I Became the Youngest Prince in the Novel

Chapter 136: The Giant Destroyer (4)

TL/Editor: Rungir

Schedule: none

Illustrations: none

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The Agnes Empire was vast.

Due to its size, countless undiscovered dungeons, areas, and artifacts existed, and there were numerous exploration teams searching for them.

However, only five of these teams were awarded the title of 'Elite' across the entire empire.

These teams were made up of adventurers with skills far beyond the average, truly the cream of the crop.

Their tasks were also significantly more challenging than those of other teams.

And now.

"Huff, huff!"

Renet Ilones, a member of one of these elite teams, 'The Scouring Eyes,' was frantically running through a burning village.


Harsh swear words flew from her mouth.

Usually, she almost never swore, but the situation was dire enough for her to curse.

"What the hell is going on!"

The trouble began a short while ago when Renet's team received a request.

The request came from 'Hoire,' a small village at the eastern edge of the empire, asking them to investigate a strange relic that had suddenly appeared in the village center.

The task seemed too low-level for them, and they would have normally declined, but the team leader, Alos, sensed something odd from the relic's description in the request and decided to accept it, sending her and two other team members to the village.

'We should never have accepted that request!'

With that thought, Renet increased her speed and glanced back.



She saw many villagers, now too grotesque to be considered human, chasing after her.

The villagers had transformed into this state just a few hours ago.

A giant relic had suddenly emerged in the center of the village.

Without any warning, a bright red light burst from the relic, and anyone touched by the light transformed into these monstrous forms.

Since then, Renet had been running, not knowing the whereabouts of the other team members.

'What on earth could it be...'

Renet recalled the relic's appearance before the chaos ensued.

It looked like a snake's tongue, but thousands of times larger, a shape she had never seen before despite exploring many dungeons and remote areas. She couldn't find out anything about it even upon investigation.

'And it's incredibly contagious!'

At first, there were people who hadn't been touched by the light and were fine, but as soon as they came into contact with those who had turned into monsters, they transformed just the same.

With this level of contagion, it's only a matter of time before it spreads from this village to nearby ones.

'No, it might have already spread.'

The situation was extremely serious.

A disaster.

Her usually reliable instincts were whispering that this situation could evolve into a new disaster, potentially one of unprecedented scale, beyond any of the known seven great calamities.

'I must alert others!'

There was nothing Renet could do here now.

The best course of action was to escape and inform her exploration team and the empire of the situation.


If transforming into a monster also drastically increased physical abilities, was that why, despite using all her mana to run, the monsters were closing in on Renet?

"If this goes on..."

With that thought, Renet's expression darkened.



Suddenly, a monster appeared in front of her, blocking her path.

It was Albert, one of the team members who had come to this place with Renet, now transformed into a monster.

"Damn it!"

Renet cursed again as she tried to turn back, but she was too close to escape the reach of the monster's claws.

A mix of urgency and despair appeared on Renet's face.

Just as the monster's claw was about to crush her head.

"How fascinating."

An unexpectedly cheerful voice interrupted the moment.


The upper body of the monster swinging its claw at Renet vanished.

Caught off guard by the unexpected development, Renet saw a figure standing behind the falling body of the monster.

"How does the master know all about these things? Is it because he reads a lot?"

A woman with black hair and contrasting red eyes.

It was Liushina.

"You are...!"

Renet opened her mouth with a trembling voice.


Numerous monsters rushed at them from behind.

Liushina looked at these monsters with interest.

"Interesting creatures, aren't they?"

The power that had transformed the villagers into monsters was a unique ability and spell that even Liushina, who had lived for hundreds of years, had never seen before. It smelled similar to blood magic.

Had Zion known about this from the beginning and sent her here on purpose?

"Kill them all! The Witch of a Thousand Deaths stands with us!"


Soon after, Kerma D'cols, the Blood Tower Lord, along with the mages of the Blood Tower, emerged behind Liushina and began unleashing a relentless barrage of magic at the monsters.


Dozens of offensive spells caused a series of explosions, completely obliterating the monsters without leaving a trace.

"This could possibly elevate the Blood Tower to a new level."

Liushina muttered quietly as she watched the village gradually turn into a battlefield.


The first thing Zion did after emerging from the grand battle with Vatar was to declare to the giants of the Blue Claw tribe that he would be leading this war.

With Vatar, who already had complete command over the anti-Utekan faction, recognizing him and the presence of Gigaperseus, convincing the other giants was not difficult.

"From now on, we're going to crush the Red Horn."

Following that, Zion immediately led the giants towards the Red Horn tribe, where Utekan was.

Unlike other places, there were almost no hidden monsters in the giant's territory, and any traitors had been promptly executed by Vatar after an attack the night before, so there were no obstacles.

Perhaps it's because the giants, inherently warlike and fond of battle, were involved.

Despite a massive attack not long ago, preparations were swiftly completed, and the coalition of giants centered around the Blue Claw tribe was able to quickly move into the territory of the Red Horn tribe.

'Is this really the right thing to do?'

Vatar, the chief of the Blue Claw tribe, thought this while watching Zion moving ahead with what seemed to be his personal guards.

