I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 77

Chapter 76

In Xia Kingdom’s largest metaphysics forum that night, someone posted a post:

“How do you see that the current traffic is very high, and the metaphysics master set up a certain female star?” Is today’s live broadcast of ghost hunting true or false? “

Although no name was named, but because of the strong direction, anyone who surfs the Internet will know that this post is about Gu Zhisang.

Next, there was a heated discussion about Gu Zhisang’s suspected ghost-hunting segment at the end of today’s group competition.

Most laymen think it’s fake, it’s the effect of the show:

[I used to believe that she had real things, but the more I watched the show, the more fake it became. How could anyone be so strong? How old is she and she is not a fairy…]

[Anyway, my family has relatives who can watch things. Every time I invite a ‘Xian’er’, ‘Ling’ upper body, or practice exorcism, I have to prepare for a long time, and I have to rest for a long time once I do something. How can there be a show? It’s so easy! 】

[Hey, after all, is it a star? Once it is marketed, it will be overwhelming. In fact, it is too much. 】


On the contrary, some serious outsiders saw those posts and fell silent.

Not long ago, they thought the same as these netizens.

Gu Zhisang is just a little girl with no hair on her head, she has a knack for farts!

But the emissary of the underworld slapped the Taoist in the face severely.

Now that some people doubt that Gu Zhisang is an ‘earth’ level profound master, few people doubt it. What they want to know is, what level is this woman?

Why does she have such profound knowledge at such a young age, and what does she have to do with the underworld?

Some Xuanmen people have mixed feelings and replied:

[This person has real power, and has some unusual power, I advise you to delete these radical remarks. 】

[Not to mention the nature, Gu Zhisang is indeed a monstrous genius. 】

After two refreshes, the poster and the layman in the building replied: [Idiot fans. 】

Profound Master:? ? ?

At 10:30 the next day, the live broadcast of the “Spiritual Affairs” program group started on time.

Since the time was not so early, and after the warm-up of the previous day, the number of people in the live broadcast room only increased after the broadcast started.

The host Da Liu stood in the open space, holding a microphone in his hand, and said with a smile on his face:

“Good morning, audience friends. After a night of fermentation, all six of our contestants have been voted for corresponding positions. The current rankings are as follows—”

The sequence displayed by the program group is Gu Zhisang, Daisy, Xun Yiqing, He Mitu, Xi Haihong, and Bai Ci.

For a while, the fans in the live broadcast room were happy and others were worried.

The most nervous ones were Bai Ci’s fans, who repeatedly solicited votes in the live broadcast room, saying that Bai Ci was not weak in ability, but only specialized in surgery, and he was the ceiling of the healer among the contestants.

Liu: “The players who are temporarily behind still have a chance to come back. We will start a second vote after today’s extra match. I don’t know if the ranking will change again by then? Let’s wait and see.”

He said, glanced sideways behind him, and said:

“Seeing the mountain behind me, do you already have guesses? That’s right, the place where I am standing is located on the border of the Southern Province. There are continuous mountains, hills, beautiful environment and simple folk customs. As long as you cross this mountain Turn over to the other side of the mountain, and then cross a border line less than 2,000 meters away, which is the land of a neighboring Southeast Asian country.”

“And here is the venue for today’s extra match!”

While Da Liu was speaking, the cameraman in charge of the live broadcast held the camera steadily and turned the lens to the streets behind him and the mountains in the distance.

In fact, the players have already arrived.

The group live broadcast they participated in yesterday was filmed around the hotel.

“Next, we will invite the help-seekers from today’s extra match to come on stage!”

Four help-seekers who had prepared in advance came to the shooting site under the leadership of the staff.

Among the four people, there was a pair of elderly people with gray hair.

Among them, the old man was able to walk by himself with crutches and did not need the help of the staff, but his wife was handicapped and was pushed up in a wheelchair.

