I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 183

~ The Sincerity Of The Tokugawa Family, Inviting The Shrine To Dongying

Chapter 182 Sincerity of the Tokugawa Family, Inviting the Temple to Dongying

It’s just that Mrs. Joan is going crazy compared to Tokugawa Pinghai’s doubts.

She is no ordinary person.

It’s a, well, a witch, or a magician.

Possesses an ancient and mysterious bloodline.

Mrs. Joan is not very capable.

But very distinctive.

She can see things that ordinary people cannot see. This ability is called clairvoyance.

After entering the palace.

Mrs. Joan’s eyes were full of thunder.


It seems to have come to the middle of the sea of thunder that destroys the world.

In the depths of the hall.

Yang Xu is like the core of this sea of thunder, bursting out endless thunder, like the scorching sun hanging from the sky, merging with this world.

Under the scorching sun, a divine beast lay prone.

The whole body is composed of blazing thunder, as if it was transformed from thunder, and the body exudes a dazzling light.

Unable to see the specific appearance.

But just by taking a look at it, one can’t help but feel that the scalp is numb and the whole body is limp and weak.

That’s an instinctive reaction to an apex predator.

Fear from the depths of genes!

Mrs. Joan’s pupils were constricted, looking at the scene in front of her, fine cold sweat unknowingly appeared on her smooth forehead, and her face with a little makeup turned pale, tense, fearful, and restless.

Even breathing becomes weak, almost inaudible.

She has never felt such a powerful force.

so scary.

so terrible.

Can’t see the depth at all.

I just feel that even the world has been suppressed, and this world has become the domain controlled by the other party.


As if aware of Mrs. Joan’s prying eyes, the beast lying prone under the thundering sun suddenly opened its eyes.

What kind of eyes are those.

It seems that there is an endless sea of thunder, containing the power to destroy the world.

When Thunder Beast opened its eyes, the world suddenly changed.

But I saw a bolt from the blue.


Above the main peak, thunder roared.

The mountains trembled in the endless roar of thunder.

In the sea of thunder that Mrs. Qiong saw, there were thousands of thunder billowing.

It was as if hundreds of millions of fierce dragons were rushing towards Mrs. Qiong.



Not even the will to resist could arise.


Before the sea of rolling thunder struck, Mrs. Qiong’s face was already pale.

She screamed, her legs went limp and she knelt on the ground.

This shrill scream attracted everyone’s attention.

Yang Xu.

Jiang Yaoxi.

Bei Mingzhu.

And many maids and guards.

Of course, there is also Tokugawa Pinghai.

He looked at Mrs. Joan in astonishment.

She was trembling, her face was as pale as white paper, without a trace of blood, her eyes had lost their luster, and she looked overly frightened.

This situation made Tokugawa Pinghai puzzled.

It wasn’t fine just now.

Why all of a sudden.

Yang Xu glanced thoughtfully at Mrs. Qiong who was still in shock.

The beauty’s face faded, but it was still a beautiful scene.

Just now, the Thunder Beast spirit in his body was touched.

The source of the touch was none other than Mrs. Joan.

Yang Xu thought about it secretly, and instantly understood what happened. Mrs. Joan inadvertently spied on the Thunder Beast Spirit, which triggered a bit of backlash from the Thunder Beast Spirit!

This made Yang Xu more interested in Mrs. Qiong.

Not referring to the body.

It refers to ability.

“Ignorant idiot, with your meager ability, you are trying to spy on my king.”

With a cold face, Bei Mingzhu taunted Mrs. Joan mercilessly.

The mermaids are good at manipulating the sea, but the sea monster is good at the art of the soul.

They play with the soul and charm all beings. So she saw everything that happened just now, and she understood what happened to Mrs. Joan.

Mrs. Joan was wronged.

Her ability is innate, and there is no switch button.

It’s not like I haven’t encountered a powerful alien before.

But never saw such a sight.

Just the vision almost destroyed her spirit.

Tokugawa Pinghai suddenly realized, but he was not surprised.

He wouldn’t believe it if the ancient country, which even angels were afraid of, didn’t have great strength.

Compared with this matter, he was more interested in Mrs. Joan’s snooping.

What did this woman see that made her look so frightened.

Mrs. Joan took a moment to recover before recovering a little. She didn’t dare to be negligent, she lowered her head and didn’t dare to look at Yang Xu again, and hurriedly explained nervously: “Honorable Lord of Xu Kingdom, I definitely didn’t mean to spy on you on purpose. My ability exists naturally. , I can see things that ordinary people can’t see, but I can’t control the ability.”

