I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 134

Chapter 133

This speculation is not groundless.

Gu Zhisang has a pair of eyes that can see through evil spirits.

Under this premise, even though He Zhaosheng’s ghost can travel through the Internet and use the communication channels of the virtual world to control life, it will still leave traces.

The first time I saw the prophecy of “Revelation Notes” circulated on the Internet, Gu Zhisang discovered the evil spirit hidden behind the prophecy.

It is precisely because the energy transmitted by the Internet is invisible and intangible, people in discussions and carnivals cannot discover or imagine that their emotions, three views, thoughts, and even mental states are actually reading those “Revelation Notes” repeatedly , subtly affected.

After going to the Fengcheng Academy of Fine Arts and seeing the “Vortex” painted by He Zhaosheng, Gu Zhisang confirmed his guess.

She asked, “What are the identities of the two people who died outside?”

The member of the spirit group said: “The older one has a clear identity and is Haiming’s father. As for the younger one, the police are investigating…”

Just as he was talking, the police officer in charge of trace inspection outside the house raised his voice and said, “The identity of the deceased has been verified.”

The young man stabbed to death by Haiming was a distant relative of the Hai family. He liked to speculate in stocks and bankrupted his entire family.

Presumably, he heard the news that Haiming won the prize. A week ago, he had contacted Father Hai and mentioned the visit, but he actually wanted to borrow money.

Who would have thought that within ten minutes of Haiming’s house, Haiming would be stabbed to death.

The policeman muttered: “It shouldn’t be… This Haiming has no motive to kill his father and his relatives whom he has never met twice!”

“By the way, Director Gu, the colleagues from the **** Garden District also sent news, saying that the identities of the other two deceased have also been identified, they are the old dean and his wife of Fengcheng Academy of Fine Arts.

According to the results of the investigation, the two people should have been imprisoned in this room by unknown persons and unknown persons the day after they asked for leave from the old director. “

This time coincides with the beginning of “Revelation Notes” appearing on the Internet.

After a short pause, the policeman sighed, “The old lady was seriously ill, and she died on the third day. Her body has been parked in the wheelchair without moving, and she didn’t suffer any torture before she died.”

“As for the old dean, he died in the house on the fifth day of captivity—that is, nine days ago. Judging from the examination of his body, he was tortured during his lifetime. His eyes were dug out and his tongue was cut. His hands and wrists were deeply strangled Insert two long network cables, go deep into the flesh and blood, strangle the nerves and put them on the keyboard, just like…”

Like a marionette.

The death time of the two old people was not short, and the corpses were highly decomposed.

But before the police pried open the door, the neighbors around did not smell any corpse odor, and did not find any clues.

This in itself is one of the doubts.

The computer in the house was still on when they entered.

After investigating the computer by police technicians, it was discovered that the ‘prophet’ ip, which had been hidden and hard to find, was this computer.

This is also the one that makes everyone feel the weirdest:

Fourteen days ago, the respected old dean was pinned down on the chair in front of the computer desk, his hands were strangled, and he was controlled by a network cable. Every day, he issued a ‘death prophecy’.

Even his own death prophecy was issued from under his hands.

In the nine days after his death, his body gradually decomposed.

But the predictions on the Internet did not stop.

The festered fingertips rubbed against the keyboard, leaving dry and mottled bloodstains.

Apart from the personal traces of an old couple, there is no third person in the house, and the doors and windows of the house have not been opened for half a month…

Everything proved that the third being in the old dean’s house was not a human being.

The policeman scratched his head, “The deaths are all strange.”

Gu Zhisang played with the mobile phone with a broken screen in his hand, grasped a wisp of Yin Qi that had not dissipated in his palm, raised his eyes and said:

“Actually, it’s easy to understand. He Zhaosheng is a natural artist, and his way of thinking and revenge are naturally extraordinary.”

Even if there is a transmission medium – the Internet, without an energy carrier, it is difficult to spread the evil spirit widely.

He Zhaosheng is different, it has the best communication carrier:


The painting that was stolen by Haiming and won a world-class award has attracted the attention of all the people in Fengcheng. It can be said that almost every person in Fengcheng has seen this work that adds honor to the city.

