I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 128

Chapter 127

Until Gu Zhisang withdrew her sword, most of the people present, as well as the ghosts of the underworld, didn’t realize what she had done.

Hearing the phrase ‘Let’s go to the underworld’, some of the ghosts who realized what she meant had unbelievable thoughts in their minds.

There was a dead silence.

In fact, when Gu Zhisang practiced in the mountains, he never learned any fancy moves.

She also never teases her opponents.

In her view, the killing scene changes rapidly.

Any small detail, or the slightest mistake, will affect the outcome of the battle, and may turn the situation around.

In order to prevent this kind of situation, all the techniques Gu Zhisang learned were killer moves, in order to kill the enemy as quickly and accurately as possible.

Among them, her most commonly used and most handy move is the “Throat Sealing Sword”, which is true for both humans and ghosts.

The rise and fall of the sword’s edge is only a moment, and even few enemies can clearly see the movement of her sword.

like now—

The excessive speed of the sword was strengthened by his own powerful abilities, even though Gu Zhisang was holding a wooden sword in his hand, he still cut off the head and neck of the clamoring middle-aged Xuanshi.

When she retracted the sword, the opponent’s scolding even continued.

A thin bloodstain appeared on the middle-aged Xuanshi’s neck.

The middle-aged Xuanshi’s voice suddenly became hoarse, and he was even a little dazed;

Immediately afterwards, the bloodstain continued to expand, and finally the spurted blood sprayed the side of the face of the person next to him.

Gu Zhisang, the ‘culprit’ who had done all this, frowned while wiping his sword:

“Dirty blood…”

Seeing this scene, no matter whether it was a human or a ghost, or which camp they were in, their pupils were constricted by the scene in front of them, and they were so dumbfounded that they couldn’t speak.

Everyone in the spirit group looked at each other, seeing worry and shock in each other’s eyes.

And the fellow members of the Qianqing Sect finally came to their senses, their eyes were all cracked, and their already flushed faces turned blue and purple from the anger:

“You? How did you kill me to clean up the sect?! You!”

“Sorceress! Demon girl! You really belong to the same gang as these evil spirits!”

“Senior brother?!” Another brother who had a good relationship with the middle-aged Xuanshi who was killed, was sure that his brother was really killed by a sword, and stared at Gu Zhisang viciously, with a pair of eyes full of hatred. Bloodshot eyes with raised:

“Bitch! How dare you slaughter someone from the Xuanmen? The Qianqingmen won’t let you go! Even if you kill me, I’ll be a ghost and I won’t let you go!”

Gu Zhisang:?

She raised her eyes slowly, “I kill the wicked, how come the slaughter.”

“It seems that you feel that your classmates are innocent? Well, let’s make a good conclusion now, who is the big villain.”

As she spoke, she raised her hand and tightened her five fingers together.

Hanging upside down, a translucent soul body was forcibly ripped out of the body of the lifeless middle-aged profound master.

This is the soul of the middle-aged profound master who was originally hidden in the body.

Seeing this, several people from the Qianqing Sect thought that Gu Zhisang was going to do something to the soul of his fellow Sect. They were all emotional, showing hatred, their bodies hanging upside down swaying back and forth, wishing they could break free from the shackles of Guisuo and go to Gu Zhisang now. Zhisang duel.

However, the anger of the few people only lasted for a short three or two seconds, and their voices were stuck, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

Because the souls ripped out from the bodies of their brothers in the same sect were as gray and black as ink, with a dark red hostility in them;

It’s very different from the gentle and gentle image of senior brother in the sect!

The soul of ordinary people is pale white.

Even if you have cheated or done some illegal things that are not too hateful, as long as you don’t hurt other people’s lives, your soul will be light gray at best after death.

But if you do too vicious things, such as murder, abduction, drug trafficking, etc., a series of evil things that take the lives of others and destroy countless families, the soul will be infected with evil power and become muddy like a swamp, even with blood Sha.

The soul that was pulled out of the body by Gu Zhisang – their respected senior brother, the soul is black.

The profound masters who were themselves outsiders knew very well what this meant.

The sub-members of the spirit group swallowed quietly: “How many sins have I committed…”

Gu Zhisang: “That’s right, Taoist people who have always taken the mission of ‘Zheng Zheng Qing Ming, killing evil and eliminating harm’, how bad the smell is under the skin, who would have imagined it until they touched the soul to the end.”

Since he was already a soul, the middle-aged Xuanshi felt the power of Gu Zhisang even more intuitively and keenly. He was so frightened that he trembled and could only keep begging for mercy.

Gu Zhisang was expressionless, he held his soul imprisoned in mid-air, immobilized head, and directly activated the forbidden technique in the metaphysics world: ‘soul search technique’.

All of a sudden, the soul of the middle-aged profound master was completely distorted and changed beyond recognition.

The sharp screams resounded through the underworld, leading all the way to the ‘Little Yan Hell’.

Many ghosts who stretched their heads to watch shivered.

One of the Qianqingmen couldn’t help but said: “Stop! No matter what brother x did, he is our Qianqingmen after all, even if we have to punish him, we should…”

Before this person finished speaking, Gu Zhisang used the ‘photographing charm’ that can make memories manifest, and presented the memory of the middle-aged profound master’s soul search in front of everyone.

