I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 188

~ Development Of The Black Moon Federation


The Black Moon Federation has a population of one million and six cities.

The capital, Artemis, is named after the goddess of the moon in Greek mythology. The reason for such a name is to better connect with international standards.

At first, the top leaders of the Black Moon Federation wanted to name the capital Black Moon, but in subsequent meetings and negotiations, many people thought that the name Black Moon was not beautiful enough.

The Black Moon Federation has been established, and it needs to create a new image and change the inherent image in people’s eyes. Finally, after several discussions, it was determined that the name of the capital was Artemis.

Luna, a beautiful name, a beautiful image.

Artemis is located on the south coast of Moon Island.

This is also one of the important routes of the Seagod Kingdom.

Therefore, Artemis City is very lively. Although it cannot be compared with Mermaid City, it is only second to Mermaid City.

This is the second most prosperous city in the Sea God Kingdom, and it is also the largest city in the northwest sea area of the Sea God Kingdom. Every day, you can see thousands of sails racing on the pier.

A large number of adventurers hunt and fish in the nearby sea with the city of Artemis as the center.

Of course, you have to pay taxes.

However, people value the environment here more than taxes.


Rich infrastructure.

And the rapid development of Artemis also made the senior officials of the Black Moon Federation deeply understand one thing.

Selling illegal drugs, human trafficking, robbery, murder and extortion, these are nothing at all!

The thing in this world that is far more profitable than breaking the law and committing crimes turns out to be in charge of one party, building a country and establishing a career!

The annual tax revenue of the city of Artemis alone has exceeded all the profits of all their forces in the past year, not to mention that this is just a city of the Black Moon Federation. Although other cities are not as prosperous as Artemis, the various economic crops grown and rare animals raised are all rare species that are hard to find on the earth today.

Compared with it, gold is nothing.

Because there is gold everywhere!

There are countless things more valuable than gold.

Everything here made the senior officials of the Black Moon Federation ecstatic, and made them seem to have found a new purpose in life.

In the past, the goal of wanting to dominate one side and become the overlord of the dark world seemed so ridiculous to them now.

Even if they climbed to the top of the dark forces, so what, after all, they are blind mice who need to rely on the light to survive.

And now, they represent light.

They are light in themselves.

This kind of good mood has shrouded the top management of the Black Moon Federation for a long time. It has been full of passion and joy since the Black Moon Federation was not officially established.

Until this day, the arrival of the US Federation envoy.

The person who came was none other than Dewey Barrett, the commander-in-chief of the US Federation in the Pacific Sea God Nation, a man known as a madman.

This is not the first time that the top executives of the Black Moon Federation have dealt with Dewey.

But no one likes dealing with him.

This is a madman.

A horrible madman.

In order to get what he wants, he can use any means and act without scruples.

When dealing with Dewey, these high-ranking members of the Black Moon Federation who came from dark forces sometimes even couldn’t help asking themselves who was the real villain.

That’s right, it’s him.

General Dewey!

Artemis’ dock.

In order to welcome General Dewey, the Black Moon Federation deliberately cleared a ferry, not only blocked all surrounding sea areas and land, but also dispatched 3,000 elite soldiers. Because the establishment time is too short, the Black Moon Federation has not yet had time to train a dedicated guard of honor, so it can only use the most elite soldiers to temporarily maintain its proper dignity.

Of course, how many soldiers are used depends on who is visiting.

General Dewey represented the American Federation, so the Black Moon Federation gave the highest courtesy.

The fleet of the United States Federation has not yet approached the coast, and the military band first played a brilliant symphony. This is the national music that the Black Moon Federation paid a lot of money to invite internationally renowned musicians to produce, and it can only be used on important occasions. When the fleet approached the pier, the seventy-two salutes representing the highest etiquette roared.

The U.S. Federation fleet has five ships in total, four of which are small warships specially built by the U.S. Federation to deal with the Sea God Nation.

Although it is a small warship, it has almost everything it should have.

main gun.

Secondary battery.

anti-aircraft guns.

heavy machine gun.

In order to deal with various complex problems of the Sea God Kingdom, these four warships also have the latest technology of the United States Federation. Super weapons made of special materials from the Sea God Kingdom, and super fighters created from Xu Country’s panacea.

Amid the salute, the flagship of the United States lowered its ladder.

General Dewey came out under the eyes of everyone.

Floral shirts, beach shorts.


There are two blond supermodels with curvy bodies and bikinis in their arms.

Seeing this scene, the senior officials of the Black Moon Federation looked at each other in blank dismay.

In the notice they received, it was a very important visit.

So the Black Moon Federation also attaches great importance to it.

Because this is the first official visit from another country since the establishment of the Black Moon Federation. Especially since this country is still the United States, the current global hegemon, they cannot help but treat it with caution.


Neither General Dewey’s costume nor the two blond girls in his arms full of love can’t be associated with the solemn and solemn international visit.

