I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 150

Chapter 149

Screams, crying, and uncontrollable retching filled the chaotic rental house.

Compared with Xiao Gao and Xiao He who completely lost their minds and cried and scolded, Yuan Jufang’s reaction, who just held on to the door frame and retched, was relatively light.

Seeing the young tenant desperately holding his throat, trying to empty out the sour water in his stomach, Sun Jie, who was being escorted by plainclothes police officers, pulled the corners of his pale mouth and smiled.

Based on the abnormal reactions of several tenants, the police officers present and the audience in the live broadcast room had guesses about Sun Jie’s words, and were both surprised and suspicious;

The two police officers closest to her looked at her face with a sinister smile, and couldn’t help feeling chills.

[Ah, ah, my scalp is numb, is it what I think? ? ! 】

【what does it mean? Why didn’t the one surnamed Sun say anything? Everyone seems to know it. Can someone explain what happened? 】

【Going back upstairs, it should be that the landlady is going to use her dead brother’s body to do sorcery, trying to get a child for her brother, involving the tenants who live in this house. It’s not clear what the specifics are.

But before the landlord revealed his true colors, Sangsang asked a few girls about their impression of the landlord. At that time, they said that the landlord was very nice and often brought them food; With their reaction now, I guess her brother’s body is related to those things that were sent to the tenants… Numb, if my guess is true, just thinking about it makes my stomach sick. 】

[Fuck, this woman is crazy, what a lunatic! 】

[It won’t be so scary, it’s also unlikely.

Sun Minghao has been dead for 6 years. To be offensive, the buried body may have rotted away! 】


“Master Gu!” Xiao He, who was propped on the sink and vomited tears all over his face, suddenly thought of something, stumbled and ran to Yuan Jufang’s side, and snatched the mobile phone connected to the live broadcast from her hand, as if grabbing a life-saving straw :

“Master Gu, isn’t this true?!”

Several tenants looked up in Xiao He’s direction, feeling lucky.

What if their assumptions are too serious.

Could it be that Sun Jie was lying to them? !

But under the repeated confirmation of Officer Zhao and Gu Zhisang, they were in despair.

Gu Zhisang sighed softly, and began to answer the doubts of Officer Zhao and the audience in the live broadcast room.

Among the many doubts, the most frequently asked question was how did Sun Jie take the body out of the cemetery, and how could Gu Zhisang confirm that Sun Minghao’s body had been exhumed.

“For warlocks, ‘fetching objects from space’ is not difficult, but for warlocks who can form formations, it is even easier.” Gu Zhisang said:

“For example, the Qimen Dunjia technique is to use the real, the fake, and the constantly changing eight doors and eight bits to perform replacements. Objects can be changed, and people’s life and death are also in the choice of the moment.

As for how I’m sure—”

Gu Zhisang tapped the ends of his eyes with his light-white fingertips: “My eyes can see many things that you can’t see, such as corpse breath.”

Ghosts have yin qi, and evil ways will produce evil qi.

The corpse is buried in the ground all year round to rot and ferment, absorbing the dirt, and naturally has a unique corpse gas.

Without exception, these tenants were all covered by Sun Minghao’s corpse aura that had penetrated into the bone marrow, thick or light, and lingered for a long time. Obviously, it was possible to form it after ‘intimate contact’ with Sun Minghao’s corpse for a long time.

Besides that, the most frequently asked questions are where is Sun Minghao’s body and what is the relationship with these tenants.

After pondering for a moment, Gu Zhisang asked:

“Miss Yuan, the stomachs of the three of you have not been very good since the second half of this year.”

“When standing on an empty stomach, the lower abdomen is slightly bulging, and when lying flat, I always feel slightly sore and swollen in the lower abdomen, and the foreign body sensation is more obvious.”

Yuan Jufang nodded, with an embarrassed expression:

“I have a feeling. In the past two months, I often have a dull pain in my lower abdomen. It is more bulging than before, but it is not serious and does not affect my life. I always thought it was constipation, so I didn’t take it to heart…”

Constipation, a symptom that is not even considered a disease, is the norm for modern people.

Staying up late, eating irregularly or under stress can all be the cause.

Before, she wanted to go to the hospital for a checkup, but she was too embarrassed, fearing that her stomach would be full of feces after taking the B-ultrasound, which would embarrass her in front of the doctor.

The silent Xiao Gao also said with a pale face:

“Xiao He and I also had it. At that time, I thought uterine fibroids were scary, and I went for a related physical examination, and all the indicators were normal. No major problems were found, except for a protruding belly.”

