I Don’t Want To Be A Healer

Chapter 66 - Zhang Bei No.1 Middle School

Chapter 66: Zhang Bei No.1 Middle School


Yuan Fang went straight to the wall and suddenly poked his hand at the wall mixed with debris, as easily as cutting tofu.

“Digging with the fingers of gold intensity is easier than expected, and there is no pain…”

Yuan Fang’s face showed satisfaction.

He did not hesitate. He turned around and put the small energy lamp on the ground in his pocket. Then he swung his arms against the wall and turned like a windmill.

A few seconds later, a hole appeared.

Yuan Fang’s face showed excitement. He followed the hole and dug obliquely above it. The soil was thrown behind him and quickly blocked the previous hole.

Ten minutes later.

Yuan Fang gasped and stopped. It was dark all around and only his breathing could be heard.

Yuan Fang calculated silently and estimated that he had dug more than 30 meters. As he dug up obliquely, the vertical distance was about 10 meters.

It is only 1/10.

Yuan Fang couldn’t help lamenting that there was no earth star skill, and it was really not easy for him to dig purely by his body.

He took out the energy lamp and took a look at the environment. The soil was on three sides, and a rock belt was exposed in the direction facing him.

There is not much space around him.

Now in a long and narrow tunnel, the tunnel is also very short, about two meters.

The air is a little thin.

Yuan Fang was able to obviously feel uncomfortable in his lungs. Fortunately, his star body was strong and his gold-grade physical intensity could last for a period of time even if he was holding his breath.

“I don’t know how deep this rock belt is, forget it, in order to save time, let’s go around!”

Yuan Fang showed a little embarrassed smile.

He didn’t knock hard on the rock, which took too much time. In case a few fangs caught up with him and blocked him underground, the yuan would be really dangerous.

Moreover, the air in the soil is thin, and even if Yuan Fang has the ability to hold his breath for a short time, he will not last long.

At present, the best choice is that Yuan Fang must rush out of the soil as soon as possible.

The ground is his main battlefield, platinum Swiftness and platinum power, the two big MAC killer, have room to play.

Like an industrious pangolin, Yuan Fang adjusted his direction, put away the energy lamp, rolled up his sleeves, swung his hands and continued digging.

He worked at one go for 20 minutes before stopping.

At this time, the air around him became thinner and thinner. Yuan Fang already felt difficulty breathing, but fortunately, it was not at an impasse.

Yuan Fang took out the energy lamp. Under the faint light, his face was not too good-looking, cold and gloomy.

He estimated that the oblique direction this time was a little more vertical than before, so this time he dug more than 60 meters, and the vertical distance was estimated to be about 40 meters.

The Long March was only halfway through.

There are still 50 meters!

Yuan Fang’s heart was filled with urgency.

Time is tight, it is best to dig directly to the ground in one breath, or not counting time, Gray they just came back to find abnormal, will certainly catch him up to kill!

“Just do it!”

Yuan Fang gave a loud roar and threw 200 of 209 points on the attribute panel on the gold intensity.

“Ding! The star intensity has been upgraded, and the current intensity is gold quality Lv.2.”

After the gold star rose to two small levels, Yuan Fang obviously felt that his physical quality had greatly improved. He felt that he was suffocating unbearably just now, but now he has become lighter.

Yuan Fang’s confidence was greatly boosted and he continued digging.

This time he was very lucky not to encounter the rock belt, but only to encounter some big stones blocking him, which was shattered by his punch and directly broke through the barrier violently.

In 20 minutes.

The air in the tunnel is thin and almost non-existent, and the Yuan side enters a closed state.

He still did not stop digging, but the speed was slower than that of the first half, even if he had a strong body, Yuan Fang could not stand the high-load digging work in this anoxic environment.

But he has no way out.

Only dash, dash for living, escape from the situation, otherwise waiting for him maybe death.

Without light, in the dark underground, Yuan Fang seemed to fall into the most powerful dark tide in the world. In spite of this, his heart is still bright. The experience of orphans in both worlds has given him a strong heart. As long as he can live, he will not give up any hope.

Keep the same digging movement all the time. In an increasingly anoxic environment, Yuan Fang’s consciousness began to become numb.

He vaguely felt that he had dug enough for 100 meters, but the surroundings were still full of soil as if he had not dug to the end.

“His mother, is Gray lying? Isn’t the mud house 100 meters underground?”

Played the fox all the way, was Gray pecking his eyes?

Yuan Fang is unwilling!

At the thought of this, his whole body poured out a vicious force again. He suddenly accelerated the speed of digging soil. Five or six minutes later, he suddenly felt a light hand, the soil disappeared at the front of his finger and touched the long-lost air.


Yuan Fang stripped his hands, cracked the soil, pedaled the soles of his feet, and ran out with all his strength.

If you are in the distance, you can see a figure flying out of the ground, flying five or six meters high, plopping to the ground.

“Wheezing! Wheezing!”

Yuan Fang was lying on the ground, breathing fresh air in his mouth, sticking his forehead to the ground and smiling at the survivors.

“I almost died!”

Yuan Fang secretly scolded Gray in his heart. From the surface to the mud house, he had to be at least 120 meters deep, which nearly caused him to die.

Yuan Fang panted and was a little weak. He dug the soil crazily all the way and consumed too much physical strength. He added three thunder to himself and restored 15% of his vitality before feeling a little comfortable.

Suddenly there was a rustle of footsteps.

“Don’t move, raise your hands!” Someone shouted.

He speaks the Chinese language.

Yuan Fang’s heart lightened. He turned over and lay on his back, like a dead fish without oxygen.

A beautiful fish-belly white appeared in the sky, and the fresh morning of slight sunlight had come. Yuan Fang could not help but secretly sigh with emotion, this frightening night was really hard!

Two teams in camouflage uniforms, one on the left and the other on the right, surrounded Yuan Fang in the middle. All eight were boys and girls, and It did not know which Xingwu High School student they were.

They looked alert and their eyes were extremely unfriendly.

Yuan Fang smiled and remembered the classic sketch line. He took it out smoothly: “Don’t shoot, it’s one of his own.”

“What is one of our own?”

A handsome young man stared at Yuan Fang maliciously. “To be honest, who are you? Why did you come out of the soil? Is it a spy sent by fangs?”

“I am a spy?”

Yuan Fang sat up and pointed to his fine-eyed face. He asked in surprise, “How can I be a spy? Even if it is, it is also the spy sent by our Chinese military to infiltrate the fangs!”

Yuan Fang said he couldn’t help laughing twice.

The young man said with a cold face, “Don’t be cheeky and keep your attitude straight, otherwise, I don’t mind letting you eat some flesh and blood!”


Yuan Fang was angry and laughed. Is it true that the fangs made the whole Xingwu School in Yancang Mountain look like a frightened bird?

“I am a student of Class 3, Senior 2, Yanhai No.1 Middle School. Which school do you belong to?” Yuan Fang refrained from laughing and asked seriously.

“It turned out to be Yanhai’s…” The young man’s face showed a hint of arrogance, straightened out his proud chest, looked up and down at Yuan Fang, and said proudly, “We are from Zhang Bei No.1 Middle School.”

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