I Became the Youngest Prince in the Novel

Chapter 144: To The Church of Light (4)

TL/Editor: Rungir

Schedule: none

Illustrations: none

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A chasm where not a single streak of light can be found.

"Serkia has requested support."

In the darkness of that abyss, a low voice heavy enough to oppress the soul itself flowed.

"Oh, I know. Came running like a dog with its tail on fire, didn't she?"

A high voice, similar to that of a woman's, answered as if in response, echoing through the darkness.

"Pathetic, isn't it? To think she couldn't handle a single task properly and lost two demons while begging for help."

The high voice was filled with an unmistakable annoyance and mockery.

It was a natural reaction.

For over a hundred years, the demons had painstakingly infiltrated the entire Agnes Empire. Now, just before the last great war, they had achieved such a level of success that they could claim control over the empire from the shadows.

This perfect situation was made possible by the system of demons and their minions.

With everything already achieved, their tasks were not difficult.

They just had to maintain the status quo until the war began and perform minor duties.

But now, failing even at that and requesting support was understandably frustrating.

"I heard it all went wrong because of one variable."

"A variable? Oh, you mean that Zion Agnes or something?"

The high voice opened, already knowing what the low voice was referring to.

Lately, there had been continuous talk about him within the demonic ranks.


"But he's just one guy, right? We've already taken the royal palace from the shadows, using that should make killing him easy."

"I heard they tried several times but failed every time. Plus, it was him who killed the demons and stopped our plans. So, it's not something we should take lightly."

After a brief silence, the high voice asked the low voice.

"So, we're going to support them?"

"I believe we should. It's more efficient than just killing them off for their failure."

"Who will you send? If really two demons were killed, ordinary ones won't do."

"Then we'll send someone extraordinary."

With that, a name flowed from the low voice.

"That doesn't sound too bad."

At that, a full-of-interest smile hung on the lips of the high voice existing in the darkness.


The Solar Train consisted of a total of eight carriages.

Specifically, the fourth carriage, located right in the center.

Inside this carriage, a dozen or so people were looking towards the door leading to the next carriage with tense eyes.

The reason was simple.

Boom! Boom!

The continuous explosions that had been sounding for a while now.

The explosions, starting from the first-class carriage where the target was located, were getting closer to this direction.

And there was only one thing this meant.

Their colleagues in the carriage ahead were being overpowered by the target.

"Was the target this strong? I thought it was not the saint but a candidate..."

"It seems there's an accomplice. Probably that man who boarded the train earlier."

The man with black hair who had an air of lethargy about him.

They remembered him because they had mocked him for walking into his death willingly.

But who would have thought that man would be this powerful.

"The moment they enter, we strike first."

The person leading the fourth carriage spoke amidst the tension pulled tight.

Perhaps judging that to be their best chance of success.

Following that person's command, the rest prepared to attack the target as soon as they entered, standing right by the door.

Bang! Bang!

Meanwhile, the explosions kept getting closer.

And with that, the tension among them reached its peak.


The explosions that had reached right up to the door suddenly stopped.

Followed by silence.


In that silence, a few of the people, puzzled, pressed their ears against the door.


The clear noise that reached their ears.

And the next moment, Boom!

The wall of the train carriage, along with the door, shattered, and the shockwave that burst forth swept away all the people standing by it.

Most of them were ripped apart without even having the chance to scream.

Step, step.

Over the bodies of the people cleared out in an instant, the man who caused all this, Zion, quietly walked through the fourth carriage.

Of course, it was Zion.


Olivia followed behind Zion with a look of astonishment, clicking her tongue.

Although she had witnessed this scene as they broke through four carriages, she was still not accustomed to it.

The monsters that were just torn apart along with the wall were certainly not weak.

No, each of them was stronger than most of the elite knights belonging to Olivia's own family.

'If he can easily smash those monsters to pieces like that...'

How strong must he be?

Moreover, the unfamiliar aura and combat techniques I'm seeing for the first time made the man's presence even more impressive.

Then, a shriek!

Were they still alive?

Two of the people who had barely survived the previous shockwave charged madly towards Olivia from behind.

But Zion did not move an inch.

-I will kill you!

As they reached right in front of Olivia, they swung their claws, concentrated with demonic energy.

Right at that moment, when their attack was about to hit its mark, a burst of brilliant holy light exploded from Olivia's entire body, and her fist, like lightning, smashed!

It crushed the heart of the one charging at her first.

A clean, flawless strike.


The remaining person, who witnessed this scene from behind, shook with fear, and then, with a swift change of stance, Olivia, with steady breaths, took a unique step and quickly approached him.

And once again, her fist extended.

This time, Olivia's fist was condensed with golden holy power, symbolizing light.

The person quickly tried to defend with a magic formula, but crack!

Olivia's fist, along with the formula, pierced through his head in one go.


Olivia, calming her breath, looked down at the bodies of the people who had fallen to the ground with a thud.

'Even before awakening, she's stronger than I thought.'

Zion thought to himself, looking at her.

