I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 318

The spirits of El Rata were no different, baffled by the sudden disappearance of the sun.

-The sun is gone?

The continuous blasts heard from outside and the ground that keeps trembling. And even the recent incidents that have occurred.

The city was already in chaos.

-Calm down.

A pure white light emanated from the darkened sky, drawing everyone's attention.

The three lords of this city, revered by all the spirits of the Elemental Realm.

Mote, Spirit of Light.

The light from the spire shines not only near the spire, but as another sun, illuminating the entire city.

-As long as there is light, our enemies will never be able to penetrate El Rata.

Slowly descending from the spire with the light at his back, Mote looked up and saw the sky was now as black as night.

-……It's true, I never thought they'd actually force the night.

At first, he thought it was just a rumor.

Turning day into night? That's the stuff of mythology.

But now that it's happening right in front of him, it's not so strange that Mote chuckles in disbelief.

-Cast the light of the spire wider. As it is, we can't afford to give the Dark Ones the slightest bit of territory to invade.

Now that the entrance to the dungeon had been breached, his first priority was to keep the dark spirits from infiltrating the city.

To other spirits, if not to humans, the power of dark spirits was nothing short of extreme.


Something smashed into the spire that was emitting bright light, causing a huge explosion.

The light that had been illuminating the city had disappeared because it had hit the part that emitted light. In the midst of it all, Mote looked up and saw the direction the projectile had come from.

-What was that?

A man dressed in a black suit with a nasty grin on his face.

He seemed to be rolling a rock in his hand and moving his mouth.


To Mote's eyes, the shape of the human's mouth looked like it was speaking in strikes.

-……That must be him.

He snapped his fingers, instinctively realizing that the man was the one responsible for this.

-Light Knights.

Mote's words caused a flash of light, revealing a group of knights in pure white armor.

Each one was a mid-level Elemental, one of the elite troops of the Elemental Kingdom. The knight who stood before them, a high ranking Elemental, knelt down and spoke quietly.


Smiling with satisfaction at his words, Mote pointed to a human male in the distance.

-Kill him.


Upon hearing the command, the man immediately transformed into light and rushed towards the enemy.

More crossed his arms and stared at the top of the ramparts in the direction of the beacon.

Even if they were allied with the dark spirits, they were still humans. With the Light Knights acting, it will be difficult to survive.

Now he just had to wait and see what happens.

-How funny that the enemy should show up from the beginning.

Mote was certain of victory from the moment he saw Eugene.

* * *

Could it be because he's been provocative from the start? From beneath the collapsed spire, a group of spirits approached me, scattering light.

Each and every one of them was at least a mid-level spirit. Even the one that seemed to be the leader of them all seemed to be a high-level spirit.

"So, you're going to come straight to me like this?"

Yes, I had actually jumped up on the wall myself, expecting this reaction.

That way, the opposing leader would pay attention to me and try to put on some sort of ‘show' to take me down.

What better way to boost the morale of others than to take down an important figure on the other side while everyone is watching?

-We'll escort you from here, Master.

What if it's the other way around?

What if the enemy's most important power source is shredded in front of everyone?

It would be the complete opposite of what they had in mind.

"Do it."


At the same time, the dark spirits that had been hiding in the darkness jumped out and clashed with the light cluster.


-……'Black Hand'. So you joined hands with the humans after all.

-At least the humans didn't betray us.

-……You'll regret it.

The two spirits stared at each other as if they already knew each other, blades pointed, ready to kill.

The other spirits began to battle the light spirits as well.

The light spirits were far superior in skill.

Normally, our side would have been pushed back, but the ones escorting me now are not ordinary dark spirits, but spirits under Corleone.

That means.

-Sir……! My attacks aren't working against them!


-They're using weird-looking weapons──

It also meant that they were using Corleone’s equipment.

If they're not good enough, why not give them better equipment?

-Ew! Damn darkies……!

With the armor and weapons provided by Corleone, the Dark Spirits gain the upper hand and begin to slowly push back their enemies.

Eventually, the Light Spirits begin to allow attacks and slowly begin to dwindle in numbers.

Is this it?

"I heard this was the main base of the Spirit Kingdom, but it's not much after all."

I shifted my gaze to the one that shone brightest in the darkness.

This is just the beginning, I hope they don't fall apart like this.

Just then, I noticed a large group of troops beginning to move toward the city walls from one corner of the city.

The enemy had begun to move in earnest.

"Honestly, it's not fair to fight against the walls, so let's level the playing field……."

I reached into my pocket and threw the last of the gem bombs I had prepared for just such an occasion at the gates.


I wonder if they ever faced a proper invasion before.

The giant gate shattered with a single magic bomb, instantly transforming into a doorway.


