I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 176

~ Who Can Live With A Better Life


Mrs. Joan is numb now.

Very annoying.

Ever since Xuguo publicly stated that she accepted Sun Never Set’s interview, her life has been in chaos.

There was a lot of scolding.

scolded by the people.

scolded by foreigners.

The entire network is almost overwhelmingly full of abuse.

Originally this kind of thing, harmless.

After all, it’s just a group of ordinary civilians, what’s wrong with being scolded, and you can’t lose a piece of meat.

I am still a noble nobleman on which the sun never sets, an ambassador on which the sun never sets, with power and wealth, everything I expect.

But someone dared to take the opportunity to smash up his own company, this is unbearable.

The company is its own, and the affairs belong to the court. I work for the official affairs that the sun never sets, and I have to work hard. In the end, I will not only be infamous, but also have to take advantage of the foundation that my family has worked so hard to build.

That’s not how it works.

Mrs. Joan was furious.

This lady has provoked whom.

Serve the country well.

For the sake of all peoples.

Well, this point can be crossed out, no one cares about how ordinary people are doing, how well they live, unless these people can create enough benefits for themselves.

It is the government’s business to care about them, and I am just an insignificant member of it.

Mrs. Joan was sitting on the sofa in the living room, thinking wildly, when a group of people walked in.

Five people.

One is a staff member who accompanied Mrs. Joan to work in the Sea God’s Kingdom.

The two are reporters from Royal Television on which the sun never sets.

The other two are Mrs. Joan’s personal bodyguards.

The two reporters are very young.

A handsome guy in his twenties.

A photographer in his thirties and forties was carrying an old-fashioned antique film camera.

Of course, although it is an old-fashioned camera, it only uses old-fashioned shooting technology, and the overall sense of technology is full, and it is far less heavy than the antique cameras of the last century.

“Mrs. Joan, thank you for accepting our interview.”

The handsome reporter greeted him politely and sat down with Madam Joan’s acquiescence.

Sitting on the sofa next door to Mrs. Joan.

There is only a round tea table between the two of them.

The very small kind.

Sixty centimeters in diameter.

After sitting down, the photographer got ready, and the reporter asked: “Madam, do you understand the current domestic and foreign views on your visit to Xu Country?”

As soon as the topic started, the handsome reporter asked a question that made Mrs. Joan’s blood pressure soar.

But in the face of such a problem, Mrs. Joan’s smile remained unchanged, elegant and noble, showing the demeanor of a famous lady.

She smiled and asked back: “Do you think that as an excellent diplomat, you need to care about domestic and foreign opinions, or should you insist on putting national interests first?”

The reporter didn’t feel a headache at all because of Mrs. Joan’s rhetorical question, but his eyes flickered with excitement.

I am not afraid of you talking, but I am afraid that you will not speak.

He turned to ask: “What do you mean, visiting Xu Country at this sensitive time, even offending many countries headed by the United States, is the cabinet’s intention to make us fall into a diplomatic dilemma?”

Mrs. Joan still smiled, cursing shamelessly.

Reporters are assholes.

A bunch of **** who love to pick out words.

Mrs. Joan cursed secretly, but how could she fall into such an obvious trap. If you push everything to the cabinet, you can divert the attention and abuse that is currently focused on her, but when you face the problem, you don’t want to solve it, you don’t want to take responsibility for the leader, you just want to excuse yourself, and you will never fall in the political arena in the future. Can you still get along?


No leader likes such officials.

Mrs. Joan didn’t want to end her political career just like that.

“Everything I do is for the country and the people.”

“These are the worst of times, but they are also the best of times, full of opportunity. We face some very difficult choices now, and it’s a choice that concerns everyone. Not just our people, on whom the sun never sets, but people all over the world. It might cost us something when we make a choice like that, but I believe it’s the best way and the only option we have.”

Mrs. Joan’s tone was firm and sincere.

However, such an answer is too official, and there is almost no positive reply, so the reporter is naturally not satisfied.

He thought for a while and caught Mrs. Joan’s pain point.

