I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 146

Chapter 145

When Gu Zhisang saw this message asking for help, she also sensed the aura of decline from above. She immediately read out the name of the person asking for help and invited her to interact with each other.

When asked about the specific calculation method, the girl did not hesitate, and even urged anxiously:

“Video! Video, Sangsang!”

“Okay.” Gu Zhisang responded, and then clicked on the video invitation.

Then the face of a young girl jumped out on the screen.

Nicknamed ‘Egg Roll’, she looks in her twenties, with gray-blue dyed hair, white skin and single eyelids, and a slender figure. She is the kind of cold and alienated beauty who will be crushed by many people in school.

At this time, the girl is sitting in front of the camera, and the background light is very dazzling.

There were four visible lights in the room, all of which were on, and the whole room was brightly lit.

“Sangsang! Me, my house…something is really wrong!”

‘Egg Roll’ had an excited tone, her mental state and rest should not be very good during this time, her eyes are dark and blue, and her face is haggard;

After connecting to the video, and face to face with the famous “magic fortune teller” Gu Zhisang, the panic in her heart was slightly relieved.

After calming down, ‘Egg Roll’ introduced his situation.

She is 23 years old, still a graduate student, and currently rents an apartment.

The reason why she turned on all the lights in the room was because she felt that she was entangled in something unclean.

There are ghosts around.

The dark environment makes her feel frightened and disturbed. If she does not turn on the lights and make the whole room bright, she will be too scared to sleep.

Gu Zhisang glanced at the girl’s lifeless face, his eyes condensed.

“You will be fine, I and the audience in the live broadcast room are with you.” Seeing that she was really surprised and her eyes were full of uneasiness, she said again:

“If you’re scared, follow me.”

Gu Zhisang spoke slowly and clearly uttered a series of incantations that were somewhat awkward.

Although ‘Egg Roll’ couldn’t understand, and didn’t know what the words were or what they meant, but she stumbled and followed Gu Zhisang’s mantra, and the pitch was all right, just like Gu Zhisang The voice was engraved in her mind.

What made her even more miraculous was that after reading it twice, the coldness and inexplicable gloom that came out of her bones and almost made her teeth tremble gradually disappeared.

Her tensed shoulders stretched out, and she felt that the bright room was so empty and eerie.

There is no doubt that Gu Zhisang’s spell is effective.

Then looking at Gu Zhisang’s exquisite and beautiful face on the screen, ‘Egg Roll’ only had admiration and excitement in his gaze.

There were also many online viewers chanting mantras in the live broadcast room.

When they heard his extraordinarily solemn and upright voice, they were all surprised, they didn’t expect that he could be so upright.

Little did they know that some individual audience members who laughed and didn’t take the spell seriously, and the yin energy around them who didn’t know when and where, quietly disappeared under the effect of the spell.

When ‘Egg Roll’ was in Lianmai, she couldn’t wait to send her horoscope and photo to Gu Zhisang.

Gu Zhisang looked at it silently, and after a while, he opened his mouth to tell the result of his calculation, telling the girl’s childhood and youth information exactly.

“You majored in finance in college, and later you were admitted to a postgraduate degree in a related major.

You have a fortune star in your horoscope, and all seven kills are prosperous, indicating that you are very ambitious and motivated, can endure hardships, and like the feeling of making money—this is not a derogatory term, but a compliment. “

“Other than that, your horoscope is evenly distributed. The three corresponding stars, celestial phase, fortune, and widowhood, all fall in the tenth house, which correspond to the third-level stars of ‘A, B, and C’;

This shows that you like to deal with money, and you are also suitable for the financial industry. “

Looking at the horoscope from the horoscope, the 2nd house corresponds to the ‘Palace of Wealth and Silk’, the 10th house is in charge of career luck, and the 11th house can often see a person’s social relationship… If the stars appear in this third house more often, it is a natural fit merchant.

‘Egg Roll’ is such an astrolabe.

Hearing his expertise being praised, ‘Egg Roll’ smiled unconsciously.

