I Defeated the Devil, So I Had To Become the Devil Myself

Chapter 322

Chapter 288: Then, kill you, okay?

(Some things I want to say, I know this book is very bad in the first person. But it also wrote hundreds of thousands of words. It is difficult to stick to it, of course, thanks to the support of some friends.

During this period, I stayed off for a long time, and I also need to live, but this book really cannot let me live, so my time has become less.

I have to run for a living.

But this book will end, it’s just a matter of time.

Finally, I hope that no matter where you read this book, please give me the simplest support. thanks. )

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The third-order demon king has more than one rank better than the second-order demon king.

When the wings spread out behind me, I realized that I was powerful, ample power, and even somewhat difficult to control.

When I was completely demonized, Phedero saw only shock and doubt in his eyes. I naturally know where his doubts are, and his rhetoric really touched my heart. I thought that I would give up occupying this city, but my approach made him unable to understand.

This plan of mine may cost countless lives. But compared to the real invasion in the near future, such losses may not be disastrous.

Nevertheless, I must now minimize this kind of unnecessary sacrifice. Occupying this city is more desperate than killing.

In the fight of Phedero, his attack also made me a little uneasy. It was not a strong one, but a weak one. As expected, Phedero didn’t have the motivation and desire to become stronger. He knew that although I threatened to destroy the world, I still cherished humanity.

This has become a shackle that prevents him from becoming stronger.

And the three people with their heads and tails hidden not far away had to make me firm up my beliefs.

No one noticed the distance on this battlefield, but because of the promotion of the Tier 3 Demon King and the gift of the World Tree, I could perceive subtle changes more than others. In the distance, there were three powerful breaths really coveting, I sneered at the distance, and the serpent fangs flashed by in the quiet sky.

“The residents of Capua, listen! The farce is over, and the city will be taken over by this king.

Offender, die! ”

After making up my mind, I rose into the air, a red sword aura from my wings hit the gate of Kapuya.

The tall city gate was fragile and dusty, covering the sky.

Everyone stopped fighting, their enthusiasm extinguished at this moment, but the desperate pupils soon flashed with angry anger. But the anger quickly dissipated, and the disparity in power made them fall into the abyss of fear.

“An Le, what are you doing? Are you crazy?! Didn’t you apologize for your guilt just now?”

Phedero was taken aback by my actions, he stared at everything in a daze.

“Then let me tell what I am doing!”

I smiled, and one dived towards Phaedro, with a surprised face, he was grabbed by my neck and rose into the air again.

“My guilt is because I lied to you. Now I am very grateful for your kindness in not killing you in the capital. I really didn’t expect you to be so easy to lie.”

I smiled wickedly and whispered in Phedero’s ear.

“This is your hope, this is your hero.

And this king will tell you that this hero is so vulnerable. The spirit of fighting with your little ones.

Humans, your resistance is meaningless. ”

“Federo, I respect you, but now, even if your sword becomes a Horcrux, it still has no anger or murderous intent, and it doesn’t even have the sharp teeth of an old dog.

do you know? Phadro, you are the old dog. ”

I sneered and watched Phedero mock him contemptuously.

“An Le, you…”

On the ground, Lanstia frowned and looked worried, and he stopped talking.

“An…le…you really…fall into…darkness…”

Phaedro was squeezed by me, his face flushed, and the words in his mouth were slurred. Seeing that the time was almost time, I threw him to the ground.

Kolomir did not speak, but raised his staff, and a group of purple flames held Phadro who was about to fall to the ground.

“The king will give you a chance at last. Before I get angry, get out of the city!

Don’t worry, this king will treat the people of this city well. ”

The whole body was wrapped in dark flames, and the long wings flapped behind him. The long sword once again pointed at the dazed human brave.

Fear spreads like a plague.

I clearly saw those brave men gritted their teeth and exposed the veins on their arms. They might be afraid of death, but they were even more afraid of death. This is a heroic soul unique to mankind.

And what I need is this kind of power.

“Evil Demon King, you are not afraid that the Seven Sages will kill you again!? Your arrogance will always pay the price!”

A young brave man clenched his fist and snarled at me.

