I Don’t Want To Be A Healer

Chapter 60

Chapter 60: Gold Key

“God will thank the gentlemen for their generosity.”

Facing a pile of flashing star bead, Yuan Fang with flashing eyes searched his head and held back for a few seconds, finally, he came up with a quite good “thank words”.

The Chinese language is extensive and profound, and Yuan Fang estimates that these foreigners cannot hear the real meaning of what he said.

Steven’s face was slightly heavy and he grunted coldly, “All right, start treating my brother quickly!”


Yuan Fang showed a soft smile and agreed.

At the moment, the evil wind swished in his heart, and “alone fox” began to plan how to send these outlaws to see God.

John sat on the ground, holding the star bead in his hand and restoring the Star Power. Steven did not consume anything along the way. He sat on the ground, touching his chin with his hand and pondering. Occasionally, an inexplicable and strange smile appeared on his inflexible face.

In the earth’s house, the six fangs members were silent, only Yuan Fang began to be busy.

“One, two, three, four…”

Yuan Fang’s eyes gleamed with hunger and thirst. He licked his lips, held back the excitement in his heart, stretched out his arm, and his index finger flashed across each star bead. At the same time, messages of star bead appeared in his mind.

He calculated that there were 13 silver star beads and 8 bronze star beads, totaling 21.

“There is no human face spider star bead?”

Yuan’s strategy is disappointed.

This pile of star beads is all fire spider star beads, and none of them are medical star beads.

However, this is all right. The fire spider star bead contains 4 star skill, which can add a lot of star power points to him.

A bronze fire spider star bead can provide 4 star points, and silver is 10 times as good as bronze.

In this way, if all the 21 star beads are absorbed, 552 star points can be obtained, plus the previous 157 points, which is 709 points.


The distance is 1000 points, far in sight!

The next star platinum, which should I upgrade?

Is it speed?


Yuan Fang absorbed star bead while pondering the platinum choice for the next stage. To be honest, he is in danger now, and platinum speed is his best choice.

If anything unmanageable happens, he can run away.

Yuan Fang is also very sober.

He is not so arrogant that he can carry six fangs’ attack in Milky Way Period.

After all, his actual combat experience is very rare.

“For the time being… platinum speed is good.” Yuan Fang made up his mind and his face showed determination.

At this moment, there was a light sound of “boh” and a bronze star bead disappeared in the hand.

Yuan Fang licked his lips with malicious intent. His eyes flashed and he raised his hand to give Jack, who was in a coma, two thunder and one lower IQstar skill, who was not far away.

Anyway, Yuan Fang doesn’t want to upgrade his training level now, so all the Star Power absorbed will be released.

More than an hour later.

Yuan Fang sucked out 8 bronze fire spiders star bead, raising Jack’s vitality to 20% and Tom to 16%. The latter’s face was ruddy and people were much more energetic.

“Cough! Cough!”

Jack’s chest shook in a coma and suddenly coughed a few times. He opened his eyes and woke up.

“Thank God, Jack, you are awake at last!” Next to Tom said happily.

“It seems that we have found the healer.”

Jack’s inflexible face showed a faint smile, and his vacant eyes were patrolling the room. Suddenly he fell on Yuan Fang. He felt that his brain seemed to be not very good. After thinking for a moment, he said with a wry smile: “It turned out to be Stardust healer. Steven, you really dare to bring him back!”

Steven grinned foolishly and smiled strangely: “The Chinese military is chasing closely. When I come to this single team with medical treatment, it brings it back… Well, are we doing the right thing?”


Captain Gray absorbed star bead, suddenly stood up, strode to Jack’s side, looked at their injuries, and nodded with ease.

“You have already improved a little. In a few hours, it is estimated that you will be almost all right and can act together.”

“Thank you!”

Jack gave a simple and honest smile and looked strange and weird.

“Jack seems to be in poor condition…” Gray had a strange feeling in his heart. He looked at Tom again. Tom also grinned and looked at himself as a smile. Gray turned his eyes to Steven and John, two people in the same state as Tom.

Gray turned around and looked at Hill, who had been with him all the time. He found that the same was true of this guy, with a smile-like expression on his face and a strange color on his inflexible face that could not be said.

These teammates all seem to be laughing, but they are not normal people’s smiles, just like in a flash, these teammates have all changed from human essence to fools.

“What’s fucking going on? Does it mean that a change in the position of that thing will have a special impact on people?”

“No wonder they don’t do it themselves!”

“But why am I safe? Is it because I have the key?”

Gray, who was in a slouch, stood alone, his face uncertain, and he whispered to himself.

His eyes suddenly lit up, his hand reached into his pocket, took out a golden key with golden light, raised it to his eyes, and studied it carefully against the soft light.

The more he looked at it, the more greedy his face became.

Gray clinging to the surface of the golden key, muttered to himself, “This golden key is really a good thing, but how can it be used?”

Say that finish, he fell into thought.

A few meters away, Yuan Fang’s ears were sharp and he heard Gray’s low voice to himself. His heart moved and he couldn’t help laughing secretly.

With the exception of Gray, who was reduced by 10 points, everyone else’s IQ is now 50 points, and John has even reached more than 40 points.

Gray is still normal at present, so he will notice the abnormality of his teammates.

“Is this the key that fangs found in the Xiaojinwu dimension?”

Yuan Fang’s eyes showed a strong color of curiosity.

He picked up a silver star bead, held it in his hand, absorbed Star Power, and stared at the golden key in Gray’s hand.

This golden key shines with golden luster and flows with an unspeakable mysterious light, just like this key does not belong to this world.

Yuan Fang’s eyes moved slightly and said to himself, “What is the connection between this golden key and the thing pulled out by fangs deep underground? Gray doesn’t know the function of the golden key either. He is just a puppet!”

“Well… according to Gray and others, they still have the superior, that is the reality behind the scenes, holding the secret of the golden key…”

Yuan Fang thought of this and sighed slightly. He had a strange premonition that the golden key and the mysterious things underground, like the big black stars hanging in the air, were also participants in the great changes in the world.


Gray suddenly stopped thinking. He looked at Yuan Fang and saw the stardust-era little fellow’s eyes twinkling. He immediately felt disgusted.

He pointed to Yuan Fang and shouted coldly, “Don’t think about escaping, your boy. It’s 100 meters from the ground here. Even the loophole of the female gunner can’t penetrate such a long distance!”

“This is a real place of isolation!”

100 meters deep?

Yuan Fang showed an expression of “fear” and shook his head repeatedly, saying, “I am suffocated if I can advance 10 meters in the soil…”

“It’s your boy who knows!”

Gray laughed and was not interested in paying any more attention to this stardust little fellow. He lowered his head and continued to study the golden key in his hand.

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