Gu Zhisang: “It can be seen from deduction that you are in the second year of graduate school this year, and you have already had a lot of internship experience and have been exposed to industry affairs;

The reason why you live outside and not in a dormitory has something to do with you being an intern, right? “

“Yes.”‘Egg Roll’ nodded and said: “As the saying goes, I ‘see money’, I really like making money, the feeling of job promotion and salary increase, the financial industry was a popular major a few years ago, now It has been saturated for a long time, and the pressure of competition is also high. If there is no good network at home, you can only enter a big company if your resume is good enough.”

Obviously, the ‘egg roll’ is the latter.

Her academic performance is quite good, and she is studying in a key university, but it is not enough to make her stand out in the highly competitive industry.

She has participated in internships since her junior year and has had four internship experiences.

At present, she is still in the internship period, but the internship project jointly participated by the school and a large company, if the work is very good during the period, there is a certain opportunity to be directly admitted by the company and sign a contract;

Even if they are not admitted, outstanding interns are also very attractive on the resume.

Therefore, “Egg Roll” attaches great importance to this internship.

However, what Gu Zhisang said immediately made her complexion change suddenly.

“If I’m not mistaken, the ‘strange things’ you encountered and the feeling that you were entangled in dirty things started after this internship.” Gu Zhisang said in a flat tone, and then threw a ‘bomb’:

“You are dead.”

“Literally, the corpse of the dead is very strong.”

Glancing at the pale and tightly pursed lips of the ‘Egg Roll’, Gu Zhisang asked, “In the past half a month, or in a shorter period of time, someone around you died unexpectedly.”

“And you witnessed the death of the other party, right?”

Her tone was calm and firm, convinced of the accuracy of her deduction.

As if being recalled by Gu Zhisang’s words, an image that he didn’t want to recall, the shoulders of ‘Egg Roll’ trembled, and he nodded in panic:

“Yes, about ten days ago, a boy in our shared apartment fell from a building in the rental area… At that time, I was just off work and came back from the company where I was doing my internship. I only heard a muffled sound, which shocked me …”

The narration of ‘Egg Roll’ is intermittent, but at least it explains things clearly.

It turned out that the school she studied in was in a first-tier city, and the company she worked in was located in a bustling business district, where the prices were high and the traffic was heavy. It would take a long time to commute from school to get off work every day, and the round-trip fare was not cheap.

For this reason, she found a shared apartment near her workplace, with three bedrooms and two living rooms facing the sun, with good decoration and good sound insulation.

The owner of the home is a young beauty, a local, with a wealthy family. At a young age, the family bought her a suite in a prosperous area—that is, the one rented by ‘Egg Roll’.

That house should have been remodeled by the owner.

The sunny side of the living room was converted into floor-to-ceiling windows at a high price, and the suite was converted into four bedrooms, with two beds in the largest bedroom;

Except for a couple who knew each other from the beginning, two junior girls from a nearby university lived together in the big bedroom with two beds, and the other three rooms were rented to three other people including ‘Egg Roll’. people.

According to ‘Egg Roll’, one is a girl who has just graduated for a year and a half and works as a white-collar worker in a nearby business district. She is two years older than her, and the two have the best relationship in the shared house.

The other tenant is a boy, a small Internet celebrity, and his usual job is to shoot videos and broadcast live broadcasts.

One of the reasons why a few girls are willing to share a room with a man is that he is gay, has better makeup skills than them, and is easy to get along with, without any of those messy problems.

And most importantly, it’s cheap.

For a house of the same size, location, and decoration, even if five people rent it together, each person will have to pay 2 to 3,000 yuan, or even more.

However, the total rent for this set is less than 10,000, and the average monthly rent per person is more than 1,000.

In such a bustling area, renting a well-furnished and well-furnished house with an excellent style can be rented at such a low price. I’m afraid you won’t be able to find it within ten kilometers.

The ‘egg roll’ who was still studying and was struggling with money, almost moved after seeing the house and signed a half-year rental contract.

She had lived there for four months before the incident and became acquainted with the tenants in the apartment.

She has the best relationship with white-collar workers, followed by male Internet celebrities. The other two girls were originally roommates, and they moved out together, so the relationship is better;

Although there is a little friction, it is generally very comfortable and pleasant.