She said that she had undergone a gastroenteroscopy, had a uterus filmed, and had a feces examination. She was also in good health, except that she occasionally felt a foreign body sensation when her lower abdomen protruded slightly;

She couldn’t figure it out, and she could only think that she had a problem with her digestive system.

As for Xiao He, who is more innocent, he feels that he is fat and fat, and clamors to lose weight every day.

Now it seems that the truth is probably not the case.

Sure enough, Gu Zhisang’s next sentence shocked the already pale girl even more:

“It’s normal not to be able to find out the problem. You all have very special ghosts in your stomach, which are both shaped and invisible. The month is still shallow now. If you drag it on, it will only grow bigger and bigger, and eventually there will be big problems.”

“I’m talking from the source, I don’t know if you have heard of the ‘art of making animals’.”

‘Make livestock’, as the name implies, make livestock.

The raw material is people.

It is a kind of witchcraft that turns people into livestock, and it is also a kind of partial art.

Whether it is strange novels or folk tales, there are similar stories circulating among the people.

In the past, when this kind of spell was not banned by Xuanmen, most of the magicians south of the Yellow River had mastered it.

People with poor means and ordinary abilities need to peel off the skin of the animals while they are still alive, so as to ensure the freshness of the skin.

Then stick the **** animal skin on the human body, sew it on with a needle and thread, and then cast the spell, so that the animal skin can be firmly integrated with the human skin.

The human skeletal body also compresses, eventually turning into an animal.

Adults are often turned into cattle and sheep, and children are often turned into cats and dogs.

The “livestock” from the “animal creation” can generally retain the consciousness and memory of being a human being. This is the most terrifying part of this kind of magic.

As for the powerful warlocks, they can not only change the appearance, but also turn the human flesh and structure into animals.

Gu Zhisang has read the records of the predecessors in Taoist classics, saying that there were evil cultivators who did evil among the people, and people in the city often disappeared.

The youngest son of a local member of the family disappeared strangely. He offered a huge reward and sent several servants to look for it, but found nothing.

Yuan Wai, who was in a daze, was drunk in the middle of the night, but was stopped by a dirty monkey that suddenly jumped out in the alley on his way home.

The little monkey hugged his thigh and screamed, with tears in his eyes, which startled the drunk member, thinking it was a monster.

Unable to get rid of the wild monkey no matter what, the member who had lost his son was so annoyed that he ordered the guards to chop the little monkey to death and throw him in a bad alley.

Later, the monkey corpse was picked up by beggars nearby, and the meat was cooked and shared. The meat was extremely delicious, but at the end of the meal, a child’s finger was found in the pot.

Take a closer look, the monkey’s bones that have been gnawed clean, aren’t they the bones of a child? !

After repeated investigations by the local mysterious masters, it was discovered that the missing people were all turned into cattle, sheep, pigs and dogs by the evil cultivators using the “art of making animals”.

Some were sold to the fields to pull carts and dig soil, some were bought to be beaten and domesticated, and when they were found, they were still flattering and bowing in the street juggling team;

Many people, like the little monkey, have been slaughtered and eaten as real livestock.

No one could have imagined that the wild monkey killed by his guard was the youngest son he had been thinking about day and night.

After several chaotic periods of “no distinction between humans and animals”, this kind of magic has been banned and extinct.

Now it’s happening again.

Gu Zhisang: “If a person dies for five or six years, the corpse will not be kept very well no matter what. Even if it is dug out from the ground, it will be difficult to cover up the decayed air.”

“But if it is marinated with special spices to remove the odor of the corpse, and then the carrion is wrapped with animal skins using the ‘art of making animals’, it will be possible to confuse the fake with the real.”

Speaking of this, she paused slightly, “After the meat is cooked and mashed into mud, and wrapped in various kinds of dough as stuffing, who knows what is wrapped inside.”

This trick can be described as insidious.

One is that it is too shocking, frightening and insane, no one would think that Sun Jie’s kind and generous surface hides such vicious intentions.

The second is that Yuan Jufang and others ate food into their stomachs, and after two or three days they would be digested and excreted. There was no evidence, and there was nothing wrong with it medically, so it wouldn’t make people think too much.

The third is to take advantage of the convenience of co-renting to quietly gather a few selected unlucky people together without bothering to coax them.

Even the well-informed Gu Zhisang had to admit that this Sun Jie’s methods were more evil than ordinary people!

“As for why you did that—” Gu Zhisang looked at Sun Jie with a half-smile:

“Miss Sun, do you need me to finish talking for you?”

Sun Jie kept a cold face, just when everyone felt that she was unrepentant and unable to speak, a slightly hoarse low laughter sounded:

“Gu Zhisang, Master Gu, you are really amazing.”

