I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 75

Chapter 74

Before the live broadcast, Da Liu said: “Before the second helper enters the stage, let’s watch a VCR first.”

As soon as his voice fell, the backstage staff of the program group inserted a video that had been filmed and prepared in advance.

The video screen slowly lit up, and before the protagonist appeared on the screen, the voice of the interviewer belonging to the “Spiritual Affairs” program group came out:

‘Miss Ren, you can’t have such a negative attitude. In fact, there are many good things and people in life waiting to meet you. We can’t be trapped by the suffering of the past…’

Before the interviewer finished speaking, he sighed and said:

“Miss sister, thank you for coming to enlighten me, but I have really heard these words no less than a hundred times. My friends around me have told me so. I also know that I have psychological problems and I have poor endurance… But I really No one has such a pair of eyes that discover beauty. ‘

‘So don’t waste your time persuading me, I know that everyone is doing it for my own good, but I really don’t need it. ‘

‘I can’t find any people and things worthy of my nostalgia, and I can’t feel the meaning of living. This is a long torture and pain for me. Please let me be free. ‘

This wave of extremely depressing remarks directly made the young lady of the interviewer not know what to say, so she had no choice but to end the interview.

At the same time, the background sound sounded in the video, introducing the interviewee who was seeking relief wholeheartedly:

“Just now the program team interviewed Ms. Ren, the help-seeking person in the second team competition in the sixth episode of the program. The reason why the program team selected her as the guest of this episode out of thousands of letters for help is also because of her unique letters. Content attracts.

She is different from the previous ones, or even all the help-seekers who sent out letters for help. She bluntly said that she is not afraid of ghosts, or even death. “

“Miss Ren is here to ask for death!”

At this point in the recording, a series of question marks were sent out in the live broadcast room:

【what? Did I hear correctly, this request for help is really… unheard of. 】

[I heard that the girl interviewed just now must have a serious depression or mental illness. She looks so unlovable. If she is really a patient with a serious condition, she will indeed have a tendency to commit suicide. 】

[I can understand her thoughts, but why come to “Spiritual Affairs”? Isn’t this a metaphysics show? Could it be that she wants to find a contestant to help her die painlessly? (I’m just guessing)]

The staff of the program team in the video also have the same doubts as the audience in the live broadcast room.

After they euphemistically raised questions, Miss Ren’s tone became irritable and helpless:

‘ Do you think it’s easy to want to die, just find a place to go quietly, I think so too, and I’ve tried many times, but it doesn’t work! ‘

‘I can’t die. ‘

‘Every time I make enough preparations, there will always be some accidents or things that cannot be explained by science. ‘

The recording ends here.

[? ? ? I was watching metaphysics and supernatural variety shows at home, and this video, which was quite nervous at first, just made me laugh. The tone of the person asking for help was really impatient and wronged, hahahaha, she was really angry. 】

[This is a development that I never expected. A living person wants to commit suicide, but a dead ghost crazily obstructs it. Is this okay? 】

[Wow, another good ghost! 】


After finishing the video playback, Da Liu looked at the camera and said:

“What kind of strange things have happened to Ms. Ren? Was she really hindered by something that prevented her from committing suicide several times without success? Next, please call out our second helper today.”

As he finished speaking, the live broadcast camera shifted, and a girl in a black lace shirt and an irregular long skirt approached the center of the venue. It was Miss Ren.

From the appearance, she is taller than 1.7 meters, slightly hunchbacked and thin, with pale skin and several ear studs, and there are faint blue marks under her eyes.

After playing, she nodded to Liu, “Hello, host.”

Soon, the first player—No. 10 Xi Haihong appeared on the stage.

After she came on stage, her eyes were attracted by the girls in the center of the field. After looking at her for a few times, she frowned and said with a serious expression:

“Are you the person who asked for help in this scene? The situation is quite serious, and it’s time to find someone to take a look at it.”

“On your body… a male ghost, two female ghosts, and a litter of animal ghosts that should have been run over by a car or tortured to death by someone, you can barely tell that they are a few wild cats, all crowded around your body Rian made a ‘home’!

Girl, you can open a hotel with this body, you have to solve it as soon as possible. “

Xi Haihong looked puzzled: “You haven’t noticed anything wrong before, haven’t you had any weird dreams, so many ghosts live in your body, your anger has been emptied, and your body is quite empty, right? Why? Did you come to see someone now?”

“If you need me to exorcise ghosts for you, just find me backstage after the show. I can send away ordinary ghosts.”

Neither the audience nor the host expected that the first contestant brought such explosive news as soon as he came up. Liu couldn’t help but look at the skinny girl next to him, and there was something wrong with his eyes.

