anti-mutation drugs were indeed effective. After the fight, Xiao Universe didn’t scratch his neck again, and after half a year, nothing new happened.

This injection is given once every six months, and today is the day for the second injection.

Xiao Universe sniffed, pitifully: “I don’t like to drink porridge.”

Xiao Xinghe whispered beside him, “I don’t like it either.”

“Then be obedient, okay?”

Ji Yu put baby cream on Xiao Universe’s face, and then lifted him from the chair, “Okay, go down to have breakfast with your father, Xiao Xinghe and I have finished eating.”

Little Universe puffed up his cheeks: “Don’t wait for Little Universe?”

Before Jiyu could say anything, Xiao Xinghe shook his head: “Wait, brother is slow ”

Small universe: qwq

After washing, Ji Yu led a large and a small downstairs.

He Zhou, who was sitting at the dining table, looked up at them when he heard the words. He first smiled at Jiyu, and then his eyes fell on Xiao Universe, his tone full of jokes: “Xiao Laipi is finally willing to get up?”

Little Universe raised her fist: “I’m not a little shameless!”

He Zhou asked Xiao Xinghe again: “The brother said, has your brother been in bed?”

Xiao Xinghe nodded: “Brother can’t get up.”

Xiao Universe has a temper, his cheeks are bulging, he rushes to the children’s chair to sit down, and waits for the nanny to bring his share earlier, and eats silently.

After eating for a while, he secretly took aim at Jiyu and the others.

Take a bite and take a glance three times. After waiting for a long time before anyone coaxes him, he put down the spoon again, and said with a grinning voice, “Can the small universe eat five candies today?”

Without looking at people, he said to the bowl.

Ji Yu has been observing him and replied: “You can only eat one.”

Little Universe moved her little ass: “But Little Universe wants to eat five today.”

“If you eat five, your teeth will grow worms, and they will bite out black holes in your teeth.” As Ji Yu hugged Xiao Xinghe on his lap, he also scooped a bowl of hot thumb dumplings, planning to accompany them again. Eat some.

Because there are two children in the family, there are always mini or cartoon snacks on the dinner table.

Sometimes they are small wontons, sometimes they are colorful thumb dumplings dyed with vegetable juice, and sometimes they are made into glutinous rice **** that look like Disney characters, and so on.

The things are exquisite and the colors are bright. Both kids like it very much.

“Xiao Xinghe would like to eat more?” Ji Yu asked.

Xiao Xinghe shook his head and squatted on the table with his little red mouth blowing on the dumplings in Jiyu’s bowl.

“Thank you Xiaoxinghe.”

Ji Yu clicked on the back of his youngest son’s head, “It’s so good, what a great job!” He turned his head to look at the little universe, “if the little universe can eat all this bowl of dumplings, then the little universe is also very good.”

Little Universe said nothing. He looked at Xiao Xinghe and the bowl full of dumplings. His mouth opened: “I want to eat candy.”

“I’m going to get an injection soon.” He stirred the dumplings with a spoon, and said, “I don’t want to eat, I want to eat sweet candies.”

Ji Yu kicked the ball: “Then ask your father if he agrees. If he agrees with you not to eat breakfast, I will agree.”

When the little universe heard it, his eyes brightly looked at the tall man sitting on the main seat.

“Dad…” He blinked, his two hands folded together on his chest, “I want to eat candy, don’t eat.”

He Zhou pretentiously stroked his chin.

He certainly wouldn’t agree, because the small universe is so coquettish and courageous enough. I dare not eat breakfast this time, and I dare not eat lunch or dinner next time. He also likes snacks very much. When I was young, I didn’t eat enough cheese sticks. After a little bit, I always shouted candy.

This is also to blame He Xiong, he said that he will not give the children random food, but as long as they are not paying attention, the mouth of the small universe is always bulging, and when he opens his mouth, sugar balls, chocolates,…

He Zhou did not communicate with He Xiong for this reason, but the thing about the next generation kiss is really very mysterious.

He Zhou recalled that when he was a child, he was so strict that he was controlled, and even now He Xiong always had a straight face to him, but when he came to his grandson, He Xiong’s set of rules was gone, and the little universe called grandpa twice. Can make him stunned by shouting.

“How about this.”

He Zhou glanced at the little universe’s breakfast, “You eat a dumpling and I will say’you can eat sweets’, and if you eat another one, I will say,’you can’t eat sweets’. When you eat the third one, it is ‘You can eat candy’, the fourth one is again—”

“You can’t eat candy.” Xiao Universe grabbed it.

He Zhou nodded: “Yes, Little Universe is so smart!”

He picked up the small universe bowl and scooped it twice, and said, “After eating these dumplings, if the last dumpling is’you can eat candies’, then dad agrees to the small universe to eat candies. If it’s’can’t eat candies’, then I can’t blame Dad. Okay?”

“I agree with this method.” Ji Yu echoed.

Little Universe blinked, looked at the small dumplings in the bowl, and nodded, “All right.”

He ate the first small dumplings in one bite, and He Zhou immediately said, “This is ‘Can’t eat candy’.”

The two adults quietly squeezed their eyes at each other in a place not visible to the small universe.

Little Universe ate another one, and he said gruffly: “You can eat candy.”

Eat one more, “You can’t eat candy.”

Eat one more, “You can eat sweets.”

“You can’t eat sweets.”

“You can eat sweets.”



In this way, one by one, a bowl of small dumplings was quickly eaten so that only one was left.

Seeing the last small dumpling in the bowl, Xiao Universe frowned with sorrow, because this small dumpling corresponds to “candies not eaten”.

The spoon in his hand stopped in the air, and he pouted, neither eating nor not eating.

“Ah, can’t you eat candy.” Ji Yu sighed hypocritically, shaking his head.

Little Universe sniffed: “Yes, you can’t eat it.”

He was so sad, “But I want to eat.”

Ji Yu asked: “Is Xiao Universe good?”

Little Universe is very sad, but he nodded: “Little Universe is obedient.”


Ji Yu swallowed it back when the words came to his lips.

I saw a small hand stretched out in his arms, this small hand struggling to hold the porcelain spoon used by the adults, scooped a small purple dumpling from Jiyu’s bowl, and tremblingly sent it to the small universe. .

With a “puff”, the bowl of Xiao Universe turned into two small dumplings.

Xiao Xinghe was holding the spoon, his eyes crooked and smiled at the universe: “Brother eats candy “

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