I Defeated the Devil, So I Had To Become the Devil Myself

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: As the first hero, am I a demon king?

Devil’s Castle.

My name is Anle, and the humanoid creature in black armor in front of me is the devil.

“Drink,” I yelled, raising the sword of victory in my hand, and slashing at the demon lord who was holding his head and squatting on the ground sobbing.

“Don’t fight, don’t fight, I surrender!” The Demon King yelled in choking.

“You are still not the devil, I don’t care, I will cut you down. If I defeat you, I will become the number one hero in Durran! Wow haha”

“Woo, you are more like a devil than me. I’m not doing it!”

The demon king squatting on the ground suddenly jumped up, took off his armor and threw it on the ground and ran away. The fast rabbits were all his grandsons.

“Hey, don’t run, you let me chop a few times. Okay, you have a kind, you can run, if you come back again, I will see you hit you once.”

I looked awkwardly at the armor of the Demon King on the ground, I have defeated the Demon King? Very unhappy, he just ran away, giving up such a promising career as a devil? But I haven’t played enough yet. Forget it, I picked up the Demon King’s helmet. At least this thing can prove that I defeated the devil, and I will be the number one brave in this continent.

Capua City, Guild of Braves.

There are two big roots standing on the dregs of the Demon King’s soil, oh, two black helmets like horns, and said loudly, “This is the evil Demon King’s helmet. The Demon King has been defeated by me!”

The noisy Warriors’ Guild was in an uproar, which is exactly the result I wanted.

“Wow, Lord Brave is so handsome. Can you autograph me.” A cat girl with cat ears and a yellow cat tail behind her, said to me.

I am secretly happy, and now someone has embraced me, and she is my favorite cat girl. Ha ha! The peak of my life is coming!

“Wait, how do you prove that this helmet is the devil’s thing and not forged by you?” said a big man wearing a heavy helmet and holding a huge sword in his hand.

I glanced at this uninteresting epee, and actually dared to question the number one brave in Capua City and the number one in Durran! I really don’t know how high the world is, “Your guild will send someone to check it out, and see if what I said is true or false, Lord Brave.”

The registrant of the Heroes’ Guild is an elf woman with big blonde hair and very **** clothes. His name is Karma, and he is fairly familiar with me. Karma called a man dressed as a thief and whispered something in a low voice. It didn’t take long for the thief to walk out of the guild.

I don’t bother to pay attention to them, I am the number one brave. I sat on the window counter of the guild registration office and buttoned my nose, quietly waiting for the confirmation of the result. By the way, taking advantage of this, I will introduce myself: My name is An Le, and I am a magic swordsman. From the celestial dynasty of the 21st century, yes, I am not from this world. 19 years old this year, unemployed, that is, a dead house in the eyes of the public. Although I am home, my heart is not dead, my journey will always be the stars and the sea. The reason why I came to this strange world on the continent called Durran was that I went out to buy instant noodles that day. When I passed an intersection, I drove in front of me… Forget it. In short, it doesn’t matter whether I crossed here after death or came alive.

I only remember that when I opened my eyes, there was a beautiful big sister standing in front of me, who called herself goddess. And tell me that there is an evil and terrible demon in this world.

This tasteless demon naturally wants me to defeat it! This setting is totally acceptable to me, and I am happy to think about saving the world.

With the wisdom and insight of the 21st century, I succeeded today!

Durran Continent can be said to be a paradise for a dead house like me. This is the world of swords and magic, and it is also the world of cats and maids.

While clasping his nose, the thief who had gone out came back. He walked to Karma and whispered a few words. From time to time, his eyes were fixed on Kama’s chest. I saw Karma’s face appeared shocked and surprised, followed by joy and excitement.

“Dear heroes, he did it! Master Anle did it! He defeated the devil!” Maca shouted excitedly.

The entire brave guild was boiling for a while! All kinds of suspicions and congratulations roared together.

I know, the time for me to pretend is up!

“Quiet everyone, tell me who defeated the devil?”

“An Le-sama!”

“Who is No. 1 in Capua City!”

“An Le-sama!”

“Who is the number one Durran continent!”

“Master Phaedero!”


was followed by a seven-day national celebration. In wine and beauty, cough, wine and food, I spent the happiest seven days in my life.

Another seven days later, I have been home for seven days. Why is there an unprecedented sense of emptiness after defeating the devil? Ah, it would be good if it were in the 21st century. You can watch comics while staying on the Internet, and you can only look at the ceiling here.

I defeated the devil and enjoyed the highest treatment in this city. I was made a Viscount by the Duchy of Alain, to which the city of Capua belongs. The maid takes special care of my three meals now.

“Master Anle, the charcoal grilled big-eyed pork chops prepared for you for lunch. Do you need anything else?” At this moment, the maid snapped the door and asked.

My maid, my cat maid, I also have a maid!

“Ahem, Hill, do you sometimes feel that life is empty? Do you feel that the road ahead is awkward? Do you feel that even this morning is like a long night, and your heart is so lonely that no one can tell? If so, I am willing to talk to you. You can talk about life!”

For a long time, there was no reply at all outside the door, how could this be so. I’m the master! Isn’t Hill running away shyly?

“Master Anle, I would like to talk about life with you! Let’s not talk about life anymore, let’s talk about the sheets! Master Anle!” The answer to me was not that Hill was so cruel, but rather mad and shy. Male and female voices.

