I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 180

~ Yang Xu: I Want To Play Big!


the next day.

One hundred nightmare-eating tapirs all woke up.

When Yang Xu came to the cave again, what he saw was a very strange scene.

A hundred nightmare-eating tapirs have different shapes and almost no duplicates.

There are those who transform into human form.

It’s just that the shape is a little strange.

One head, two faces.

The front is masculine and the body is masculine.

The back is female with feminine features on the body.

It has hundreds of arms, both pros and cons, just like Avalokitesvara.

He sat cross-legged in the void, like an evil spirit full of ominous aura.

Some turned into animals.

Ordinary cats and dogs.

Or unusual dragons, unicorns, heroes, giant dragons and so on.

There are even nightmare-eating tapirs that have turned into rocks, vegetation, and sculptures.

It’s like a drag show.


Seeing Yang Xu’s arrival, the dream-eating tapirs were very happy and surrounded them one after another.

“Worthy of being a king, what a powerful force, you can feel the terrifying power of the king’s thunder from such a distance.”

“Thank you, great creator, for giving us life.”

“My most honorable and greatest master, please command your loyal followers, I will follow in your footsteps forever.”

Nightmare eaters have different voices when you say one sentence and I say one sentence.

There are female voices and male voices, but most of them are voices that cannot be distinguished by gender.

Yang Xu was in a good mood when he heard the dream-eating tapir’s allegiance.

This is a race praised by the Nuwa clan and the Mo Qilin.

Let’s just say it’s a compliment.

Yang Xu glanced over many nightmare-eating tapirs, and finally landed on the only one that could barely be called a human.

It was the extremely strange hundred-armed demon god.

two faces.

The woman is charming and charming, with a **** figure, and there is only a small covering that can barely cover the sensitive parts.

The man was hideous and terrifying, as if he was glaring at a King Kong, and his upper body was naked, revealing his strong physique.

Yang Xu took out the ancient bronze book and found his information.

【Dream Qianqiu, those who cross the border】

[Boundary Transgressor: You can mobilize the power of the virtual world in the material world, greatly improve the combat effectiveness in the material world, and are minimally restricted by the rules. 】

“It’s still a special individual.”

Yang Xu was quite surprised, and looked up at Meng Qianqiu.


Meng Qianqiu’s perception was very keen, and she immediately noticed Yang Xu’s gaze.

He came to the front, faced Yang Xu with a feminine side, bowed to salute, the majesty was more prominent, and the voice was charming and sweet, with a little bit of coquettishness, which attracted people’s daydream.

If only from the female side, there is no doubt that this is a very attractive beauty.

Well, ignore the hundreds of arms, that’s all.

But thinking of the other side behind him, Yang Xu really couldn’t arouse the slightest interest.

Sexual addiction can be down to earth, but not down to the government.

Yang Xu thought about it carefully. Although he likes foxes and snakes, it is actually quite normal.

He went straight to the point and asked, “What abilities do you have, and what plans do you have in the future?”

The nightmare-eating tapir is different from any race created by Yang Xu before.

They cannot survive long in the material world.

This also means that there is almost nothing Xuguo can do to help them with their living environment.

Even how to contact him in the future, Yang Xu has no clue yet.

However, upon hearing Yang Xu’s question, the nightmare-eating tapirs immediately became noisy.

The king is asking about our abilities!

If you don’t perform well at this time, don’t you have to wait until later.

“Wang, I am good at dreaming. As long as I am in the dreamland, I guarantee that no one can tell the difference between the dreamland and the reality. If you have a girl you want to hook up with, just leave it to me, whether it is a hero saving the beauty, or traveling together, as long as you can I can arrange for you any plot that comes to mind, clearly and clearly, to ensure that you will embrace the beauty.”

“Hey, if you want, we can also pull many people into the same dream at once, and we can have any party we want.”

Yang Xu: “…”

Yang Xu couldn’t laugh or cry.

If it was before coming to the wilderness, such an ability can be said to be a divine skill.

But now the last thing he lacks is a woman.

Beside him, all kinds of beauties are inexhaustible.