The person pushing the wheelchair behind was a younger couple, who looked to be in their thirties and forties, and both were wearing sportswear.

After playing, several people greeted the host Liu.

Viewers who followed sports news in the live broadcast room were surprised to find that the woman pushing the wheelchair was actually a celebrity!

“Hi everyone, I’m Zheng Xiaona, and I’m calling for help today.”

[Hey, has this woman been on TV before? I seem to have seen her on the news! 】

[Isn’t this Zheng Xiaona! She is an athlete who won a silver medal in the international fencing competition last year. Why is she also on this show? 】

[I came back after searching the Internet. This sister has a rich resume and has won several medals. But they are all on the show, and everyone still treats her sister as an ordinary help-seeker. The important thing is what she wants to ask for help, not her identity. 】

“Hi Xiaona, please introduce the family around you.”

Zheng Xiaona nodded and said: “These two are my parents, and they are also the second person to ask for help today. What we want to ask for help is actually a private matter of my natal family. This is my lover, and he is here to accompany us to participate in the program .”

“Actually, I’ve been thinking for a long time whether I should turn this matter to the Internet for help. If it weren’t for the fact that there was no other way, we wouldn’t have thought of trying the power of metaphysics.” She smiled wryly.

Da Liu nodded and looked at the camera:

“What exactly happened to Zheng Xiaona’s family that made them reluctant to part with each other until now, and how is it related to this mountain and this land behind us?”

“Next, we will invite all the contestants to see what they can see from Xiaona’s family!”

The form of this extra match is a bit like when we went to Po Po Mountain, all the players acted together and observed together, and each of them would have an electronic board to prevent peeping.

During the observation process, contestants can try their best to write what they see on the question board, and finally the help-seeking person will reveal the answer uniformly.

After the six contestants played one by one, Da Liu described what Zheng Xiaona’s family wanted was related to this piece of land and the mountain, and said:

“Everyone has a maximum of ten minutes to observe and write down the answers. Let’s start now!”

At this time, in fact, all the contestants knew in their hearts that none of the people present was a fake magic stick who fished in troubled waters, and all of them had good metaphysical abilities.

They will gather together on this program because they have discovered that this program can accumulate a large number of viewers, and gathering ‘mind power’ is beneficial to practice.

The higher the final ranking, the more ‘mind power’ absorbed, everyone is a competitor.

Although the dark tide is surging, they are very kind and humble on the surface.

The six people lined up consciously according to each other’s number selection, and when it came to Gu Zhisang, she walked in front of the four help-seekers.

In her eyes, the faces of every help-seeker are like mountains, rivers and seas, and any details and lines on them are useful information, ‘writing’ their past and future.

At the same time, it is interconnected with the people next to it, forming a network of relationship chains.

Gu Zhisun picked up the electronic board and recorded the information she saw on it. When she saw Zheng Xiaona and a certain area on her parents’ faces, her eyes paused.

She frowned involuntarily, and glanced at the sky.

As if to verify a certain idea in her heart, she took out three Tongbao coins and repeated divination, but her brows became tighter and tighter.

She threw the coins back into her pocket with her backhand, and took out other instruments such as paper pens and compasses, until the time approached ten minutes before Dendrobium breathed out and withdrew her hands.

“I’m done.”

At this time, many viewers in the live broadcast room noticed her strangeness.

Compared with usual, she didn’t seem so relaxed today, and she took much longer than usual to look and calculate, and her expression was a little depressed.

You must know that before she glanced at it, she directly uncovered all the reasons for asking for help.

[Is this matter very difficult? Sangsang watched it for a long time, it seems that things are not going well…]

After all the contestants finished watching, Da Liu asked aloud:

“Which player is willing to reveal the answer first?”

The first person to stand up was still Bai Ci, who changed into a brown shirt today, holding a small gray and white hedgehog in his hand.

“I’ll come first.”