“This show is broadcast once a week, and every time it has tens of millions of viewers online, it just happened to be hit by Yuan Jufang’s big luck… It’s my bad luck, and I admit that it fell into your hands.”

There was somewhat unwillingness in her words, and the hatred in the eyes staring at Yuan Jufang was even more obvious.

After another half a minute, she calmed down and said slowly:

“Six years ago, Sun Minghao died, Sun Chuanfa was paraplegic, and Minghao Technology Co., Ltd. became a mess.

When Sun Chuanfa was still lying in the intensive care unit of the hospital, those distant relatives in the company, shareholder friends, and his so-called brothers blocked the door of the hospital and my house, trying to annex the company. “

Even her uncle, sister-in-law, and Sun Chuanfa’s brothers and sisters all have evil intentions.

At that time, Sun Jie was originally a fringe figure in the Sun family, a meek and tame teacher student, and he became Sun Chuanfa’s only and closest person overnight.

In order to resist the pressure, she was forced to suspend school and walk a tightrope to deal with those wolf-like relatives.

In just one week, the person lost seven or eight catties.

Fortunately, Sun Chuanfa did not die and woke up from a coma.

But he was injured too badly and had to recuperate for too long to manage the company.

In order to keep his family property, he had no choice but to promote his daughter, whom he had never paid much attention to, and train her to learn to handle the company’s business.

In the past few months, Sun Jie has been exposed to the core information of the group, and has also grown rapidly, and will soon be able to be on his own.

When Sun Chuanfa’s health improved slightly, but his energy was not as strong as before, he always thought about the dead Sun Minghao, thinking about the “incense” he had broken.

Almost two years before the car accident, he planned to have another young son.

The severe sequelae of the car accident made him almost unconscious below the waist, let alone make a human.

After going through all kinds of weird stimulation therapy and drug therapy, but nothing worked, Sun Chuanfa couldn’t help but believe that he was useless.

His personality became more and more gloomy, suspicious, and he disliked everything, especially his daughter who was getting better and better.

In just over four years, the Sun Group has returned to the right track under the leadership of Sun Jie, and has risen step by step, better than before his accident.

He clearly knew that Sun Jie could not have such ability back then, but the mentally twisted Sun Chuanfa still began to doubt her, suspecting that the car accident that killed Sun Minghao and paralyzed him had other secrets behind it.

At that time, Sun Jie was reborn as an upstart in the shopping mall, full of high spirits.

But she knew in her heart that although Sun Chuanfa was gradually receding behind the scenes, most of the company’s shares were firmly in his hands, and he had made more than a dozen different wills just in case he died accidentally and his shares were taken away.

She was not sure whether she could get the share inheritance after the father died. For these shares, she still had a little tenderness for Sun Chuanfa in her heart. She spared no effort to take care of Sun Chuanfa and endure his increasingly weird temper.

But if this is the case, it still can’t stop the decadence in Sun Chuanfa’s mind.

Realizing that her niece is not easy to handle, those aunts and uncles who used to take advantage of Sun Chuanfa’s crisis these years played the emotional card and took the warm route.

Especially her uncle, who often brought two cousins over to ‘honour’ his uncle, whispering behind her and Sun Chuanfa’s backs.

Sun Jie paid more attention and installed a bug in Sun Chuanfa’s room, and heard her good uncle follow her lead and repeatedly brainwash Sun Chuanfa.

She said that Sun Jie was a girl after all, she had no roots, and after she got married, the Sun family’s family business made wedding dresses for outsiders.

Said that she started to chase away the old people of the Sun family in the company now, and if she really got the power in the future, she might kill them all.

She also said that she would adopt her second cousin to Sun Chuanfa, so that he would have something to rely on. When the second cousin got married and had children, he would have to provide for him in the old age, and his grandson would have to call him grandpa…

Sun Jie thought, no matter how sick Sun Chuanfa is, he should never believe these people’s nonsense.

But when she found that Sun Chuanfa’s attitude softened time and time again, and she even really let go, wanting to let the second cousin settle in their home, she was so angry and hated that she wished to hack all these people to death.

Although she is a woman, her ability is not weak at all, and she is omnipotent in the business world.

She did drive away a few distant relatives of the Sun family, but those were moths who took money and paid bribes instead of doing anything.

“Who knows what it’s like to start from zero and read books until two o’clock every day? Know what it’s like to blow a bottle on the wine table until your stomach bleeds for a week, just to win a project? Know that those old things are still there What a disgusting idea, but how does it feel to have to hold back a smile to greet you?!” Sun Jie couldn’t help gritting his teeth when he thought of the hardships he had suffered all these years.

