I Can’t Study with Missy

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 Rizu Ogata wants to escape

Matuki Kirisu wanted to come over to help get the takeout, but he didn’t expect the takeaway to be her student. She was a little surprised and said, “It turns out that Ogata’s family opened an udon shop.”

“Do you know Sister Jindong?”

He glanced at the two of them, and felt that Ms. Jindong and the elementary school students did not seem to have a place to meet, could it be a child of a friend’s house?

Kirisu Nodded and said, “Well, Ogata-san is my student.”


Ogata Rizuki felt that the atmosphere stagnated for a while. She was re-evaluated by the heavy feet, only to hear the boy who was with Mrs. Kirsu wondering, “This elementary school student?”

Too much, the elementary student kept talking. Before, she was afraid of being ashamed of her identity, but now she can’t keep it anymore. She simply broke the jar. Ogata Risa was unhappy and retorted, “It’s so rude, where are you? Look at me like a primary school student, I am a high school student.”


Elementary school students don’t have this kind of stalwart papaya. Kirsu and Kazuto knew that he had misunderstood, but he can’t be blamed. He didn’t explain it at the small park. It is normal for him to continue his previous point of view.

However, this makes him even more curious. The body of a high school student is a primary school student, with a baby-looking giant papaya, and a dull cheek. It looks a bit fat for a baby. It’s completely a legitimate loli!

It is easy to think about some things with the word “legal”, but he is not that kind of person. After admiring a few glances, Kirisu and Talent apologized, “I’m sorry, I misunderstood.”

This guy doesn’t mean to apologize at all! ! ! She was angry with her tone and eyes, all looking at rare animals.

Bad guy, Bai has a good skin bag with wicked eyes inside.

But because of Mr. Kirsu’s return, she couldn’t say anything. The takeaway was delivered to her to go back. Rizuki Ogata reached out and said, “Return the incubator to me.”

I was rude to Hito-kun just now, even though Ogata Risa is very small, it is too much to be called an elementary school student.

Moreover, Rizuma Ogata is a genius at Ichinose Academy. She has the highest grades in science, but she filled out a liberal arts university in the previous volunteer questionnaire.

Putting away the waste of her talent, this is something she absolutely does not allow.

It’s useless to talk twice, and she has a firm attitude. Now she has become another student who has caused her headaches besides Fumino Furuhashi.

A series of oolong and embarrassing, Rina Ogata can only admit that she is unlucky. Who made her covet a castle made of sand? She defaulted to a primary school girl, and now she has been discovered again.

Leaving Kirsu’s house, she vowed never to come again.

Ogata Rizuki is not good at liberal arts. For example, the author of an article writes down a certain passage of thoughts, and composes an essay based on “something” in the national language.

However, things you don’t understand are worth pursuing. On the contrary, for science, she knows the answer at a glance, so why bother to learn?


Back to the house, Kirisu Miafu just wanted to keep Rizuki Ogata, but Kazuto-kun was there and she didn’t say anything.

If you want to apply for a genius in a liberal arts college, the score in the liberal arts exam is “number”. Not to mention the liberal arts college, it is very possible to repeat the grade.

I don’t know if their school is not good in feng shui. The two geniuses in the side subject are flooded in their minds. Not to mention a waste of talent, but also to learn subjects that are not talented.

Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude is what these teachers should do. It is her responsibility to not allow students to enter their regretful lives by making the wrong choice for a while.

Ms. Jindong’s takeaway is udon. It may take a long time for delivery and the noodles are already soft.

But the taste is okay. Through the takeaway, you can feel that the udon shop of Ms. Jindong’s student’s house is very popular.


From the time I met a high school student taking out papaya, Jin Dong seemed to have something on her mind, her brows were frowning, and she was wandering when she was eating udon.

He was a little worried. After eating half of the udon, Kirisu Kazuto put down his chopsticks and asked, “Is Matsuya thinking about Ogata-san?”

“Yeah.” Kirisu was called out from her thoughts, and her younger brother saw through her mind. She directly admitted, “Ogata-san is a genius in science, but she wants to apply for a liberal arts college.”


Kirisu nodded with others, pondered for a moment, and then continued, “But her liberal arts grades are the same as Furuhashi-san’s science grades, so she can’t watch it at all?”

“That’s it…”

Ichinose Gakuen special product special subject genius brain problem student.

Forget one, Kirsu and Ren didn’t expect to get a couple together, no wonder Ms. Zhendong would be very worried, and no school would be happy to meet two such “babies”.

However, it should be someone who is different from Furuhashi-san, because Ms. Jindong didn’t mention it before, and only talked about Fumino Fumino when she was drunk.


Holding his breath all the way, he returned to the Udon shop Rizuki Ogata took off the kanban girl coat, and returned to his room with the rest of his work.

Ignoring the worry and following his daughter to the door of her room, Risa Ogata walked to the desk and took out the liberal arts test paper that was sent today from his bag.


Her grades are still not improving, and the Chinese language is only this level, and it took a lot of time to review the results.

What is wrong? She wrote many questions according to her own understanding Especially the final composition, “Take my favorite **** as the topic”, the composition scores a lot, so here she researched it in particular After a while, I wrote, “My favorite xx, **** can be defined as an equation…”

Is something wrong?

Why did the teacher not give her the score, thinking about Rizuma Ogata was upset.

Speaking of which, Fumino’s scores in science have been poor before, which are similar to her scores in liberal arts, but this time Fumino’s math score was 32 points. She was surprised for a long time when she saw it, if it weren’t for the name “Funno Furuhashi” clearly written on it. , She suspects that the test paper is someone else’s.

Is there any new learning method for Wen Nai that can quickly improve his grades in a short time? If it does, can she try it?

Once some ideas came up, people couldn’t stop dreaming. She collected the test papers. Rizuki Ogata wanted to read the Mandarin book for a while, but she was full of “methods” to improve her grades quickly. She felt like she was stunned. Up.

I can’t read the book anymore, I closed the book, and I will ask Funno tomorrow.

There is nothing to do, Rina Ogata is going to take a break today, but…

I just lay down on the bed and thought of that nasty face again…Is she just such a pupil? Although she is not confident about her height, no one has said that she is like a pupil! weight! Come! No! Have!

Thinking of the anger, Ogata Rizuki cursed, “Abominable, bad-hearted, and silly.” The handsome boys are all silly, and she is right.


Father Ogata was worried about whether his daughter came back angrily, so he eavesdropped at the door of the room.

My face turned white when I heard Huaxin Big Carrot…


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