I Became Stalin?!

Chapter 208:

Chapter 208


Objectively speaking, the Fourth French Republic was weak.

The Communist Party, which claimed the title of liberating the country from Germany, was branded as traitors because of the colonial issue. 

The Socialists and the right-wingers seized this opportunity to expand their own interests and joined the malicious propaganda.

Of course, the Communist Party presented a blueprint to invest the colonial profits in building a welfare state, but that was not enough to stop the obsession of the imperialists with the so-called ‘great nation’.

A country divided by internal strife was bound to be frail.

And its military power was nothing to boast of.

“Comrade Secretary, here is the overview of the French military strength that you requested.”

“Hmm… It’s pathetic, pathetic.”

Like Britain, France, which had fallen earlier, had no chance to develop new military technology. 

At best, the remnants of the Free French Forces clung to the American and British exile governments and fiddled around.

When Britain was still using the 40mm 2-pounder anti-tank gun developed in 1936, France was at a similar level. 

They had some German weapons left by the occupying forces, but their skills were dismal. Repair and maintenance were almost impossible.

Most of the tanks that were left in France were sent to the Eastern Front as the front line was torn open. What remained were only old B1 tanks or German Panzer III tanks.

“Ugh, just looking at their names makes me feel like something stinks, right? No? These people are going to be generals again?”

“Y-yes. Pff…”

And they were also outdated in terms of tactics and strategy. 

The generals of the main combat units, who were the authors, had all been lieutenants or so during the last war, and they were nothing but old men by the current battlefield standards.

They hardly conducted any independent military operations and regained power with urban guerrilla tactics, but…

“And they can’t even crack down on the inside. Tsk tsk tsk…”

The generals were fools with s**t in their heads and useless ambitions. 

Their weapons were stale for about ten years and the A-class ones were all taken away. 

The soldiers were, well, there was no need to look at them, they were rabble with high morale and low skills.

At this rate, they should be grateful to the Soviet Union for preventing them from intervening in Algeria and bow to Moscow three times a day, but what? A coup?

“So, did you secure the information on the related parties?”

“Yes! Comrade Secretary. If you look at this part…”

And the information leaked out. Both the coup side and the loyalist side.

The loyalists were mostly pro-Soviet, and the regime was pro-Soviet, so that was understandable, but there were more than a few opportunists in the coup army.

Or they were spies infiltrated, or they carelessly leaked the plan to the pro-government factions. 

Maybe our intelligence agency knew the coup plan better than those people.

“Hmm, I like it, Kruglov. I like it very much. Hahahahaha! How can these guys get worse as they go?”

“Hahaha… Yes, Comrade Secretary.”

And the really funny part was this part. I deliberately read the killing part of the exaggerated report.

“The imperialist factions of the British regime and military are supporting and cooperating with the French imperialist coup and are trying to contact them under the water. Some generals agreed to participate in the French coup disguised as British troops. Are they crazy?”

They are really crazy. They are struggling in their own colonies, and they want to drag another country into that mud? Are they out of their minds?

It suggests that the colonial situation is urgent and they make such stupid decisions, but the funny thing is not that.

“Our MI5 and MI6 agents are sending their plans to the NKVD regularly and have not been tracked yet, so the situation is completely controllable. Hahahahahaha!”

“Wahahahahahahat, hahaha!”


They didn’t even know that their plans were leaking out and came to my desk in the Kremlin the next morning, and that was the funniest thing.

In real history, there were legendary spies called the Cambridge Five in the British intelligence. Spies who stole information from British domestic, overseas, and code-breaking agencies and handed it over to the Soviet Union. 

They were loyal to the Soviet Union, the ‘homeland of ideology’, and gave the most valuable secrets of Britain to the Soviet Union without hesitation.

Here, it was not that level. We were able to plant more spies in the chaos of Britain, and literally, British intelligence flowed out.

Not only that? 

The United States shared the information of the OSS, the predecessor of the CIA, with Britain. 

The information that was shared also flowed to us.

Hoover of the FBI also planted his own weeds to check the OSS for his own independent status as an intelligence agency, and they also acted as Soviet spies!

“So, what did Secretary Torres say?”

“He said he had no idea that such a serious treason plot was taking place, and he asked for the intervention of the Soviet army in case of emergency. He sent a document requesting intervention in advance in case of contact interruption.”

“Well, that’s good. Tell him to be careful and preserve his body safely.”

“Yes! Comrade Secretary!”

Maybe this was an opportunity. An opportunity to get rid of all the impure elements in France.