The imprint of “Vortex” was imprinted in their minds, in fact, it left a mark belonging to He Zhaosheng.

He Zhaosheng can attach his power to the paintings and spread them continuously to affect the emotions and mental states of the viewers.

If this is the case, there is an explanation for why those dead people went crazy as if no one else was around.

They have electronic products around them while driving, working and living, and He Zhaosheng can go to them through the Internet.

When their souls feel the presence of ghosts, the ‘imprint’ that has been hidden deep in the memory will be catalyzed.

Hallucinations, fear, anxiety… and other emotions will cause them to “see” bizarre images that do not exist, resulting in a car accident, or being frightened to sudden death from a myocardial infarction, or jumping off a tall building.

The death of He Zhaosheng’s roommate, An Mou, was also a well-designed ‘coincidence’.

Sensitive to the five senses, the cat, frightened by the yin energy in the painting, frowned in fright, jumped onto the balcony, knocked off the plaster and potted plants, and killed An Mou.

As for the death of Haiming and the old dean, the same is true.

The former ‘prophetic dream’ was nothing but a trap set by He Zhaosheng against Haiming with hallucinations and dreams.

The scenes Haiming saw in the dream, the magnificent pictures he saw were all designed by it, and it deliberately made Haiming fall into it and couldn’t extricate himself, and it depended on him breaking down after being played around.

Its hatred for the old dean is also very understandable.

In He Zhaosheng’s view, the old dean is the principal of the school and the leader of Xia Guo’s art circle. He was supposed to speak out for the injustice, but he became an accomplice to the spread of evil because of his own selfish desires;

He not only concealed it for Haiming, but also slandered and expelled himself.

So He Zhaosheng wants to avenge himself.

It dug out the eyes of the old dean who didn’t know right from wrong, cut off the tongue of the other party who turned black and white, and used his hand to publish the “Revelation Notes” to set things right.

It named the account behind its anonymity ‘Titia’. After searching by Gu Zhisang, it was found that in the Western mythology system, the blindfolded goddess of justice is named ‘Justitia’.

It can be seen from various details that He Zhaosheng’s ‘death prophecy’ has been laid out for a long time.

After committing suicide and turning into a fierce ghost, the reason why it took more than two months to carry out a grand series of revenge was to find an opportunity to connect all the enemies together.

This man was born and died of art.

Even revenge is like a performance art.

So what’s behind the revenge?

Gu Zhisang lowered his eyes, staring at the slightly flickering phone screen, lost in thought.

Among the information that He Zhaosheng posted on the Internet to fuel the flames was the existence of ‘gods’.

Under its exaggeration, many of its admirers on the Internet have also begun to believe in this unrighteous god.

I don’t know how much this distorted power of belief has spread in the dark, and to what extent it has developed.

If all this is the ‘black mist’ in order to quickly promote the influence of evil gods, as well as evil spirits and negative emotions;

Then Gu Zhisang can reasonably doubt whether all the tragedies that He Zhaosheng encountered were also the conspiracy of the ‘Black Mist’.

That genius boy was actually just a pawn.

Judging from this incident, when He Zhaosheng put the bag and painting in Haiming’s office that day, the painting was well rolled up and wrapped with a cowhide band;

Heming didn’t know that it was a stunning painting.

Why was he so obsessed that day, picked up that painting, and opened the ‘Pandora’s Box’?

After the plagiarism incident broke out, He Zhaosheng had clearly written out the ins and outs, with justification and evidence, but among the millions of people in Fengcheng, few people would let the bullets fly again, and they all rushed to insult him.

Are they really so angry, are they sure that He Zhaosheng is lying and slandering his teacher?

And would someone really have such a “sense of justice” that they would go to He’s father’s hospital to take their anger out on an unknowingly ill old man?

Human nature always has a dark side.

Whether it’s Haiming’s greed or An’s jealousy…they are infinitely magnified.

In the Windy City shrouded in a black mist, everyone’s judgment has been more or less affected, and everyone has become a cog.

Not long after, the police officers who went looking for Haiming also came back and said that Haiming was dead.

The place where he fell ‘coincidentally’ had a sharp wooden thorn piercing his body.

At the same time, it also brought the latest news: “Gu guides you to look online!”

