I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 68

From Crossroad, situated at the world’s farthest south, to the distant north.

The central part of the continent. Here, one could say, lies the heart of the world.

The capital of the Everblack Empire - ’New Terra’ boasts its colossal magnificence.

This city, embracing a vast harbor reaching the inner sea of the continent, is the global hub for trade and logistics. People pour in relentlessly, indifferent to the day-night cycle.

The ever-expanding size of the city has already matched the territory of a small nation.

In the heart of this most prosperous and colossal city, a corner of the imperial palace, also known as the Thornbush Castle due to its row of black spires.

Inside the office located in the tallest tower on the west, a man was reviewing documents.


Gleaming in his tantalizingly bound black hair was a faint red aura, and inside the frameless glasses perched on his nose, intellectual red eyes sparkled.

He is the second son of the Emperor and the de facto leader of the Everblack Empire, entrusted with administering the empire’s affairs.

Fernandez ’Ember Keeper’ Everblack.

His desk was piled high with various documents.

Reports awaiting his seal were ceaselessly pouring in from every territory of the empire.

As he was engrossed in scrutinizing the mountain of pressing issues, an aide approached from behind.

"Your Majesty."

"What is it?"

Fernandez, without turning around, inquired. The aide carefully began.

"Your younger sibling has requested reinforcements again."


"Yes. They say the monster invasion on the southern front is intensifying daily, and immediate reinforcement is needed."

Fernandez, who was rubbing his weary brow after removing his glasses, asked.

"How many times has a request for reinforcements been made now?"

"This is the third time."


Fernandez seemed lost in thought for a moment but eventually shook his head.

"Dismiss it."

"But, Your Majesty, the situation on the southern front really doesn’t seem ordinary."

The aide unfurled another paper in his hand and read it.

"According to our spy’s report, the level of the monster invasion is unprecedented in recent decades, and it’s getting worse..."

"I said dismiss it."

But Fernandez was unmoved.

"We’re currently concluding the war with the Bringar Duchy on the western front. We have no troops to spare for something like the southern front."

"Although that’s true..."

"The subjugation of the Duchy is our priority. If a real problem arises in the southern front, we can still handle it later."

Immediately after, Fernandez grumbled quietly.

"That Ash, always whining. Well, he always has been..."


"Nothing. Instead, what’s the situation on the Bringar Duchy front?"

"Currently, our First Army is directly attacking the Duchy’s capital. We expect to receive news of its fall within this week."

After a moment’s hesitation, Fernandez cautiously added a question.

"...and my elder brother?"

"He’s at the forefront."

"No matter how many times I tell him to break that habit..."

The Empire of Everblack’s First Prince, Lark ’Avalanche’ Everblack.

As the commander-in-chief who holds the military power of the empire, all the knights and soldiers under the empire follow his orders.

Lark, a born fighter and the First Prince, enjoyed leading the front lines himself.

The same was true in this war, which Fernandez did not appreciate.

Regardless of how powerful one’s own force is, he is the eldest prince after all.

The role of the commander isn’t at the forefront but at the command center.

’Both my brother and sister only give me heartburn...’

Quietly biting his lips, Fernandez asked his deputy one last question.

"I’m just curious, what about my Father?"

"He’s still in seclusion."

"...I see."

The sole emperor of the Empire had been seclusion in for several years.

Being holed up in the deepest part of the imperial palace, he would occasionally issue letters in person or call people to his inner palace to quietly give orders.

Hence, the First Prince handled external affairs, and the Second Prince took care of the internal ones.

As this situation continued, nasty rumors even started circulating that the Emperor had fallen ill.

This war with the Bringar Duchy was undoubtedly influenced by the Emperor’s absence.


Having thought about his father for a moment, Fernandez waved his hand.

"I understand. You may go now."

"Ah, your majesty, there’s one more thing that requires your approval."

The deputy took out another paper from his pocket and handed it to Fernandez. Fernandez indifferently took it and read it.

"Execution order?"

"Yes. It’s about the execution of the treason prisoners in the underground dungeon. Do you approve?"

"Of course, I approve. These people all committed treason against the Empire, didn’t they?"

The criminals had committed the act of rebellion half a year ago.

Of course, it was rarer for prisoners detained in the underground dungeon to be arrested for charges other than treason.

’How can there be a charge better than rebellion to make my blood boil.’

As Fernandez was about to immediately sign his approval of the execution, his hand suddenly stopped.



"Didn’t you say earlier that Ash requested reinforcements?"

"Yes, I did..."

"Send them."

"Ah, you mean the reinforcements?"



Fernandez tore the execution approval letter he held in his hand in half.

"Send these condemned criminals to the Monster Frontline."

"...Excuse me?"

"Ash needs meat shields too, doesn’t he? Whether they die by execution or are torn apart by monsters, I think it will be much the same."

The shocked deputy objected immediately.