As he spoke, he showed his electronic board, which read:

“Old man—eye disease, poor spleen and stomach, early oral cancer;

Aunt—leg disease, which was caused by an accident and was broken by external force, with severe rheumatism in the wrist, shoulder and neck;

Ladies—Parents should pay attention to carpal bone injuries, as there is a possibility of recurrence. “

After seeing the electronic board, Zheng Xiaona exclaimed in a low voice: “Why? My dad has oral cancer?!”

Da Liu asked: “You and your family don’t know about this, Xiaona, right? What about the others?”

Zheng Xiaona looked at it carefully, nodded and said:

“Everything else is right. I am a fencer. I have suffered serious injuries to my wrist due to long-term practice and blows. I have had painkillers and gauze splints. I have to retire as a last resort. Now I am working behind the scenes as a coach. Except for my teammates, family and friends, almost no one knows the cause of the hand injury.”

“My mother’s leg was knocked down by a motorcycle four years ago and was crushed. The old man’s leg bones are so brittle that he can’t stand it, let alone this kind of comminuted fracture. Her leg injury is irreversible. I can’t walk anymore.”

“As for my father, he does have glaucoma, presbyopia, and bloating easily, but we really don’t know about oral cancer!”

[I used to be a second-level national athlete and retired due to injury. Athletes are really prone to injuries, and a lot of practice will cause joint and muscle strain. If it is not really injured, no one wants to retire. 】

[Good guy, Xiaobai really wants to go to the end of the road of medical treatment. All he said is about the illnesses and disasters of this family, and he is all right! 】

[Fuck, this guy is an X-ray from the hospital, he can scan out all the big and small problems at a glance, cow. 】

Zheng Xiaona is asking about her father’s oral problems.

The old man thought for a while and shook his head and said, “It’s not cancer, it’s just that the teeth are loose when people are old, and the gums are bleeding a little, it’s from the fire!”

Bai Ci shook his head lightly, and asked, “Old man, do you often suffer from ulcers?”

“That’s true. My mouth is always on fire, and I have oral ulcers. It affects my drinking and eating!”

Zheng Xiaona frowned helplessly and said, “Dad, the ulcer in your mouth won’t heal, why didn’t you tell me? I’ll take you to the hospital!”

The old man glared: “What kind of hospital do you just have an ulcer in your mouth? Look?”

Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room and Zheng Xiaona herself were almost certain that what Bai Ci said was true.

Zheng Xiaona asked when this symptom started, and the old man said that he couldn’t remember.

Anyway, for half a year or almost a year, my mouth was always prone to sores, and it took two days for it to heal.

At the beginning, he still avoided drinking water, but later he got annoyed and felt pain, but it was a bit painful, but it was not unbearable, and he continued to drink and eat spicy food every day, regardless of it.

He didn’t even feel that this was a disease.

【Tsk, looking at this old man reminds me of the one in my family, who is exactly the same sick and can’t go to the hospital, but just lie at home for two days, it makes people angry. 】

【If Bai Ci hadn’t noticed this, the old man probably wouldn’t tell his family if he dragged it on for another year or two, maybe it would be a late stage! 】

The old man was still stubborn, Bai Ci said in a flat tone:

“Old man, you know that you have a bad spleen and stomach and are prone to bloating and hiccups. You smoke and drink more bacteria in your mouth, which is also the main cause of your illness. Don’t look at the mucous membrane in your mouth that is not a big problem now. It will all fester, and your cheeks will be cut off by then.”

His expression was restrained but serious, which frightened the old man for a moment, even the wife in the wheelchair started to panic, raised his hand and slapped him twice:

“Why are you so stubborn, old man, can you die if you go to the hospital?”

The old man licked the sore in his mouth, the pricking pain made him feel weak, “Okay then, let’s take a look…”

Bai Ci nodded with a ‘hmm’ and said: “You don’t have to worry too much. Oral cancer can be suppressed by taking medicine and controlling diet if it is discovered early. If the treatment is good, it will not affect normal life.”

