I Became The Academy’s Narrow-Eyes

Chapter 65: Dalleye (2)

“Ha. If it weren’t for our friend Ceylon, my sister could have been the top of the class.”

“Whoa, this. It hasn’t even been decided yet that I’m top of the class. Aren’t you giving me too much credit? What if it turns out I’m not the top, what will I do then, so embarrassed?”

“Is that so? Well, it wouldn’t be too bad for my brother to even be the runner-up. It seems he’s been quite invigorated lately, perhaps due to the challenge you’ve presented him.”

“Is that right? If I have indeed provided such a positive influence, I am truly honored.”

‘What’s with these guys…?’

Lauwen’s wits momentarily left her amidst this sudden amiable chatter in an otherwise serious atmosphere.


Lauwen felt the possibility fade that this witless fellow Ceylon could just be an actor brought in by Redar to serve as a pretense.

Their conversation seemed too natural and unreserved to be a mere performance.

Yet it remained incredible that—

‘That dimwit’s the Academy entrance exam topper?’

Even Lauwen, who paid little attention to the Academy, heard news about this year’s entrance exams.

In particular, the genius young lady from the Lebringer family who took part – her name was mentioned.

Rumors suggested she had firmly reached the 3-star realm at such a young age—

Perhaps she had even achieved the 4-star realm, being regarded as a historical prodigy.

That unassuming fellow surpassed such a prodigy to become the Academy’s top entrant?

It was beyond belief.

The problem was.

It was excessively unbelievable.

Had Redar been capable of thought, he would have crafted a more credible lie for his falsehood.

Ultimately, Lauwen found Redar’s story to be so unrealistic that it seemed somehow plausible.

The reason Redar took an interest in this unassuming man.

It was because he had outperformed Redar’s own sister, the prodigy of the Lebringer family.

‘So, that’s what happened.’

Still, with many doubts remaining, Lauwen chose to believe it.

Then came the problem.

‘Damn it.’

He’s not an actor.

It’s not a performance.

It’s not a falsified pretext.

So then, is it true that Dalleye’s henchmen, who controlled the outskirts of Sector 2, attacked this dimwit—

Redar’s acquaintance, and it’s been discovered?

This was a crisis.

For the first time since assuming power as the ruler of Dalleye in Sector 2, Lauwen faced an unprecedented threat.

Lauwen felt the heat rush to the back of her head.

‘I must find a way out of this.’

Lauwen fixed her gaze on Redar’s acquaintance, Ceylon.

For Lauwen, Redar’s decision to present Ceylon as his witness was actually a welcome development.

Dealing with this clueless fool was unequivocally easier than engaging with the omniscient Redar, whose gaze was unnervingly penetrating.

“Mr. Ceylon, you were attacked by criminals in Sector 2?”


“If possible, could you explain in more detail what happened?”

“I had an item that needed appraisal, and accompanied by my associates, I visited the Transparent Loupe in the outskirts of Sector 2.”

Lauwen felt an inner tremor.

Transparent Loupe.

It was definitely one of Dalleye’s enterprises.

“But imagine my surprise! The appraiser I was familiar with wasn’t there; it was another person running the shop. Odd indeed. I knew the owner, Mr. Klom, liked that shop very much and wished to work there all his life.”

Ceylon looked meaningfully at Lauwen.

“… How peculiar indeed. Unusual things seem to happen.”

With a slight smile, Lauwen looked directly at Ceylon.

As if she could bore into his soul through his half-closed eyes.

“Yeesh, anyway…!”

When he promptly diverted his gaze, Lauwen inwardly smiled with satisfaction, convinced.

Tackling this clueless man was key to resolving the current predicament.

“I planned to visit another shop, but the appraiser urged me to stay. He offered to appraise my item for a cheap fee. Reluctantly, I agreed to let him appraise it, and then – what do you know – he suddenly started insisting I sell it to him! It’s an important item to me, so I firmly declined and left the shop. But then—”

“While you were heading to another shop, the appraiser at the first one attacked you and your group? Is that what you’re saying?”

“Yes. Correct. They came at us, their identities concealed by robes and brandishing weapons, demanding us to surrender our belongings.”


Lauwen burst into laughter, as if the story was amusing.

“Why are you laughing?”

“Oh, my apologies. I was just thinking how pathetically desperate those people are. Committing crimes in Sector 2 all because of a mere relics?”

“Ah, about that—actually, the item I had appraised seems to be quite valuable.”

Ceylon revealed a necklace he took from his person.

Unintentionally, Lauwen was captivated by the sight of the necklace.

“That appraiser, Goran, told me it’s a second-grade artifact.”


Lauwen’s expression changed instantly.

“You’re saying you possess a second-grade artifact?”

“Ha-ha, somehow it turned out that way.”


Lauwen stared intently at the necklace in Ceylon’s hand.

‘That’s a second-grade artifact?’

That such a treasure could be in the hands of this nonsensical fellow.

It was another story difficult to believe.