“What do you mean, in this era, the only thing we can do is to draw closer to Xu Country, even at the expense of the overall interests of mankind, even if it is against the opposition headed by the United States Federation, is it okay?”

Mrs. Joan: “…”

Is there something wrong with you.

Mrs. Joan now doubts whether this reporter was sent to mess with herself.

Never forget to dig a hole for yourself.

Is this a question a normal person can ask?

What does it mean to not hesitate to violate the interests of mankind as a whole?

This lady can go to your ancestors, when did human beings become a whole?

And the U.S. Federation is your ancestor, and you will always be an enemy of the opposition headed by the U.S. Federation?

Mrs. Joan exhaled.

If it was her temper when she was young, she would have slapped the reporter in the face, and then scolded Farke.

But now she is calmer.

Without the publicity and impatience of youth.

Because Mrs. Joan knew that if she said anything wrong, it might bring her unimaginable trouble.

“This kind of statement is ridiculous and ignorant, which makes me have to doubt your professionalism. Almost the whole world is doing business with Xu Country, including the United States Federation, which opposes the development of Xu Country Temple, and has huge transactions with Xu Country. Could it be that they are all fighting against all mankind, and is the US Federation beating itself?”

“Visiting Xu Country is a very normal thing, and it is also a normal procedure for state diplomatic relations. It is a friendly visit for mutual understanding and deeper cooperation between our country and Xu Country.”

“Anyone who demonizes this matter is either malicious and deliberately provoking racial conflict. Or they are stupid and influenced by rumors.”

“Are you a racist, or an idiot?”

Although Mrs. Qiong said that she has cultivated her personality for many years, her words were merciless, and the last sentence made the reporter a little embarrassed.

But he was also annoyed, and even more excited.

Scold casually.

The more intense the words, the more topical they are.

If it’s plain and dull, the common people won’t like to watch it.

They just love watching politicians do poorly.


Fight each other.

The worse they behave, the more excited they are and the more they enjoy watching.

This is human nature.

They like to see the noble big man fall, like to see the bad side of the noble big man, which will give them a perverted pleasure, a kind of happiness that the original big man is nothing more than this.

Trample others and get fulfilled.

“Do you think the words and actions of the U.S. Federation are inconsistent and malicious?”

“So why do you think they did it?”

“While doing business with Xu Country, at the same time provoking confrontation between Xu Country and human beings, is it to seek more benefits from it?”

The reporter’s eyes were bright and his smile was bright.

very handsome.

It makes people want to give him a hundred punches.

Give him a free facelift.

At least that’s what Mrs. Joan thought.

But Mrs. Joan thought about it for a while, and it was not impossible to say this question.

After all, she is a person who never sets, and she is not from the United States.

It is my right to scold the policy of the US federal government.

Just like every Chinese can scold the President of the United States.

Moreover, radical ideas will be rejected by some citizens, but they will also be supported by some citizens, especially those words that seem to fight for the interests and glory of their own country.

Mrs. Joan made a decision in an instant.

Anyway, before the sun sets, I plan to hug Xuguo’s thigh. If I scold the United States for a while, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

“There is no doubt that the United States is wrong in its thinking.”

As soon as Mrs. Joan opened her mouth, the reporter wanted to embrace her beautiful face and kiss her a few times.

Not coveting her beauty.

Nor is it to deliberately take advantage.

Well, maybe a billion points.

After all, it’s hard for a man to hold back such an enchanting beauty.

But the most important thing is the topicality brought by this sentence.

Just listening to this sentence, the reporter already thought of the title.

The ambassador who never sets the sun scolded the U.S. Federation for its wrong thinking, um, let’s change the word, the intentions are sinister, and the intentions are vicious!

Tsk tsk, how much attention can this title bring.

“Before the United States Federation deliberately provoked racial and religious conflicts, I didn’t see any threat from the Xuguo Temple. The Xuguo Temple cured the sick and rescued the poor in Mermaid City. They opened free canteens and shelters for the poor. I can’t imagine Such a benevolent act was called evil and vicious by the US Federation.”

