I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 198: Onto the Middle Plane

"Take care, Sect Master." Ye Zhiyun wiped some tears streaming down her cheeks as she meekly approached me.

"Sect Master, please take good care of yourself. We will await your return." Luo Zehn cupped his hands as he wore a warm smile.

"Sect Master, we will miss you!" Xiao Liang voiced out as tears and snot filled his face, I couldn't even recognize him. 

After a week or so staying in the Tang Shelter, I'm finally prepared for my departure. Within the week, I gave my three disciples countless instructions and guidance as to how they could properly and efficiently lead a Shelter. I also gave them most of my resources, only keeping the Essence Pot and Boundless Calligraphy to myself since I'll be needing them in the Middle Plane.

I closed my eyes and wiped the tears off of it before they even came out. And after doing so, I rushed towards Ye Zhiyun and the others as I gave the three of them a big hug. To me, it feels like this was the moment where we're all reunited. And as fast as our reunion transpired, so was the farewell that followed it. Pretty soon, tears came bursting out of my tears like dams opening their floodgates. "Take care of yourselves, I know you're already in the Dao Realm but there are still others who are stronger than you. Keep in mind that your priority is keeping this Shelter safe. And also take care of each other just like how you've been doing it for the past five years. I'll return as soon as I can but until then... you have to promise me that you'll take care of yourselves."

"Yongrui!" Somebody called out behind my back, making me whirl my head to that direction.

It was Yu Sying and Yu Yan with Lin Xian, the mother-daughter duo and the shopping mall girl I met when I first woke up. They owe me their lives but right now, I owe them a lot. They've contributed greatly to the Shelter, especially in their agricultural and managerial departments. I could not thank them enough.

Yu Yan was the first to come towards me, giving me a huge tackle hug despite her midget size. She was still as cute as ever, resembling her mom too much. It's been a few weeks since I last saw her but I could've sworn she's gotten a few inches taller. When it comes to children... they sure do grow so fast. "Are you leaving?" She asked as tears formed in her eyes.

Gently wiping the tears, I responded. "Yes, I have to go somewhere so we can stop the zomb— rabid humans once and for all. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"But you just got here..." She trailed off, glancing towards her mom and Lin Xian while stalling for time.

"I know, that's why I'll be back as soon as I can, look after the Shelter while I'm gone, okay?" I said, patting her on the head.

Once Yu Yan and Lin Xian caught up to us, they said their goodbyes, and I received two hugs one more time. The morning was cold but man, who would've thought that I'd feel so warm this early morning.


Ah, yes, here comes another one.

From afar, I could see Wu Yan, Luo Zehn, and Blade coming towards us at full speeds. Even White was a bit threatened by them since they were already in the Peak Dao Realm. A few more months and they'll enter the Transcendence Realm, all thanks to the resources and cultivation techniques I personally taught them.

"To think that we were once co-zombie hunters... and now you're practically traveling to the Middle Plane... when we first saw you you weren't even in the Immortal Realm yet!" Luo Zehn punched me lightly in the gut before placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I know right, it's shameful... totally unbefitting a Sect Master. That's why I hid my identity to everyone." I scratched my head in embarrassment.

"Take good care of yourself out there. We promise to uphold our end of the deal by protecting the Tang Shelter with our lives on the line. And of course, we'll work hard to gain more alliances to further the influence of the Tang Shelter."

"You know, Shen Rong won't be pleased if he hears you talk like that ahaha. In any case, if ever Shen Rong stops by, welcome him as you did me when I first arrived at the Red Sea Shelter."

"Yongrui... " Wu Yan called out. "I'm already in the Peak Dao Realm, can't I come with you? I promise I'll do my best to keep you safe."

Wu Yan, probably one of the few girls whom I thought of dating. But then again, I was more of a coward than I think. I know that telling her my feelings directly would just end up hurting her since I'm always in danger. And now I'm climbing up to the Middle Plane where all rabid humans are leagues stronger than me, I'm basically asking for my death. That's why I decided not to tell her anything. I'm sure she'll find a better man than me. I mean, sure I was a Sect Master, but I was severely lacking in a lot of areas since everything I did in life was just cultivate. Never did I nurture my relationships with anyone... including my disciples.

"You can't. Onl those who are in Transcendence Realm and above can step into the Middle Plane... and it would keep my mind at ease to know that all of you are safe. If you go with me, you'll be risking your life as well. The only reason why I asked Natalia to accompany us is that she's actually stronger than me when it comes to cultivation levels." I continued. "Can I ask you a favor?"

Wu Yan nodded as she suppressed her tears from coming out of her eyes.

"Please stay safe and protect everyone in this Shelter. You know that all of you are important to me and together, you'll have a higher chance of keeping each other safe. The reason why you're all gathered in this Shelter is that I trust each and every one of you. Until I return... please stay safe."

I don't know if it was because I got my guard down or because I felt rather emotional that time... but I didn't even see it coming. Before I realized what was going on, Wu Yan swooped in for the kill, grabbing the collar of my robes and seizing my lips with hers.

Sure I had plenty of time to activate my Time Stretch Skill and get out of the sticky situation but to hell with it. It's not every day a lady comes up to you and kisses you of her own volition. I mean, this is basically a first for me.

But then I forgot about the backlash that would happen soon after.

A light chup~ came from both of our lips as Wu Yan finally let go of the kiss. With a flustered face, she leaned on my chest and whispered. "I promise... I will wait for you, Yongrui." She continued before running off to who knows which part of the Tang Shelter.

"HEY! That's not fair!" Shi Meili screamed from afar as she used her Time Stretch Skill. To me, it felt like she just normally came up to me. But to the others, it felt like she appeared all at once. "Why did she get to kiss you first... I called dibs on you first." She complained, planting her lips on mine.

What on actual—

I think somebody's rising and it's not the sun on the horizon. What is going on with these people?!

"You better come back, Yongrui. I've waited for you for more than twenty years. There's no way I can't wait a few years more." She continued. "And also, mom approves of our marriage!"

"I guessed that much," I told her as I gave her a pat on the head. "Take good care of yourself. And also, have some restraint when it comes to using your Time Element."

Well, they weren't the only ones to kiss me that day. Xiang Xiaoqing, the lady with the summon and healing element, gave me a light peck on the cheeks as well. Zeng Meihui, the ex-disciple of Master Duyao (Hundred Poison Lady) also planted a kiss on my lips while I was talking to Luo Zehn and the others. And even Wu Jia, who just so happened to get engaged to me by word of mouth, courtesy of her dad— the Shelter Leader of the Immovable Mountain Shelter. And then there's Yu Yan, who insisted on giving me a kiss on the cheeks as well just as White, Natalia, and I were heading out of the gates of the Tang Shelter.

Wait... aren't I just bragging at this point? Well, I guess this is a lesson on how all good things come to an end.

I swear I'll be back, Tang Shelter, Lower Plane.

Now, onto the Middle Plane.

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