After pinching her fingers, she will be 28 soon.

I have never been in a relationship, and my stomach and waist problems are very serious. I can’t wait to live in the company every day.

There was ruthlessness in her gloomy gaze: “I stepped on a knife and gave everything to get to where I am today. They said they would take away my things. How can there be such a good thing?”

Gu Zhisang: “So in order to achieve your goal, do you have to trample others to death?”

Sun Jie said sharply: “The jungle is prey to the strong, how can there be so much fairness?!”

She breathed slightly, and didn’t feel that she had done anything wrong:

“Master Gu, you people have extraordinary abilities, are above us ordinary people, and can choose our life and death at will, is this fair?”

“Is it fair for a poor family to study hard and have no way out, to use up the wallets of several generations to survive and buy a house, and for the rich second generation to be born ignorant but able to spend extravagantly?”

“Is it fair that I work so hard to run a company and then have everything taken away from me?”

Sun Jie sneered and said: “Life has never been fair. It has always been that the big fish eat the small fish, and the small fish eat shrimp. The shopping mall is like a battlefield. If they don’t die, I must die.”

She couldn’t help thinking about the day when she made the decision.

Even though she knew about Sun Chuanfa’s vacillation and Uncle Sun’s shameless behavior, she knew that even if she killed these people herself, it would be useless.

Sun Chuanfa is afraid of death and suspicious. She cannot guarantee that she will get the company’s equity from more than a dozen wills.

So angry is angry, she is very calm.

She is no longer the little girl who was kicked back and forth like a football, hated by others but powerless, Sun Jie thought so.

The way to get rid of Sun Chuanfa’s thoughts, get the uncle’s family out of the way, and obtain equity is actually very simple.

Give Sun Chuan a child who he thinks can ‘inherit the blood’.

As long as there is one child, Sun Chuanfa will not go crazy and give the shares to his uncle and cousin.

And it takes at least ten years for a baby to become an adult;

During this period, Sun Jie can clean up the branches and leaves, slowly find a way to grind Sun Chuanfa to death, and even brainwash this child to make him treat himself as a mother…

But Sun Minghao died, and Sun Chuanfa became useless.

This is almost impossible.

At her height, you can always hear some true and false gossip in the business circle.

The higher the position, the more afraid of death, the more superstitious, many bosses raise little ghosts, plant seeds, and raise feng shui in ancestral graves, and there are similar legends that a certain company was brought back to life by relying on the guidance of the master.

Sun Jie searched for metaphysical methods with a glimmer of hope, trying to get what he wanted, but he never expected that the master really had a method!

Even if she knew that if she did this method, she would be struck by lightning and die, but she still followed the steps taught by the other party and arranged them step by step.

Even now, Sun Jie didn’t regret it a bit.

After listening to Sun Jie’s words, Gu Zhisang frowned slightly.

She wanted to say something, but in the end she just shook her head slightly and didn’t speak.

She knew that no matter what she said, Sun Jie’s ideas had already been distorted in the depressive and unhealthy games again and again, and he completely became a ‘businessman’.

In order to win, Sun Jie can do whatever it takes, or abandon principles.

Gu Zhisang likes her tenacity and admires her ruthlessness, but they are not the same after all.

She quickened her voice, wanting to solve this matter quickly:

“Sun Jie’s method is very insidious. First, she arranged the most important mirror in the rental house, put the portrait in it, and then used the low rent to attract you to move in. After getting your photos with various excuses, she Just burn your photos in front of Sun Minghao’s portrait, and this photo will be burned like paper money in the hands of Sun Minghao’s dead soul in the underworld.

I guess that when Sun Jie burned the photo, he also burned a letter, which most likely said to deceive Sun Minghao, similar to the words that Sun Chuanfa wanted to marry him to the ghost. “

In other words, Sun Jie is not only deceiving.

She even lied to ghosts.

“You’re right.” Sun Jie didn’t deny it.

The first step in raising a ghost fetus is to choose a mother body.

She moved Sun Minghao’s body rashly, and the ghosts underneath could be felt. In order to make Sun Minghao willing, she followed the master’s method and wrote a letter on yellow paper to deceive the ghost.

Trick Sun Minghao to let him choose a dark marriage partner, so that when its bones are moved, it will not reject and move.

“I just wanted Sun Minghao to choose by himself, the most unlucky one.” Sun Jie sneered, with a disgusted tone: “I didn’t expect my stepbrother to be so greedy when he arrived in the underworld. He chose all of you.”

Two days after burning the photos, Sun Jie dreamed of Sun Minghao in his sleep.

It took all the photos, and didn’t pick out which one was the most desirable, but wanted them all.

