I Don’t Want To Be A Healer

Chapter 45

Chapter 45: One Punch Man’s Replica

“It can’t be?”

Lin Feng shook his head and shouted, a full face of disbelief.

Liu Tao also laughed and said, “Yuan is only a medical department. How can he have more power than warrior when he is in the stardust period?”

“Do you want to try it?”

Seeing that the two did not believe it, Yuan Fang also joked with a smile.

“Try again when I am cured!” Liu Tao didn’t have a good temper to laugh and scold.

Xia Dan giggled: “Yuan, you must take some strength and don’t throwing them on the ground!”

“Haha, I will!” Yuan Fang laughed.

Finally, he didn’t have to hide anymore. His mood became more and more cheerful like a clear sky. After that, he could siege the star beasts to his heart’s content.

A large number of military merits … …

It seems to be waving to Yuan Fang.

Distortion star beads …

They seem to be flying one by one.

Xue Xiaohong touched the tip of her nose and her eyes were beating with the light of thought: “Have you seen it? There is a foreign animation about a bald young man who does push-ups every day, and his body breaks through the limit and becomes superhuman.”


Yuan Fang replied cheerfully, “Isn’t that One Punch-man ?”

Then he couldn’t help laughing.

It turns out that the world also has this cartoon. The lame reasons he made up are exactly the same as the main character Saitama in this cartoon.

Liu Tao licked his lips and showed admiration: “It seems that I have to go back to do push-ups.”

Lin Feng gave him a glance and said with a smile: “It is not only Saitama, blacklight and the hungry wolf that break through the limit, but it is only the bald head that can achieve invincible existence!”

Liu Tao didn’t care, smiled: “It’s great to breakthrough!”

Xue Xiaohong shook her head and said, “I’m afraid it’s not that simple to break through the physical limit by high-intensity exercise. It varies from person to person. Just like the star map, there are different types corresponding to different occupations. Yuan, how did you want to do push-ups to break through the limit?”


Yuan Fang dazed in a minute, blinked. He hasn’t done push-ups, which are completely spun out, but now he wants to make this lie complete.

Yuan Fang coughed and changed his face into an innocent expression.

“You are all awakened, my heart is anxious and angry… there seems to be a flame burning in the chest. I also can’t sleep, just do push-ups crazily, until I am too tired to fall asleep.

So I persisted for two years, suddenly one day, the body seemed to have a lock broken, I found my strength is very big, as to what extent has not been measured… ”

Yuan Fang’s statement was half true and half false, but the other four did not suspect and believed it all.

Anyway, now the earth has evolved even animals, and the evolution of ordinary human beings seems to make sense.

“All right!”

Xue Xiaohong chuckled: “You are the strongest person in our team. A medical department has such terrible power that I’m afraid no one dares to approach you.”

Yuan Fang thought for a moment, shook his head and gave a wry smile: “But if I meet the long-range mages, I am not a live target either?”

Xue Xiaohong chuckled and smiled.

The five men rested and chatted in the same place. They let the Fluctuating ray beat back and forth until noon when the Fluctuating ray disappeared and Liu Tao and Lin Feng finally returned to normal.

“Bronze quality star skill is slow…” Yuan Fang sighed in his heart, but now there is nothing he can do.

All the people lost their Star Power, so they began to meditate and practice again. It took more than half an hour before they finished replenishing the Star Power.

Liu Tao stood up, glanced at the sky and suggested, “We have been delayed all morning. Let’s save lunch. If we are hungry, we can find some wild fruits to eat on the road.”

“Kill the ant nest first.” Lin Feng said.

“Uh-huh.” Liu Tao nodded, this was originally their plan, who had thought to be delayed all morning by fangs.

“Haha, let’s go, destroy them!”

Yuan Fang was eager to try, and he was finally able to make moves. He ran to Liu Tao’s side and turned back to Xue Xiaohong and said, “I am a half-warrior, too. Now I have to take the lead and fight side by side with the monitor.”

“Whatever you want.” Xue Xiaohong smiled.

