I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 171 169. Steller Warp

Chapter 171 169. Steller Warp

[Ding! Time is up, Host is now waking up, It's suggested to proceed with caution…

The protection period starts : 00:59 min…]

A wait of Karna over, System voice rang in his mind as he felt the immense energy flow in his veins, He also get control back, He can now move his limbs and open his eyes.

And so he did it, He opened his eyes but a bright light obstructed his vision nearly blinding him, So he just has to quickly close his eyes.

"What is happening? Where does that light come from?"

Karna didn't move, rather started to think about where that light came from at super speed thanks to the power of the system. This is big issue actually.

He could look directly at the blazing sun without any hindrance, So there should have not been any problem with it but here it was, which means that bright light did not come from the sun and there is a big possibility that it came from the source of the thing the system warned him about.

"Definitely that thing, But where and what is the threat? How to go there and find it- *Swif*"

Karna know it has to do with the fact about the warning he got but because of that he became concerned, Though he has the biggest trump card in his arsenal to take care of the matter but he still worries about the unknown.

And so he started to think aloud but in the process he forgot one teeny tiny thing and that is that he was filled with immense power which were also granting and boosting his other skills.

One of the being Steller Warp, the ability to ignore the restraint of the space and move on in space but through it, Which in normal term consider teleportation and unfortunately unknown to this effect Karna spoke the words triggering his this skill.

Karma before he can think about what has happen teleported in the middle of now considered battlefield, The place where two one of the most powerful forces are about to collide.

Karna can't see it but he can feel it. He can feel the approaching doom, He wants to move, run away from here, Vanish out of the place as he appeared here but finds out that he can't move.

The fear, the primal instinct took over his actions, Even the teleportation was not working, All odds stand against him.


"What!!? Is that Karna!??"

It was Surya who yelled first as he saw a figure sudden appeared in the middle of the battlefield, He quickly identified him, On instinct his head turned to the side praying he would see his son laying there on the bed as before with a white fox on his chest but to his horror he was not there.

His first line of action of seeing that was to jump ahead and push his son aside but as he was about to do that he slammed into the force field in front of them, which they themselves created to embrace the aftermath of the impact.

"Release the field, There is Karna there."

He yelled to the group behind him who did not understand why Surya who was calm until not suddenly became so panicked but when they heard his words the colour of their faces turned white.

Blood drained from their face as they too saw the tiny figure who was about to get hit by the powers even they did not fully comprehend.

"How he got there, No! Bhishma release the field, We have to save him."

Ganga seeing it was really Karna lost her calmness, She in desperate time said to her son, Who was looking very hesitant to actually release the shield.

He did not want to let a kid in, especially not after he gave that kid the word he will be his bodyguard but this matters of the safety of not only the royal family in the palace but also the matter of an innocent citizen in the city.

If they release the child there is a high chance that they can save Karna with little to no harm but what happens afterwards to the others? Once this shield is gone they will feel the burnt of the aftermath.

"Forgive me Mother but I can't obey you this time, Please punish me later for my sin."

Bhishma bowed down in shame and guilt as he said to his mother, If it was something else he would have obeyed his mother in a heartbeat but this is the thing he can't put it at risk.

"You- "

Ganga wanted to say something but choked on her words because she could see the side of Bhishma and to be honest no matter how unwilling she was, his side was reasonable.

One can't put the fate, the lives of all citizens at risk for to save one life, It just did not make sense, as all life holds the same values

But that argument can only be used by reasonable people. A Mother who wants to protect her son will not listen to any reason. All she knows is to protect her child at any cost.

And so Ganga ignored her reason. Indeed she can't release the all force field as it would put people at risk but she can create enough space for her to sneak past it.

She stand in place and closed her eyes, In instance her obsidian-like black hair started to flow in the air like a river current. Her body started to glow in divine brilliance as she released the restraint this mortal world put on her.

There was a white royal crown on her head, In her hand was a brilliant Kalasha (Water pot) containing her power of force and below her feet was Makara (Crocodile) her godly mount.

After which she just simply tears the small rift through in the force field enough for her to squeeze past it and flew towards Karna just to see there were two figures of women also rushing towards Karna.

They were no one other than Sandhya and Chhaya. These two mothers knew that Karna was in danger and did not stop to think even for a second. They just simply released their restrictions ignoring the consequences they had to face doing this here on the mortal realm and flew towards Karna.

This should have revealed the identity of those two but for some reason even Ganga seeing them could not identify them. All she thought was that they were using the power of penance and Yoga to get this power.

But even doing this they were too late, Those powers were about to collide.


"Huh? How did that child appear there?"

The third man who already thrown his giant axe at the place where the two power about to collide to lower the impact power of the blast with his axe was in shock when he saw a child appear out of thin air in the middle of the battle.

He didn't think a second and wanted to pull his axe back because in the trajectory he threw the axe will going to bit that child. There might even a slight chance to survive from the blast of these powers but if the axe hit the child he will surely going to die.

But then he remember that once he throw his axe it will lot come back until it accomplishes its task, And the task is to lower or outright refuse the aftermath of the collision.

"No, I can't let that happen, I already broke the teeth of one child because of it, I can't let the child die under my axe."

He said in worry as he using his super muscular build jumped towards the child.


Sukracharya was so shocked he could not comprehend what just happened, he didn't even sense the presence of Karna until he appeared here.

He was monitoring him, Making sure he was safe but just a second ago he sensed that he vanished and before he could understand the reason to his horror Karna appeared in front of him.

And not only that he was about to strike but the two forces which were said to be supreme in their field, He hurriedly lowered the power of his attack but it was unstoppable.

Just like one lose all the control over the arrow once its released from the bow, He too does not have any control over that power at all.

But can't let that happen, This all happen because of Karna, He was the sole reason for it, So be also without thinking anything jumped high opening his Life and Death book and trying to provide protection for Karna.


Rudra also sensed the presence of Karna, Though it is being with pure angre and power but it only attacks the one who deserves it, he did not attack innocent lives or rather he is there to protect the said lives.

Especially when he saw that this boy was Karna the part-conscious Durvasa initiated and took over the control of body and also jumped towards Karna in hope of protecting him.

"Huh!?? How did he got there?"

Ganesha who was starting to enjoy the fight was taken aback by the sudden presence of Karna, Even he who was monitoring the situation to prevent any unnecessary harm could not detect his presence at all.

As if Karna just appeared there somehow, But surprise be was he did not forget his task, He raised his hand ready to protect him but what happened next left him speechless.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day ??.)

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