I Defeated the Devil, So I Had To Become the Devil Myself

Chapter 297

Chapter 263: Forbidden place

This world, this world that is about to be destroyed.

Everything that happens is like a script, happening mechanically and step by step. I always have a feeling that everything I experience has been arranged by someone in the dark.

Like a puppet, I am walking with a god, whether it is the first demon king. They planned a route for me. They made me a demon king and guided me to save my demon servants.

During this process, I gradually became sober, I wanted to jump out of this originally established route.

And now is the first step I took. I want to face the so-called running dog of the master of the underworld. I want to collect the reasons for the war between the gods of the doomsday war. I have to figure out who the so-called master of the underworld is. Who!

At this moment, I am standing outside Satan’s castle. There is still an explosion in his castle. This glorious castle will disappear soon, and Satan will also disappear. I have just seen me on a few occasions. I have the same blood line as the young patriarch of the Chaos Clan, and I am a brave and wise young patriarch.

“If you don’t die, my brother, I want to get drunk with you.”

I watched his castle and muttered, the black clouds not far away have completely gathered, I know that is the horn of the battle.

I turned on the scan and scanned the surroundings. As expected, dense red figures rushed towards me not far away.

I stuck the long sword in my hand on the ground, and stood still and looked at the direction of the coming people coldly.

Never been so excited, never so eager to fight, never sober blood boiled.

Not long after, the black cloud pressured the realm, and the two headed by them came to me aggressively like the old black wind demon.

These two people are just fear and the previously unknown plague! And behind them there are densely packed people who are also wearing black cloaks.

“Look, this is the Demon King. We have responded to my lord’s call and specially come here to welcome the clone of our lord, relying on you, also want to stop us?”

Fear lifted his hood and said coldly.

“Gluck, funny devil kid. Last time you carelessly let your group of kids take advantage of it. Leave quickly this time, while you are still alive. While I haven’t spilled the plague on the ground.”

The plague licked the black dagger in his hand and said with a smile.

“Hey, haven’t your stinking problem been corrected? Licking the dagger? It’s still a poisoned dagger, right? Why didn’t you poison you? Or some parts of you are dead?”

I turned my eyes to the plague, his deathly expression on his face was wonderful.

“I really don’t know where your courage comes from. Have you forgotten the last time I was chased by my plague?”

The plague frowned, looked at me and said unkindly.

“Remember, in the end I don’t know who escaped in embarrassment by Lanstia’s holy light.”

“Little Devil, you are wrong. It’s not an embarrassing escape, it’s a strategic shift. But this time without the little girl who can get in the way of sacred magic, how can you fight me?”

The plague argued vigorously.

“Yes, we…”

“Shut up, fear. I can kill you once, and I can kill you a second time.”

There was no expression on the horrified face, but his godless eyes told me that he was angry.

“Well, the chat is over here. People always change, become stronger or become bald, and I am the former!

Sorry, they are the two dead. ”

While speaking, I forcefully pressed down the long sword that was originally inserted on the ground, and the awakened sword of victory responded to my call, and the violent power was about to vent.

“Forbidden place-bondage!”

I roared, and then suddenly pressed the long sword a few more points, the earth was trembling and the Satan castle beside it was trembling, and the soil was tumbling as if something was struggling out.

“No! It’s weird!”

“Fly off the ground, hurry!”

Fear and the plague had no rules, and the two of them shouted at the people behind them who were also wearing black cloaks.

Those black cloaks reacted quickly, and they immediately turned into black clouds of smoke and flew toward the sky.

“You want to run after offending the devil? How could it be so easy!

Forbidden place-bind, kill! ”

I tried my best to draw out the long sword that was inserted into the earth. As my long sword broke through the ground, there were countless thorn-like vines, which were the roots of the tree of the world.

I call such moves a forbidden place. This world is made up of world trees. His vines are all over the world. It’s just that I can only control a range of dozens of miles, but this is enough.

Enough to form a forbidden land, in this land, I can be called a god!

These rhizomes are extremely fast, like a green spear, piercing towards the black cloaks.

Whenever these rhizomes pierce the bodies of the black cloaks, they will explode, and clouds of black air will fill my surroundings.

There is no desperate scream, no painful wailing, the entire battlefield is weird and scary.

I didn’t have the time to pay attention to these black cloaks like fishes. At this moment, I only have the two figures in the black mist that have made me wonder for a long time-fear and plague.

Fear disappeared strangely when my vines attacked the miscellaneous fish behind him. At this moment, only the plague looked at me with disdain.

“Plague, all over the earth! Scream-Ares!”

The plague attacked me, and the dagger in his hand turned into a green long sword, the long sword named Ares, the source of the plague.

If it was before, my chances of winning would be really hard to say, but today, I who awakened the long sword and learned the true use of Mingyan, how could I lose!

I dodge the source of the plague that the plague keeps releasing to me. Actually, I don’t need to avoid it at all. Mingyan is almost the nemesis of these plague poisonous gases.

“How come! How come! These plagues are useless to you!?”

I passed through the poisonous gas of the plague and came to him, the plague roared in horror.

“go to hell!”

“Although I don’t know how you became so strong, it’s hard to say if you fight alone. But don’t forget, we are two people!”

The panic of the plague disappeared in an instant. He calmly said to me, then shouted, and then the source of the plague Ares turned into a poisonous gas that completely enveloped me and resisted the attack of the plague that I was about to attack.

And the plague itself turned into a black gas and moved not far away.

At this moment, a sense of danger struck me, without even thinking about it, behind me must be that mysterious fear!

“Finally, I got the bait, UU reading www.uukānshu.com, don’t forget, this is my territory.”

I turned my head and looked at the fear of piercing me with a dagger and said with a smile.

“Forbidden place, kill!”

With a roar of mine, underneath the fear, a green vine broke through the soil, so fast that it was too late for fear to react.

He stabbed my dagger and stopped in the air.

He looked at me with horrified eyes, “How could it be, how could it be! Master, save me!”

The horror screamed, and then turned into a cloud of black air. After I suffered a loss, how could I make the same mistake again.

I pushed with one hand, and a dark flame moved towards the black gas that was quickly fleeing.

Ming Yan enveloped the black air, and bursts of heart-piercing wailing came from the black air. I know that fear is the real death.

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