Still, this ability is interesting.

Pull many people into the same dream…..

“Hehe, if the king needs to catch girls, he still needs such means, you trash.”

“King, we are good at hunting. As long as he reaches the dream we created, we guarantee that he will die cleanly. When he dies in the dream, the damage he receives will be reflected in the material world, and his spirit and body will also collapse.”

“My lord, I am me. I am good at creation. I can create all kinds of things in the imaginary world. When I create my own dream kingdom in the imaginary world, the king must come to visit me.”

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

He asked quite unexpectedly: “Can Gu also go to the virtual world?”

“of course.”

“The imaginary world is actually a dream world, a big world composed of the dreams of countless creatures. Countless dream worlds are born every day, and countless dream worlds are also shattered. Life forms in the material world cannot directly enter the imaginary world, but the spirit can .In fact, as long as there are creatures dreaming, their dreams will directly enter the imaginary world and become a part of the imaginary world.”

“Almost all life forms have entered the imaginary world, but they themselves don’t know it.”

Yang Xu’s lips parted slightly, a little surprised.

imaginary world.

dream world.

Connected to all creatures.

At this moment, many inspirations appeared in his mind.

“The dream world of many creatures is small and fragile, and cannot last long. After waking up from the dream, it will be broken, and most of the power will disappear directly. A small amount of power will become the nourishment of the virtual world, supplying the growth and development of this world. “

“But we are different. We are creatures living in the imaginary world, and we can create an eternal dream world. It is said that powerful fellows can even create an imaginary world that affects the material world, allowing our dream world to cover the material world, forming an A whole new world.”

Having said that, the dream-eating tapir was full of envy and anticipation.

Yang Xu opened his mouth even more in surprise.

Let the imaginary world cover reality and rewrite the rules of reality!

This thing…….

Why is it so like the legendary God’s Domain!

It is the immortal cave opened by local gods such as the Land City Emperor in ancient mythology.

These caves are between reality and non-reality. Within the coverage of God’s Domain, the land and city emperor can be blessed by the mighty power of heaven and earth.

In the same way, once they leave this God’s Domain, their strength will be greatly weakened.

Yang Xu asked in surprise: “Can the virtual world cover the material world?”

“Yes, but the energy required to consume is huge, and there are only such legends in our race.”

“Let’s not talk about interfering with the material world with our current power, if we stay in this world for too long, we will be seriously injured.”

Yang Xu nodded in understanding.

This fits well with the nightmare-eating tapirs he knows.

After careful questioning, Yang Xu had a general understanding of the nightmare-eating tapir’s ability.

There are three main types.

One, create their own dream world in the imaginary world.

In this world, they are the only masters.

This is also an important reason why Mo Qilin believes that the nightmare-eating tapir cannot be killed.

Because when they invade other worlds, they will leave a trail of origin in their own dream world. This ray of origin has little effect on itself, but it can ensure that it will not disappear completely after failing to invade other creatures’ dreams.

But according to the nightmare-eating tapir, such an approach is not absolutely safe.

Mo Qilin couldn’t deal with it simply because Mo Qilin was not good at mental abilities.

If it is a creature that is good at mental attack, it can directly locate the dream world of the nightmare-eating tapir according to the reaction of mental fluctuations, and easily destroy the whole world when its body is destroyed, so as to achieve the goal of completely destroying the nightmare-eating tapir.

Apart from the nightmare-eating tapir, there are all kinds of monsters in the imaginary world, and these monsters are also the enemies of the nightmare-eating tapir.

And of course, food too.

Although the nightmare-eating tapir is not a carbon-based life, it also needs to consume energy when it is active.

Devouring the dreams of other creatures is just one way.

Your best bet is to hunt other creatures of the void.

Two: Invasion of the dream world.

Nightmare-eating tapirs can invade the dreams of most creatures.

But also not absolute.

There is nothing they can do about creatures that are too powerful.

And there are some creatures that can’t dream, and the nightmare eaters also have nothing to do with these creatures.

Three: Dream hunting.

Nightmare-eating tapirs kill their prey in dreams, and this damage can be fed back to the material world.