This is also the first time for Ms. Ren to know that there are not only ghosts on her body, but so many more!

She looked surprised for a moment, and then became indifferent.

If there is, she will have it, anyway, she doesn’t want to live anymore.

If these ghosts can speed up her death, then she doesn’t want to drive them away, but thinking about her experience and appeal, Ms. Ren thought about it and asked seriously:

“Master, is there a harmless ghost in my body? Can you just get it out?”

Xi Haihong:?

Seeing her puzzled expression, Da Liu on the side explained Ms. Ren’s request aloud. Xi Haihong was shocked and speechless. After a while, she said with a complicated expression:

“You girl is quite special, no wonder there are so many ghosts squeezed into your body.”

“Do you know how many lonely ghosts want to come back from the dead and occupy your body, and they will also affect your mood and mind in your body;

I advise you to drive them out and think about it again. If people who gave up their lives at will before they die, they will go to **** and be punished. “

That is to say, in the past hundred years, Yangjian’s morality has exploded, and thinking has become more open. More and more human beings with mental illness choose to kill themselves, and the number has skyrocketed;

The Palace of Hades also had to keep up with the development of the times and abandoned the small **** that was dedicated to the punishment of suicide and death.

Living people have three fires, and at the same time, there is a spirit platform that can make the soul and body fit together.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the yang fire is strong and the spiritual platform is clear, even if they encounter evil spirits, those lonely and wild ghosts cannot easily enter the body of a living person, or even seize the body, because they will be repelled by the spiritual platform.

But Ms. Ren’s situation is different. She doesn’t want to live anymore, and she is only thinking about how to end herself.

In the eyes of ghosts, such a body is rare and easy to occupy and seize.

No wonder she had so much dirt in her body.

After persuasion, Xi Haihong left the venue.

Da Liu said: “Our first contestant, Xi Haihong, saw a lot of ghosts in Miss Ren’s body, and she thought Miss Ren should drive them away.”

“Next, let’s invite the second contestant: No. 2 Bai Ci to come on stage, and see if he can see any other information.”

After Bai Ci came on stage, he also took a closer look at Ms. Ren.

After watching it for a long time, he suddenly said: “Your heart disease is very serious, and your mental state… is very poor. I think you know it clearly in your heart.”

“On your arms and thighs, there are many scars that are difficult to remove. Those wounds were not shallow until now, and there is still a faint sickness left. Except for these two relatively dense places, there are also sporadic old wounds in other parts;

I think these wounds are self-inflicted and your serious heart disease is the cause. “

After a moment of silence, Miss Ren did not deny it, and admitted frankly:

“That’s right, I have depression, maybe around the age of seven or eight, and it’s getting worse and worse. My whole life has been controlled by this disease and uncontrollable bad emotions. When the emotions come up, I will be irritable. I would break down uncontrollably and want to cry, want to die, I didn’t know how to relieve the pain when I was young, and then I found that using physical pain to numb the mental torture is the most effective way.”

Obviously it was the age when the pain should be the most, but the little girl at that time was able to hurt her body without blinking or shedding a single tear.

She turned all the pain in her heart into pain, and sometimes she couldn’t stop the blood even if she struck hard.

Perhaps it is because of these reasons that she has been in poor health since she was a child. Her face is pale and gloomy from blood loss all the year round. Her parents have repeatedly scolded her for being mentally ill.

Seeing Miss Ren’s nonchalant expression, Bai Ci frowned.

After he attained Taoism, he could cure many diseases, but he could not cure human heart diseases.

After closing her eyes slightly, Bai Ci said: “Let’s not talk about this heart disease, you should often run into evil spirits, and you have a very strong yin energy on your body… and it’s the kind that is not good for your health. You must find someone to take it away as soon as possible. .”

Da Liu said: “You mean that the ghost that Miss Ren bumps into will damage her health?”

Bai Ci coughed lightly, and said with some embarrassment: “That’s right, because that ghost is… a pervert.”

“It should have frequently entered this girl’s dreams during this time, and obtained her anger and yang energy through dreams. I can see that her body is very yin and weak because of this. The specific manifestations are pale lips and blue eyes. .”

Bai Ci’s ears turned red after he finished speaking, and he added: “But it’s not a question of asking for help. It’s hard to stop such shameless people who steal other people’s Yuanyang energy from dreams, and we still need professionals to help them. solve.”

Hearing this, Miss Ren also understood.

Although she has no one she cares about in this world and doesn’t want to live anymore, it doesn’t mean she has no feelings at all.

She said in embarrassment: “Ma De, let me tell you why the **** dreams have become more and more real recently. Sometimes I can vaguely see a face. It turned out to be a pervert?!”

