I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 205: Zenith

<Skill: Killing Intent Activated>

<Skill: Rage Activated>

<Skill: Ferocity Activated>

Before, when System was still level one, my skills would only work on those relatively weaker than me, but now that she's on Level 2 and my skills were ramped up to a whole new level, even those who were a realm higher than me would be gravely affected with my skill. And don't forget that I initially was in the Dao Realm before I got infected and got my cultivation reset. Technically, if didn't get a reset, I would be in a higher realm than this fat guy. And taking that into account, I could tell that my skills would 100-200% work on this fat guy.

Also, now that I'm talking to myself, let me just say that the skills I used are largely effective on those that never really had much experience in fighting. Judging with this fat man's body. I think he only focused on cultivation and training, not actual combat with the rabid humans. If that were the case, then he might actually die of a heart attack when I used these triple-threat of a skill.

I mean, part of me wanted to see him plop dead on the ground like a useless pile of meat... but a large part of me didn't want to see him drop dead since that would unnecessarily incur the wrath of Luxor towards me. I pray that he wouldn't actually die.

And just like that, his eyes rolled back before he could even reach me. And as he fell down to the ground with a thud, his mouth foamed, and his whole body spasmed like mad. For a good few seconds, I thought he was really going to die. In my desperation, I rushed to his aide and used my healing element on him. Seeing someone with their eyes roll backward and their mouth foaming is actually quite traumatizing that I had to revert it quickly. That's when I realized that I accidentally showed off one of my elements.

"He's got the healing element as well!"

"Wait, how is that possible? Someone could only have two at most, right?"

"You fool, even some masters have three elements. It's nothing exceptional. He's just a little bit blessed more than us."

"But still, isn't he someone from the Lower Plane with a lower cultivation than ours? How did Pang lose?"

"He was just a little bit careless. If I were to fight that guy, I can knock him down without touching him."

The other men debated who would fight me first but no one dared step forward. They were genuinely scared, as expected. My hunch was right, these guys actually grew up without ever experiencing combat. In other words, these guys are weak. If they had the same cultivation as those in the Lower Plane, they would automatically lose. They were just that weak.

"You go,"

"No, you go."

"But you're stronger than me!"

"What? But your technique is better than mine!"


Suddenly, a lady stepped forward, pushing all the other men out of the way. Her expression showed some form of resentment but I figured she was just a little bit pissed at the men who were cowering in front of me. Well, even I was a little bit pissed as well. They were like those homegrown chickens that wouldn't last a day if you were to let them free. And that comparison is even better than the state they were in right now. They were just incapable of fighting, that's all. What a bunch of spoiled brats.

The lady who stepped in front of me wore a fishnet on her legs and as her shirt, but underneath it, she wore some undergarments. Well, not that I could see it since she wears a robe on top of it. What on— something's wrong with my brain, why did I notice the fishnets first? Well, in my defense, I've never seen anyone actually wear a fishnet so it's a first for me. Her robe was of black color (I'm trying to change the subject here!) and she wore sandals akin to those adorned by assassins. And if that wasn't enough, she's hiding a pair of daggers underneath her robes, has her orange, summery hair on a ponytail, and her orange eyes resembled that of a phoenix. She's a certified assassin! I approve!

I mean... no! Get your wits together, Yongrui. 

"I'm Zenith, and I will be your opponent." She introduced herself, taking a stance that pointed a dagger at me.

I'm not well-versed at stances, so I'll just call it, the seductive stance. Her thighs showing underneath her robe is seductive, but not enough to seduce me. Or maybe Hui-ying was just helping me not to... who knows.

"I'm Tang Yongrui, Sect Master of the Tang Sect. I'm on the Transcendence Realm, currently." I briefly introduced myself as well since I thought it would be disrespectful if I I didn't. She smiled for a split second, telling me that she was pleased with me returning her introduction... or maybe she's eyeing me, I don't know.

Hui-ying! Analysis!

"Settlement Leader, I would like to challenge your special visitor on a duel. Please allow me." She cupped her hands and slightly bowed towards Luxor. She's respectful. That's nice.

"Sure, go ahead." Luxor nodded. "You may be a bit stronger than these beginners but I hope you'll put in a good fight against Yongrui. He's plenty strong. I've never seen someone brought a Heavenly Plain Realm Cultivator just by staring at him. That's first."

"As you wish, Settlement Leader."

For some reason, Luxor, White, and the others all stepped backward and released a portion of their Qi Energy. I had no idea what they were doing but maybe, they were just trying to give me a feel of a formal fight. Maybe putting up walls of Qi Energy is meant to motivate me in the fight? Or are they putting up a temporary stage for the two of us? I don't know but I get an odd feeling they were doing something else. Still, it was nice to be a center of attention from time to time... just not this much.

"Whenever you're ready, Tang Yongrui, Sect Master of the Tang Sect. I'm on the Transcendence Realm." She called out.

Wow, she just called me by my name and more. I don't know what to say. In the end, I just held my mouth and suppressed my laughter. She's just too uptight. And who on earth has a name 'Tang Yongrui, Sect Master of the Tang Sect. I'm on the Transcendence Realm'? Where did she get that? Haha

"Begin!" Luxor chopped his right hand in the air as he let out a single word.


A glimmer of light briefly shined from Zenith's eyes before she disappeared right in front of me but I know that she was just too fast for my eyes. Before I could get hit by her unknown attack, I used time-stretch once again, stretching a hundredth of a second into a minute. By then, I saw her, running towards me as if she were running at normal speeds.

She looked very eager to stab me as well. What does she have? A Time Element? Lightning Element? Whatever it is, I won't allow her to get a free hit.

Without further ado, I stretched the time even further. By now, it's as if she's suspended in space, moving in a slow-motion like a snail.

"Are you sure you can hit me if you're that slow?" I asked her.

"You! So it was true you have the Time Element." She smiled. I was trying hard not to laugh since she was talking in slow-motion but whatever.

"And what about you? A Time Element as well? You don't seem to have much control over it though. You may be stronger than me in terms of cultivation but your mastery over your time Element is beginner-level. What are you doing? You're wasting your talent."

"Then... how about this!" This time, her eyes glinted and a streak of light appeared in front of me. She suddenly matched my speed!

In a flash, she was in front of me, swinging both daggers as if she was drawing an 'x' in the air. A flash of wind traveled towards me, almost hitting me by my third leg. Fortunately, I managed to dodge it. If I hadn't, I would've been a eunuch by now.

Needless to say, her dagger swings sure packs a punch! Wait... so that's Luxor, White, and the others released a portion of their Qi Energy! They weren't putting up a temporary arena for us, they were shielding, protecting themselves from the powerful attacks from Zenith!

"So you've got the lightning element as well. That's expected." I told her as I shot off my lightning element as well. The only difference was that I mixed my fire element with my lightning element, creating an even powerful element that greatly resembled the purple lightning. It may not be the same as the original purple lightning but the power output was definitely close.


The explosion almost blew everyone away and it made Zenith step a few steps backward, panting. She wasn't expecting that attack, making her take the brunt of it. "A lightning element and a fire element as well... Just what are you?" She asked. Underneath her robe, there were a few tears on her fishnet undergarment. For a moment, I felt sorry for her, but then I remembered that we were almost at the same level on that exchange. I just had the advantage of mastery in my elements despite her being stronger than me cultivation-wise.

"Yes, you still want to continue?" I dared, extending my hand and gesturing at her to attack me one more time.

She smiled and licked her lips. She was just getting started.

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