I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 185

~ Global Attention, Changing Situation In Japan

Chapter 184 Global Attention, Changes in Japan

What happened in Japan has completely touched the nerves of the United States Federation.

Since World War II, Japan has been the leek land of the United States, providing a lot of nutrition for the prosperity of the United States.

But now Xuguo wants to get involved in this leek field.

This has to be stopped.

must be dealt with severely.

Otherwise, what will others think of the United States in the future?

What do those little brothers think of the United States Federation.

But doing it is one thing, how to do it is another.

Scolding is scolding, arguing is quarreling, but we should cooperate where we should cooperate.

As for the arms of the Sea God Kingdom, more than 50% of the market is occupied by the United States federal arms dealers, and the annual transaction volume exceeds trillions of dollars. What kind of concept is this, how much income and how many jobs can it create for the United States Federation. Therefore, it is necessary to suppress Xuguo, but it cannot affect the arms business.

There is also Xu Country’s panacea, rare treasures.

These things will undoubtedly trigger a new round of arms race.

Although it is said that the panacea sold by Xu Country cannot make users invincible in seconds.

But what does the increase in physical fitness represent?

Represents access to high-tech equipment that was previously unavailable!

Some military equipment that used to be too heavy because the human body could not bear it!

Such as mechs!

A more powerful fighter.

More powerful individual weapons.

These are also things that the U.S. Federation absolutely cannot give up.

The United States Federation will not cut off trade with Xu Country until it has cracked Xu Country’s panacea and rare treasures. They’re not stupid, beat them and scold them, this doesn’t affect my earning money. Besides, the United States may not want Xu Country’s panacea and rare treasures, but other countries will definitely not give up.

At that time, if some country has researched something, wouldn’t the United States Federation want to give up the throne of the world’s number one.

This is absolutely impossible.

So the United States Federation is very loud.

But in actual implementation, it is inevitable that some hands are tied.

However, in the face of national justice, the US Federation still made certain sacrifices.

The first is the problem of Japan.

The United States Federation solemnly issued a warning to the Japanese imperial court.

I hope Dongying will not go its own way, but consider the future of mankind and the harmony of mankind. Japan should completely ban the temple and deal with such rebellion as Tokugawa Pinghai.

Very eloquently said.

Very tactful.

But act decisively.

Several U.S. federal military bases in Tokyo have taken actions one after another.

At midnight, fighter planes roared over Tokyo.

On the coastline, the warships of the US Federation slowly passed by.

Very safe.

No wonder.

Faced with the threat of the United States Federation being so ruthless, the Dongying court fell silent.

Dad’s words must be listened to.

If you don’t listen to your father’s words, you won’t know how to die.

History has proven this result countless times.

In the history of the US Federation’s manipulation of Japan, more than one Japanese official wanted to get rid of the control and embark on the road of true independence and self-improvement.

However, the result is that these people all died of natural causes!

For example, a heart attack in the prime of life.

Or even thinking about suicide.

Or you accidentally get into a car accident while walking on the road.

It’s really a disaster from heaven, fate is unfair.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows who is behind these accidents, but what can they do?

The United States Federation can flatten the entire Japanese military facilities within a day.

It is said that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. If there is no barrel of a gun, talk about freedom. Isn’t that nonsense?

Then, there is no more.

The politicians in Japan have long forgotten how to write the word “bloody”, and they have long forgotten what national integrity is. Therefore, it is impossible to resist the United States Federation. It is impossible to resist in this life. At most, you can lie flat and let the father of the United States Federation toss. As long as you don’t die from the toss, you can always recover, right?

Pain is temporary.

But stability is long-lasting.

The most important thing is that the father of the United States can guarantee their power.

This is critical.

No matter how loud the voices of the farts are, it doesn’t mean anything to them. Since it doesn’t make sense, do you need to care?

Oh, sometimes it may affect the international image, but that little thing is nothing in the face of power.

Faced with the threat of the US Federation, the officials collectively lost their voices.

But the people of Dongying are boiling.

Young people are just the age to be competitive and dare to fight.

A series of threatening moves by the United States has greatly stimulated the nerves of young patriots among the people. They took to the streets to protest the hegemony and shamelessness of the US Federation, as well as the threat to Japan. On the Internet, they scolded the incompetence of politicians and the despicability of betraying national sovereignty. They praised Tokugawa Pinghai, thinking that he was a man of lofty ideals, a warrior who raised the banner of freedom in Japan, and a real warrior who dared to challenge the power of the American Federation.