Bai Ci nodded, “You are suffering from yin deficiency, which will harm your body to some extent in the future. If you want to recuperate again, I can prescribe some prescriptions for you to drink, and you will slowly make up for it after a while.”

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

Da Liu rubbed his nose in embarrassment, and continued to read the script: “Okay, contestant Bai Ci has seen Miss Ren’s illness, and now I invite the next contestant: No. 6 Daisy to come on stage!”

Daisy still came on stage with exquisite makeup, and warmly greeted Liu, Miss Ren and the audience behind the camera.

She looked at Miss Ren with a smile: “This lady has her own characteristics. I like your dressing style. If you don’t resist skin contact, can you pass me your hand?”

Miss Ren nodded and stretched out her palm.

After holding each other for a while, Daisy’s brows became tighter and tighter, and she said:

“The breath of this girl is very young. Your life has just begun, why is your heart dry up? I think your emotions and mentality are like a dry sea, withered roses, without any fluctuations… some There are only loneliness, pain, stubbornness and other negative emotions.

I can feel what you don’t want to have, you are very resistant to these negative emotions, you have tried many times to get rid of them, but your efforts have failed, you can’t do it. So as time goes by, you will be desperate, you will be stuck in the mud, and even lose the desire to resist. “

When Daisy opened her eyes again, her face was full of distress:

“Poor girl, I understand that you have depression, and you usually suffer from it, right?”

Miss Ren nodded, feeling a little fluctuated in her heart.

Although Daisy, a witch from Norway, is good at black magic, she has a soft heart and strong empathy. She often feels sad or happy to ask for help.

It is precisely because of her extraordinarily full of emotions that Ms. Ren, who is suffering from depression, is also a little moved.

Seeing her nodding, Daisy took two steps forward and gently hugged her shoulder:

“I’m sorry that I can’t relieve the pain in your heart, but I know it’s not your fault. You are a sensitive and soft girl, and you shouldn’t bear such pain.”

She looked into Miss Ren’s eyes and continued to ask: “During the induction, I still felt a strong sinister aura on your body. You are entangled by something. Mind if I investigate further? Maybe touches on some privacy.”

Miss Ren doesn’t care: “Yes.”

So Daisy cleaned her hands and took out the things from the package. This time she did not use a candle but lit a short incense stick, and said as she did it:

“It was a very correct decision for me to come to this show. I exchanged ideas with so many excellent colleagues. My ability improved in the first two days. Now I can see another world without using candles.”

“I hope my backtracking ability can be more accurate and clear, please hold my hand.”

Daisy held Miss Ren’s palm again and murmured a few words in a low voice, swirled twice with the smoky short incense, and then picked up the mirror.

Her expression and the temperament of her whole body changed suddenly, this miraculous scene made Miss Ren next to her tremble uncontrollably.

Then Daisy began to recall:

“I saw a room. The atmosphere here is full of disputes and depression. This should be when you were young. This place gave you a lot of psychological pressure and made you very irritable, and even… hated?

That’s right, you hate those two people in your heart. They should be your elders. Why? Did they treat you very badly? “

“As time goes by, you have a lot of wounds on your body, most of which are caused by yourself. I can feel that your mental state is very unhealthy, and your tendency to self-destruct is very serious. This is really true for the parents. It’s very irresponsible, why did your own child say some harsh words to irritate you when he was being tortured?” Daisy said with a frown.

Suddenly she seemed to ‘see’ something, and exclaimed: “No! It can’t be like this!”

She opened her eyes suddenly, held Miss Ren’s hand tightly, her face full of disapproval, and her tone was a little rejoicing:

“My dear, how can you have… that kind of thought, God, when I saw you standing on the edge of the high platform, my heart was going to jump out, no matter what, I can’t punish others for their mistakes by ending my life! Well, you still have some sense in the end, and you didn’t take the last step… It’s really lucky.”

While Daisy was chattering, she noticed that Liu beside her had a strange expression, so she couldn’t help asking:

“What’s the matter, host, why are you looking at me with this expression?”

Miss Ren said with a serious expression: “Miss Daisy, you have seen it too. It wasn’t that I wanted to give up at the time, it was because my legs were pressed by something, and I couldn’t move at all!”

“Then there was a force that pushed me, pushed me off the edge, was that just meddling?”

Daisy looked a little dazed and didn’t understand what she was saying.

It was only under Liu’s helpless explanation that she widened her eyes slightly with a surprised expression.

It turned out that it was not Miss Ren who reined in the precipice at all, but a ghost in her body that was helping her and hindering her!

Daisy looked stunned, and said: “When I went back, I also saw a very vague shadow. It will appear in your dreams and stare at you often. It should have existed for a while.”