You know what's great about urban dungeons like this? The moment you enter the city, it's no longer a battle of strength on a killing field, but a civic battle where strategy and tactics matter.

How many nature-loving creatures, whose only combat experience is with monsters and dark spirits, have ever played city warfare?

At best, they've done it a few times against spirits with contractors or villains.

By comparison, our Corleone has done it all before…….


"Check inside!"

We are specialists in city warfare.

In fact, just by entering the city, the first step had been successfully taken.

From here on out, it's just a matter of who gets the most territory.

Additional troops begin to enter the city and gunfire and shouts begin to fill the air.

"Use your spirit bullets sparingly, and only when you're sure you've laid them down!"

-Burn the building down!

-Don't let the humans get any closer!

"Too much firepower, retreat to the back building!"

This is a real war.

As a game changer, the Dark Spirits are brought in from the back.

Although they weren't as elite as the Dark Spirits currently facing the Light Spirits, their presence would be a great help in this situation.

When they see my gesture, they enter the city and are on the verge of sealing the favorable situation.

-It’s laughable.

Suddenly, with a sound from the sky, the light that should have been lost with the spires began to illuminate the surroundings once again.

I slowly raised my head and looked in the direction of the source of the light.

And there it was, a pure white orb, hovering above the ruined spire as if it were the new sun.

Directly beneath it stood a man in a white veil, stepping on the rubble of the spire.

-Do you truly hope, dark spirits, and men?

With the High Fire Elemental and the Wind Elemental next to him.

Each one said to rival the Elemental King.

-Realize that you are just joining in on our entertainment.

I swallowed hard and clenched my fists at the sight of the two beings, who were like strategic weapons in motion.

Of course, it wasn't as if we hadn't been planning our conquest of the Elemental Realm and hadn't been working on a plan for the three of them.

They are our greatest variable, and how could we not have a plan B?

The problem is, that alternative doesn't exist right now.

We had to stall for time somehow.

"Entertainment? Entertainment is something to be enjoyed at such a cost, with the gates broken down and the city slowly being taken over? How long are we going to maintain such an arrogant attitude?"

I called out to them as I climbed to the top of the tallest building in the neighborhood.

-Mote, what is he?

As if intrigued, the fire elemental pointed a flaming finger in my direction.

-……is the human who is believed to be the leader of our enemies.

-What? Then what are you looking at? Just kill him!

At the same time as he said that, dozens of red heat rays shot out from his fingertips and flew towards me.

"Protect Master!"

A cry came from behind me, and at the same time, several people surrounded me, deflecting all the heat rays.

I look at those who have taken up positions beside me.

Jin-woo, Sasha, Gamauchi, and Han Seo-joon.

As expected, they are reliable. If they are sending their elite, we should also send our elite.

I open my mouth with a smirk.

"You used a surprise attack, but it failed. How embarrassing is that?"

-……that damned brat.

-Ignis, don't fall for the enemy's taunts. Despite their appearance, each one of them is quite powerful.

The Fire Elemental was about to lunge at them, but the Light Elemental stopped him, analyzing the situation coolly.

-……I remembered, that's the guy who stabbed me in the back!

This time, the wind spirit next to us became agitated and started glaring at us. It must have remembered Han Seo-joon's attack.

"Han Seo-joon."

"……Yes. Master."

"Come on, let's see you provoke them properly."


They gave me a sting, but I shouldn't be still.

"Quickly. Those three are a tough nut to crack when they're together."

"……I'll try."

Hearing my order, Han Seo-joon sighed and finally began to wave the dagger in his hand.

He then turned to the Wind Spirit and said.

"The contractor who makes a contract with you is pitiful. Who would be happy to receive a defective spirit with a hole in its back right after forming the contract?"

After hearing Han Seo-joon's words, the Wind Spirit gritted his teeth and shouted at the Light Spirit.

-You want us to leave him alone?! If the three of us rush in, we can easily kill it!

-For the first time in a long time, Fira actually says something I like. What's the point of putting up with those lowlifes!

The Light Elemental sighed and furrowed his brow.

-……Do as you please.

-Mote! You told me to do this?!

-Thank you, More!

We’re at disadvantage against them since their combination is fire and wind.

Their synergy with each other is so powerful that it's hard to deal with them.

And with that damned artificial sun, the dark spirits can't do much but I'm just sitting back and watching them charge.

He should, too, because we've wasted enough time.

There is a way to turn this around once and for all.


"Ariete (ram)."


The artificial sun that illuminated the surroundings is instantly erased, as if it had never existed, and a new darkness washes over the city.

A man walks with a leisurely pace from the gates of the already occupied city.

Peeking out from beneath his black bowler hat, the man puffs on a cigar and strokes his right hand, and I smile.

"You're finally here."

The way out of this situation, that is.

"Dad, it's them!"

I called my dad.

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