"But, Your Majesty! These aren’t just ordinary criminals. They plotted a rebellion and caused severe damage to the Empire!"


"We don’t know what they might stir up if we send them to the south..."

"Ash will handle it."

Fernandez was unfazed.

"Ash is probably desperate for troops. He’ll take what he can get, whether it’s fresh or rotten."


"I will write the order under my authority as the Grand Vizier. The execution of these five criminals will take place on the southern front, and Prince Ash will be responsible for its execution..."

Fernandez, who had written on a new piece of paper with his flowing handwriting, smiled with satisfaction.

"Sending troops because my brother is struggling. I really am a kind and good older brother."

Fernandez turned his head to the south. Through the wide window of the tower, the sun in the southern sky was pouring out blinding light.

Towards his younger brother, who was incredibly far away, Fernandez whispered quietly.

"You think the same, don’t you, Ash?"


My ears are itchy.

"...Is someone talking shit about me?"

I vigorously scratched the inside of my ear with my pinky. Why is it so itchy all of a sudden?

’Well, being cursed is part of my job.’

I am the lord of this place, Crossroad.

The ultimate responsible person.

It’s natural that someone curses me when a problem arises. Itching ears? I should just shrug it off.


I looked at the vase in my hand with concern.

’Is this okay as a consolation gift?’

The place I arrived at is a temple.

It was a building used by severely injured people even in this facility, which heals those who are hurt.

Standing in front of the door of the white corridor, I swallowed dry saliva.

Visiting someone’s sickbed is not something you get used to, no matter how many times you do it.

Squeak -

I braced myself and opened the door to enter.

It was a private room. I had specially requested the temple to leave this patient alone.

"Who is it?"

The boy sitting on the bed let out a tiny voice.

Looking at the patient with his eyes tightly wrapped in bandages, my heart felt heavy.

I put the vase on the table in the middle of the ward and spoke.

"It’s me. Damien."

"Ah, Prince?"

The patient was none other than Damien.

"How are you feeling?"

I moved to the side of the bed and sat on the chair. Damien scratched the back of his head, looking awkward.

His brown curly hair was a tangled mess.

"It’s not a major injury. There was no need for you to come... I know you’re busy."

"Don’t talk like that. You got hurt because of me."

Even though I was speaking in a light tone, my heart was heavy.

In the last defensive battle, at my request, Damien performed a long-distance sniper attack.

Immediately afterward, he was reportedly unable to see, bleeding from both eyes.

It seems that the excessive use of [Far-Sight] had eaten into his physical durability.

I thought it was a temporary symptom, but even after a day, his vision did not recover. Even after receiving healing from the High Priest, it was to no avail, so he ended up being admitted to the ICU.

"Because of you, my lord? No!"

At my words, Damien, taken aback, hurriedly waved his hands.

"I acted recklessly on my own. You are not to blame, my lord!"

"You fool."

I tousled Damien’s hair roughly.

Being unable to see, Damien could only let out cries of protest, like ’Ugh!’ and ’Stop it!’

As I removed my hand, Damien offered a weak smile.

"My vision should return after a few days of rest. You don’t need to worry."


How could I not worry?

You are my cheat code, my lighthouse guiding me through this game of horrifying difficulty.

’No, not just because you’re a cheat character.’

You trust and follow me, you sincerely try to help me.

Aren’t you a remarkable subordinate? I’ve pushed you to the point of injury.

Feeling guilt, I heavily opened my mouth.

"From now on, don’t overexert yourself."


"Well, of course, I’ll still make use of you, but I won’t make you work to such an extent. I promise!"

I extended my pinky finger as I spoke.

However, Damien softly shook his head.

"I am your trigger, my lord. As long as I can, please use me however you need."


"If killing monsters helps us eventually vanquish them forever..."

Damien lifted his hand and pressed hard against the bandage wrapped over his eyes.

"Even if both my eyes burn out, I am more than willing to pull the trigger."


"So, please, use me until I am worn out and broken. My lord."

Damien still had a faint smile on his face.

"Because that’s why I’m on this battlefield."

I couldn’t bring myself to say that I wouldn’t.

As long as he has [Far-Sight], Damien will always be used to his limit.

As I watched this loyal and pitiful boy, I slowly opened my mouth.



"Do you remember the promise I first made to you?"

Damien tilted his head.

"Promise...? What was it?"

"That someday, I would die to you."


Damien closed his mouth. I continued.

"You said you hated me for causing the death of your friend... So I said, I would die to you someday, but I asked you to help me just once."

It was back during the tutorial stage.

At that time, Damien had lost a friend and completely lost the will to live.

To get Damien up on his feet, I even used his hatred toward me as fuel.

What about Damien now?

"Do you still hate me? For causing your friend’s death?"

Is that hatred still valid?


Damien didn’t answer, instead lowering his head slowly.

It was a long while before an answer spilled from the boy’s dry lips.


--TL Notes--

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