I Became Stalin?!

Chapter 200:

Chapter 200:

Chapter 200

Tatata! Tatata! The machine guns rained down on the advancing Allied forces. As they marched through the narrow path in the jungle, they had to face this kind of ambush several times.

Damn it, where did they get all those weapons?

The independence fighters had German-made guns and artillery that were of unknown origin.

They also had old Soviet-made fighter jets that they had acquired from the Soviets, and they fought on par with the British forces.

Of course, the source of the Soviet-made fighter jets was easy to find out.

Imperialism is a paper tiger! Even if the reactionaries look scary, they will only melt in the sea of the people!

The Indochina Federation Communist Party immediately issued a statement condemning the imperialist invasion that threatens the self-determination and independence of Southeast Asia.

They declared that they would form a volunteer army and send troops to help their Indonesian brothers who were suffering from the oppression of imperialism.

The first contingent included two air force squadrons and one ground combat brigade armed with Soviet-made fighter jets.

The Soviet Union and France had sold a large amount of equipment that they had when they established the Indochina Federation Army. The Indochina Federation Army government resold the equipment they had bought to the volunteer army, which was voluntarily formed by civilians, and the volunteer army was heavily armed, unlike its name.

Forward, forward under the international flag!

Awake, the army of the workers, throw off the yoke!

International brigades were recruited from all over the world. Partisans from France and Italy, foreign legionnaires from Algeria who could not stand the suffering of their fellow colonized people of color, and the original international brigades from the Spanish Republic.

In no time, the independence fighters were able to form a ground force of 20,000 men, more heavily armed than the Allied forces.

Wow! Tanks, tanks!

Brothers! We are with you! Imperialism is a paper tiger!

The real steel tigers that faced the paper tiger imperialism marched through the city of Yogyakarta, where the independence fighters headquarters was located.

The Indochina Federation Army had boldly sold its most powerful armored force, the Boudinot medium tank battalion, to the volunteer army.

What the hell is this?

Ahem, our Czechoslovak Republic government has decided to sell off the remaining materials of the German occupation forces. This is the 8.8cm anti-aircraft gun


And then, a large amount of German surplus materials poured in.

The governments of the new Eastern European countries decided to dispose of the military supplies that the Germans had left behind in their countries in Southeast Asia.

Anyway, the Soviet Union was already distributing a lot of its own military supplies to the socialist brother countries, and the German-made materials that were not compatible with the standards were just a nuisance.

Among the materials that were disposed of, there seemed to be a lot of T-34s that were mixed in with the excuse that they were captured from the Soviet army, but the Eastern European countries insisted that they were captured until the end.

The independence fighters, who were not in a position to choose, quietly and gratefully swallowed the materials.


Dis disarm! Surrender! You are um surrounded!

Surrender! Your feet

The Allied forces that landed on the eastern part of Java Island, where the important cities of Indonesia were concentrated, and Sumatra, tried to disarm the independence fighters.

But the main force of the independence fighters quickly retreated to the liberated area in the middle of the island. Of course, there were thousands of guerrillas who hid in the slums of the city and prepared to harass the Allied forces, but the Allied forces did not know their situation.

The Allied forces, who proudly led their tanks and chased the retreating independence fighters, soon realized that they had stepped into hell.

Fire! Fire! Break the bunker!

The Dutch and British forces were armed with modern weapons. But their weapons development company had stopped in the early 1940s.

The British forces also operated tanks, but those tanks were Matilda or Crusader tanks that were produced in 1940 or 1941 and were stuck in the warehouse until they were oiled and brought out again.

How could they research and deploy new weapons when their homeland was occupied and the research institutes were closed? Thus, most of the main weapons of the British and Dutch forces were from the early days of the war. 2-pounder, Matilda or 25-pounder field gun.

The British 25-pounder field gun spewed fire, but the independence fighters bunker did not budge at all from the field guns shelling, as if it was ticklish, and only raised sand dust.

Damn bastards! Call the air force! Wheres the air force?