Even Sun Jie, with malicious intentions, deliberately burned photos of male Internet celebrities who deliberately humiliated Sun Minghao, and Sun Minghao held them all in his hands, not letting any one go.

To a certain extent, they are indeed blood relatives, and they all inherited Sun Chuanfa’s bad habits.

Just as bad, just as greedy.

In this way, Sun Minghao chose everyone in the shared house, not letting anyone go, and established spiritual links with them all.

At this time, the master who was attacking Sun Jie began to move the corpse buried in the grave.

How to do it, Sun Jie didn’t know.

Every time, that person sent her a message, asking her to go to a fixed place to pick up something—a soft piece of meat with a weird smell wrapped in paper.

Even if there was no rotten smell, Sun Jie knew what she was holding in her hand. She suppressed her nausea and processed it before sending it to the shared house.

Seeing the innocent and trusting smiling faces of those girls, at first she also hesitated and flinched.

But when she thought of Sun Chuanfa’s hysterical and crazy actions, and her relatives who were eyeing her, her heart slowly sank.

Gu Zhisang’s brows and eyes were indifferent: “Sun Minghao, an ordinary ghost in the underworld, would not know that the so-called ‘dark marriage’, asking him to select his contract partner is all a scam.”

The human body is broken, the flesh and blood are dug out, and people will die.

Ghosts don’t.

But as long as you haven’t been reincarnated and stay in the underworld, the “Hailundi” of the soul is always closely related to the remains left in the world.

Otherwise, there would be no Feng Shui theory of the ancestral house or the yin house.

Damaged corpses in graves, or bad feng shui also have a great impact on the souls of the underworld.

When Sun Minghao’s body was first dug up and destroyed, it didn’t feel much, but after more times, it realized something was wrong.

The people who dug up its grave and its flesh were obviously not ordinary people. They used special power and spells to do it. Every time a piece of its flesh was dug up, its soul and power would be lost by one point!

If it goes on like this, its entire soul body will collapse!

Only then did Sun Minghao realize that he had been deceived by Sun Jie.

It wants to stop the leakage of power and prevent the soul from being taken away, but the link was chosen by itself at the beginning, and now it is out of control.

It wanted to invade Sun Jie’s dream and prevent him from intimidating him, but found that he couldn’t find the entrance of Sun Jie’s dream at all.

How did Sun Minghao know that Sun Jie had already changed his fate and birthday with the help of others.

In this way, Sun Minghao, a ghost who has been dead for five or six years, has been used by Sun Jie for life and death. Now I am afraid that only half of his soul is left, and his soul may fly away at any time.

As for those stolen soul powers, they are wrapped in the dug-out pieces of meat, and through the mouths of the co-rented girls, they enter their bodies to take root and germinate.

The real residue is meat, which will make girls have stomachaches, but it will eventually be digested and excreted by the body without a trace.

But the accompanying corpse qi and yin qi, because of the spiritual connection, condensed into an unresolved and invisible thing in their bodies, which has been dormant in their stomachs.

Keep getting bigger, keep growing…

In the end, from the soft belly of the girls, a different kind will tear open the flesh and break out from the “soil” that was bred.

That’s what Sun Jie needs, a “child” belonging to the Sun family.

Gu Zhisang suddenly said, “Sun Jie, have you thought about a question?”

“That person changed your life to make you luckier;

Help you reverse yin and yang, let the life of the dead be conceived in the body of the living, and create uncontrollable aliens…”

“He is so powerful, but your wish was only for the shares of the Sun Group at first.”

Sun Jie’s eyelids twitched.

“The master said that the will is recorded in the Yangjian network system. After it is changed, many people who read it will remember it, and there are many variables. Only this method is foolproof…”

“Aside from the system, he can even fool ghosts. The easiest way is to brainwash your father, Sun Chuanfa, control him with spells, and let him directly change the will and write a new copy?” Gu Zhisang called Cut off Sun Jie’s words, with a half-smile:

“He is fooling even ghosts, how do you know that you are not a flag on the chessboard by a chess player?”

Sometimes the authorities are confused, but the bystanders are clear.

If Sun Jie were placed in Gu Zhisang’s position, she might not be unable to notice the weirdness, but she was in it, her greedy heart and lost sanity made her unable to see through the fog in front of her.

At this time, the fog opened a hole, her smile froze, the corners of her mouth twitched and she couldn’t speak.

Gu Zhisang smiled: “You can’t even see yourself clearly, so why do you think you can control the abnormality caused by the imbalance of yin and yang?”

Her eyes were cold: “You have no idea what those things will become once they grow up.”

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