“Please also believe in my sincerity. I absolutely don’t mean any disrespect, and I absolutely dare not have such an idea.”

Mrs. Joan stood up unsteadily and spoke her explanation in Chinese. He spoke extremely fast, and he was afraid that Yang Xu would misunderstand him if he slowed down by a second.

She is really scared now.

That kind of power has completely exceeded her comprehension.

Yang Xu didn’t know whether what Mrs. Qiong said was true or not, but it didn’t matter now.

Mrs. Joan has learned her lesson.

This is not a bad thing either.

At least, her current attitude is very respectful, even a little fearful!

Yang Xu said flatly: “An ignorant person is innocent, and I will forgive you once.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Mrs. Joan breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn’t help but feel a lot more relaxed.

She was really afraid that Yang Xu would blame him.

After all, this kind of thing can be big or small.

It doesn’t seem like a big event in modern times, but in the ancient past, or in myths and legends, there are similar stories.

Those who vainly try to spy on the real body of the gods will suffer divine punishment!

“Your Majesty, hello. I am Joan Elizabeth Emily, Ambassador of the Never-Setting Sun, and hereby express my highest respect to you on behalf of the Never-Setting Sun.”

“Your divine light is as dazzling as the sun, and your power is as terrifying as the thunder of the sky.”

After Madam Qiong calmed down a little, she bent down slightly and introduced herself to Yang Xu gracefully.

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, who would be able to connect this elegant and noble woman with the man who just lost his mind in panic.

Even Tokugawa Pinghai couldn’t help admiring it.


“Your Majesty, I am Tokugawa Pinghai, the patriarch of the Tokugawa family in Japan. It is my honor and honor to be able to express my respect to you here.”

Tokugawa Pinghai followed closely and expressed his respect to Yang Xu.

After finishing the polite words, Tokugawa Pinghai directly stated his purpose.

“I came to visit this time, hoping that your brilliance can shine on Japan, and your glory can protect the people of Japan. Let my compatriots bathe in your brilliance, get correct guidance, and feel your kindness and tolerance , greatness and glory.”

Speaking of this, Tokugawa Pinghai secretly glanced at Yang Xu, his tone a little nervous.

He hadn’t seen such nervous emotions for many years.

But at this moment, in front of Yang Xu, this celebrity whom countless people looked up to, the Patriarch of Dongying Family, felt as uneasy as a primary school student who had made a mistake.

very nervous.

After hearing Tokugawa Pinghai’s words, Yang Xu raised his eyebrows.

Some surprises!

He had also guessed Tokugawa Pinghai’s purpose.

but did not expect

Tokugawa Pinghai is so understanding!

Going to the Temple of Development in Japan is naturally an excellent thing. Where is Dongying? The west coast of the Pacific Ocean can be said to be one of the countries closest to Xu Country.

For the early construction of the belief network, it has the best geographical location.

And Japan has a huge population and the world’s top economy.

If the temple can be developed here at will, there is no doubt that it can greatly promote the development speed of the Xu Kingdom Temple and bring Yang Xu a lot of power of faith.

But does this come too easily?

Before I even made a request, you delivered it to the door yourself.

However, given such good conditions by the Tokugawa family, it is estimated that what they are asking for will not be small.

Yang Xu considered it carefully and said, “That’s all.”

Tokugawa Pinghai’s heart skipped a beat, and he secretly took a deep breath.

If Xu Guo wants to let go, he still has to pay some price.

However, if he could get the support of Xu Guo, it would be worth paying no matter how much he paid. He believed that Xuguo would definitely consider developing in Japan first when he saw his sincerity.

After all, Xuguo’s current strategy can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye as wanting to go to Earth for development.

It’s just that Tokugawa Pinghai didn’t dare to wait.

The defense system of Seagod’s Kingdom has collapsed, who knows when sea beasts will appear in Japan’s territory.

Although Dongying is not the Dongying of his Tokugawa family, the life and death, prosperity and decline of Dongying are directly related to the wealth and safety of the Tokugawa family. It is impossible for the Tokugawa family to leave Dongpu because of danger. Even if this can bring temporary safety, the Tokugawa family who left Dongpu is still the Tokugawa family.

