I Don’t Want To Be A Healer

Chapter 36

Chapter 36: Treatment

The stars are bright and clear, like flowing water gurgling down, but the forest is high and the grass is dense in Yancang Mountain, and most of the light is blocked, resulting in darkness and gloomy atmosphere everywhere.

Shua Shua!

A well-trained four-man team maintained a formation, guarding a teenager in the middle, jumping on the grass and advancing quickly.

This is the squad of Class 4.

Yuan Lang led them to escort Yuan Fang to the campsite of Class 4.

In the team, a boy with glasses, holding a sticky fireball in his hand, which is the size of a basketball, emitted bright flames and made it clear around.

March all the way.

All the people also did not speak, seeing the camp of class 4 insight, five people slowed down slightly.

They didn’t encounter the star beast. Perhaps this route has been cleared by Class 4 during the day. Even if there were sporadic star beasts that broke in, they didn’t encounter them.

Seeing entering the camp, Yuan Fang quickly jumped to Yuan Lang’s side and suddenly shouted, “Long.”

Yuan Lang: “?”

Yuan Fang turned to look at him and asked with a smile, “Long, did your class meet any parasitic star beasts today?”

“Parasitic star beasts?”

Yuan Lang seemed surprised and shook his head: “No, is this a new type of star beast? Have you met?”

“Yes, it came out of the sheep’s head. It was more than one meter long and looked like a giant bean sprout. The flame could not burn to death, only one layer of skin could be burned.” Yuan Fang gesticulated with his hands, his face full of exaggerated expressions.

The boy with glasses leaned in and looked surprised: “Wow, parasitic star beast, is it so powerful?”


Yuan Fang tried his best to simulate a frightened expression on his face, gesticulating with his fingers and saying, “When you meet this kind of star beast, you must keep a distance. If you really are close to it, there will be no help if it gets into your mind!”


The boy with glasses seemed to think of the horrible picture and took a step back, his face slightly pale.

Yuan Lang frowned: “Can’t it burn to death? Can’t we have a few more sticky fireballs?”

Seeing that these students from Class 4 understand gradually, Yuan Fang was delighted and hurriedly said, “Maybe, but it has tenacious vitality and cannot burn to death in a short period of time. Once it is fierce and attacks you, it must be handled carefully!”


The crowd nodded and remained silent.

Yuan Fang earnestly lured and continued to guide: “However, after our actual combat tests, we found that star skill of the medical department is the bane of parasitic star beasts. Like fire and water meeting, both will disappear at the same time.”

“Oh? There is such a miraculous way?” Yuan Lang stopped and touched his chin to meditate, “Have you tried to star skill about purify?”

See Yuan Lang this big guy asked endless questions, Yuan Fang was furious, really want to rush over a punch to beat him down.

“No, our team did not have this … …” Yuan Fang shrugged his shoulders and responded helplessly.

purificatory star skill, like medical star skill, is extremely precious and rare, and there is no such starfighter in their class.

“Does your class have purificatory star skill?” Yuan Fang asked back, vaguely with a hint of sarcasm. As far as he knew, there were students in Class 1 and Class 2 who had purificatory star skills.

“We don’t have it.” Yuan Lang’s face became red.

“Haha, just kidding, don’t mind.” Yuan Fang affectionately hugged Yuan Lang’s shoulder and said with a hey hey smile: “Long, if you meet a parasitic star beast, you can call me. How about I help you solve it?”


Yuan Lang has asked for help at the moment, so he had to agree.

After entering the camp, Yuan Fang’s pupil shrank and was shocked by the sad scene before him.

By the light of the bonfire, they can see more than 20 students lying on the ground, all of whom were injured. Some even tore off their meat, revealing their bones.

Others sitting by the bonfire were also stained with blood and slightly injured.

“What fierce wolves!”

Yuan Fang gasped. Fortunately, they only met goats, much more docile than wolves.