I was taken aback, and I was stunned, and a bitter cold swept through my body. Of course I recognized this sound. This is the voice of the head chef Crewe, who is the boy and girl! Why is this **** here? There was a thumping sound outside the door! This **** is smashing the door!

“Asshole!” I cursed in a low voice, seeing the door of the room being crushed by Kru’s sturdy body. The moment the door was kicked open, I had no time to hesitate and jumped down from the second floor.

“Asshole!” I scolded again, this is the second floor! Although it was not high, I was sore all over when I fell. I limped and wanted to go to the street to relax.

On the window, Kru had a big face full of beard and powder, and a red flower on his head shouted: “Master Anle, I’ll wait for you to come back!” After speaking, he blew a kiss.

I shuddered all over, ignoring the pain in my leg, so I speeded up my pace.

When I came to Doer Street, the sight in front of me made me speechless. There is no stall in the bustling Douer Street in the past. Not to mention the stalls, there is not even one person. I walked towards the brave guild with shock and confusion.

Occasionally, I see a few passers-by dressed as brave men in the alley, with constipated faces and sluggish eyes. What’s wrong?

With curiosity, I came to the Guild of Braves. There were only two or three people sitting at the corner table in the guild hall of Connaught University, drinking beer muffledly.

“Kama, wake up Kama.” I tried to wake up the guild registrar who was sleeping on his stomach—Kama the blonde big boobs.

Kama is an elven clan. It is said that he does not need to rest for a long time, but at this moment he actually sleeps on his stomach. What is going on here? What is going on in this world?

“Ah, it’s Anle-sama, why are you here?” The sleepy-eyed Kama is very cute.

“Kama, why is there no one in the guild today? Is the guild out of tasks?” I asked curiously.

“Ah, no, it’s not, Lord Anle. It’s just that no one has done the guild mission.” Karma quickly waved his hand and explained.

“No one did it? What’s the matter, are the rewards too bad? I told you a long time ago that brave men are also human, and those rewards are indeed too few.”

“No, no, Lord Anle. The rewards are very rich, but no one wants to do it. Since Lord Anle defeated the Demon King, these brave men seem to have lost their motivation and no one will come to do guild missions anymore. Some beer.” Kama looked a bit wronged and sad.

“I defeated the devil and lost my motivation?” I mumbled Kama’s words.

“Yes, not only the brave, but even the residents of the town seem to have lost their motivation to live. You have seen it when you came. No one is willing to work anymore. Without the threat of the devil, the residents are not willing to make money to buy self-defense equipment. , I don’t want to invest in supporting the brave. People are beginning to degenerate and enjoy a peaceful time.”

“If this continues, what can this city do! The brave are not willing to do guild missions, and the residents are not willing to work. A brave who has no pursuit is like a walking dead. The residents also eat and sleep. There is no sense of danger and no tomorrow. He’s alive.” The kind-hearted Kama sobbed.

“What about the beasts around the town, these brave men and residents are not afraid of these beasts and goblins attacked?”

“Oh, Master Anle, there are no other goblins. These demon king’s men have not appeared for three to five days. Someone once saw that these goblins were sleeping in their nests, even if they were out and saw people. I’m too lazy to attack. They, they seem to have lost motivation.”

“This… I defeated the Demon King and became a sinner?” I bid farewell to Karma, and I returned to my home in a loss. Crewe embraced passionately. I ignored him. Kama’s words were all in my heart, and the brave without the pursuit was like a walking dead. Sure enough, do people still need to pursue and goals?

“Dululu, lovely, kind, righteous and charming goddess-Lanstia, join! Ah, why is Lord Anle frowning. Isn’t Crewe not enthusiastic enough?” Lan suddenly appeared in front of me Stia smiled happily. UU reading www. uukánshu.com

This is the goddess I saw when I opened my eyes, the goddess Lanstia with some water in the brain. He is wearing a pure white feather coat. With long white hair, she also looked like a goddess. It’s just that the chest is still in the elementary school stage.

“Fat-chested goddess, what are you doing?” I said angrily.

“Ah, you say it again. I am a goddess. Believe it or not I turned you into a pig. Of course I am cute to help you, Dululu.”

“Speaking of the point, goddess of waste.”

There is a reason why I didn’t catch a cold to her. When I woke up, Lanstia told me that I could choose an ability or equipment to defeat the devil. I came from the celestial dynasty and naturally understood the importance of awesome equipment. Equipment is a symbol of local tyrant players. Smart and wise, I chose the legendary sword of the king-the sword of vows of victory. I was full of joy. As soon as I arrived here, I wanted to find a goblin to fight with the magic sword in my hand, but I was beaten into a pig head by a goblin. If it weren’t for being rescued by a kind brave, a little goblin would almost forcibly open the door to a new world.

Later I learned that the sword of victory in my hand is just called the sword of victory, which has nothing to do with the legendary sword of victory. But this kind of piracy makes me feel at home. From then on, I vowed that as long as I saw this goddess again, I would beat her.

“Ah, Master Anle, you are very angry. Forget it, the beautiful and kind goddess won’t care about you. You have seen the situation on the street, Master Anle, and you know the state of the brave. So cute and so cute. The kind, righteous and charming goddess will give you an arduous task for Anle-sama. A task to save the world and save the world-you become the devil!”

“Huh? What?”

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