I Found Myself Pregnant After Becoming An Omega

Chapter 106

Chapter 106 106

“It’s like nature.” Ji Yuansheng pulled his lips, writing clearly and contentedly in his eyes.

As long as he thinks of Ji Zhengxiang kneeling in front of him, looking up and barking at him, he feels refreshed.

He Xiong’s brows haven’t expanded since he entered the door. He sternly said: “You hate your father, why do you want to kill so many innocent people?!”

He asked Ji Yuansheng what his purpose was very early, but he never said it.

Probably because he stayed in prison for too long, and probably the long boring time aroused his desire to talk. Ji Yuansheng on this day was more cooperative than ever before, and he would answer any questions.

He chuckled and said, “Don’t you find it interesting?”

He Xiong’s lips pressed into a straight line.

Ji Yuansheng lightly touched the surface of the bed, and said slowly: “Life on earth originally evolved from the most primitive state of cell-free structure, and evolved little by little, and finally derives higher intelligent creatures, that is, humans.”

“And a hundred years ago, human genetic mutations differentiated the three basic sexes of alha, beta, and oga, which caused higher organisms to move closer to the laws of the lower animal world, then…”

He paused and raised his eyes to look at He Xiong, “I was thinking, why don’t you degenerate a little bit later? Why must humans be mammals? Why can’t we break the law of gene combination and make genes mutate, so that people will be first Degenerate, and then modify the gene to evolve again?”

Ji Yuansheng looked at He Xiong and smiled: “I think this is very interesting, very interesting.”

Speaking of this, he stood up, walked in front of He Xiong, and pressed his voice, “So I looked for someone to study this topic, and then discovered… In fact, at the same time that human **** differentiation occurred a hundred years ago, genes were also rewritten. ”

“In our bodies, there are genes from animals and other new species.”

Looking at He Xiong who didn’t say a word, Ji Yuansheng raised his chin slightly, with a trace of glamour in his eyes, he continued, “How interesting is this discovery, especially…”

He lowered his voice, “I felt even more so when I saw the dragon’s genes in the report they gave me.”

He Xiong stood still on the spot, but his hand hanging beside him was suddenly clenched.

With a sullen face, he shouted: “Absurd! No one has ever seen a creature like a dragon. What kind of comparison do your people use for comparison? There is no reference to dare to say that you have discovered the dragon’s genes?!

“What about the presence of animal genes in our bodies. Professional researchers have not discovered them for so many years, but they have been discovered by your team? It’s ridiculous!”

Ji Yuansheng licked his lips, the curvature of the corners of his lips was wanton and arrogant: “Is it absurd, don’t you know?”

He stepped forward, approaching step by step, “Have you not seen it yet?”

His pupils shrank, and He Xiong calmly said: “What are you talking about?”

Ji Yuansheng stared straight at He Xiong, and He Xiong stared at him unchanged.

After a long while, Ji Yuansheng smiled and nodded.

He turned around and sat back on the bed again, in a casual posture: “Do you think it’s all over if human beings suddenly differentiated into abo?”

He Xiong exhaled secretly.

Ji Yuansheng laughed: “Where is this, just wait and see.”

He Xiong didn’t comment on what he said, and Ji Yuansheng didn’t speak any more.

Silence was restored in the empty prison, and an invisible sense of oppression filled every corner of the room. It wasn’t until the voice of the prison guard came from outside that He Xiong took away the sight of Ji Yuansheng’s face.

He didn’t turn around, but turned his head and asked, “What’s the matter?”

The visitor said outside the door: “Liu Jian said that an antibody he had never seen before was found in the cell section of the corpse’s brain. If you ask you to go over, they are all here at the Jiang Bureau.”

“Antibody?” He Xiong immediately came to his mind.

“Yes it is!”

“I’ll go over immediately.”

He Xiong glanced at Ji Yuansheng and found that he, who had been sitting in a sloppy posture, sat upright at some point, and stared straight out of the prison.

Ji Yuansheng said: “What corpse? Ji Zhengxiang’s?”

He Xiong didn’t answer, he only glanced at Ji Yuansheng, then turned to leave.

But how smart Ji Yuansheng is, he understands the key just by thinking about it.

Just like taking too much antibiotics, it’s useless. Ji Zhengxiang was given so many injections and wandered on the death line several times. He was rescued by him. He came and went. It is not surprising that he is immune to the drugs in the injections. .

At the moment He Xiong stepped out of the door, a low laugh sounded behind him.

He Xiong turned around and smiled mockingly at last Ji Yuansheng.

“Look, how kind he is, he will make contributions to society when he is dead. Such a good person, such a great person…hey.”

Ji Yuansheng didn’t say anything further, but He Xiong knew what he wanted to say.

As the Adam’s apple rolled, He Xiong withdrew his gaze, then closed the cell door heavily, and walked away.

“The New Year is almost coming.”

Ji Yu lay by the window, and when he spoke, there was a white mist, “I saw the housekeeper arranging the garden, and there were many small red lanterns hung up.”

“Is it cold? Don’t blow there.”

Ji Yu closed the window: “Just breathe.”

He walked over to He Zhou and sat down and watched him breastfeed Xiao Xinghe.

The children grow up very fast, changing every day.

Xiao Xinghe’s skin has faded away from the slight wrinkles at birth, it has become white and tender, and its eyes have been completely opened, like a pair of smoky black grapes, almost carved out of the same mold as the small universe.

Xiao Universe also likes to be with Xiao Xinghe. The two little guys lie on the bed together and blink their eyes. No matter who looks at it, they feel reassured.


Little Universe slid in front of He Zhou in the walker and opened his mouth wide at him.

Holding the back of Xiao Xinghe’s hand on the net, he was able to hold the baby bottle, He Zhou skillfully freed his other hand, took a spoon and scooped a spoonful of mashed porridge from the bowl, and sent it into the mouth of Xiao Universe, and asked: ” Do you want another bite?”

He has become a professional dad.

Xiao Universe shook his head, shook his feet, and slid out again.

Ji Yu didn’t help, so he was happy.

The cute little children are indeed a healing weapon. With them, all the unpleasant and uncomfortable things are forgotten to one side. Just watching them sleep, eat, and play can watch them foolishly for a day.

He touched his chin and felt that he was more and more full of “maternal love”. Fortunately, He Zhou was with him.

“After the Chinese New Year, I must take care of myself.” After watching for a long time, Ji Yu said suddenly.

He Zhou raised his eyes: “Why?”

Ji Yu: “I have to prepare for the college entrance examination.”

He said, “I never thought that I would fall in love, be engaged, and have a child again at the age when I should study hard, and the child will almost be able to run away without going to college.”

Just thinking about it, I feel very rebellious and “derailed”.

At this time, the small universe slid down and looked up at Ji Yu. His big wet eyes blinked and blinked: “Ma poo ”

“Call Dad.” After saying that, Ji Yu bowed his head and kissed Xiao Universe’s forehead.

Xiao Universe pouted and kissed Ji Yu’s cheek, and then slid away contentedly.

When the two of them finished their intimacy, He Zhou’s question was long overdue.

He smiled and asked, “I regret it?”

“Of course not.” Ji Yu answered without thinking.

He looked at the little figure of Xiao Universe, and he was also very satisfied.

Although the current life is different from other students, or different from most people, no matter how you think about it… it’s pretty good.

“When things are over, let’s get engaged.”

Ji Yu raised his hand, looked at the bright ruby ​​on the ring finger, and said, “I want to confess our relationship to the world in an open manner, and I also want everyone to know about the existence of Little Universe and Little Xinghe, and let them know… Several of us, yes. One family.”

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