Of course, not all nightmare-eating tapirs can do it, and only a few hunters have such a powerful ability.

Most nightmare-eating tapirs are actually very weak and can only frighten enemies in their dreams.

This is also one of Yang Xu’s most important discoveries.

Among the nightmare-eating tapirs, ordinary nightmare-eating tapirs accounted for the highest proportion, reaching 90%.

The proportion of hunters is very small, only 5%.

And 4.9 percent of creators.

These creators are good at creating dream worlds.

Ordinary nightmare eaters who want to create a dream world will be affected by their own strength, and basically can only create a small world.

But creators are different.

They can perceive the rules of the imaginary world, and thus use the power of these rules to create a larger, more complete, and more real dream world.

Living beings who enter it hardly even notice the difference from the physical world.

In addition to the above three, there is also the rarest special individual—the transgressor.

Just like the name.

They can mobilize the power of the imaginary world in the material world, such individuals are very rare among nightmare eaters.

In the words of the nightmare eaters themselves, it is a rare encounter in ten thousand years!

And the legend-level nightmare-eating tapir that can make the virtual world cover the material world in the legend, so as to rewrite the reality, is just such a special individual.

This also made Yang Xu realize that Meng Qianqiu is different.

During the communication, Yang Xu also discovered an interesting thing.

Although most nightmare eaters cannot survive in the physical world, they can affect objects in the physical world.

Like a mirror!

In ancient legends, mirrors are the entrance to another world.

When this legend came to the Nightmare Eater, it was no longer a pure legend, but a reality.

They can communicate with the material world by breaking the restrictions of the world’s rules through mirrors.

Most importantly, there is almost no concept of distance in the imaginary world.

The Void is an infinitely vast world.

The vastness of this world depends on the number of creatures that can dream in the world!

There are as many dream worlds as there are creatures who dream, and as many dreams as there are dreams.

It’s just that most worlds will be destroyed over time, and there are actually not many dreams that can be preserved in the virtual world for a long time.

In short, in the imaginary world, you can instantly cross the heavens and worlds!

A thought came to countless dream worlds.

It’s a wonderful experience.

However, the premise is still to have a strong enough mental power. If the mental power is not strong enough, it will be directly consumed by the rules of the imaginary world.

Breaking out of the dream world comes at a cost, and not all creatures can do it.

According to the dream-eating tapir, Yang Xu’s spiritual power is very strong, and he can move freely in the virtual world.

This also gave Yang Xu an idea.

If a nightmare-eating tapir is arranged in each temple and a communication platform with the virtual world as the core is established, wouldn’t Xu Country be able to establish a barrier-free communication channel?

As long as Yang Xu needs it, he can learn about the situation of any temple.

It is also possible to send one’s will to areas that cannot be temporarily covered by the magic weapons of the Nuwa clan through the virtual world.

Although it is still impossible to transmit the power of faith, at least the communication problem has been solved in a short period of time, which can speed up the expansion of the Asahi Kingdom Temple.

After learning more about the abilities of the nightmare-eating tapirs, Yang Xu didn’t let them stay for long.

After all, the rules of the material world are not friendly to them.

The longer they stay in the material world, the more they are hurt.

After the dream-eating tapir left, Yang Xu thought for a long time and came up with a grand plan.

Dream-eating tapirs can enter dreams and create dreams.

Theoretically speaking, the dream world can exist forever, but it is an energy world that is different from the material world!

A special energy mixed with spiritual and other energies.

If Xu Country builds a permanent dream world, can dead people enter the dream world!

Thus forming a paradise similar to myths and legends, or hell!

In this way, the development of the temple will be more gimmick, and it will be easier to attract believers, improve the loyalty of believers, and also deter the enemy.

Of course, the most important thing is the low cost!

The energy consumed by the dream world mainly comes from the dream, and the dream is inexhaustible.

This is not much more convenient than the pure land on earth.

It’s just that just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, creating a dream world like this wouldn’t happen in a day, it would take a little time.

Of course, really only a little bit.

Creating a dream world in the imaginary world is not a reality, it is not so cumbersome.