They sang praises to the Asahi Temple.

It is believed that this is a sect that is truly favored by the gods and an organization that can be redeemed by the gods.

Whether it is or not is not important.

In fact, they knew nothing about the Asahi Kingdom Temple.

In addition to knowing that the welfare is good, the priests are all non-human races, so I don’t know more about it.

But this is something that the U.S. federal government firmly resists, and they must strongly support it.

Under the series of actions of the United States Federation, the temple has gained the attention of the whole people before it spread to Japan, and has gained great support among young people.

However, in addition to the ruling and opposition parties, Tokugawa Pinghai’s move has the greatest impact on the sects of Japan.

Since ancient times, Dongying has advocated the theory of gods and ghosts.

Little Japanese ghosts and gods have eight million.

This is not just talk.

All over Japan, there are shrines, large and small.

Most of these shrines are family heirlooms.

Passed down from generation to generation, generation to generation.

Although in modern times, many shrines have been unable to make ends meet, and even had to close the shrines to find ways to generate income, but this does not mean that the sects in Japan have no influence.

In fact, some well-known large shrines are still very active and enjoy high reputation and treatment.

Such as Ise Grand Shrine, Izumo Taisha Shrine, Atsuta Shrine and so on.

In Japan, the two most famous sects with the most believers are Shintoism and Buddhism.

Shinto, referred to as Shinto, is the native religion of Japan, divided into Yamato Shinto and Ryukyu Shinto.

Originally, Shinto mainly focused on nature worship, ancestor worship, and emperor worship. It was an animistic polytheistic belief. It regarded all kinds of animals and plants in nature as gods, and also endowed the emperors of Japan with divinity.

Shintoism believes in many gods. It is said that there are 800,000 gods, 8 million gods or 15 million gods. It especially worships Amaterasu, the ancestor **** who is the sun god. The Yamato nation is called the “Tenson nation”, the emperor is the descendant of Amaterasu and his representative in the world, and the emperor’s line is the divine lineage.

The place of worship is called a shrine or a shrine, and the priests are called shrine officials, shrine palms, etc.

Ryukyu Shinto originates from the Ryukyu Islands and is mainly based on the belief in Ryugu and Mitake.

If Tokugawa Pinghai’s introduction of the temple only had an indirect impact on the rule of the United States, then it had a direct impact on Shintoism.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

What’s more, what Tokugawa Pinghai attracted was not an ordinary tiger, but a white tiger, a holy beast with wings.

There is no shortage of capable people in Shintoism.

But they knew that their abilities were insignificant compared to the Xu Kingdom Temple.

If this allows the temple to enter Dongpu, would it be okay?

It may not have much impact in the short term.

But in the long run, this is to cut off their roots and their inheritance.

The hatred of killing one’s father is not as good as the hatred of destroying one’s family.

Therefore, when the United States condemned Tokugawa Pinghai and said that it would prevent the temple from entering Japan, Shintoism and Buddhism decisively chose to stand by the righteous angel of the United States. But they are different from politicians, they will not obstruct directly, but insinuating, telling about the dangers of the temple entering Japan, which has achieved the purpose of making believers hate the temple and Asahi country.

For example, the entry of the temple into Japan will intensify conflicts with the United States Federation.

Xu Guo wanted to manipulate Japan.

The **** of the temple is not the real god, but Amaterasu is the **** that Dongying people should believe in. The introduction of the temple will make Amaterasu angry and bring disasters.

In short, the temple is not a good thing.

Xu Guo is not a good thing.

Of course, we are not supporting the angel of justice, bah, the United States, but for the sake of the people and the overall situation.

These sects have been passed down in Japan for thousands of years, or even two thousand years, and have a huge influence.

Their statement naturally won a large number of supporters.

But ordinary young people don’t care about the ancient inheritance, and they don’t care whether Amaterasu will be angry. They only care about what they see, and the US Federation is brazenly intimidating Japan militarily.

This is reality!

On the third day after the U.S. Federation made a statement, Dongying officially issued a statement.