The airfield was attacked by guerrillas

Damn it!

The independence fighters had learned how to build proper bunkers that could resist modern weapons from somewhere. The British artillery officer who looked at the bunker with a telescope gritted his teeth.

Thats definitely a German-style bunker Where the hell did they learn that?

Oh my God. Jerry bastards here too. The veterans who had fought against the Germans in the last war gritted their teeth.

And especially the 88 that they used.

The roar of the 88 was unforgettable, but they thought they would never see it again after the fall of Germany.

At least, thats what they thought. But who knows how many guns were hidden, the Hurricane fighters were torn to shreds by the crossfire of the 88 and became fireballs that crashed to the ground.

The 88 that tore the threat of the sky lowered its high barrel and began to aim at the targets on the ground.

Retreat! Retreat!


The British forces, who had barely broken through the minefields and barbed wires, met the bunkers and started to retreat under the overwhelming firepower.

Of course, there were still unremoved minefields behind them.


Ah ah ahhh!

Mines on the ground, shelling in the sky. The young soldiers of the Allied forces rolled on the floor, covered in steel fragments.

Some of them had lost their limbs, and they closed their eyes, longing for their mothers and their hometowns.

Where the hell did those savages get those weapons?

The intelligence is looking into it, but

America! What does America say? Damn it I never thought Id miss those big Yankee bastards

The Allied headquarters was in a panic.

They had always despised the savages of Southeast Asia or Africa.

There were some cases where they were beaten by them, like the Zulu War, but those were rare exceptions.

How could a modern civilizations army, armed with fighter jets, tanks, and artillery, lose? They were not even Italian rabble.

But they were not the army they had expected, using muskets or primitive cannons. They were more Western than the Western powers army. The Allied forces, who had become accustomed to fighting with the supplies and intelligence from the US, were shocked.

America declared non-intervention. Rather, the State Department unofficially requested us to stop the inhumane colonial invasion.

Why the hell are those bastards

The British knew. No, they knew better.

The US and the USSR both hid their sinister motives and shouted for the liberation of the colonies that the colonial empires had.

The US wanted more markets and resources that they could freely pull in, and the USSR just wanted to paint the world red.

It was no longer the era when the great British fleet ruled the waves.

Anyway, we cant continue the battle like this. Request reinforcements from the homeland!

Yes, sir.

Also, suggest to the Dutch to request additional reinforcements from their homeland

The British expeditionary force commander Bernard Montgomery clenched his fist and gritted his teeth, always wearing his beret.

The defeat in Africa was somewhat understandable. Until then, the German army was invincible.

But here, they lost to the savages of the colony that had been independent for less than a year?

The army of the great British Empire? Even if it was composed of half colonial rabble and half new recruits who had just shaved their heads and enlisted, it shouldnt have been like this.

The homeland government had endured a considerable political risk and dragged out the young people who were tired of the war for the prestige of the British Empire.

Does the homeland have the capacity to reinforce?

If we deploy and end here, the cabinet will collapse immediately. Dont you think so?

The staff also nodded.

The government had already stepped into the swamp. If Indonesia achieved independence here, the Malaya Strait colonies across the narrow strait would immediately rebel. The Indochina colonies, who didnt know the grace of enlightenment and civilization and pointed their guns at their old white masters, would send troops again from behind.

They had to crush them now. To warn the Indian troublemakers who were watching this situation from the side.

Like dominoes falling and creating a huge chaos, the current rebellion was also bound to happen.

Is the suppression of the rebels in the city in progress?

As soon as the words were finished, a gunshot was heard not far away. The rebels hiding in the slums and the sons of the British Empire were in combat.

Most of the colonial cities were divided into two or more areas.

The area where the natives or white immigrants of the homeland lived, and the slums where the local natives lived.

The rebels of the Dutch East Indies also hid in the slums full of their fellow natives and attacked the airfields on the outskirts of the city or the soldiers in the city.

They would soon be subdued and the city would regain order, but it was noisy for a while.

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