Zion's calm eyes were unreadable.

The situation was rapidly changing, and despite Vatar having gathered the giants and set out following Zion's decisive instructions, a faint glimmer of distrust still lingered in Vatar's eyes.

Of course, he thought this approach was the best.

'It's better than sitting around waiting to be annihilated.'

Moreover, their front was not wide, allowing them to quickly concentrate their forces, whereas the pro-Utekan faction had not yet fully gathered their strength.

It was the perfect time for a full-scale war.

The problem was that even so, their forces were spread thin.

That's why, even though Prince Zion had assured victory, Vatar couldn't easily believe it.

'Did he say reinforcements were on their way?'

With that thought, Vatar recalled the conversation he had with Prince Zion just before setting out.

-"But, Your Highness Zion... Are we really going to engage in a total war with just these forces?"

-"Why, do you think we will lose?"

-"Honestly... yes."

-"No need to worry. I have no intention of fighting like this."


-"Before the war starts, reinforcements for our side will arrive."

Vatar had asked what these reinforcements were, but Prince Zion only smiled, saying he would find out soon, without giving further details.

'Prince Zion said he came to the giant's territory with just his personal guard. How could reinforcements be arriving? Is there a follow-up force?'

Even if that were the case, to arrive on time, they would have needed to be inside the giant's territory already, but Vatar had not heard any information about this.

It was truly baffling.


"Look over there!

"Chief Vatar, look that way!"

Before the scouts sent ahead could return, warriors who saw something started shouting with trembling voices.

Vatar turned his head towards the front, and his eyes began to shake.

Something was approaching from beyond the horizon.

It was giants.

The horizon was filled with the ranks of giants from end to end.

These giants were all wearing helmets with red-tinted horns.

"The Red Horn tribe..."

They were the giants from the Red Horn tribe, allied with the pro-Utekan faction.

The earth trembled more and more as the countless tribal flags of dozens of tribes drew nearer, and the sight of this giant force caused the light to fade from the eyes of the opposing giants.

The power disparity between them and their opponents was clear.

Even the forces that had not yet fully assembled were formidable.

They might have loved battle, but not to the extent of enjoying a fight they were destined to lose.

'Can we really... win against that force?'

Vatar's eyes, as gloomy as the other giants', turned towards Zion.

Whether Zion knew what he was thinking or not, he was still looking at the approaching forces of the Red Horn with a lazy gaze.

As the chieftain's eyes darkened further,

'So, Zion Agnes, you were targeting me from the start.'

Utekan, on the opposite side, was also looking at Zion.

Despite the great distance between them, it was no issue for him.

'The monster legion was just an excuse.'

Otherwise, he couldn't have moved so swiftly right after arriving in the giant's territory.

'After all, there's no better place to kill an opponent without having to look over your shoulder.'

Given the region's distance from the imperial city and its constant state of war, even if royalty slaughtered each other, they could create reasons to cover it up sufficiently.

And in fact, given the intense competition for the throne, killing each other outside the imperial city or the capital wouldn't be much of an issue.

'Of course, I'll receive some criticism.'

Thinking this, Utekan smiled wickedly at Zion, whose eyes met his.

He never dreamed Zion would actually come to attack him first.

In a way, it was a situation where he was caught completely off guard.


'What's the big deal about that?'

Zion's action was utterly unexpected, but it wasn't something that could change the situation.

Nothing had changed, and Zion along with the opposing giants were still at a significant disadvantage.

In fact, it might have been more accurate to say it hastened their demise.

'Why make such a choice? I can't understand.'

Such a foolish decision.

It would have been slightly better for them to scatter and flee to preserve their lives a bit longer.

'He can't still believe the monster legion is coming, can he? Is there some other trick up his sleeve?'

In the end, it didn't matter.

Unless a force that could surpass one of the empire's top elite legions suddenly appeared, any other variable would be smashed to bits by the overwhelming difference in power between them.

Of course, Utekan had thoroughly investigated this before coming here, and no such force existed within the giant's territory.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

Was the thought of the upcoming massacre exciting?

Utekan's giant forces began stamping their feet and slamming their weapons on the ground in place.

The giants' eyes sparkled with a murderous gleam.

"Your Highness, we await your command."

A giant standing next to Utekan looked at him eagerly, urging for an order.

'Zion, today will be your end.'

Just as Utekan was about to issue the command to advance,

That roar!

It was a roar.

Not of humans or giants, but from entirely different beings.

The massive roar filled the entire battlefield, causing Utekan and the other giants to turn their heads towards the source of the sound.

And they saw it.

The monster legion.

Countless monsters filled their entire field of vision, rushing towards them at incredible speeds.

'The monster legion? Why are they suddenly here...'

Utekan's eyes filled with questions at the unexpected appearance.

Then, he caught sight of Zion looking at him and smiling brightly.

Soon after, Zion's mouth slowly opened to say something.

Though too far to hear, Utekan could make out the words from the shape of Zion's lips.

Full. Force. Charge.

And at that moment.


The horn of the Blue Claw tribe sounded, signaling the charge.

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