After listening to Daisy’s description, Miss Ren matched the image with the pervert in the spring dream.

She gritted her teeth and said, “It really is this guy who did it!”

“Sister Daisy, I want to drive it away so that it won’t haunt me. Is there a way?”

Ms. Ren counted down every time in the past year that she made up her mind to take the last step to end her life, and the ghost behind it used invisible power to hinder her.

I jumped off the building once before.

She felt nauseous after taking the medicine and vomited it all up.

If you want to drink pesticides, the bottle must be placed on the ground for no reason and smashed…

All these times made Ms. Ren’s self-destruction plan fail.

This is simply hopeless.

[Good guy, good guy, this wave is about foolish ghosts bravely saving their sweethearts. 】

【…How can there be a bit of sweetness in the weirdness? The decadent young lady who wants to die and the pervert who keeps obstructing him, but this guy’s methods are a bit damaged. If you like someone, you can’t pester him every day. It’s too shameless. 】


Hearing her request, Daisy glanced at Liu with some hesitation.

There is a way, that is, to exorcise evil spirits and ghosts. Even if the ghost is particularly powerful and unwilling to leave, the other players must have a way.

In the barrage, many viewers thought that this pervert was a good person who kept obstructing Miss Ren’s death, but the mystics in the show didn’t think so.

If it was really a good ghost, it wouldn’t pester Miss Ren in the dream and absorb her yang energy.

It is impossible for it not to know that such behavior will damage Miss Ren Xiao’s health, even lifespan, and make her weaker and weaker.

But it also did thwart Miss Ren on several occasions.

It is precisely because of its continuous influence in Miss Ren’s body that Miss Ren’s suicide plan has never been successful.

If the contestants on the program get rid of this pervert, Ms. Ren will end her life after leaving the show. Even if she herself repeatedly emphasizes that this is her choice, it is conceivable that the program and the contestants will still fall into controversy and accusations .

Some people think that they killed Miss Ren.

So Daisy didn’t agree immediately, but passed the topic vaguely, saying that she would make a decision after all the contestants had finished watching.

After she left, He Mitu and Xun Yiqing also entered the stage successively.

Both said that Miss Ren’s body was full of yin and ghosts.

When Gu Zhisang finally appeared on the stage, the whole match didn’t take too long.

After standing still in the center of the venue, she greeted the staff and began to observe Miss Ren.

At the first glance, she accurately described the group of ghosts hiding in Miss Ren’s body.

After passing through a few contestants, Ms. Ren also saw that these people were really capable, but they were not willing to help her expel the ghosts from her body, so she also lost interest after seeing Gu Zhisang on the stage.

She asked directly: “Master Gu, can you help me drive out the ghosts in my body?”


Unexpectedly, Gu Zhisang agreed so readily, Miss Ren’s eyes lit up, she looked over and asked: “Really?”

The host Da Liu coughed quickly and gave Gu Zhisang winks frantically. In the end, he directly said that the pervert was obstructing Miss Ren.

Gu Zhisang’s expression didn’t change much after hearing this, she was a little puzzled:

“So? Ghosts go to the underworld. This is an ancient and unchanging law of life and death. It should not be changed or avoided for any reason. Besides, this lady—looking at her face is already 23 years old. She is an adult. You can have the reason, ability and right to make your own decisions, and it doesn’t matter to anyone whether the result is good or bad.”

Because she is not a part of the world, she can’t understand a lot of human feelings and humanistic care, and she can’t have rich and delicate emotions and extraordinary empathy like Daisy.

Through Miss Ren’s face and body, Gu Zhisang’s cold eyes were like eagles, and the girl couldn’t help shivering when she met such eyes.

She didn’t know that what Gu Zhisang was looking at was not herself, but the nests of shivering ghosts in her body.

Especially the male ghost among them.

After seeing those souls clearly, Gu Zhisang snorted, “What’s more, the ghost in her body is originally a grieving ghost. It’s not a good thing, and it should be tamed as soon as possible.”

“You only know that it prevented this woman from committing suicide, and you think that people who ask for help should be grateful to it and not drive it away? It’s a joke.”

Da Liu heard the meaning of her words, and hurriedly asked: “Sangsang, do you have any other opinions?”

Gu Zhisang said indifferently: “Not to mention how many private thoughts are mixed in this ghost’s ‘help’, just that it enters a dream and is alive, it is enough to shorten the life span of the person asking for help by more than ten years.

This is because it did not invade the help-seeker in a dream occasionally, but entangled the help-seeker more than ten years ago, and since then it has affected her health in her body. “

She sneered and said, “It’s because of its deliberate influence and fueling that people who ask for help can become as ill as they are now.”

“So you still think it is a good ghost?”

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