Who would have imagined that ten days ago, this peace and tranquility would be suddenly broken!

When she finished her work that day, the white-collar worker sent her a message saying that she was leaving get off work too.

So the two made an appointment to have dinner outside, and brought some small desserts to take back for their roommates.

Who would have imagined that just as the two of them walked downstairs, a black shadow flashed across the corner of their eyes, and quickly fell from above, hitting the side of the flower bed less than ten meters away from the two of them.

The muffled sound and the screams of others frightened them, and when they looked back with their eyes wide open, they were all frightened and stunned.

When the ‘Egg Roll’ reacted, she couldn’t help screaming with the girls around her, and her legs were limp.

That fell from a height was a person.

a man.

His body was smashed against the edge of the flower bed, his arm was pierced by a wooden branch, his spine was cut off by the flower bed guardrail, like a spread of smashed mud, lying on his back not far away, blood flowed all over the porcelain white flower bed wall .

The man’s cervical spine was broken, his head was on his back, and a large amount of blood spilled from his mouth and nose, blurring his face;

At the same time, because the floor he fell from was too high, he almost died on the spot. His undilated pupils stared at the direction of the two of ‘Egg Roll’, his body twitched slightly, his face was distorted, and he couldn’t tell his original appearance at all. .

But ‘Egg Roll’ and the white collar recognized him.

The men were still wearing their familiar slouchy shirts, and their iconic purple hair was mottled with blood.

This is their roommate.

The only boy!

‘Egg Roll’ saw the tragic death of this person with her own eyes, and she was trembling all over. By the time she realized the tingling pain in her palms, she had already fallen to the ground and scratched her palms.

Since then, she has had nightmares for a week in a row, and as soon as she closes her eyes, she will recall the scene of that day.

As for the white-collar girls, the situation was even worse, their mentality collapsed, they directly took a long vacation, and moved out of the shared dormitory.

The dormitory suddenly lost two people, making it even more empty and desolate. Fortunately, in order to express his apology, the landlord wanted to compensate the remaining three people and offered to halve the rent for the second half of the year;

Calculated in this way, the rent for each of them is less than 1,000 yuan a month!

For three girls who are still in school, it is really a good deal.

Hearing this, many viewers in the live broadcast room commented:

[Good guy, this is a ‘haunted house’! It’s hard for the three of you to be so courageous and dare to rent, especially you who asked for help. You saw the scene with your own eyes, how dare you? ? 】

[What was the cause of the boy’s death? 】

[You should not continue to rent. No matter what the reason is, a house that has just died has evil spirits. The owner of this house probably wants to use you living people to add some yang energy to the house and revitalize the house;

Otherwise, if something happens, the house will be empty, and the house will not be easy to rent or sell in the future. 】

[Hehe, doesn’t this deserve it? No one with a brain will continue to live! 】

[In the bullet screen, call the help-seeker ‘stupid’, stop the ‘greedy’, as the saying goes, if you don’t do something wrong, you are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, the person who fell down the building has nothing to do with the help-seeker.

I also came here after graduating and working hard alone. I can understand the sadness and consideration of the egg roll girl. Whoever rents a single house with money will share it with others? Housing prices in the city centers of first-tier cities are so expensive, and besides, it is not safe for a girl to live alone. 】


‘Egg Roll’ also saw the dispute on the barrage, she gave a wry smile and said:

“Everyone’s scolding is justified, and I also regret continuing to rent there.”

“But the house price is really low. If I leave and go back to the dormitory, it will take at least three hours to commute back and forth every day. I can’t afford to delay!

If you want to change your place of residence, not to mention that you may not be able to find such a cheap and close apartment, you also need to consider the character of the residents inside…”

Internships are too important to her.

At the end of the period, other people in her period worked very hard, and they didn’t leave until seven or eight o’clock every day. Naturally, she couldn’t lag behind others, otherwise the six months of hard work would be in vain.

In addition, the other two female college students who shared the rent did not move out—they also did not have much money, and the university’s accommodation fee was paid once a semester.