Gu Zhisang took the phone and found that the trending search terms had exploded.

“”Vortex” Plagiarism”

After clicking on the hot search entry, the top hot posts in it were statements of plagiarism issued by several parties on their own microblogs.

There are accounts of Haiming himself, the old dean, An, and so on.

There is also a video.

It is late at night in the video, and Haiming can only be vaguely seen on the surveillance screen with his eyes closed, his face full of fear, dancing and walking back and forth as if sleepwalking in the house.

There were bursts of terrified screams in his mouth, and he kept saying, “I was wrong, I shouldn’t have stolen your painting…I didn’t mean to hurt you!”

“Don’t kill me and live!”

Netizens commented hotly:

[Fuck me? Is it really plagiarism? ? Didn’t he blame that He Zhaosheng before…]

[The mood is too complicated. If Haiming is really a **** who stole the students’ paintings and beat them up in various ways to frame the students, then we netizens have been used as guns before and killed a talented painter! 】

[These people will definitely not have a conscience, is someone forcing them to admit it? If I remember correctly, He Zhaosheng seems to have committed suicide, but why is Haiming calling his name in the video? 】

[He Zhaosheng, I apologize to you, sorry! 】

【There will never be such a peerless genius again…】

[The family members said a horrible thing, I just heard from a friend in Fengcheng that several people inside were actually dead! So who logged in to these accounts, and who posted the news? !

My family members, it is said that there is a death prophecy in Fengcheng. I just searched it, and there was no popularity before the hot search. Is this normal? ? 】


Until this time, the prophecy notes that had been exploding in Windy City could not be covered up completely.

More and more netizens pay attention to it, and the popularity of related entries in the notes is also rising.

The police found another anonymous post on the local website, which read:

“The sixth person, died in a dream.”

No need to guess, this is an update of the notes posted by He Zhaosheng on another account.

Looking at the anonymous posts that quickly piled up, the members of the spirit group gritted their teeth:

“This is too arrogant.”

The police officer on the side sighed and said, “We can only clean up the scene first.”

That night, the Fengcheng police reported the truth of the plagiarism case again, confirming that “Vortex” was the painting of the deceased He Zhaosheng, and rectified the name of the young man who was beaten by everyone three months ago.

This time, everyone on the Internet felt sorry for He Zhaosheng, and felt sorry for such a young genius who committed suicide due to the humiliation.

Many “righteous netizens” who cursed him, gave him posthumous photos, and even went to the hospital to congratulate his father were picked out and condemned.

Some people couldn’t bear the pressure of public opinion on the Internet and chose to apologize to He Zhaosheng.

There are also many unrepentant people who delete their comments and cancel their accounts, thinking that they can escape the sanctions of public opinion.

But they don’t know that they have already accumulated a sum of karma, and they will have to pay it back sooner or later.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the authorities came forward, using He Zhaosheng’s case as a typical example, and appealed to the majority of netizens to think independently, so as not to become a snowflake in cyber violence.

At the same time, the government has set up a special task force for similar cases. From then on, it will vigorously crack down on cyber violence, rectify trolls on the Internet, marketing accounts, and people who spread rumors and spread false news at every turn.

As for the matter of Tianyun Village, the police also gave a general report, but they used ‘evil forces’ as an excuse.

Fengcheng Police Department V: “Recently, our city has been infiltrated by unknown evil forces, causing a major vicious incident that killed more than a hundred village names. According to investigations, this evil force has infiltrated many cities, using the Internet as a channel to spread various harmful physical and mental Healthy spells and talisman papers have brainwashed many people and even caused them to commit suicide.”

“Including but not limited to the ‘Peach Blossom Curse’, ‘fraud groups’, ‘groups that bully boyfriends and girlfriends’, etc… Please keep your eyes open and be vigilant, and don’t believe in these unidentified and unearthly evils. Curses, strange spells, you can raise your vigilance when encountering related incidents, and go to certified professional places for help.”

“Currently, multiple cities have set up a special investigation team to severely crack down on the spread of evil forces in various provinces. We also ask the general public to report it bravely!”

Under Gu Zhisang’s reminder, the officials realized the seriousness of the matter.

The Thousand-Mian Sushen who has been circulating in remote and backward provinces through various secret channels has finally been listed as an urgent target.