He denounced Tokugawa Pinghai’s reckless behavior, and expressed his firm support for the leadership of the father of the United States, maintaining international peace, supporting human orthodoxy, and so on.

Summary: Father of the United States is right, and we all support it.

The stance of the Japanese imperial court was like pouring a barrel of gasoline on the flames.

The youths in Japan roared angrily.

This is incompetence.

This is traitorous.

This is humiliating the country.

However it doesn’t change anything.

Their anger is worthless in the eyes of politicians.

However, the unrest among the people and the rage of young people set off a turbulent wave on the Internet and stirred up the whole world.

The end of the forces of all parties has made this storm intensified, which has also attracted the attention of the international community.

Everyone understands that the core of this conflict is not Japan’s own problem, but part of the contest between the United States Federation and Xu Country.

The final result will greatly affect the future international trend.

Tokugawa Pinghai, which is in the center of the storm, is very calm.

There is quite a kind of indifference and calmness in which I sit and watch the situation change, and I stand still.

And this indifference and calmness is naturally not without reasons.

At this time, ten days have passed since the visit, and the time has come to mid-May unconsciously.

There was a lot of trouble in the Japanese ruling and opposition parties because of Tokugawa Pinghai’s incident.

The Tokugawa family also welcomed two guests.

Very special guest.

One is Taro Iwadera, who is well-known in the Japanese political circle.

One is Gongshou Taishi, a very famous monk of the Dongying Sect.

Taro Iwadera was fifty-six years old, slightly rich, with gray temples.

He was dressed in a blue-gray suit, decent and dignified.

Gong Shou Dazhi was dressed in a monk’s robe. He looked to be in his forties at the most, with a serious expression on his face.

He is a very famous monk in Japan.

This year is seventy six.

He is in his seventies, but has a face in his forties, so he is called a holy monk, and is considered by believers to be the reincarnation of Buddha. There are many believers in Dongpu.

They came here this time not to raise a question.

Although among the ruling and opposition parties, there are many people who question Tokugawa Pinghai Xingshi.

Especially in terms of sects, they condemned Tokugawa Pinghai as a sinner, a traitor who betrayed Amaterasu, and a Japanese traitor who betrayed the Yamato nation.

But both of them have a deep connection with the Tokugawa family.

I know Tokugawa Pinghai very well.

They didn’t believe that Tokugawa Pinghai was such a reckless person.

So after the incident, they took the initiative to come to the Tokugawa family, found Tokugawa Pinghai, and wanted an explanation.


Why provoke the US Federation at this time?

Why take the initiative to get involved in the conflict between the United States Federation and Xu Country at this time?

A tall cherry tree towers over the vast courtyard.

Among the branches, there are full of pink cherry blossoms in bloom.

This cherry tree has a history of more than 100 years. The ancestors of the Tokugawa family were relegated to plant here. The world has changed, and the ancients have already left, but this cherry blossom tree is still strong. It’s just that compared with the immature back then, it has become more vicissitudes and taller.

The three sat around the ancient sandalwood tea table.

The cherry blossoms are falling, falling from the treetops, like a rain of flowers.

Falling on the three of them, there is a detached artistic conception.

Halfway through the tea, Iwadera Taro spoke for the first time.

“Patriarch Tokugawa’s state of mind has improved again, which is admirable.”

His opening broke the silence and the dull atmosphere.

Gong Shou Dazhi smiled and said: “Happy, praiseworthy.”

Tokugawa Pinghai was dressed in a black kimono, elegantly holding a delicate teacup, his voice was calm but full of strength.

“Life is like this cherry blossom, from scratch, from budding to blooming. After experiencing wind and rain in ignorance, it finally falls and merges into the earth.”

“This experience is like this cherry blossom to me.”

The two heard the words, bowed their heads in thought, and understood Tokugawa Pinghai’s deep meaning.

This time I went to Xu Country, I had a lot of experiences.

It was this unique experience that made him make his current choice.

The two looked at each other, silent.

This coincides with their guess.

They believed that Tokugawa Pinghai was not a stupid person.

But they want to know more, what happened to this cherry blossom!

With the beginning of Tokugawa Pinghai, the topic will be more natural. Yansi Taro put down the teacup and asked solemnly: “The Patriarch has caused a lot of trouble and brought disaster to Dongying.”

That’s harsh language.

It brought disaster to Japan.

