I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 56

Given the urgent situation, Chai Yuxin immediately penned a letter and sent it express over 800 li to Lin Beifan in the capital city.

One day later, they received a reply from Lin Beifan.

Chai Yuxin held the envelope with surprise and said, “His Majesty has agreed to accept all refugees!”

An Lushan was still somewhat hesitant, “But there might be spies mixed in among them…”

Chai Yuxin continued with excitement, “General An need not worry, His Majesty has already considered this point and has left a solution in the letter, please take a look, General An!”

After reading it, An Lushan let out a sigh of relief and smiled, “This is a good plan, let’s do it this way!”

Moments later, a group of soldiers arrived in the middle of a field.

They shouted to the farmers who were clearing the land, “Are you all from the Mo Kingdom?”

The group of farmers looked at each other, their hearts filled with trepidation.

Could it be that the Xia Kingdom was going to settle scores after the harvest?

One of the older farmers stepped forward with a respectful bow and asked, “Begging your pardon, military lord, we indeed come from the Mo Kingdom! There was no food left at home, so we came here to make a living! Have we committed any offense?”

The soldier laughed heartily and said, “You haven’t done anything wrong. On the contrary, you’ve stumbled upon a great opportunity. We have a favor to ask of you! If you handle it well, there will be a generous reward!”

The farmers all breathed a sigh of relief.

“So that’s it, no worries then!”

“Military lord, what is this great opportunity?”

“Can you tell us what’s going on?”

The soldiers waved their hands: “Follow me, and you’ll find out soon enough! You’re going to meet an important person. First, make sure to wash your hands and feet and tidy up your clothes before you come!”

“Alright, alright, I’ll be ready in no time!”

“Give me a moment!”

After about the time it takes to burn half a stick of incense, the group of farmers was led into the military camp where they met Chai Yuxin.

“I have seen the general; may I know if there are any orders?”

“There’s no need for formalities!”

Chai Yuxin said with a smile. “I have an important mission for you all. If you handle it well, each person will be rewarded with 500 silver coins!”

The crowd was overjoyed.

“Thank you… Thank you, General!”

“We will ensure the task is completed!”

“Please give us your orders, General!”

“The situation is like this!”

Chai Yuxin spoke earnestly, “The Mo Kingdom has fallen, but its people remain. They have been driven here by the three countries of Shang, An, and Peng! His Majesty, in his mercy, has decided to provide them refuge. However, he fears that there may be spies among them, so he has called you all here!”

“You are all from the Mo Kingdom and are familiar with its people! Your main task is to interact with the refugees and identify the true citizens of the Mo Kingdom through their accents, gestures, and appearances!”

The crowd rejoiced once again.

“General, this will be easy!”

“We can definitely handle this; we will make sure to perform well!”

“You can rest easy!”

Chai Yuxin nodded in satisfaction, “Good!”

Next, Chai Yuxin had several opaque tents prepared, arranging a few people from the Mo Kingdom in each tent to act as judges to select their own compatriots.

Then, she shouted loudly to the million refugees, “His Majesty is merciful in receiving refugees! However, only those who pass the test will be allowed to enter the country to seek a livelihood and have food to eat! Therefore, you must line up orderly, one by one, to enter the tents! If you do not follow the rules, do not blame us if our swords and spears are blind to it!”

The refugees were both alarmed and delighted.

“It’s great that they’re receiving refugees underground!”

“Don’t worry! We will definitely line up!”

“When does it start?”

“Let me go first!”

Everyone was very happy and enthusiastic.

Because they had seen that on the other side, someone was cooking porridge, the aroma of rice wafting through the air.

As long as they went over, they could have steaming hot porridge.

“Line up, line up! Don’t rush…”

And so, one after another, the refugees entered the tent, facing the test from the people who also came from the Mo Kingdom.

Those who know you best are often your own people.

They can tell if you’re one of their own just through a few sentences of conversation.

They can even discern which remote corner of the mountains you’re from.

Thus, the process goes very smoothly, with most people getting through.

After passing, they directly receive a bowl of porridge on the other side and start drinking it heartily.

This scene greatly inspires the people waiting behind.

Of course, there were some who couldn’t pass the scrutiny and were apprehended on the spot.

Thus, after a day had passed, nearly 50,000 suspects had been rooted out.

Everyone was shaken, relieved that they had been caught; otherwise, if they had caused trouble, the consequences would have been unpredictable.

“How should these people be dealt with?” Chai Yuxin asked.

“Just kill them all!” An Lushan said with an indifferent expression.

“What a waste to kill them. Let’s have them dig rivers, no need to pay them, just make sure they don’t starve to death!” Chai Yuxin suggested.

“That’s a good idea, let’s do that!” An Lushan nodded in agreement.

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