This is not what an international visit should look like.

Although he was very puzzled, the formation had already been set up, and there were a lot of media from various countries nearby. The current president of the Black Moon Federation, Mr. Seves, could only bite the bullet and go forward.

He is one-eighth Dutch.

A man of yellow race, with black hair, but with light blue eyes.

Sevez, who is sixty years old this year, is very charming, and his speech and demeanor give people an air of elders.

He is very popular in the Black Moon Federation.

But Sevis is not one of the initiators of the Black Moon Federation.

Before that, he was just a well-known politician in the country of Thousand Islands.

The famous one.

In the early days of the establishment of the Black Moon Federation, due to the mutual reluctance of the forces of all parties, as well as the vigilance and vigilance of each other, no cooperation could be reached. After a lengthy stalemate, a plan was floated to find a figurehead puppet to be president.

In this way, no one has to worry that their own interests will be damaged, or that the other party will take this opportunity to eliminate dissidents, etc.

It can also take this opportunity to reshape the image of the Black Moon Federation in people’s minds.

Now that everyone is a decent person, we can’t make people think about murderers or scum who sell illegal drugs when they mention the Black Moon Federation.

In the past, there was no capital and no opportunities.

Now that everyone has capital and opportunities, don’t they want to start anew?

From now on, when others mention me, it is no longer a certain ineffective gangster, but a general of a country, a powerful person of a country, and an aristocrat of a country!

This persuasion is effective, very effective.

As the saying goes, barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes. Now the Black Moon Federation has not only shoes, but also a brand name, of course, they must pay attention to decency. If it is not impossible to rewrite history, they even wish to go back to the past and change their once dark history to show that they are a decent person now.

Therefore, after serious consideration, all parties finally agreed to this plan.

After careful screening, they found Seves of the Thousand Islands.

A frustrated politician.

For the invitation of the Black Moon Federation, Sevis disagreed at first.

A country established by a group of third-rate gangsters, what kind of **** is this.

If he went to the Black Moon Federation, his reputation for business in this life would be lost.

But when the Black Moon Federation put a bomb and a box of beautiful knives in front of him, and said that it had given his family a similar gift, he understood that the Black Moon Federation was actually very good.

In this way, Sevis willingly became the first president of the Black Moon Federation.

After coming to the Black Moon Federation, the first thing Sevis did was to inspect Moon Island himself.

After two months of investigation, Seves found that this place is actually quite good!

Although the establishment of the Black Moon Federation is a group of bastards.

However, the territory owned by the Black Moon Federation is not only rich in products, but also convenient in transportation. It also has countless rare resources and has strong development potential. If the future development direction is carefully planned, although it is not dare to say that it will become the hegemony of the world, it will not be a problem to feed hundreds of thousands of troops and become a political force that no country can underestimate.

The premise here is to give him the opportunity to play freely.

After confirming the development potential of the Black Moon Federation, Sevis made a development plan with a length of 400,000 words.





animal husbandry.

This plan involves dozens of projects, as well as the construction and planning of hundreds of departments. In the plan, Seves described in detail the roles of various departments and the coordination between them, and imagined the bright future of the Black Moon Federation developed according to the plan.

This place will be the brightest pearl in the Seagod Kingdom.

It will become the beacon of civilization in the Seagod Kingdom.

It will be a free and civilized country.

A unique new culture and civilization will be bred.

It will develop into a decisive force in the human world.

Will have a place in the International Federation.

In short, as long as he follows his plan, the Black Moon Federation will have a bright future, and everyone will have a bright future.

For this plan, the top management of the Black Moon Federation was extremely shocked and gave warm applause.

They had to admit Sevez was a talent.

top talent.

Although famous but not powerful, he has a unique interpretation of the research on the modern state system, the law of economic development, and the impact of national legal construction on the people.

But they dismissed the plan anyway.

Because it costs too much money!

Sevis plans to implement a four-year plan in the Black Moon Federation.

It is estimated that in the next four years, 30 billion U.S. dollars will be invested in the development of the infrastructure of the Black Moon Federation.

30 billion dollars a year!

A total of 120 billion US dollars in four years.

This plan is the result calculated by Sevis based on the development potential of the Black Moon Federation.

As long as the Black Moon Federation invests all subsequent output and income in national construction, it will be enough to transform the Black Moon Federation within four years and impress the whole world.

But again, it’s too expensive.

Putting all the property into national construction does not meet the psychological expectations of the founders of the Black Moon Alliance.

What they want is a hen that lays golden eggs, not a beast that swallows gold.

Even if this gold-swallowing beast may become a group of chickens laying golden eggs in the later stage.

But the risk is too great.

However, in order to appease Seves and recognize Seves’ ability, they approved some of the plans.

About a third of the program.

These include limited infrastructure, a complete legal foundation, a relatively free trade environment and so on.

These all promoted the development of the Black Moon Federation.