“Great healer has come and we will be saved.” Someone saw Yuan Lang come with Yuan Fang and shouted out excitedly immediately.

“Hello, handsome boy.” A female student lying on the ground had a warm smile on her lovely little face.

At first glance, Yuan Fang saw this female classmate, whose whole left leg was tied with blood-stained white cloth from top to bottom, and seemed to have suffered extremely serious injuries.

Did the wolf’s claws tear her whole leg?

Yuan Fang’s face was creepy, and his mood instantly dropped to the bottom, as heavy as a mountain.

At present, these injured people are all young girls of the same age as him. Now they have experienced such cruel fighting and suffered such heavy injuries. They are still like a strong warrior and have not cried out for pain.

Yuan Fang’s inner emotions erupted like a volcano.

He waved his hand without hesitation, planted a mark on everyone’s body, followed by a white Fluctuating ray, shot from his body, the first was connected to the girl’s body and then jumped in turn…


Like spring silkworms spinning silk, they emit clear sounds. The magical medical light is connecting everyone, absorbing Star Power, releasing vitality and repairing everyone’s body.

Although this is the lowest quality bronze star skill, it can still play a therapeutic role. For Class 4, it is like sweet rain.

The teenagers smiled.

Yuan Fang sat on the ground, his face calm, allowing Fluctuating ray to move back and forth.

There are too many injured people in Class 4. He’s afraid it will take more time to treat them.

He pressed the communicator and reported the situation to Liu Tao: “Monitor, there are many wounded here. I need to spend more time treating them and go back later…”


Liu Tao did not say anything.

The fact that Yuan Lang can come in person shows that the situation in Class 4 is worrying.

At the moment.

Yuan Lang’s team also sat down around Yuan Fang and joined the treatment team.

The four of them were not seriously injured but recovered quickly…

Three hours later.

This bronze quality medical light stopped beating.

The whole class is back to normal.

However, only 30% of the Star Power in everyone’s body was drawn by Fluctuating rays. At that time, they did not get up and sat on the ground silently meditating, absorbing the Star Power in air.

Yuan Fang also resumed meditation.

His cultivation was low, and Star Power was drawn by two-thirds.

The concentration of Star Power in Yancang Mountain is higher than that in Yanhai City, so the recovery speed is not slow.

In half an hour.

Yuan Fang opened his eyes and the Star Power in his body was filled up. At this moment, students came to thank him one after another. Yuan Fang could only deal with each other’s enthusiasm politely.

Seeing the completion of the task, he stood up and was ready to return.

Yuan Lang leaned close, hugged Yuan Fang’s shoulder, squeezed his eyes, and smiled mysteriously in a low voice: “Dude, I heard that you can also make the Water Totemstar skill. Can you put a circle on everyone in our class?”

Yuan Fang is in a daze for a second.

Information spreads so fast. Will he harvest star points?

He forced his share of the joy in his heart and said with embarrassment: “My Star Power is limited. I’m afraid it’s difficult to be competent for the whole class…”

“I understand, just wait a minute.”

Yuan Lang left a word full of joy and marched to the center of the camp to gather the whole class together.

The crowd formed a circle and surrounded Yuan Lang. After they muttered for a while, everyone acted in a unified way and took out a star bead from his pocket and handed it to him.

“Brother, the rule is that everyone gives you a fire spider star bead.”

Yuan Lang came back with a cloth bag and handed it to Yuan Fang happily. His tone was quite like that of Jiang-hu bosses.

“All right!”

Yuan Fang took the bag “reluctantly” and put a Water Totem aperture on Yuan Lang as soon as he reached out.

His Star Power can only support 10 people.

After Yuanfang Star Power dried up, it began to absorb the fire spider Star Bead and blessed the Water Totem to Class 4 one by one.

It took him more than an hour.

Yuan Fang looked at the attribute panel.

Star Power Points: 893.

The 48 star bead from Class 4 let him get 192 points again.

Yuan Fang, tired and happy.

Platinum, it seems to be coming…

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