It was clear that the future generation of the French army would be under the influence of our Soviet Union. Already hundreds of cadets and officer students were studying under the Soviet military advisers or in Frunze.

I was worried about the mess that the current generation, who were conservative and imperialist, would make, but they were begging to cut their own lives.

“Order the Rhineland garrison to stand by. The Dutch bastards will be surprised, but… Oh, will the Belgians do that too?”

“I will deliver as you ordered.”

The Netherlands seemed to be scared by the movement of the Soviet army near the border. 

Of course, the Soviet army did not take a step beyond the border.

Seeing the jar and being surprised, seeing the lid and being surprised, they will cause a commotion this time. And because of that, the French coup army will be mistaken.

“How long will it take to Paris?”

“It depends on the resistance, but it shouldn’t take more than a week. It will depend on how many loyalist troops there are.”

All Torres, the Prime Minister of France, had to do was to hold out for more than a week. Then the Soviet army would arrive with their tanks and blow the heads off the rebel bastards.

They had resisted the German army for years, so they wouldn’t be caught by the pathetic ‘six weeks’.

“Let’s finish it in six days, not a week. It took the Germans six weeks, so how about us? Hahahahaha!!”

“Yes! Comrade Secretary! Hahahahaha!”


“These worse-than-dogs…”

Torres, who had obtained the intelligence on the coup, summoned the core ministers of his cabinet. They were the ones who had followed him without betraying him during the long resistance period as communists.

The tough ones who had been trained by the years of resistance struggle and survived fighting the German army, all listened to the report on the situation with their mouths shut.

The Prime Minister, who judged that the Socialists could collude with the ‘enemies’ at any time, only called the loyalists.

He had requested support from the Soviet Union in case of emergency, but honestly, calling in foreign troops to suppress the coup in the country was a shameful thing. He wanted to deal with this problem in the country somehow.

France needed stability, but also prestige.

“Secretary, we must mobilize the loyalist troops and suppress them immediately! These opportunists! Traitors!”

“The unions and the citizens will support the regime. We can defend Paris and crush the rebels.”

The excited ministers spouted out radical remarks. Some of them called Torres by his old title of secretary, not his current title of prime minister.

Feeling like he had gone back to the resistance days, Torres opened his mouth.

“First, issue a secret mobilization order to the union leaders and the former resistance forces who support us. If we censor the military arsenal, they might notice, so crack down on the rebel National Gendarmerie under the pretext of an unannounced inspection and secure the weapons.”

“Yes! I understand. Then what about the National Police?”

The police system in France was divided into the National Gendarmerie and the National Police. The rural areas and small towns were under the gendarmerie, and the security of the big cities was under the police.

The gendarmerie was relatively less involved in the pro-Vichy affairs, so they were less replaced, and there were quite a few of them who cooperated with the rebels through the connections between the soldiers. 

On the other hand, the police were loyal to the Vichy regime, so they were quickly replaced and there were many more trustworthy people.

If the army rebelled, the police had to be mobilized anyway. Torres, who ordered an emergency directive through the Ministry of the Interior, tapped his forehead.

“Let’s find out how many of these bastards can gather. I don’t want to see any more French blood flowing on French soil…”

The audience became solemn.

France had paid a huge sacrifice and ended the war. 

The war with Germany was short, but hundreds of thousands of casualties were incurred. 

Many young people were injured or disabled on the Eastern Front, and brave citizens died in the Paris liberation operation.

In order to avoid seeing the future pillars of the country d*e in vain, he made a great decision to liberate the colonies. But bloodshed seemed inevitable anyway.

“It’s all because of our sins. It’s all because of… what we did.”

Blood had to flow under the feet of the huge colonial empire that roared the world. 

The colonized natives who were massacred, the people who died in slave labor, the millions of people who were discriminated, oppressed, and suppressed!

The splendid city built with their blood price had to be cleansed of its sins by the rich ones turning upside down.

In the meantime, it was heartbreaking that the most brave and righteous young people were sacrificed.

“Arise, children of the fatherland, the day of glory has arrived! The bloody flag of the oppressors has risen against us!”

The Prime Minister recited the first verse of <La Marseillaise> that he had shouted out loud.

The ones who had been oppressed once became oppressors again. 

The colonized people in Indochina and Africa, where France had brought civilization, were singing that song and pointing their guns at France. How ironic was the situation now.

“Take up arms! Citizens, comrades, form your battalions! March, march! Let the impure blood of the traitors moisten the thirsty furrows…!”

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