I Don’t Want To Be A Healer

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Cold Winter

Yancang Mountain, Army Camp.

In front of a huge electronic screen stood several soldiers in green uniforms, all of whom were full of breath and energy, just like the sheath of a sword.

“Sir, with the exception of Shibei No.1 Middle School, the major Xingwu High Schools are not advancing fast.”

A young soldier said respectfully that in front of him, a tall middle-aged officer stood with his hands behind his back, leaving him only a burly figure.


A vigorous voice sounded.

“Yancang Mountain is not terrible during the day, the real beasts are nocturnal animals, come out to feed at night…”

The middle-aged soldier stared at the beating data on the electronic screen, and his eagle-like sharp eyes became sharper and sharper. He smiled coldly and said wryly, “I’d like to see if the” cold winter “in Yancang Mountain has reached out to the control territory of my North China Military Region!”

The young soldier said, “Sir, there are no reports of abnormalities from major schools.”

“Fox always shows its tail.” The middle-aged soldier smiled and his facial expression became complicated.

From the bottom of his heart, he did not want the tentacles of “cold winter” to appear.

This “cold winter” organization is mysterious and powerful, with forces all over the world, but it has been restraining itself and keeping a low profile. So far, it has not done anything harmful.

The military, on the other hand, has very little information about the “cold winter” organization.

However, there is no denying that the existence of such an organization, like a sword of Damocles hanging overhead, is disturbing.

At the thought of winter, he thought of another evil organization… when he thought of what this organization had done, he couldn’t help chilling from his pores.

These two organizations, which are free from the military control of major countries in the world, are implicitly superior to all living beings.

This makes managers in every country full of uneasiness.

“In troubled times, if wolves are in power again, people’s lives will be even worse.”

The middle-aged soldier sighed.

Now Star Power has come, and great changes are taking place all the time in the world. The fate of mankind is like a boat swaying in the storm.

After the dimensional war, the state’s control was reduced, and various demons and shadows mushroomed one after another.

Although it has not caused great unrest, it has already had adverse effects on some parts.

… …

It was completely dark.

After being treated by Yuan Fang, the students of Class 3 of Yanhai No.1 Middle School, led by monitor Liu Tao, got busy in an orderly way and prepared to camp and spend the first Yancang Mountain night here.

“Hey! Hey!”

The boys in the department of warrior burst into flames and drank, waving machetes, cutting the weeds around and clearing a circular open space with a diameter of more than 20 meters.

Shield fighters split grass stems and built shelters more than one meter high. The structure was simple and crude, which could only shield the wind and rain.

Taking the sky as the quilt, the earth as the seat, and the wind as food, such an ascetic life is not a big deal for these Xingwu students today.

Several girls set up several fires. Yuan Fang took people with him, cut several large pieces of mutton, split the grass stems, strung them on them, and roasted them on the fire.

From time to time, salt and pepper are sprinkled, and the aroma of mutton soon diffuses.

Everyone laughed, discussing today’s experience. The blazing light reflected every childlike little face.

Lin Feng took off a string of mutton skewers and smelled it, showing an intoxicated expression. He clapped his thigh and shouted, “There is no wine in the string, and the taste is halved!”

“Military operations, no drink!” Xia Dan glared at him and scolded him angrily.

Xue Xiaohong glanced at Liu Tao.

“All right, everyone, be quiet.” Liu Tao stood up, his two heavy eyebrows wrinkled together and glanced at the whole class.

Everyone immediately quieted down.

Liu Tao, with a straight face, sank his voice: “It’s not safe at night. The 12 teams are divided into three teams, which take turns on duty and change shifts every two hours.”


Everyone answered in unison.

“There is another thing to remind everyone.” Liu Tao’s expression became more and more serious. His face was made of steel. He said, “Our team killed a goat. After the goat died, a bean sprout-like parasitic creature grew on his head. If you encounter such a situation, don’t rashly shoot bean sprouts.”

“What should I do then?” Li Xiaowei asked.

Liu Tao: “The bane of this unknown parasitic creature is medical star skill. If you encounter this kind of situation, keep a distance first and then call Yuanfang.”


Everyone responded one after another, some of whom were indifferent. At this time, most mutton skewers have been roasted. Everyone was hungry and smelled the meat. He couldn’t help grabbing them and stuffing them into his mouth.

The monitor is very kind.

Yuan Fang was happy and ate mutton skewers.

The mutton nourished by Star Power is fresh, tender and delicious, swallowed into the belly, turned into a warm Star Power, and poured into the limbs.

“Wow, the meat of the star beast is really mending! Haha!” Fan Ming had a big belly and ate a mouthful of oil, but his face was as excited as a flower.


Everyone praised one after another and kept putting strings of mutton on the fire.

If the meat of the star beast is taken as a daily diet, it will definitely enhance their cultivation speed.

Liu Tao withdrew his eyes from the fire, looked at Xue Xiaohong, and said thoughtfully, “After this encirclement and suppression campaign, should the star beast be considered to enter the canteen?”


Xue Xiaohong nodded with a quiet face and smiled: “Now the whole earth is undergoing great changes. The speed is beyond imagination, so the above reaction is sometimes not so fast.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Lin Feng suddenly stood up.

“Who’s that?” Lin Feng shouted.

With a crash, all the students in Class 3 suddenly stood up, forming a defensive trend and looking warily into the darkness in the grass.

A shadow slowly came out of the dim light of night.

Everyone was relieved to see this person wearing a green military uniform. It turned out to be a member of the army.

The young soldier was in his early 30s, thin, tall and strong, with a pair of Phnom Penh glasses on the bridge of his nose, which made him look a bit more gentle.

“Which school do you belong to?” The young soldier walked to the edge of the open bonfire, waved his hand and smiled gently.

Liu Tao saluted and said seriously, “Sir, we are from Yanhai High School.”


The young soldier talked about Yanhai No.1 Middle School twice, and his facial expression did not change much. He still hung a gentle smile on his face.

He asked, “Is there any danger?”

Liu Tao stood straight: “Not yet!”


The young soldier smiled and nodded, showing a glance of approval.

His eyes swept across each student’s face, his mouth was smiling, and he said gently, “You don’t have to be nervous. I’m here on a routine inspection tour. I’m just asking about it.”

Call ~

The students all breathed a sigh of relief and looked less stiff.

“You little guys have to hurry up. I have come on patrol all the way and met many students from Xingwu High School. Many classes have advanced 10 kilometers.”

The young soldier said with a smile, turning slowly and walking step by step towards darkness.

As soon as Liu Tao’s face turned red, they only moved one kilometer.

He watched the young soldiers disappear into the darkness, his eyes were bright, he gave a military salute and shouted, “Sir, we will try our best!”


The ethereal voice drifted along with the mountain wind, and the young soldiers seemed to have walked far away.

“What a fast speed.”

Lin Feng showed envious eyes.

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