I Became the Male Lead who was Clinging onto the Female Leads

Chapter 44: The Sound of Lightning (5)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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"What's going on?"

"Eugene is carrying the princess and walking over here?"


The eyes of those enjoying the last night's feast were drawn to one side.

There, Eugene was seen walking with Eustia in his arms.

Both of them looked a mess, as if they had been through quite an ordeal, and looking at the scene...

"What in the world happened?"

The buzz of alcohol quickly faded into concern.

Everyone rushed towards Eugene and Eustia.

Leading the charge was Antonio, responsible for everyone's safety.

"What on earth...?"

He was visibly shaken upon seeing Eugene covered in sticky blood with his clothes torn, and then completely gasped upon seeing Eustia pale as death, clearly poisoned.

He asked with trembling hands,

"What on earth happened here!"


"Princess, what has happened to you!"

He was so flustered that he didn't even wait to hear Eugene's response and immediately questioned Eustia.

"Eugene... I'll explain."

"It's not too difficult?"

"It's okay. I can manage..."

"Then what..."

Eustia began to explain.

"That's what happened."

And when her story ended, everyone's mouth was agape.

Antonio's lips quivered uncontrollably.

"So, if I understand the princess's story, you were captured by a Human-Faced Spider and in a life-threatening situation when..."

Eugene appeared and saved the princess, defeating the Human-Faced Spider single-handedly?

"Is my understanding correct?"

"Yes, it is."

"How could this have happened..."

As Eustia struggled to nod, Antonio sighed deeply.

Everyone else inhaled sharply in disbelief.

"How are you feeling now?"

"I'm okay. My life is not in danger, so don't worry."

"That might not be true..."

Suddenly, Eugene interjected, causing everyone to focus their attention on him.

"Using magic to expel poison has its limits. The Human-Faced Spider's poison is not ordinary, so it's best to receive proper treatment."


While everyone murmured and nodded in agreement with Eugene's statement, Antonio made a decision.

"It would be best for everyone to return home as soon as possible. I'm not skilled in healing magic, so we should escort the princess to a place where she can receive the right treatment."

"I agree."

Declan nodded gravely.

"Then let's all prepare to return. The princess's condition is serious, so let's act quickly. And..."

Antonio continued with a grave expression.

"I will convert all the gold coins I received for this escort into medical expenses for Princess Eustia."

"There's no need for the Archmage to do that."

"Declan. Since I failed to thoroughly ensure everyone's safety to the end, so I will take full responsibility."

"We were the ones who offered the drinks..."

The senior girls who had encouraged Antonio to drink were now draped with concern.

"And Eugene, I wish to reward you separately."


Antonio nodded.

"Had it not been for you, who knows what might have become of the princess. You took on my duties, so I must repay you."


"I will compensate you to the best of my abilities. Speak freely, what is it that you desire?"


Eugene was taken aback by the sudden offer of a reward.

'Is there really anything I want?'

Nothing particularly good came to mind.

Up until now, due to the flow of fate, I had consumed a variety of renowned elixirs that were well-known across the lands.

The mana that couldn't be absorbed was already overflowing within my body.

Just continuing with meditation, my mana would continue to increase.

Given the state of my body, even if I were to take any more elixirs from Antonio, the effect would be negligible and hardly worth it.

Especially since I had the Neidan of the Human-Faced Spider in my possession.

'Unless it's the greatest elixir of all time, there's no point in having more.'

So, asking for another elixir felt awkward.

But then again, I couldn't think of any other form of compensation.

'Should I ask my father later?'

The Count of Kudelin, Antonio's family home, was located near the fallen Barony of Grace.

It seemed like a good idea to ask my father if there was anything we might request from the Count of Kudelin since I planned to visit our family estate soon.

"I can't think of anything at the moment, but would it be alright to visit the Count of Kudelin later and discuss a form of compensation?"

"That's fine. I am ready to repay the debt in any way I can."

"Thank you."

"It is I who should be grateful, thank you for protecting the princess in my stead."

Antonio bowed his head slightly.

"The Archmage..."


Some onlookers covered their mouths in astonishment.

"Now, you should rest in a comfortable place. We'll call you once the preparations for your return are ready."



Raei Translations


After laying the princess down in a safe place, Eugene found a comfortable spot to sit and rest.

While he was resting, some senior female students who were moving luggage came over with bright smiles and started a conversation.

"Eugene! How did you manage to take down the Human-Faced Spider on your own?"

"The three of us combined would struggle with such a monster, how did you really do it?"

"Could you share the story with us?"

The curiosity was natural; a first-year student from the Royal Academy had managed to single-handedly cut down a spiritual beast.

'I just did it, that's all.'

Eugene found himself at a loss for words.