The most important thing is the dream-eating tapir’s understanding of the world and his thoughts on the dream world he wants to create. The larger and more complex the dream world, the more time and power it will consume, but the time and power consumed by a small dream world can be ignored.

For example, if a nightmare eater just wants to create a building, it can be done in an instant.

And if it is a community with residential buildings, shops, supermarkets, etc., it will take a little time.

It could be one day, it could be two days.

That’s all.

Overall, it won’t be too long.

Apart from the above problems, the most interesting thing about the dream world is that there are no rules to follow!

Here, the mind is the greatest law.

As long as you have a strong enough mind, you can create any rules.

You can make water flow from low to high.

You can also let people walk in the sky, and white clouds float on the ground.

Mountains can fly in the sky.

It can make the sun and moon revolve around the earth.

As long as the mind does not slip, there is almost nothing that cannot be done in the dream world.



Everything can be easily done here.

Just like the nightmare-eating tapir has no specific form, it can change in thousands of ways.

If ordinary people come here and let go of their minds, they can also change a lot.

It can be a man.

It can be a woman.

It can also be not a person.

As for whether human beings consume energy in the dream world by living in the way of spiritual thoughts, in fact, most ordinary people consume very little energy.

This is not a problem.

Yang Xu thought carefully and perfected.

It wasn’t until nighttime that a complete plan was formed.

He summoned the nightmare-eating tapirs through the mirror and explained his thoughts.

The creator of Nightmare Eater immediately stated that this is not a problem at all.

the question is that.

The spirit of a dying person dissipates quickly.

How can we make them willingly come to the dream world created by the nightmare-eating tapir.

If they don’t want to, the nightmare eaters can do it by force though. But because of the restrictions of the rules of the material world, I am afraid that the spiritual body sent to the dream world is an idiot at best.

It might even dissipate halfway through.

Not all nightmare eaters can do it.

Only a very small number of powerful hunters and border crossers can do it.

Yang Xu had expected this point.

He didn’t explain too much, but asked the nightmare-eating tapir to create several dream worlds according to his own ideas.

Eternal kingdom!

the dwelling place of the good.

You can get anything you want here.

All mortal things.

Infernal Purgatory!

Here you have to accept endless punishment and torture, life and death are impossible.

This is where the wicked are punished.

Yang Xu’s order is the supreme will for the nightmare.

They immediately started to get busy, creating the world Yang Xu needed.

In two or three days, the basic framework of Eternal Kingdom and Infernal Purgatory has been completed.

The Eternal Kingdom has nine layers.

There are eighteen floors in Infernal Purgatory.

Basically, they are created in imitation of myths and legends.

Of course, this is not lazy, just to speed up the work progress.

Yang Xu was very satisfied with the efficiency of the nightmare-eating tapir and looked forward to the interview in the near future.

He wants to speed up Xu Country’s development!

Not only the speed of development in Xu Country, but also the speed of external expansion!

The angel’s attack made Yang Xu feel a huge threat for a long time~www.mtlnovel.com~ He didn’t understand why the angel attacked Tokugawa Pinghai, and why he gave up at the last moment. But this attack undoubtedly showed the angel’s attitude towards Xu Guo, and Yang Xu would never let any threats go. In the case of not being able to go to heaven, strengthening one’s own strength is the best approach and the best decision.

Because of the appearance of the nightmare-eating tapirs and their unique abilities, this visit is an opportunity for Xu Country to accelerate its expansion!

An important opportunity to step out of the kingdom of the sea **** and go to the earth.

Time passed, and the day came when the messenger of the never-setting sun and the head of the Tokugawa family visited.

On this day, the Mermaid City was extremely lively.

Matou Island is even more noisy.

The only thing that makes them regret is that the Underwater City is temporarily closed because the Lord of Xu Country is inspecting Zhenhai City.

The idea of people wanting to go to the seabed city to witness the Lord of Xu Kingdom with their own eyes cannot be realized.

And the most nervous ones are without a doubt the never-setting sun, and Dongpu!

The ruling and opposition parties of the two countries are all paying close attention to this visit.

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