The police and the spirit group are working in parallel, digging deeper and investigating from different aspects.

After such an investigation, I really found out some incredible things.

In fact, this kind of evil **** who didn’t know when and where came out had already infiltrated the low-level people, as well as middle-level and high-level businessmen who had a great demand for fame and fortune.

It has become a popular industry in some areas to invite the “Su God” and make offerings to the “Su God” in private.

There are many believers.

In addition to believers on the surface, there have been more and more weird group chats and spell paths on the Internet in recent years.

For example, the “suicide game” that exploded in the past few years, and the “Peach Blossom Curse” that has gradually emerged in the past two years.

Even what Gu Zhisang once exposed on the show, the group chat where the young man who was broadcasting live on the grave belongs to, and there are various online fraud groups…

Behind every group, there is an invisible big hand that constantly evokes their inferiority and desires as human beings.

Greed, laziness, jealousy, lust…

Everything despised by the world can be found in these group chats hidden in the Internet.

Only then did everyone realize that people have become worse and worse over the years, and the impetuousness on the Internet has become more and more popular. There are metaphysical factors.

Aware of this, officials ordered a thorough investigation and rectification.

Soon this kind of evil **** became a forbidden existence in Xia Kingdom.

For various groups and group chats, the Internet police and members of the spirit group also followed the clues and cracked down on dozens of them.

For a while, the atmosphere on the Internet was purified a lot, and it was quite effective.

But Gu Zhisang knew in his heart that they hadn’t dug the root yet.

On the day when he was about to leave Fengcheng, Gu Zhisang went to the location of Yan Cheng’s branch.

After two or three days of recuperation, the young man’s state has visibly recovered.

He paused for a moment when he heard what Lingzu was worrying about – how to catch He Zhaosheng who had fled in the illusory network.

After a while, he said, “I may have a way.”

Hearing this, Gu Zhisang was a little surprised, “What can you do?”

To know how to catch He Zhaosheng, even she has some headaches.

The situation of this ghost is too special, and it has extremely strong mobility. Even if it can roughly lock its position from its residual Yin Qi, it is difficult to control it in the network and catch it out.

The traditional way of catching ghosts with talismans is definitely not feasible.

But if He Zhaosheng is not caught, even though he doesn’t have particularly strong abilities and is not very hostile, it is obvious that he has been deceived and brainwashed by the evil god, and will continue to help the evil **** expand its influence.

With such a support, all kinds of evil forces can still be promoted extremely quickly on the Internet.

So it cannot be left alone.

The Lingzu held several seminars on this, but failed to find a suitable way to catch He Zhaosheng.

The prototype of Gu Zhisang’s current idea is to use a large number of talismans to create a wide-ranging formation, first lock the approximate location of He Zhaosheng, and set up a large formation nearby without disturbing the enemy.

After the formation was activated, it immediately covered the entire area, and searched all over again to find He Zhaosheng.

But this kind of formation requires a lot of work, even if she is asked to draw it, it will take more than half a month to prepare, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Not to mention looking for ghosts!

After pondering for a moment, Yan Cheng came up with a very novel concept: “Actuation of some of your spells, are you using words or words?”

Gu Zhisang: “It’s almost understandable in this way.”

For example, in the nine-character mantra, each word is an incantation, and the seal gesture is the introduction to drive the power, and the energy of the caster is the most critical.

All three are indispensable.

Yan Cheng: “Then if I try to ask my subordinates to build a new system and program the spells you need into the system in the form of codes, will such spells still activate?”

Gu Zhisang:?

Code spells, programming tricks? ?

This is talking about science in metaphysics, and doing Taoism in science and technology.

After a moment of silence, she looked confused and hesitated: “To be honest, I don’t know, why don’t you try?”

Not to mention her, an old-fashioned person from hundreds of years ago, I am afraid that even the young master who is still studying in the Taoist sect has never heard of such a magical combination.

After pondering for a moment, Yan Cheng said:

“Then I’ll let the technical team under me try to research and develop it. If it really succeeds, I can update the system across the entire line of electronic brands under Yanshi.”

Gu Zhisang did a search, only to find out that the largest mobile phone brand in China was invested, developed and produced by the Yan family…

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