And they didn’t see the death of the boy who shared the rent with their own eyes, so they weren’t so scared. The two girls still lived in the same bedroom, and they could comfort and protect each other;

So they accepted the landlord’s ‘compensation’ and agreed to continue renting if they could meet the condition of ‘find enough vacant tenants to move in as soon as possible’.

The landlord lowered the price again, and in just two days, he found two girls who were also attracted by the low housing price and who were not afraid of the name ‘Haunted House’, and signed a rental contract.

Seeing that the dormitory was filled up again, and the room of the dead co-rented boy was also replaced by a new roommate by the landlord, after many considerations, “Egg Roll” also chose to stay.

Gu Zhisang spoke at the right time and asked:

“Since you chose to stay and continue to live, why did you move away?”

Judging from the face of ‘Egg Roll’, her latest short-distance migration was just three days ago.

She moved out of the shared house in a hurry, and lost a lot of money because of this. Gu Zhisang deduced that she had violated the rental contract and the deposit was deducted.

After a moment of silence, ‘Egg Roll’ said: “I’m not feeling well, and I’ve been having nightmares.”

“The picture in the dream changed from the boy he fell from the building at the beginning to a black shadow. Sometimes when I close my eyes, I can feel something staring at the side of the bed or beside me. I!

I swear it’s true, it’s not my hallucination or hallucination, because from that time on, my body is very cold, even if I wear more clothes and cover a thick quilt, or in the sun, I still want to shiver . “

“And then?” Gu Zhisang asked.

“Then I called Sister Ye, the girl who moved away, and it turned out that the person connected was her mother. Her mother said that Sister Ye had resigned and returned to her hometown. She was in a very bad state of mind. She had nightmares every day like me. To see the dead standing far away in a dark dream, or staring at her right next to the bed!

Her mother is going to take her to her hometown to find a master who can exorcise evil spirits and cure her. “‘Egg Roll’ said excitedly:

“As soon as I heard it, sister Ye’s situation is exactly the same as mine? Both of us have been entangled!”

“But I swear, I never harmed the boy who died. Sister Ye and I have a good relationship with him, and we often have dinner appointments. We didn’t expect that he would miss jumping off a building when we usually look at such a cheerful person, and we don’t understand why he , he wants to pester me and Sister Ye.”

Telling all these experiences and doubts in his heart, ‘Egg Roll’ felt much more relaxed, and felt aggrieved.

Gu Zhisang raised his eyebrows slightly and asked:

“That person committed suicide?”

“Yes.” ‘Egg Roll’ nodded and said: “At that time, the four of us went to work and went to school, and he was the only one at home. He was the only one who stayed at home for a long time and had a high degree of freedom of work. We often left home He was sleeping and when he got back he was going out.”

She recalled: “Because it is a shared rent, each bedroom is a private area. Only the living room has a surveillance camera, and there is a property surveillance in the corridor outside. When the police came to investigate that day, they sent me and Sister Ye to go Ask questions and record statements.”

“The monitoring screen in the corridor shows that after the rest of us went out that day, except for the boy who ordered a takeaway at noon, he opened the door to get the food by himself, and no one came in or out at other times;

As for the monitoring screen in the living room, we can only see him suddenly walking into the monitoring range from outside the camera, walking towards the floor-to-ceiling windows, and then jumping out of the window…”

The landlord has good taste and changed the walls into floor-to-ceiling windows.

Glass is a specialized material and is very strong.

For ventilation, a square ventilation window was opened at the upper position, which can be opened and closed, but it is quite difficult to turn it out through this window.

In the monitoring room in the living room, the boy just wobbled and moved the stool to step on it, opened the window, and struggled to squeeze his not-so-slim body out of the window frame.

Because the frame was made of silver metal, several long scratches were left on his arms and sides of his waist, some of which were severely broken and bleeding.

After falling to his death, bruises appeared on the stiff corpse.

Everything seemed perfectly normal, no one poisoned him, no one murdered him.

But it’s also very weird.

During the follow-up investigation by the police, some chat records were found in the boy’s mobile phone.

He is a makeup blogger, and while he gained love and money by posting short videos on the video platform, he also received a lot of abuse and insults.

Accepting these insults for a long time has caused him psychological problems, and the word “want to die” often appears in the chats with some friends.