Zheng Xiaona looked grateful, thank you a thousand times:

“Thank you, Master Xiaobai. My dad doesn’t like to go to the hospital the most. If you didn’t find out that he has early stage cancer, we would really…”

Bai Ci nodded, and said to Liu, “I’m done.”

After he finished speaking, Xun Yiqing came out and showed the question board:

“There is a brother and sister, but their whereabouts are unknown, and their life and death are unknown.”

Xun Yiqing said bluntly: “I am good at martial arts and exorcising evil spirits. I can only get a general idea from palm reading. I saw a broken line in the palms of two old people. At the same time, Ms. Zheng also has a short line in the palm of her hand. stripes, and this gentleman has none.”

“This shows that the other child of the two old people, who is also Ms. Zheng’s brother and sister, has been away from you for a long time, and he has no relationship with you.”

Almost when Xun Yiqing said this, the old lady in the wheelchair was about to cry.

The old man who was blowing his beard and staring just now also had a gloomy expression, rubbing his palms and not speaking.

Da Liu asked, “Is that so, Ms. Zheng?”

Zheng Xiaona smiled wryly and said, “That’s true, and that’s why we were on this show. Our family is here to find relatives.”

Liu: “Did player Xun Yiqing see more specific information?”

Xun Yiqing shook his head slowly, “I’m sorry, I can’t see any connection between the three of them from the palmistry. I can’t be sure whether this person is still alive.”

After speaking, he stepped back and looked around at the players around him, especially Gu Zhisang who looked calm.

Before the master let him appear on the show, he was the proud son of the younger generation of Xuanmen. He had reached the fourth level of ‘Xuan’ in just over thirty years, and he had defeated other peers with martial arts in several competitions.

At that time, he felt that he was coming to a ridiculous and tricky online program, and won’t it be easy to win the ‘Strongest Mysterious Master’.

Even if he saw Xi Haihong coming, he had no fear.

However, he was deflated for several consecutive episodes, and he was hit hard, which was hard to accept.

He could only comfort himself that Gu Zhisang knew fortune-telling and fortune-telling, so he might not be able to beat him in a real fight.

However, when he knew that Gu Zhisang had wounded the eight members of the Taoist sect with his own strength, and they were probably at the same level as his master, he fell into complete silence and chose to retreat.

He didn’t come out until three full days later, and this time Xun Yiqing could feel the transformation of his heart.

He can frankly admit that he is indeed inferior to others, and he can accept that he is not as talented as he imagined.

Xun Yiqing originally thought that this result would be uncomfortable, but the moment he said it, he found that the way he had been stuck for a long time was slightly loosened, and he might be able to advance to another stage soon.

After he went down, He Mitu walked to the center of the field.

Today’s Thai head-down master wore a long gown, and it was rare to see that he didn’t have smiling eyes, but his complexion was a little heavy.

At this time, the old lady in the wheelchair was still in grief because of the phrase “life and death cannot be determined”, and kept patting the wheelchair and crying.

Zheng Xiaona suppressed her smile and looked at He Mitu.

However, the electronic board that He Mitu lifted up had the words ‘abstain’ written on it.

This was the first time he chose to give up. The audience in the live broadcast room, and even other players were a little surprised.

Da Liu asked, “Why did He Mitu abstain directly? Don’t you see something?”

He Mitu shook his head slowly, pursed his lips and said, “I didn’t watch it.”

When asked why, he took a deep look at Zheng Xiaona and her parents, and said:

“In this family, I feel a… unspeakable power. My faith tells me that this is something that cannot be touched. Once I have to interpret it, I will pay a very high price.”

Da Liu was at a loss: “You mean, there are evil spirits in this family?”


He Mitu directly denied, “The untouchables are not on their bodies, nor are they ghosts, but more…a kind of connection. I can’t describe this feeling to you in words. But what I want to advise you is, If it’s about someone you’ve lost, my advice is look no further.”