“They promote the idea of equality, and even encourage humans to join the temple and become priests.”

“God, is such a thought evil?”

“I can’t imagine what kind of mood and purpose the United States Federation has when it scolds the evil of the Asahi Kingdom Temple.”

“But there is no doubt that the Asahi Kingdom Temple is not an evil organization. Like all the popular religions in the world, they focus on benevolence and educate the world. Tolerance, compassion, and benevolence are the truth of the Asahi Kingdom Temple .”

“Perhaps Mr. President was deceived, or it was just because the development of Xuguo Temple touched the interests of some people.”

Mrs. Joan has a clear stand and sharp words.

“I believe that the Lord of Xu Country is kind and tolerant. This is a peace-loving country.”

“Just as the United States has slandered Xu Guo so much, Xu Guo has never made any excuses, but is silently practicing his own good deeds.”

“The temple cures the sick and saves the sick, and gives alms to the poor. Xu Country doesn’t even have any restrictions on the trade of the United States Federation, and sells all the supplies they need.”

The reporter nodded in agreement.

The problem is obvious.

But he also faintly felt something was wrong.

Xu Guo didn’t defend himself, was it because he had no way to defend himself?

But it’s not right, if Xuguo holds a press conference, I think many colleagues will be very happy to speak up for them, or to stir up changes in the world.


As long as there is a topic, is right or wrong important?


Right or wrong is a matter of debate among ordinary people, but they are just a window, a platform, a platform for others to have a voice.

“As you said, Xuguo has never shown any malice towards anyone.”

“Then what direction do you think this dispute will eventually lead to? Is it possible to trigger Xuguo and the United States Federation, or a larger conflict.”

Following Mrs. Joan’s topic, the reporter continued to ask.

“The United States Federation will definitely firmly oppose Xu Country, but I think the possibility of a large-scale conflict between the two sides is not high, and at most some local conflicts will occur.”

“From the actions of the U.S. Federation, we can also find that the U.S. Federation is not ready for an all-out war with Xu Country.”

Reporter: “You are talking about the withdrawal of the US aircraft carrier fleet.”

“It’s very strange and beyond comprehension.”

“According to common sense, the U.S. Federation is showing its toughness against Xu Nation, and should strengthen its military power in Sea God Nation. But at this time, they not only did not strengthen their strength, but withdrew most of their troops. Does it mean that they actually Fearing Xuguo, he clamored to make Xuguo pay the price, but his body chose to submit very honestly.”

“Even made a concession in order not to anger Xu Guo.”

Mrs. Joan smiled and gave a confusing answer: “Perhaps only the United States knows it.”

Sea beasts have appeared in the coastal waters of the United States. This problem is too serious.

Once it is leaked, it will not only be unlucky for the US Federation.

The sun never sets is also not ready to face disaster.



basic resources.

Arms supplies.

Before other countries react, it takes a time difference to snap up these supplies before the sun never sets. Otherwise, once the defense system of the Seagod’s Kingdom collapses and news spreads that countless sea beasts will flock to the earth, the whole world will inevitably be in chaos.

This is not in the interest of the sun never sets.

Of course, it is not in the interests of Mrs. Joan either.

She is ordering her men to snap up stocks.



Selling financial stocks and so on.

Time is money these days.

She needs to use this time difference to earn a small amount of money.

No one will dislike too much of their money.

She is no exception.

The reporter was not particularly satisfied with this answer.

As a reporter, his professional instinct told him that there was a problem.

And you should know that the sun never sets, otherwise, visiting Xu Country at this time, no matter whether it is motive or benefit, is not justified.

But he also knew that since Mrs. Joan had said so, it was definitely impossible to give an answer.

The reporter gave up the questioning and continued to ask: “For the upcoming visit, what is your personal feeling?”

“As the first person in the world who will meet the Lord of Xu Country, how do you feel?”

“Is there a particularly exciting feeling?”

Mrs. Joan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She also didn’t want to continue entangled on that topic.

“Of course I was excited, and even a little bit nervous.”