After thinking about it, Tokugawa Pinghai directly expressed the greatest sincerity.

“I understand that this request is very abrupt and embarrassing His Majesty. But please also believe in my sincerity and the respect that our Tokugawa family has for you. In order to express the sincerity of our Tokugawa family, we are willing to bear the burden of the temple in Dongying All construction costs, and other costs, pray that your glory can cover Japan.”

Tokugawa Pinghai’s attitude was firm and resolute.

It is naturally an astronomical figure to bear all the construction costs of the Asahi Kingdom Temple in Japan.

But Tokugawa Pinghai is not a fool.

When the Tokugawa family bought land, they naturally would not only buy the land for the temple, but also the land around the temple. The land for the temple belongs to the temple, and the rest of the land naturally belongs to the Tokugawa family.

Tokugawa Pinghai can imagine how much profit the Tokugawa family will get when they get these lands.

Astronomical figures!

When sea beasts come to attack, the land around the temple will be expensive!

Skyrocketing dozens of times, hundreds of times, easy.

At that time, the Tokugawa family will not only not lose money, but also make money.

However, worldly wealth is not what Tokugawa Pinghai values most. What he cares most about is the cooperation with Xu Guo.

This cooperation will greatly strengthen the connection between the Tokugawa family and Asahi Country, and bring the relationship closer.

Yang Xu: .

He had heard that pies would fall from the sky, but he had never heard of gold falling from the sky.

Tokugawa Pinghai’s sincerity is simply not enough.

Not only took the initiative to pull Xu Guo to preach, but also gave money to the land, what kind of money-spreading boy.

If Yang Xu hadn’t been rational, he would have agreed immediately.

He said: “I have already seen your sincerity, but I still need to consider this matter.”

Tokugawa Pinghai’s sincerity was so good that Yang Xu wondered if there was a conspiracy.

Of course, the most important issue is that going to Japan to preach is in Xu Country’s plan, but this plan is relatively late.

Compared with the fertile soil of Japan, Mermaid City and Nanyang are better choices at this stage.

Poverty and backwardness, people are ignorant, and they have a deeper fear of mythology.

To put it simply, it’s a fool.

However, the current population of Xu Country and the number of priests in the temple are not enough to support the vigorous development of the Japanese market now!

This made Yang Xu very painful.

The big cake was obviously delivered to the door, but he couldn’t eat it.

This is simply too uncomfortable.

If Xu Guo is given another half a year, it is not impossible to go to Dongpu.

just now

Yang Xu shook his head slightly and sighed secretly.

It’s just that the Xu country’s population is too small.

Tokugawa Pinghai’s heart skipped a beat, and a little panic flashed in the depths of his eyes.

What I was most worried about still happened.

Xu Guo was not satisfied with this bargaining chip!

However, it is normal.

It is indeed a bit whimsical to get Xu Guo’s assistance with just such a bargaining chip.

Tokugawa Pinghai smiled self-deprecatingly, his thoughts turned quickly.

This is already the greatest sincerity he can show.

After all, Dongying does not belong to his Tokugawa family.

Land and money are the only things he can afford.

As for other policies, or some more sensitive things, even if he wants to use them as bargaining chips, he has no such right.

But Tokugawa Pinghai did not dare to give up, nor could he give up.

This is Japan’s last chance.

It is also the last chance for the Tokugawa family.

This is the most important point.

Tokugawa Pinghai thought a lot, and suddenly had an idea.

He gritted his teeth and said: “Your Majesty, I know that the request just now is very presumptuous, but please look at the pious attitude of the Tokugawa family and give us a little mercy. I will try my best to persuade the authorities to let them openly support the development of the temple so that The official power supports the spread of the temple in Japan.”

“They will see your greatness, understand that your divine power cannot be blocked by ordinary people, and understand that the temple plays an important role in Dongpu that cannot be ignored.”

In this regard, Tokugawa Pinghai is very confident.

When the sea beasts came, the US Federation could not give Japan more shelter.

He believes in how the politicians controlled by the United States will choose.

As for those who are still stubborn, Tokugawa Pinghai will find a way to make them decent and walk very decently.

And he also believes that when the sea beasts come, his compatriots will see clearly who is more trustworthy and who is the real savior of Dongpu.

Tokugawa Pinghai gritted his teeth and said, “I would like to dedicate 70% of the net profit to the temple for the income generated from the land near the temple to help the poor and poor.”

Seventy percent of the net profit is not a small amount.

