I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 39

~ First Meeting With Victims

The first to sit still was Delhi.

He looked left and right to look at the surrounding environment, and when he saw the soldiers guarding the surroundings, he looked nervous, and swallowed his saliva from time to time, showing an uneasy mood.

“This is so simple, does their king live in such a place?”

Derry’s words attracted everyone’s attention and eased the tense atmosphere a little.

Everyone was calm on the surface, but they were equally nervous inside.

What they are going to contact this time is not ordinary humans, but intelligent creatures of other races that are completely different from humans!

Maybe this will be a big step for human civilization!

They are not sure whether there is any real case of contact between humans and aliens before themselves. But as far as they know of history, there is no mention of human and alien results.

Myths and legends don’t count.

That thing didn’t leave clear evidence, so it’s hard to tell if it’s true or not.

Of course, they didn’t want to be the pioneers of contact between humans and aliens.

If possible, they hope that they will never get such an opportunity.

Sanchis carefully looked at the surrounding environment, as if he wanted to keep every street, every house, and even every decoration in his heart. This is the instinctive reaction of an adventurer.

In the unfamiliar wild, especially those unknown places full of dangers, any equipment cannot be completely trusted. Compass, mobile phone, satellite phone, etc. may have problems.

If you want to survive in the unexplored wilderness, the only person you can really trust is yourself.

He retorted: “It’s very simple here, but you have forgotten one thing, this is not their real settlement, it’s just something like a barracks, or a fortress.”

Murakami Ichiro said thoughtfully, his voice was very low, his speech was very slow, and every sentence had to be carefully considered.

“Although this is not their settlement, it should be more than just a military camp.”

“When I came here, I noticed that there were farmlands and farms nearby.”

“They are reclaiming farmland nearby, indicating that they have long-term plans for stationing and developing.”

“However, based on the analysis of the situation we saw along the way, there should be no civilians here, and they are all soldiers of the Xu Kingdom.”

“A glimpse of the leopard, the Xu country is far from being as simple as what we have seen so far. What the real Xu country looks like, we can’t come to a conclusion yet.”

Aphra agreed: “I agree with Mr. Murakami. The Xu country we see now is obviously just the tip of the iceberg. If we draw conclusions based on the tip of the iceberg in front of us, there will be a big gap between the result and the reality.”

Having said that, Aphra visibly became vigilant.

Her voice lowered, she looked around with her beautiful sapphire-like eyes, her beautiful face was full of solemnity and caution, and she carefully warned: “We must be careful not to provoke them.”

Everyone nodded slightly to express their understanding.

Everyone is an adult, not a sophomore, and no one is a fool.

Now it is obvious that the enemy is strong and we are weak, who would risk his life.

“Take prisoners.”

While a few people were talking, the guard who entered the room to report had already come out.

He stood at the door and delivered the king’s order.

Everyone stopped talking, and walked towards the living room hall under the supervision of the four guards.

Step up the steps, walk through the corridor, and come to the front of the main hall.

The furnishings in the main hall are simple and elegant.

The wooden floor was covered with a layer of snow-white ferocious beast fur, which covered the entire room and was integrated into one. It was hard to imagine how mighty and majestic this ferocious beast was before it was alive.

The lightness of the feet is like stepping on the clouds, soft and light.

You can also feel the warm breath from the snow-white fur, as if it is still alive.

This fur comes from a ferocious beast called Cloud Beast.

The whole body of the cloud beast is as white as a cloud, without limbs, it looks like a huge round ball, or a snow-white cloud.

The smallest ones are four or five meters in size, and the largest ones can grow to about hundreds of meters.

If you underestimate the cloud beast because of its cute appearance, you must pay a heavy price.

The cloud beast has no limbs, and is usually in a state of floating in the air. It relies on a small thing like a dolphin tail to control its direction, and its actions are quite joyful. But a seemingly petite and cute cherry mouth can be torn apart to the extent of more than half of the body in the breath!

Let alone a cow, even if ten elephants came, the cloud beast could swallow them all in an instant.

They usually rely on the harmless appearance of humans and animals to lure other beasts into being fooled, and then swallow them in one gulp!

Apart from this carpet, there is only a rectangular table, which is placed in front of the door.

At this moment, there is a small stove on the table, on which is a steaming metal pot, surrounded by dried meat, fruits, dried fish and so on.

There is also a barbecue grill not far away, which is making barbecue.

The charcoal fire was burning on the delicious and juicy pieces of meat, and the wonderful sound of fat frying could be heard, and bursts of smoke came from the barbecue grill, making everyone salivate.

Since they were arrested, they haven’t eaten anything so far, and at most they drank two sips of water.

Seeing this sumptuous delicacy and smelling the scent of meat, everyone suddenly felt as if their stomachs were about to rebel.

But now they didn’t care about their protesting bellies, and all of them turned their eyes to the man sitting behind the long table, all showing surprise.

Yang Xu’s appearance was quite different from what they had guessed.

“So handsome, so majestic.”

Afula looked at Yang Xu secretly, seeing his handsome appearance, strong figure, and beautiful eyes glowing with surprise, her nervous mood calmed down a bit.

From the outside, Yang Xu is still somewhat gentle and refined, not as rude and ugly as she imagined.

Lu Xun said: handsome men must be more liked by girls.

Yang Xu’s handsome appearance and the sharp contrast with his guess left a strong impression on Afra.

“A dreadful fellow indeed,”

The moment the Sanchez couple saw Yang Xu, their whole bodies tensed up, and their hairs stood on end.

They just feel as if they have come to the edge of a collapsed cliff, and they may fall down at any time, and fall to pieces in the endless abyss~www.mtlnovel.com~ The terrible pressure is like a real tide, surging in waves, making their chests Dull and unable to breathe.

They have encountered this terrible feeling many times, once when they encountered a giant python in the Amazon, and once when they were besieged by lions in Africa. They are not unfamiliar with this feeling. It is the tension and fear of encountering a life-and-death crisis.

This man is very scary!

More terrifying than any beast they had encountered before!

The husband and wife looked at each other, eyes full of dignity and tension.

Murakami Ichiro’s eyes did not stay on Yang Xu, but fell on Yang Xu’s surroundings.

The green luan bird, which was as beautiful as a fairy, was standing on the table, combing its feathers with its beak gracefully, without even looking at them.

There are more than a dozen beautiful beauties around.

Clearly from a different race.

They served around the king, doing their best, and looked at the king with reverence and admiration. That kind of fanatical eyes made Ichiro Murakami think of many things.

That is the gaze of devout believers looking at the gods.

They regard their king as a god!

A king who is loved by his subjects and is very close to the people!

Otherwise, the eyes of the subjects would not be so fanatical and bold.

The old man Yuan Xingguo’s eyes were not on Yang Xu, but on the beauty of the fox family who was cooking at the barbecue.

To be precise, it should be the way they cook.

The workmanship is terrible!

Old Master Yuan shook his head slightly.

This is simply a waste of food.

After a brief astonishment, Derry looked at Yang Xu boldly, and his nervousness dissipated immediately.

This is the king of the alien race, doesn’t it look good?

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