Mrs. Qiong spread her hands and made a gesture of billions of points, which attracted a smile from the reporter.

“But who can not be nervous?”

“I am about to visit an ancient god, a great king. He has godlike powers and the allegiance of countless races.”

“He has a long life, a wisdom beyond our comprehension.”

“In the face of such a great existence worthy of respect, can anyone face it calmly?”

“However, as the messenger of the never-setting sun, this little nervousness will not affect my professionalism. For the sake of the country and the people, I will convey the will of the never-setting sun and my expectations for the future of Xu Country.”

Mrs. Joan’s answer was quite satisfactory.

The two chatted for a long time.

In addition to feelings about the upcoming visit, there is also what Mrs. Joan has seen and heard in Mermaid City.

These experiences take up a lot of space.

After the interview, the reporter left in a hurry.

He wanted to sort out the material of this interview, and send the text version to the TV station for reporting first. As for the filmed material, he could only leave Sea God’s Kingdom slowly by sea.

Once Mrs. Joan’s interview was published online, it immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

“I agree, the United States Federation is a shit-stirring stick, what a good bird it can be.”

“Although the United States Federation has selfish intentions, I feel right. We are human beings, and Xu Country is a foreign race. There will definitely be conflicts in the end.”

“Hehe, it sounds like all countries are in peace. Without Xu Country, human beings can live in peace. It’s nothing for one’s own benefit, but it’s disgusting to insist on accusing others of unnecessary crimes.”

“Does anyone know about the Asahi Kingdom Shrine? It says that the shrine supports humans to become priests. What is the treatment for priests?”

“I’ve really heard of this. The Xuguo Temple is a department independent of the imperial court. The priests belong to the grassroots cadres of the temple, and the treatment they enjoy is similar to that of ordinary officials. Free food, lodging and medical treatment, and a lot of Xuguo credit every month Points are equivalent to our wages.”

“How many credit points?”

“It’s like one hundred credit points.”

“Fuck, the credit points of 100 Xuguo, isn’t that equivalent to hundreds of thousands of dollars?”

“A bit of pursuit, okay? If you just exchange for a panacea, it can sell for millions of dollars.”

“The upstairs is wrong. The priests are not the grassroots. The priests are the most grassroots, and then the priests. Ordinary people want to become priests, you just need to refer to the civil service examinations of various countries.”

“However, the treatment of priests is also very good, free food and lodging, free medical treatment, and dozens of credit points every month.”

“Fuck, dozens of points are fine, and it’s worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Does anyone know how to join the temple? Is it difficult to become a priest?”

“You really don’t have any pursuit at all, why are you always staring at money. The really valuable things are obviously welfare benefits, free food, lodging and medical treatment. Knowing what Xuguo eats, they are all rare spiritual roots , seeing a doctor is done by the Nuwa tribe, and there are almost no diseases that cannot be cured.”

“What kind of concept is this? Joining Xuguo Temple is equivalent to having a free medical insurance for the Nuwa clan.”

“If you do a good job, maybe there will be free rejuvenation, and even a longer life. After all, no one doesn’t like capable employees. Xu Guo wants to do the same, isn’t it?”

“My buddy is amazing, the analysis is too reasonable, I was shallow before.”

“Let’s not talk about it, let’s go to the mermaid market, join early and enjoy early.”

“Where is the elder brother from, bring the younger brother~www.mtlnovel.com~American Federation San Francisco.”

“Hi brother, my younger brother is in Canada.”

“Two friends, I’m in Dongying, can you make an appointment to go together?”

Mrs. Joan’s interview made some different voices on the Internet.

People’s impression of Xu Country has changed to a certain extent.

Especially after learning about the benefits of the temple staff, countless people dreamed of joining the Xuguo Temple and becoming a noble priest, or even a more noble priest.

Who would struggle with a better life?

In addition to the changes of ordinary people, the biggest change is the international situation.

Mrs. Joan’s clear banner has silenced many forces.

The international situation has become more complicated.

Seeing that I have already established the country, you said that I did not cross 8.2…m. :


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