Twenty minutes before he fell, he was still chatting with his friends, complaining about people who scolded him on the Internet.

Apart from these, there is really no other reason for suicide, or traces of homicide.

It was also because the boy committed suicide that the house did not become a real ‘haunted house’, so a new tenant could be found so quickly.

After finishing the information, ‘Egg Roll’ was still confused:

“Sangsang, why is he pestering me and Sister Ye? Could it be that we both offended him before without knowing it?”

Gu Zhisang asked the name of the boy who fell from the building, and then took out a divination card to form a hexagram.

When she got the second hexagram, she realized that things were not that simple.

She raised her eyes, her eyes were cold:

“You are wrong. I don’t feel much resentment from you. It is more of a kind of ‘obsession’. That person is not pestering the two of you, but because of some special reasons, the ‘obsession’ It’s up to you.”

Both ‘Egg Roll Roll’ and the white-collar worker surnamed Ye saw the scene of the boy’s violent death.

In metaphysics, the scene of a violent death cannot be seen.

Dead corpses cannot even look at each other.

The soul of this kind of deceased is often destroyed in an instant and shaken out of the body. When dying, it is painful, and it is either unwilling or has a last wish in its heart.

At this time, if the people next to them look at them, those who are weak and weak are easily hated by “Lianzuo”, or get entangled. The ghosts who died hope that these people can help them fulfill their last wishes and obsessions, and help them avenge.

‘Egg Roll’ encountered the latter.

That boy definitely committed suicide, as the ‘Egg Roll’ said.

After his sudden death, he was unwilling and obsessed. It happened to be witnessed by ‘Egg Roll’ and a white-collar surnamed Ye. The truth of the matter is likely to be related to these two people.

That’s why this ‘obsession’ has been lingering around the two of them, so strong that it affects their normal life.

But if the evil spirit on the ‘Egg Roll’ didn’t come from the resentment of the deceased, it came from somewhere else!

“It seems that my judgment was wrong.” Looking at the girl’s sinister and sinister aura covering her body through the screen, which was so thick that it seemed to have substance, she narrowed her eyes slightly and said:

“The corpse aura on your body was not contaminated more than ten days ago. It should be said that it is not only that, as early as half a month ago, or even more than a month ago, you have dealt with other corpses.”

‘Egg Roll’ audience:? !

“Impossible!” ‘Egg Roll’ denied in a voice: “I have been going back and forth between the rented place and the company for the past six months, and I have never been involved in an accident except for the boys who share the rent, and I have never returned home or visited the grave, no Possibly dealing with, with some corpse….”

She was pretty sure at first, but after hearing what Gu Zhisang said next, she broke out in a cold sweat.

“Your roommate fell from the building for no reason in the rented house. How do you know that there is nothing wrong with that house?”

‘Egg Roll’ is pale.

Gu Zhisang: “Do you still have the key to the shared house? If you’re not afraid, you can turn on the live broadcast and let me see the Feng Shui of that house.

If it is delayed until tomorrow, you may not be able to see anything. “

“But whether you want to go or not depends on what you want from the person asking for help.”

It was dark outside.

From the bright lights in the room and the tightly drawn curtains, it can be seen that ‘Egg Roll’ is afraid of the dark, so naturally she will not force ‘Egg Roll’ to go out.

But the live broadcast has already started, let me say something that is not self-effacing:

“Spiritual Affairs” is so popular, and she, Gu Zhisang, is so popular, maybe the landlord and the tenants are watching her live broadcast right now;

Even if you didn’t read it, the related entries would be in the front row of hot searches in less than ten minutes.

As long as young people surf the Internet, they can basically see what happened tonight.

One night is enough to do many things.

If you don’t take advantage of the other party’s unresponsiveness and rush back to investigate, maybe there is really something weird in that house, and the owner will have to deal with it overnight.

‘Egg Roll’ obviously understood the meaning of Gu Zhisang’s words.

She glanced at the direction of the window which was tightly blocked by curtains, but she was still timid.

After hesitating for a while, she gritted her teeth, stood up and said:

“Sangsang, wait for me to get dressed, I’ll go there now!”

“I have to figure this out, what’s going on!”

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