I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 200: Valley of Gamesh

"Yongrui! Go to your left!"


"Now step to the right!"


"And now step a bit backward before moving forward. A tentacle is coming down in front of you."

"Now dive forward and roll!"

"Now dance the boogie!"

"H-h-hold on, is the last part really necessary?" I voiced out as I continued running. I didn't even bother doing Hui-ying's last command since it sounded outrageous. "What does dancing the boogie even do at this point?"

"I don't know, maybe it would distract them from eating you hahah~" Hui-ying raucously laughed in my head like a maniac. If only I could get inside my head and give her a pinch on the cheeks, that would be most satisfactory. "In any case, you've left the MeatPile Rabid Humans behind. You don't have to stress yourself out."

"Sure, thanks a bunch for your help, Hui-ying."

A few meters ahead of us was a valley in between two mountains (obviously) that stood with a towering height of approximately 9000 meters. I could've sworn that that's even higher than the tallest mountain in the Lower Plane. Now, this is a mountain worth climbing!

I mean, please focus, Yongrui!

Since the valley sits between two very tall mountains, it was a bit dark if one were to look at it. If I didn't know any better, I would've immediately thought that no humans would dare live at such a place. And yet, White said that there's a settlement right ahead. If he wasn't lying, then that means there are people there, communities!

"White, are you sure we're heading to the right place? That valley seems uninhabitable and dangerous. Rabid humans might be lurking in there by the hundreds and we wouldn't even notice them until they jump on us. What I'm trying to say is, are you certainly absolutely surely sure that we won't meet any rabid humans there? I would hate to have a meet and greet with a Meatpile at such a tight space."

White smiled as he waved one of his hands at me, indicating not to take the valley seriously. "Don't worry about it, Yongrui. This valley is completely safe."

"How can you say that?"

"That's because, throughout the years of living in the Middle Plane, I know that this valley has the least amount of Qi Energy in the whole region. And where do you think rabid humans dwell? They dwell in places where Qi Energy is rich. And adding to that, this valley could easily be fortified. Even if there were rabid humans who will venture here, they'll meet their end since we have 'snipers' at the ready in our outposts. We call them snipers but they're basically archers who are proficient in their bows."

"This is the valley of Gamesh, a valley where the great hero of the Middle Plane once traversed through. He was the epitome of power, glory, and fame, and none can even come close to him. The reason why this valley has a minuscule amount of Qi Energy was that he cultivated here. He sucked a significant amount of Qi Energy here that almost made it barren. People initially got mad at him at first but now... we have nothing but gratitude towards him."

A cold and eerie wind blew past my face as I obediently followed White's footsteps. If I had a dime every time I thought of separating from him, I would've been a millionaire by now. Seriously, this valley of Gilgamesh or whatever this is. It won't even surprise me if there are thousands of rabid humans waiting in ambush in the dark. Even though I could see quite well and I could tell that there is nothing but rocks and sands in here, I still doubt myself.

"Pssst, Yongrui!"

"Don't talk to me for now, Hui-ying, I'm trying to compose myself."

"No, I need to tell you right now! Do you know why you feel creeped out by this place?"

"Do you know? Oh great! Oh please grace me with your wisdom, your highness!" I sarcastically called out, thinking that Hui-ying was just theoretically or rather, rhetorically asking a question.

"That's because this place has lower Qi Energy than the rest. Usually, any place in the Lower Plane has a certain amount of Qi Energy and after living there for a long time, you got used to it. This valley has little to no Qi Energy. It's disgusting, but it works. You heard what White said about this place. Apparently, rabid humans don't even think about coming to this place because of the lack of Qi Energy in here. The people living in this valley are using the terrain as their shield. And even though the Middle Plane has technically fallen into the hands of the Black Spirit Sect, they still are desperately holding on to their last strand of hope."

"Yeah, the desperation is enough to make my blood boil. This damned Black Spirit Sect, I'll really make them pay as soon as I can." I clenched my fists in a fit of rage. "And also, sorry for addressing you like that, I thought you were just riling me up."

"Come on, Yongrui. I've been in your head long enough to know when to tease you and not to tease you. And also... I don't mind. Hearing someone call me 'your highness' is actually quite pleasing. Can you call me that again?"

"If that would make me feel better, then sure, your highness." I chuckled.

I don't know what it is with Hui-ying but every time I talk to her, I get to think more rationally than ever. It's a different case when I talk to myself because that would really make me meditate on why my life is garbage. But talking to Hui-ying somehow gives me the feeling of security... that no matter how alone I am in this world, I still have her and the System.

"Wow, that's really deep, Yongrui. Perhaps you should start writing a book dedicated to me and the System." Hui-ying interrupted my line of thought.

"Wait, were you reading my mind again, how dare you, Hui-ying. I trusted you!" I said, but I didn't really mean it. That's because I've wanted her to hear it from me. Otherwise, what's the point of appreciating someone when they are not aware of it?

"Sect Master, Sect Master! Are you okay?" Natalia suddenly latched her hands on mine. "You look a bit red. Are you sick? Did the portal mess with your organs?"

"That's a bit— no, I'm fine. Why?" I asked.

"Oh, you were acting a little bit weird. A moment ago you were smiling, and then you were frowning, and then you were talking to yourself as if you were talking to someone. I've never seen you do that in the past so I was a bit worried." Natalia concernedly said.

"Ah, that? Don't worry about him, Natalia. That guy talks to himself a lot ever since I met him. That's totally normal for him." White waved his hand a second time, this time, to Natalia. "And also, he keeps on mentioning someone by the name of Hui-ying. I don't know who she is, probably a lover of his from the past."

Wide-eyed, Natalia looked me in the eyes, trying to figure out if White was telling the truth. As for me, I was shocked beyond belief. What did he mean by a lover? Hui-ying is literally in my head! What on actual—

"No, no. You got it wrong, White. Hui-ying isn't my lover, nothing of the sort. Actually, she was my partner. When I first found myself in the middle of an outbreak, she came to help me."

"So she was your benefactor?" White confirmed.

"Yes, and more than that. When she first rescued me from a bunch of rabid humans, she couldn't remember a single thing from the past. But even after all that, she helped me. She taught me how to fight the rabid humans, how to survive by myself, and pretty soon, I was your full-fledged zombie hunter and more! One day, we had to go our separate ways because she was heading to a different shelter while I was heading to the Tang Shelter. But before we completely parted ways, she turned around and called me. She then asked me to give her a name so she will never forget about me. I don't know but for some reason, I thought of the name Hui-ying and that's what I gave her as a parting gift. She seemed pleased about it so I felt a bit proud of myself. Wherever she is right now, I hope she's living her best life. Even without her memories, she still turned around to help me with no regard for her life. A kind and gentle soul through and through."

"Oh, so that's what happened. That sounds like a beginning of a novel. I dig it." White flashed a thumbs up towards me. "I also hope that she's okay. She seems like a good person."

"Yes, yes she is," I muttered... I was lying as naturally as I breathed so I had to go through with this, you know.

"Mmm... I believe your story, Sect Master. I think you're the type of person to name someone Hui-ying." Natalia pointed out. "I'm just glad you're okay. For a second there, I was really worried."

"Mmm... that's really deep Yongr— " Hui-ying was about to make another comment.

"Shut up." I interrupted her, but deep in my mind, I could tell that she was giggling without restraints.

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