But Tokugawa Pinghai believes that the remaining 30% of the profit is enough to make the Tokugawa family richer and stronger.

After all, this is pure profit.

The key point is that without Asahi Country, the Tokugawa family would not be able to realize it.

Nobody cares about a wasteland.

Especially after the disaster strikes, Tokugawa Pinghai can foresee how many people will choose to leave Japan. At that time, land prices will drop sharply, which is an inevitable economic phenomenon.

Yang Xu pondered for a while, and understood why Tokugawa Pinghai was so generous.

The land value around the temple!

He chuckled and admired secretly.

As expected of the patriarch of a big family that has been passed down for hundreds of years, he really has a unique vision and can find the business opportunities and profits hidden in it at any time.

But he didn’t dislike Tokugawa Pinghai’s shrewdness.

For any transaction to last long, it must maintain a win-win situation.

A unilaterally profitable transaction cannot last long.

Just like Xuguo’s trade in the mermaid market, why can attract millions of people to come here in a short period of time without hesitation to risk their lives? It’s not because Xuguo has given enough profits.

Without enough profit, who would hunt and kill beasts for Xu Country?

Isn’t that a dream?

Not to mention different countries.

Even in the same country.

If the country fails to pay wages, the people under him will also rebel.

History has proved countless times that any group is nothing but a collection of interests.

Yang Xu’s thoughts turned and he responded.


Tokugawa Pinghai has already shown such sincerity, if Xuguo has not responded, wouldn’t he have thrown away the fat that reached his mouth on his own initiative.

As for the shortage of manpower.

Yang Xu thought of a simple solution.

Build a small number of temples first, slowly train priests, and strengthen Xu Country’s strength. For the time being, the Mermaid City and Nanyang are the main development directions.

Tokugawa Pinghai couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Although giving up most of the profits.

But worth it.

Unable to restrain his excitement, he knelt down on one knee and said gratefully: “Your Majesty, your kindness is as warm as the sun, and your glory will surely shine on the entire Dongpu.”

Yang Xu didn’t respond, but looked sideways at Mrs. Qiong.

Although Madam Qiong lowered her head, she did not dare to look directly at Yang Xu.

But when Yang Xu looked at it, she still had a clear feeling.


There was a faint roar of thunder in the air.

Facing Yang Xu’s gaze, Mrs. Qiong secretly smiled wryly.

Tokugawa Pinghai gave too much.

So much so that she doesn’t know how to speak now.

The sun never sets can’t come up with such conditions as Tokugawa Pinghai.

It is also impossible to get it out.

The sun never sets is a traditional Christian country. Their belief in God has been passed down for thousands of years, and it goes deep into the bone marrow and soul.

Even if it is proposed to introduce the temple into the sun never sets, it will be endlessly abused and become a sinner in the eyes of the people of the country, let alone the conditions of the Tokugawa family.

It’s not that Mrs. Joan can’t see Tokugawa Pinghai’s ideas and the means of making profits.

But the problem is that she is not Tokugawa Pinghai.

Her family doesn’t have that kind of power when the sun never sets.

As for the king, or other families.

Mrs. Joan shook her head secretly.

They also don’t make such decisions.

At least not now.

Otherwise, the democratic system that the sun never sets is enough to ruin their reputation and leave their beloved political arena.

Unless the people whose sun never sets realize they have no choice!

But it takes time.

They need to pay for their arrogance.

Mrs. Joan was silent for a moment, and finally spoke.

“I sincerely invite the Xuguo Temple to come and develop.”

Even if she knew it was not appropriate~www.mtlnovel.com~ it might even ruin her career.

But if she has to wait until the people pay the price, she would rather bear a little responsibility herself. Although it will bear endless infamy for a short time, people will understand whether this decision is correct in the future.

But facing the conditions offered by Madam Qiong, Yang Xu politely refused.

Japan is already the limit, and the sun never sets is too far away.

And Europe is the traditional territory of angels.

Long-distance combat is not in the interests of Xu Country. Now Xu Country needs development and stability instead of taking risks and going deep.

The meeting didn’t last long, and Mrs. Joan came away disappointed.

Tokugawa Pinghai, on the other hand, was complacent.

When the two left Zhenhai City and arrived at Matou Island, thousands of reporters and anchors were waiting for them.

They come from all over the world.

from different races.

But today, they are here for the same thing.

(end of this chapter)

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