But in the face of doubts from his close friend, Tokugawa Pinghai laughed heartily and said firmly: “It’s not that I brought disasters for Dongying, but everything I did was for Dongying.”

After a slight pause, Tokugawa Pinghai considered it carefully: “Have you heard of the mosasaur found in the offshore by the US Federation?”

Yansi Taro said: “I have heard that it is said that it is a warning from Asahi Country to the United States Federation. The United States Federation is very angry about this and thinks it is a provocation to the United States Federation.”

Tokugawa Hirakai smiled and shook his head.

This is the official statement of the United States Federation.

Of course, this reason is also recognized by the governments of various countries.

After all, there are reasons and evidence.

It is well known that Xu Country can manipulate sea beasts. It is also well known that the United States Federation has clashed with Xu Country. Therefore, Xu Guo wants to attack and warn the United States Federation, isn’t it a reasonable explanation?

But Tokugawa Pinghai knew that things were not like that at all.

He suspects that the United States may not know what happened.

Or what is about to happen.

After a slight pause, Tokugawa Pinghai said solemnly: “This is an accidental incident, and Xu Guo did not intend to lead it.”

Iwadera Taro and Miyamori Taishi were stunned for a moment, and then their expressions changed instantly.

accidental event.

This word is full of meaning.

If it is an accident.

Does it mean that there may be more accidental events, and more accidental events are.

The more they thought about it, the more fearful they became.

Can’t even believe it.

The Seagod’s Kingdom did not appear in a day or two, but had a long history of thousands, even tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of years.

Since ancient times, has such a thing happened?

It’s just that Tokugawa Pinghai didn’t take into account the feelings of the two close friends at all, and sighed in a very heavy tone: “The defense system of the Sea God Kingdom has collapsed.”

“Soon, countless sea beasts from the Sea God’s Kingdom will appear all over the world.”


Although there were speculations, the expressions of the two couldn’t help but change drastically after hearing Tokugawa Pinghai’s words.

Iwadera Taro screamed even more and stood up.

He widened his eyes, stared at Tokugawa Pinghai in disbelief, and said in a trembling voice: “De, Tokugawa-kun, this matter can, can’t be done.”

“Yansi-jun and I have known each other for twenty years, so you should understand who I am. If I didn’t have full confidence, I would never make such a decision.”

Tokugawa Pinghai sighed.

He really didn’t want to do this.

But things have already happened, he must find a way out for the Tokugawa family and Dongying.

Iwadera Taro sat on the ground with a plop, staring blankly at the void.

he believe.

Because this kind of thing cannot be faked.

But it was precisely because he couldn’t fake it that he was even more frightened.

Only those who stand at the top of the human world can understand the horror of the Sea God’s Kingdom.

The sea beasts seen on the Internet are only an insignificant part of the Sea God’s Kingdom.

Among the endless horror, sea beasts are nothing at all.

And once the spatial dimension of the Sea God’s Kingdom is broken, and countless sea beasts and terrors come to Earth, what will happen to Japan?


He really didn’t dare to think about it.

Japan is the country that faced the first wave of disasters.

At that time, with Japan’s weak military strength, it will be able to withstand the endless sea beasts and dangers.


Will the United States ward off disaster for Japan?

Also impossible.

Once the disaster begins, all that awaits Japan is destruction.

Let’s not talk about whether Dongpu’s weapons can eliminate the coming terror.

Before the disaster, the US Federation will not allow Japan to develop a stronger military power~www.mtlnovel.com~ But when the disaster happens, will Japan still have a chance to develop its military power?

Gongshou Taishi’s expression changed.

He also finally understood why Tokugawa Pinghai dared to offend the United States and show favor to Xu Guo at the risk of the world.

Because Xuguo expressed his intention to go to the earth for development.

After the disaster began, Japan’s current reliance will not take risks for Japan, and Japan urgently needs a new support.

Xu Guo is the only choice.

It is also the best choice.


Gong Shou Dazhi chanted the Buddha’s name, clasped his hands together, frowned and sighed.

The world rises and falls, and it is the people of Li who suffer after all.

The two left, unraveling their doubts, but taking away their fears.

And just when the whole world was paying attention to Japan, a piece of news shocked the world.

Sea beasts from the kingdom of sea gods were found in Lao Maozi’s sea area!

(end of this chapter)

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