Of course, some things are taboo.

Like the army!

The military composition of the Black Moon Federation is too complicated.

The army is not decided by the government, but by the major military oligarchs who established the Black Moon Federation. Each family has an army of about 10,000 people. They cannot tolerate any military reforms, so almost none of the military reforms in the plan was passed.

They did, however, approve of plans to create a police force, and a corresponding police system.

It was under the single-handed leadership of Seves that the current situation of the Black Moon Federation came into being.

Facing General Dewey who was in a wrong situation, Seves maintained his due demeanor.

He took the initiative to go forward to welcome the arrival of General Dewey.


Dewey let go of the small waists of the two supermodels, walked forward and gave Sevez a hug, and said with a hearty smile: “I heard that there are many interesting things here, and there are many beautiful chicks, don’t let me down. “

Sevis smiled back.

Just a little stiff.

This was far from what he had expected.

Regarding Dewey’s question, he could only smile awkwardly but politely, then changed the subject, and invited Dewey to take a special welcome car for the Black Moon Federation.

But when passing the media from various countries, Dewey stopped.

He smiled and waved to the media from various countries, showing his presence.

Faced with Dewey’s swagger, the media of various countries are naturally quite excited.

It’s all topic, it’s all news.

Some media came close and raised questions to Dewey.

“General Dewey, is it appropriate for you to visit a country in such casual attire?”

“Does this make people think that you don’t respect the Black Moon Federation, that you are full of contempt for this newly established country, and hurt the feelings of the two countries?”

The first person to ask a question was a reporter from the Royal TV Station on which the sun never sets.

Because of the sharp conflict between the U.S. Federation and the never-setting sun, as well as the disharmonious environment, the reporter who never sets the sun asked very sharp questions when he opened his mouth.

“No, my attire just shows my respect for the Black Moon Federation. Because I think this is a safe, free, and harmonious country. Here we don’t need to follow the various complicated rules of the earth, Cumbersome, disgusting rules, we can do what we like as much as we want.”

“Also please don’t forget that Seagod’s Kingdom is still in the stage of freedom without rule of law. We should cherish this wonderful time and enjoy it to the fullest, shouldn’t we?”

Dewey shrugged his shoulders, grabbed the blond young model beside him, kissed them **** the face twice, and laughed wildly.

His answer obviously did not satisfy the reporter who never sets the sun.

“Although Sea God’s Kingdom is still in an environment where there is no rule of law, you are now representing the United States. As a representative of the country’s image, do you think it is appropriate to appear in this image?”

The reporter continued to question aggressively.

“No, no, doing as the Romans do is the greatest respect. I am now following the policies of the Black Moon Federation and the Sea God Nation. This is precisely the expression of our American Federation’s respect for other countries, respect for democracy, and respect for freedom.”

“Or do you think I should give up respecting the traditions of the Black Moon Federation and respect the traditions of the Sea God Kingdom?”

General Dewey turned against the general, and the reporter was speechless when asked.

Although it is a sophistry, there is no doubt that it is very suitable for the current situation of the Sea God Kingdom and the Black Moon Federation.

“General Dewey, may I ask what is your purpose for coming to the Black Moon Federation this time?”

“Recently, the U.S. Federation has targeted Xu Country with a high profile, and issued a stern warning to the two allies of Xu Country, Dongying and Ribuluo. May I ask that you personally visited the Black Moon Federation, is it because of Xu Country?”

A reporter from the Gallic Chicken ended the topic and asked a question.

“Oh God, I don’t know why he created a fool like you.”

General Dewey’s eyes widened exaggeratedly, and he delivered a fatal personal attack.

“The Sun Never Sets has never admitted that it is an ally of Xu Country, and Dongying is even less likely to be an ally of Xu Country. Why do you think they are allies of Xu Country? This is simply incredible. There is no doubt that the Dongying government is sensible Governments, governments that understand human glory, governments that respect human civilization, that understand what’s right and what’s not.”

“I believe that the Black Moon Federation will understand these principles just like the sun never sets and Dongying.”

General Dewey smiled and looked at Seves~www.mtlnovel.com~ His words were full of teasing.

There is no shortage of threats in it.

Seves was already prepared for this.

He smiled and said: “The Black Moon Federation is a member of human society, and it must obey the collective will of mankind and fight for the collective benefit of mankind.”

“We respect any human collective, and we respect any warrior who fights for the collective of mankind.”

All the reporters on the scene quickly recorded Seves’ words.

Although Xu country was not mentioned once in the whole process.

But everyone knows the deep meaning of this sentence.

The Black Moon Federation is a staunch supporter of the United States Federation!

At the same time, they also tasted the deep meaning of it. The United States Federation came to visit the Black Moon Federation for Xu Country.

There is no doubt that the United States Federation has decided to further suppress the development of Xu Country.

The sea **** kingdom will usher in an unprecedented storm!

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