I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 42: Samurai's Return

After choosing yes, a cloud of black smoke appeared on top of the screeched baby, followed by its manifestation.

But to my surprise, instead of the usual purple streaks that ran through its body like my previous subordinates, the screecher baby had red streaks running through its body. It was like a little monster burning with intense anger as the red streaks glowed here and there.

"What's this now."

<Congratulations, you've successfully acquired a Rare Zombie>

<Would you grant a name to your new subordinate?>


"What on earth is a rare rabid human? They have rarity now? What?" I exclaimed.

Since there was a lot of confusion about the new subordinate and the new title of the rabid human I just got... as well as the prompt that's telling me to give it a name, I decided to hold off everything for now.

After all, there's another matter at hand and I have to accomplish it before leaving the forest.

Focusing my Qi on my ankles, I charged forward with incredible speed at an unsuspecting cow. There was a hint of surprise and death in the cow's eyes but that wasn't enough to change my mind in hunting it down. The strong prey on the weak, or rather, the predator preys on the prey.

"Hah!" I let out a lungful of air as I braced myself for the impact of my slash.


The cow didn't even know what hit it as its head was dislodged from its body. The other cows, which were in the same group as the one I killed and the one that the screecher baby killed, began running in different directions after sensing the danger that flowed from my body. At that split second when I was going to slash the cow, I released a bit of killing intent and that's probably what drove the other cows away. After all, I was confident that I didn't make any sound when I charged towards the cow.

I mean, I paid close attention to silencing my foot when I directed my qi energy there. Nevertheless, the killing intent that I released was probably more than enough to make a person flinch, what more if it's just a cow cluelessly wandering the forest.

"Finally, dinner."


Clap clap clap.


<Human Detected!>

The prompt of the System made me whirl my head towards my back. The moment I heard the clapping, I already realized that someone was watching me. But what surprised me was the fact that the System went out of her way to warn me, almost as if the person watching me was a threat to my existence.

"You're pretty good for a Scout." Blade walked towards me. "For a moment, I thought you were an assassin when you slashed the cow in a flash. Even I can't move that fast and I'm an assassin."

Although he already started speaking to calm me down, I still put my guard up and maintained my distance from him. Who knows if he was targeting me or not. If he didn't, there was no reason why he had to hide his presence like that.

"Don't misunderstand, Yong Rui, I didn't mean any harm." Blade sighed as he sat in front of me and raise his hands. "As an Assassin, it's in my subconscious to hide my presence just like that. And well, when you sneak out of our hideout in the middle of the night, wouldn't anyone get curious as to what you're going to do? That's why I decided to follow you."

I gulped. I already knew what he meant when he said that. "So, you saw everything?" I asked.

But instead of replying, Blade just smiled towards me and approached me without the slightest hint of killing intent. After arriving a meter from me, Blade then place his hands on my shoulder and smiled even more. "You're a good kid, all right. Don't let this world taint you. You might harbor resentment towards the rabid humans or the instigator behind this apocalypse but don't let that fill your mind. I know deep inside that you got a good heart. Keep being like that."

After saying that, Blade walked away from me, his steps as light as leaves falling from the rustling trees. "And I won't tell everyone about your hunt, nor would I try to take it from you. So don't worry about anyone disturbing your meal."

"But, I got it for everyone... otherwise I'd have cut some meat off from the dead cow here already," I spoke up, pointing to the cow that was half-eaten by the screecher baby.

"Is that so?" Blade turned around, his expression lightening up. "Are you really going to share that meat with us?"

Somehow, he sounded more excited than I already am.

After bidding goodbye to the screecher baby and burying its remains beside the half-eaten cow, I went back to our hideout with Blade wherewith we had a hearty dinner. A few hours later, we continued our journey.


Luo Zehn's POV

The past few days were a rough journey, almost as rough as the seas on a stormy night... and even that was an understatement in regards to everything we've gone through. With children and injured people in tow, our journey towards the Tang Shelter was arduous.

But with my trusty sword and skills that never faltered, I managed to bring everyone to the glorious Tang Shelter!

At that moment, I was overcome with joy as I reached the glorious Tang Shelter, named after our esteemed Sect Master who sacrificed his life for the well-being of his disciples, or rather, what's left of them. During that time, the only goal in our mind was to survive and we couldn't do that without getting any stronger.

Hence, Ye Zhiyun, Xiao Liang, and I focused on getting stronger, working our way up until we achieve as many breakthroughs as possible. And now that we're sitting in the higher plane of the King Realm, we managed to build a shelter and offer protection to those survivors who didn't have a shelter. At first, it was rough going... but when the years passed and Ye Zhiyun managed to take the reins of governing the Shelter, we were cruising through our survival days.

And now, we exceeded the expectations of our esteemed Sect Master. Not only did the three of us survive, but we also thrived in this hellish era.

If only I could tell him that his death was not in vain. If I could go back to the past and thank him, then I will gladly do it no matter what the repercussion is, as long as it's not death, of course.

"Luo Zehn, you've arrived!" Xiao Liang greeted nonchalantly as he waved from afar. But after seeing the injured behind me, his expression took a turn for the worse and he started panicking. "Quick! Grab some medics! Also, we need some healers right now! Those with the healing element, assist Luo Zehn in any way you can!"

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