Yet even to Lauwen, the energy emanating from that necklace seemed unmistakably extraordinary.

‘Damn it…’

Instinctively, Lauwen sensed it.

This simpleton before her was telling the truth.

Goran truly went mad over a second-grade artifact and attacked his entourage.

Her head spun with dizziness.

But there was still a way out.

“By any chance, did the criminals who attacked you have this kind of—mark on their arms?”

Lauwen showed the sunflower emblem tattooed on her wrist.

“Hm… No, I didn’t see such a symbol.”

That was to be expected.

Lauwen had taken every measure to ensure that her members operating in that area could not be identified as Dalleye.

“Is that so? However, as you can see, our Dalleye members have this mark on their arms.”

Even if it was true that Goran attacked Ceylon’s group.

There was no way to prove that Goran was affiliated with Dalleye.

They were merely assuming Dalleye was involved due to the proximity of the crime to the Back Alleys, and because a crime had occurred.

Having shaped her defense, Lauwen thought it was time to push back strongly.

“To be frank, I’m quite perplexed. Just because a crime took place near our Back Alleys, we’re suspected. And not only that, but to report this matter to Sir Redar and press us—”

Maintaining a polite demeanor, Lauwen’s eyes bore into Ceylon with steely force.

“Mr. Ceylon. If it turns out that this matter is indeed unrelated to us, what do you intend to do then?”

And she subtly implied the responsibility that would fall upon Ceylon should things go awry.

“Ah, well, you see…”

Caught off guard, Lauwen took pleasure in his discomfiture.

“In fact, we didn’t just think it was Dalleye due to the issue occurring near the Back Alleys.”

The man’s attitude changed dramatically.

Now, with an expression of sheer delight—

As if ridiculing her, he faced Lauwen.

“What? What do you mean—”

“Problem-solver Rize was the one who informed us. That appraiser Goran, and the fact that the entire region is under Dalleye’s control. Everything.”


That name suddenly dropped shook Lauwen to her core.

It was only for a moment.

Lauwen realized that Rize, too, was inflicted with the curse cast by a dark mage without exception.

Rize, being barely on the cusp of a 5-star sorceress, couldn’t free herself from that curse.

She couldn’t speak of Dalleye.

Therefore, Ceylon’s words were false.

“I’m not sure exactly what you’re referring to…”

Clutching at disbelief, Lauwen feigned ignorance.

“Miss Rize?”

At that, Ceylon called out towards the door.

The door swung open, and in strode a red-haired woman with colorful piercings sparkling in the dim light of the guest room.

Icicle Rize.

As she locked eyes with Lauwen, she shrugged nonchalantly and grinned.

“It turned out that way.”

“…I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Nothing had changed.

Lauwen thought of the dark curse inflicted on Rize and attempted to deny the claims.

“Why don’t you understand? Shall I unveil all the tasks I’ve been performing under the title of Dalleye’s problem-solver right here?”

At last, Lauwen was utterly astounded.

“How could you…”

How did she break the dark mage’s curse?

To that,

According to Ceylon’s knowledge, Rize, who was set to backstab Lauwen someday and take over as the ruler of the Back Alleys, answered.

“Just broke that rubbish straightaway. It was a bit trying. And this—”

Rize pulled out a stack of documents.

“These are records of the errands you’ve had me run. I documented everything, thinking such a day might come.”


Lauwen, a powerhouse at the level of six stars from the southern continent and ruler of the Back Alleys as Dalleye, her sanity snapped.

Just as Lauwen drew the curved blade at her back, intending to tear apart the two scoundrels before her eyes…


It was the white serpent.

A white serpent, thick as a man’s arm, coiled around her arm.

It slithered up her body, locking its citrine-hued slitted golden eyes with hers.

The eyes edged closer and then the serpent’s sharp fangs—




Lauwen collapsed to the floor, hastily rubbing her neck.

There was no wound.

Yet, the sensation lingered more vividly than reality.

“Are you alright?”

At that moment, Ceylon held out his hand to her.

Lauwen intended to violently smack away the hand, however,


She ceased her motion upon seeing the eyes of Ceylon peering down at her.

The same citrine-hued, sharp golden eyes as those of the white serpent.

With eyes that he kept hidden under his eyelids, Ceylon gazed down at her and spoke in a voice only she could hear.

“I look forward to a good relationship from now on.”

A good relationship from now on.

Lauwen sensed an unfathomable dread in those words.

“Alright! Seems like we’re done talking here.”

The voice that followed was Redar’s.

“Dalleye. Starting this year, my sister will be studying at the Academy and will be staying in Arienne for an extended time. I take quite an interest in the safety of Arienne. So, I’d like you to hand over any documents related to the people that covered for Dalleye’s absurd actions in Sector 2.”

Dalleye has no eyes, no ears, no mouth.

They do not communicate nor compromise.

However, this time seemed to be an exception.

The eyes of the deep-blue Omniscient Eye.

The sharp golden eyes.

Both pairs of eyes were fixated on Dalleye.