The crowd was in an uproar:

[? ? What nonsense is this person talking about? His family is looking for relatives from thousands of miles away. He just can’t see things, and he told people not to look for them. I’m really speechless. Can you stop pouring cold water on me like this! 】

[I think he just doesn’t have the ability to see it, and he’s ashamed to admit it openly like other contestants. He insists on slapping his face to pretend to be fat, and making some inscrutable words to cover up his incompetence. 】

[Can some black maliciousness in the live broadcast room not be so big, He Mitu is a well-known mysterious master in Thailand, and he was very sensitive to such evil things before. Trust his judgment! 】


Among all the people, only Gu Zhisang slightly raised his eyebrows, and glanced at He Mitu in surprise.

She thought about it, but didn’t say anything.

The next player, Xi Haihong, didn’t see anything either.

Among all the contestants, only Gu Zhisang and Daisy remained silent.

And the two of them are also the only two on the Internet who have arguing about who is stronger, although the number of people who support Daisy is very meager;

They believe that Daisy is the witch with the most empathetic ability among all the contestants, and her words can heal the hearts of those who seek help.

Just when Daisy herself was consciously planning to stand up, Gu Zhisang took the first step.

She raised the electronic board in her hand and said calmly, “I’ll do it first.”

Facing Daisy’s surprised eyes, she smiled slightly and revealed the answer on the question board:

“Born in 1990, he was born in the Great Plains in the northeast of Xia Kingdom, and got lost when he went out with his parents and relatives when he was 7 years old.

Lost place – in the mountainous area of Nan Province, at the foot of the land. “

Seeing the content on her electronic board, Zheng Xiaona covered her mouth and her eyes gradually turned red.

She didn’t know what to think of, and was choked up for a moment, unable to speak. The lover beside her hugged her shoulder and comforted her gently.

After a long while, she wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and stared at Gu Zhisang closely:

“Master, you, have you figured it all out, right?! They are all correct. This is Yanyan’s information, and I will never remember it wrong!”

Gu Zhisang: “Her name is Yanyan? It should fit her appearance, but it’s not a good name for her.”

“She’s your sister.”

Zheng Xiaona choked up and said: “That’s right, my sister’s name is Zheng Xiaoyan, the time of birth and the location of her hometown are completely consistent with yours, she is five years younger than me, and she was indeed lost here when she was seven years old.

My younger sister has been cute and good-looking since I was a child, like a doll. I didn’t like taking pictures with her before. I thought this stinky girl was too beautiful, and I didn’t like playing with her…”

“At that time, my parents searched here for more than a month. People were going crazy but they couldn’t find it. There was no way to call the police. The police and the nearby villagers said that there were many kidnappers here, and it was close to a chaotic small country. She must be Yanyan, she was sold overseas after being stunned by border kidnappers, and she can’t be found.”

As she spoke, her sobs became more severe.

Gu Zhisang paused, and said: “I have seen all this information from the faces of your family, but you can rest assured that this girl is still alive.”

Zheng Xiaona’s family suddenly raised their heads when they heard the words, and asked anxiously: “Really, master? Yanyan, Yanyan is still alive?! Then where is she now?”

Gu Zhisang: “I don’t know.”

Zheng Xiaona’s family audience:? !

She said bluntly: “I can only confirm that she is still alive and has not been sent abroad. She is still in Xia Kingdom and Nan Province, but the exact location cannot be calculated for the time being.”

Hearing that Zheng Xiaona’s family was a little disappointed, the audience was also very surprised.

From their point of view, as long as Gu Zhisang takes action, there is nothing that cannot be seen or solved.

Gu Zhisang looked normal and left the middle field.

In fact, she was a little depressed, because since she set foot on this land, she felt that there was some invisible force obstructing and blinding her five senses.

Through the fortune-telling just now, she can be sure that this mountainous area in the southern province is an area completely isolated from the way of heaven!

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