"It was a smaller one, and it wasn't easy to defeat."

"What are you talking about!"

"Regardless of size, to kill a spiritual beast is no small feat!"

"Maybe Eugene is really powerful? A master who has been hiding his strength all along!"

‘I’ve never hidden my strength.’

Eugene looked at them indifferently, but they were too busy excitedly exchanging their thoughts among themselves to notice.

"I would lose to Eugene in a duel, right? Even Professor Fritz lost!"

"Could that really be true?"

"Should I ask for a spar? Eugene, if you're okay with it later, maybe you and I could..."

"Girls over there! Quit slacking and come over quickly! What are you doing bothering someone who's tired from a hard fight!"

"Ah, we got caught!"

"Eugene! See you next time!"

The senior girls smiled brightly before hurriedly getting up and walking away.

'It seems taking down the Human-Faced Spider was a big deal.'

It truly was an achievement incomparable to subjugating mere bandits.

Along with his victory in the swordsmanship duel, this event would surely elevate his fame even further.

'The school's going to buzz about this again.'

With the senior girls gone, it was time to meditate.

Eugene closed his eyes quietly and assumed a half-seated position.

He intended to recover at least some of the energy and mana he had expended in killing the Human-Faced Spider.


Raei Translations


The preparations for returning didn't seem to take long, so after a short while, he opened his eyes.

"Everyone, please form a circle!"

Following Celine's shout, everyone was getting ready to return.

'I should go too.'

Eugene rose and walked among the seniors.

"Your Highness. Please take my hand!"

"Take mine too, please!"

"Thank you."

Eustia, drained of energy due to the deadly poison in her system, gratefully took the hands of the male students who approached her earnestly.

'The way to a woman's heart is to be kind when she's hurting!'

'This might score me some points for someday!'

Their intentions were far from pure, and Eustia, perceptive as she was, had long realized this, but sadly, she wasn't in the condition to care.

"Your Highness, your hands are so cold!"

"We really should be getting back!"

"It's okay. Don't worry about it."

She stood with the help of the male students.

As she did, she could feel their efforts to make a good impression on her.

However, she wasn't paying attention to them.

Her gaze was fixed in the distance, on Eugene, who stood calmly.

'He has the same expression as when he held me.'

A faint smile formed on her lips.

His face was ordinary, but strangely, it sparked a pleasant feeling within her.

'Have I developed a liking for him?'

This was the first time she had felt this way about someone since her mother.

'It's really strange.'

No matter how much she pondered, her condition seemed a bit unusual.

But as she enjoyed the feeling, she didn't want to stop looking at Eugene.

It was at that moment.

Eugene turned his head and their eyes met.


Her head bowed down, and a small flutter arose near her heart, bringing a flush to her face.

'Why am I reacting like this...?'

Her mind was filled with turmoil.

It was the same strange sensation she had felt when he had embraced her earlier.


I had to look at Eugene again to understand what I was feeling now.

She lifted her head to see Eugene.

He was looking elsewhere, their eyes not meeting.


'Why can't I keep looking at him...?'

Strangely, it was difficult to continue staring.

The fluttering in her chest grew stronger.

Since it was the first time she was experiencing such emotions, Eustia's confusion only intensified.

"The princess looks completely dazed, doesn't she?"

"Isn't this a bit serious?"

"It's a big deal. A huge deal~"

The senior members of the Swordsmanship Club, standing with Celine, were smirking as they looked at Eustia.

"What happened during the rescue that she can't even look at him properly?"

"Did Eugene say some cool lines or something?"

"I have to grab Eugene later and ask! I want to know bad!"


Celine looked at Eustia with a blank expression.

'The princess has genuinely fallen for Eugene.'

Eugene had rejected her confession for two reasons.

First, he didn't like her that way, and second, she didn't like him in that way either.

But now, the second problem seemed to have resolved itself.

Eustia had indeed begun to harbor genuine feelings.

At least, that's how it appeared to Celine.

'One problem has been resolved.'

Naturally, a question arose.

What would happen if the princess confessed again?

With one of the two issues resolved, would Eugene reconsider the confession seriously?

Or would he maintain his firm stance?

'I don't know...'

There was no way to know without asking him.

And she couldn't ask.

Ever since the embarrassing moment in her swimsuit when she was told 'You're the prettiest', she hadn't been able to speak to him properly.

Whenever she saw him, she found herself avoiding him.

'I'm still so embarrassed I could die.'

Finding the answer to her question seemed hopeless.

'Forget it. Don't think about it.'

I don't even know why I'm thinking about this.

Celine tried to clear her head and looked forward as Antonio finished preparing the return spell.


Thus, the group activities on the warm island concluded a bit earlier than expected.


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