In the chronicles, Olivia Bright showed outstanding talent in two aspects.

One was the control of holy power, and the other was the sacred martial arts she just demonstrated.

It had not been known to the world because there was no occasion to show it, but at this time, she already possessed a strength that was hard to find a match for even within her family.

"Let's move on. It seems the enemies have noticed us, so we should hurry before they prepare."

This was why she didn't object to Zion's earlier statement about striking first.

"Let's do that."

Responding to Olivia, who started walking ahead, Zion also moved towards the next carriage.

The following battles were much easier.

-What, what is this strength... Agh!

The situation was perfectly understood, and Olivia actively participated in the combat.

Both using their fists, their cooperation wasn't too bad.

In fact, it was a perfect match.


After Zion uses an area-of-effect technique to sweep through the entire train carriage, Olivia jumps in to fill the gap, taking out any remaining enemies.

It was like watching gears mesh together precisely.

The dark aura of Black Star spreading heavily in all directions contrasted with the brilliantly spreading light of holy power.

The mix of black and white created by these two was beautiful yet devastatingly destructive.


Everything it touched was smashed to bits, leaving hardly any trace.


Thus, Zion and Olivia swiftly broke through three carriages and entered the last one before the engine room, smashing the door without hesitation.

What they saw were enemies, seemingly twice as many as they had encountered so far.

-...To come this far!

No longer trying to hide their true nature, the enemies revealed their original forms from the start.

'I want to break through quickly.'

With that thought, Zion's eyes darkened.

His gaze wasn't on the enemies blocking the way but on the engine room beyond them.

The movements inside the engine room were suspicious, as if the leader was trying to derail the train.

'Too many to handle with fists alone, it would take too long...'

But revealing his true abilities by drawing out Eclipse or Agdvar would risk exposing his identity.



Zion's eyes sparkled upon seeing something outside the train window.

It was a very short tunnel.


Olivia called out to Zion, who suddenly stopped and stood still.

Without answering, Zion stretched one leg back and leaned forward, placing his hands on one side of his waist.

It was a stance reminiscent of preparing for a swordless draw.

"What are you suddenly doing...?"

At that moment, Olivia's eyes filled with questions, and then, Screech!

All the energy in the surroundings started to be absorbed into the darkness, converging into Zion's hands.

The entire carriage vibrated.

-Block him!!!

Instinctively sensing danger, the enemies grimaced and rushed towards Zion in desperation.

But it was already too late.

As the train entered the tunnel, their view was cut off.

With a jolt!

And barely a second later, as the train emerged from the tunnel.

In the returning light and field of vision, the enemies could see.


Zion was now standing behind them.

Along with something resembling a sword fading away like smoke from Zion's hand,


A single black line cut across all of them.

Soon after, Crack!

Everything caught by that line began to split apart.

Naturally, this included the enemies as well.

Thus, they met their end without even realizing what had happened.


As if that wasn't enough, the train carriage's ceiling was slashed diagonally and fell away.


Olivia, who had been watching the whole scene from behind, muttered as she looked at Zion.

Her eyes widened to their limits, filled with disbelief.

That strike.

It was different from anything they had encountered before.

Even though it happened in a place where visibility was blocked, Olivia couldn't even perceive it.

It felt like a strike that had leaped several levels in one go.

There was only one thing this could mean.

'Has he been... hiding his skills until now?'

If hiding his skills meant this level of power, just how strong was he originally?

Moreover, from the remnants left behind, the strike seemed closer to a sword strike than a punch.

Was he originally a swordsman?

It was impossible to discern his true nature.

Whether Zion knew what was on Olivia's mind or not, with the same calm eyes as before, he was about to approach the engine room, the last carriage.


With a sound loud enough to tear eardrums, the entire train began to wobble as if it were about to derail.

And at that moment,

"This filthy bastard dares to ruin my plans!!!"

The door to the engine room burst open, and Kaindal shot out like lightning towards Zion.

His face was contorted with rage.

Having never failed a mission before, his anger was piercing the sky, but even in the midst of this, Kaindal was thinking rationally.

'Strike first with a surprise attack and pour all my power into it from the beginning.'

He knew.

This man with black hair was the variable and the main reason his plans were foiled.

To have made it here alone meant his strength was beyond imagination.

Therefore, there was no time for searching or leisure.


Zion, emitting an overwhelmingly intense aura, watched as his enemy charged towards him.

'It seems to have a similar level of strength to the one I faced in the Angeloš territory before.'

If that's the case, this battle would show how much stronger he has become compared to that time.

Back then, even after using all his best techniques, including Eclipse, Zion couldn't completely overcome Kezarus without Liushina's help.

'Let's start with a light punch without using Eclipse.'


With that thought, the dark energy of Black Star wildly swirled around Zion's fist and shot towards the approaching Kaindal.

But there was one thing.

Zion had overlooked one fact.

That single punch was not at all "light" for Kaindal.

The moment Zion's fist collided, Kaindal's upper body disappeared without a trace.

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