I haven’t spoken yet, Phedero’s voice sounded again.

“Stop! We retreat.”

Phadro was supported by Lena and Ally, he clutched his neck and shouted at the human brave in pain.

“But, Master Phaedrus! That is our town, and there are our friends and family in the town!”

“I, Carol, will die with the devil even if I die!”

“Yeah! I can’t wait!”

These brave men may experience despair for the first time, even if they know that they cannot be defeated, they still refuse to give up.

“If you wait for the ability to kill the Demon King’s coalition forces, I will not stop it.” Phaedro was desperate, “But now, we need strength, as the Demon King said, you and I are as weak as an old dog.”

Phedero laughed furiously.

“An Le, tell me. What you told me is true! Tell me, you have not been swallowed by darkness!”

Phadro asked me again unwillingly.

“Bald, if there is no such thing, you will give me a chance to escape? Darkness? I was born in darkness, and darkness is my strength.

I welcome you to kill me, Phedero, and I look forward to seeing you next time, your sword can be matched with the word sharp.

Not now, as ridiculous as children’s playthings. ”

I laughed wildly. Although I can’t bear it, I have to do this. Everyone is getting stronger, but Phedero is a person who knows the truth, because there is no anger and despair, he has no reason to become stronger.

I have to say that anger always makes people grow.

“Go away, human brave.

From today onwards, this city will be called the Demon King City!

Of course, this king welcomes you to join my team of destroying the world. ”

I played Mingyan in my hand and teased at Federuo and the others.

Phadro didn’t speak any more, he just laughed frantically, and was helped by Lena and walked into the distance.

“Farewell, brother.”

A soft farewell did not arouse Fedro’s attention at all, but Kolomir’s sudden turning of his head made me a little confused. His last smile, weird and wretched, also disappeared as everyone left.

“Why do you do this, it doesn’t fit your personality.”

Lanstia obviously hadn’t found out what I did, she whispered as soon as I landed.

“Congratulations, Lord Demon, for taking the human town.”

The newly joined demon servants congratulated each other, but Tian Bao and Lin Ze stared at me thoughtfully.

“You wait and remember this. These humans are useful to me. Before that, I don’t want to die alone, let alone see you oppress any human beings.

This king’s exercises will use these humans. ”

I waved my hand and exhorted a few words, arranged for everyone to take over the city of Capua, and specifically told not to bully and kill any human inhabitants.

I really can’t find a reason, so I can only command everyone in such a crappy way. The other demon servants didn’t speak either, but Kluos the night demon looked at me with weird eyes.

“You haven’t told me why you want to do this, this is not your approach at all! Did you really fall into the dark?”

Lanstia stopped me again and asked loudly.

“Don’t talk, trash!

They are already here. ”

I looked into the distance. It was 10 minutes past noon at this time. The sky was clear. Without any sign, the sky in the east became dark.

After listening to my words, Lanstia also looked into the distance, and she turned back to me again with a look of relief and horror.

“Yes, it’s them.”

I nodded, and Lanstia hurriedly covered her mouth. She seemed to be embarrassed to me with shame on her face.

“Lanstia, you are a god. And I am the devil now. As a dark person, I desire light more than anyone.

I don’t want to see sacrifice, death is inevitable on the road to becoming stronger.

If we still cannot make up our minds now, the future of mankind and this world will only be nothingness. You, a god, should know better than I do www.readwn.com I sighed. I didn’t want to say too much, but I couldn’t help but explain to Lanstia.

“An Le, I believe you. You are right.”

Lanstia stood beside me like a cat, lowered her head and said, but the corner of her eyes still turned away, with a look of dread.

“Ah, Lord Demon King hasn’t seen you for a long time.

I heard you occupy a new city? ”

The two people who suddenly appeared in front of me didn’t make me feel abrupt. In other words, I am waiting for them.

“Yes, this is what your father laid for you. Do you want it? Come and get it if you want.”

I smiled and squeezed Lanstia’s hand.

“Haha, it’s still so interesting. Then, let me destroy your city with my own hands, and then kill you.” The visitor smiled and opened his half-squinted eyes, “Alright?”

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