Dalleye lowered her head to the ground without a moment’s hesitation, avoiding the gaze of those eyes.

So started the downfall of the crime syndicate Dalleye, once a fearsome force in the underworld.

All this had sprung from a handful of Academy freshmen trying to get a necklace appraised.


“I’ll head off now to settle this. Mr. Ceylon, my friend.”

Redar said as he shook the stack of documents in his hand.

“It seems like quite a big and complex problem to handle alone. What will you do?”

The collusion between the Back Alley criminal organizations and the city nobles.

And through that collusion, the partial control of Sector 2 by the crime syndicate.

The case in Redar’s hands could greatly influence both Arienne’s city policies and Back Alley politics.

“I have connections in the city council. One of the current councilors is an old schoolmate of mine.”

He said it so casually, like saying a friend’s a congressman.

At Redar’s expression, I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“That’s quite… an impressive network.”

Then Redar seemed to think and—

“You too, huh.”

He looked at me and chuckled as well.

“Anyway, Sir Redar. I thank you again. I didn’t expect you to willingly help with this issue.”

I had been worried about how to persuade Redar when asking him to mediate this problem.

The issue could possibly involve the city’s high-ranking nobles, even members of the city council; it was complex.

But Redar agreed readily, without a trace of hesitation.

Now he explained his reason to me.

“I owe you a great debt.”

Redar said this with a face that seemed relieved, as if he had been unshackled from a long burden.

‘Why is he acting like that?’

Though I wasn’t sure, it perhaps had to do with clearing a previous achievement.

“And this wasn’t just because it was our friend’s request. This matter also concerns my sister.”

Redar said, waving the documents in his hand.

“I can’t allow my sister to spend the most precious years of her youth in a place marred by such filth. Right?”

Redar spoke candidly about flipping an entire city if it meant protecting his sister’s bright campus life.

“That really is…”

As a commoner, I could only follow along with a bitter smile.

“Oh, by the way—”

Then, Redar looked like he remembered something and glanced at Rize, standing next to me.


Rize shivered and hesitantly glanced at Redar.

Rize has always been exemplary in knowing when to be tough or soft.

Ever since meeting Redar, she had never once let loose any of her harsh curses.

‘What? You know the Omniscient Eye…!?’

Her expression of shock when I met with Redar was still vivid in my memory.

Redar looked at Rize, his face breaking into a meaningful smile, then he said to me.

“Mr. Ceylon. What’s that about?”


It seemed Redar had recognized her true identity as a dark mage.

Then, recalling what Mizu had said, I showed Redar the Blue Heart and relayed.

“She has offered to become my slave as atonement for this matter.”

“What!? A slave!? What’s that about—…!”

Rize, attempting to protest, stopped short when she caught Redar’s gaze.

And then, with a slight depletion of her ‘power,’ she weakly bowed her head.

“Ye-yes… I have decided to become a slave to pay for my crimes.”

“Really? Well, she’s an unusual slave, but I’m sure you’ll figure it out, my friend. Anyway, Ceylon. Can I borrow your slave for a bit?”



Both Rize and I were startled and looked at Redar.

“Huh? What’s wrong? We need your slave’s active cooperation to settle this issue smoothly.”

“Yes? Oh. Ah~ Of course. Since it has come to this, Rize? We’re counting on you.”

“Ah… How did I end up…”

After parting ways with Redar and Rize,

I headed to the Lebringer mansion, where our ladies, who had agreed to wait in safety, were eagerly awaiting.


“Ceylon, are you okay!?”

“What happened?”

Adryn and Mizu, who were waiting in front of the Lebringer mansion, rushed toward me upon sight.

“Ceylon, are you alright!?”

Drin, suddenly joining in, was already part of the scene.

I explained the circumstances of the case to the three of them and how everything had been smoothly managed with Redar’s help.

Having heard the story, Drin let out an exclamation and shook her head in disbelief.

“To think that all this trouble started from trying to get a necklace appraised…”


During the proceedings, I checked the notifications that had popped up.

[Achievement Cleared!]

One was the achievement clear window that appeared when Rize swore utter obedience and handed me the Blue Heart.

[Quest Cleared!]

The other was when I overpowered Lauwen, the leader of Dalleye, and a quest clear window appeared.

I somehow made a villain my slave and cleared an achievement.

And I somehow shook up a criminal organization and cleared a quest.

All this happened because…

I tried to give Adryn a Hero-grade artifact.

“This is something…”

Looking at the Hero-grade artifact, the necklace filled with courage in my hand, I chuckled.

Hero-grade artifact.

Items easily obtained in the game turned out to hold value far beyond my expectations in this real-world setting.

It was a moment that once again made me aware of the disparity between game and reality.

‘So, just what could be the value of a Legendary-grade artifact or higher?’

As I pondered that,


Feeling an intense gaze, I looked back towards the three women.




Drin, Adryn, Mizu.

All three looked at me and the necklace with great interest.

Mizu was the first to break the silence.

“So, what are you going to do with that necklace?”

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