Yuan Fang’s strength was terrible. Milky Way Period’s fangs were broken in one blow. She had nothing to worry about.

Xue Xiaohong suddenly thought, if Yuan Fang could have warrior’s star skill, how horrible he would be. It’s afraid he could win the place in the national singles competition?

A few minutes later, five people approached the nest.

The nest is as tall as a man. In the dark hole, huge ants kept getting in and out busily.

The ants in the early of Stardust are the size of washbasins, while the ants in the middle days of Stardust are twice as large, more than half a meter long, with dark and shiny carapace, and the tentacles on the top of the head are constantly shaking and flashing cold light.

For the time being, there are no ants in the late stardust period.

“Bang Bang!”

Liu Tao and Yuan Fang rushed over.

The broadsword chopped, the light flashed, and the ants in the early days of Stardust were split into two parts one by one. Yuan Fang punched and kicked one at a time. As long as the ant touched him, it would be bounced off and the ant body would burst.

“What a strong force!”

Liu Tao took a breath. If he didn’t use broadsword and star skill, he can’t kill an ant so easily.

Liu Tao and Yuan Fang, like two tigers, killed them all the way along the entrance of the cave. Lin Feng followed behind and occasionally threw out the full moon-like broadsword light to slay the ants deep in the entrance of the cave one by one.

The sudden intrusion of human beings alarmed the whole nest of ants. Under the organization of dozens of soldiers, a large number of ants poured in from the depths of the burrow.

At this time, Xue Xiaohong and Xia Dan also made their two major long-range outputs. Their long-range attacks and frozen fireballs exploded arrows prevented most ants from getting close to each other. Even if there were ants that escaped from the nest, they would be easily solved by Liu Tao and Yuan Fang.

The five men cooperated seamlessly and killed the queen’s nest all the way.

The queen ant is five or six meters long and two or three meters wide. Its yellowish body is covered with huge spots. Its abdomen is still wriggling and laying ant eggs.

The queen saw the uninvited guests and gave a sharp scream. A pair of huge eyes also stared at the crowd.

Xue Xiaohong said, “This thing is a bit disgusting. You should stop touching it. I’ll end it!”

“All right.”

Liu Tao and Yuan Fang stepped back two steps.

Xue Xiaohong rubbed her hands and a flame spear appeared out of thin air. She suddenly threw it. The fire spear, like a meteor, pierced the queen’s brain and sank into it.

The queen screamed and churned on the ground, but to no avail. A few minutes later, she lay motionless on the ground.


Yuan Fang quickly raised the communicator to take photos.

The queen was dead, the ant infestation was eliminated, and the crowd returned along the original road. Along the way, there were so many dead ants that Liu Tao and others took photos with communicators one after another.

The five of them are a group. No matter who takes photos, the final military merit belongs to the group.

After several people walked out of the ant hole and saw the light of day again, Lin Feng said excitedly, “I’m afraid there must be more than 1,000 ants in this nest, which is a medium-sized ant colony.”


Liu Tao nodded, smiled with relief, patted Yuan Fang on the shoulder with his big hand, and praised: “With little Superman joining the battle, it took us less than half an hour, which improved the efficiency a lot!”

“Let’s go and see how many kilometers we can dash before dark!”

Yuan Fang licked his lips, looking like he was still not satisfied.

“Haha, today we are going to have a turnaround!” Liu Tao laughed.

The five-man team continued to move forward.

Along the way, the team was invincible and unstoppable.

Yuan Fang incarnated a human-shaped fierce beast. God blocked the killing of God and Buddha blocked the killing of Buddha. Even if it was the star beast at the peak of the Stardust period, he destroyed it with one punch without causing the whole team to fall into a struggle, thus wasting time.


There was a loud noise. Yuan Fang hit a blue python on the head with boxing. The powerful force made this stardust peak python die instantly!

Liu Tao, who had already been shocked and accustomed to it, still habitually said, “One punch, one monster..”

Xue Xiaohong saw Yuan Fang clapping the ashes on his hands and shook his head and said with a wry smile: “It seems that our battle plan has to be adjusted.”

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