The first scene is the scene of this person betraying Qianqingmen.

It turned out that this middle-aged mysterious master also went into a madness halfway and was coaxed by a third-party mysterious mysterious master organization!

He revealed the weaknesses of the formations in the sect, and even when and where his senior brothers went to do business, as well as the time and place, providing information for the hidden third-party organization.

Gu Zhisang chuckled lightly: “It seems that your good senior brother is not so close to Qianqing.”

The members of the spirit group also muttered in a low voice: “Oh my god, this is still the number one faction, and it has been smashed into a sieve by the enemy forces…”

Immediately, the faces of the angry Qingmen froze.

The picture is not over yet.

Amidst the screams of the soul, the constantly changing scene is that the middle-aged mysterious master had retreated several times, but was unable to break through the fifth level of ‘Xuan’, and was finally bewitched by a masked third-party force and took a dark red pill.

After taking it, he succeeded in one fell swoop.

After tasting the power of the pill, the evil thoughts in his heart were completely out of control.

What followed was a scene that made everyone in the Spirit Group clench their fists in anger, and made the members of the Qianqing Sect speechless.

Even if they vaguely guessed the ingredients of the pill, they were still shocked after seeing it with their own eyes.

Those third-party forces that are on the line of the abduction and trafficking case in Southern Province continue to select people with special physiques from countless abducted men, women, and children. Blood and soul are crushed.

Finally got this little pill.

Many of them are very young children, as well as young boys and girls in the blooming season.

In the eyes of these sorcerers who have become evil cultivators, virgins and young virgins are high-quality ‘prescriptions’.

This middle-aged mysterious master also hesitated at the beginning, and it became more and more natural.

Not only will he choose people and participate in the ‘production’ by himself, but he will also provide cover for the Taoist branch in the southern province in the headquarters to cover up all this happening.

In his memory alone, there are not only the four people captured by the Qianqingmen, but also others.

The clues of Tianyun Village in Fengcheng City were also leaked to Qianqingmen on purpose by the other party, leading people from Qianqingmen to investigate.

In addition, the masked handover person in the memory also repeatedly emphasized that no matter what, he must find a way to bring Yan Cheng to Fengcheng, and let him lose control and become fierce;

This is the main purpose of this layout.

So it was this person who instigated Yan Cheng to be taken away.

He knew that the master who led the team—that is, the deputy head of the Qianqingmen was headstrong, contemptuous of the Lingzu, and old-fashioned.

At the beginning, it was strongly suggested that Yan Cheng, the “person with a bad omen”, should be strangled among the young people, and he was one of the main forces.

Because of the Xi family and the unsteady view of unity, coupled with the strong attitude of the national organization spirit group to intervene, they finally disobeyed the orders of these old seniors and let Yan Cheng go, which made them very unhappy.

Now is a good time to borrow a knife to kill someone.

The middle-aged mysterious master said:

‘If we take Yan Cheng to Fengcheng, firstly, it can dissolve the evil spirit of Tianyun Village for us, and make it easier for us to move. Anyway, his physical condition is so good;

The second is that this person is a confidant in the metaphysics world, and he should have been strangled long ago. If he lost control and turned into a fierce man in Tianyun Village, then the master would have a legitimate reason to kill him in the village. No matter what standpoint and reason stand in the way. ‘

“At that time, the chaos in Tianyun Village can be calmed down, and the serious troubles of the confidant can be dealt with. Wouldn’t it kill two birds with one stone?” ‘

And the deputy head who had intended this for a long time didn’t even think that a mere junior dared to plot against him and adopted this suggestion.

He went directly to Yan’s house and took Yan Cheng away.

This is how everything that followed everyone fell into crisis.

It was precisely because he saw the thick blood surrounding this person and his various vicious schemes that Gu Zhisang drew his sword and stood up.

She is the main body of the ‘soul search technique’, and she can see and hear the pain and wailing of those innocent men and women in the memory of the middle-aged profound master, her expression is gradually icy, and her soul power is getting colder and colder.

The soul of the mysterious master whose head was held tightly by her was no longer formed.

With the last scream of the other party, Gu Zhisang’s soul was directly squeezed out, and slowly scattered in the underworld like burnt ashes.

No one complained about this anymore.

Because apart from the Ling group, two people died in the hands of Li Gui, and the youngest junior brother who followed the Qianqingmen on this trip also disappeared.

Some of the disciples who really didn’t know anything had their eyes straightened, their faces were reddish purple, and they didn’t seem to be struggling anymore, they just murmured incessantly:

“How…how could this be…”

The team members of the spirit group held back their tears, gritted their teeth and said:

“This bastard, he deserves death! If he does these things, death will be cheap for him!”

After the last bit of soul light dissipated completely, the deputy head of the Qianqing sect who had been sullen and silent, finally spoke.

Knowing that he was being tricked, he didn’t think too much about the death of the middle-aged mysterious master at the hands of Gu Zhisang, but felt that Zhu Zi dared to tease him and died well.

But he also couldn’t understand Gu Zhisang’s arrogant attitude, but the current situation forced him to ‘reluctantly’ lower his noble head, and thought he had a good attitude and said:

“Miss Gu, this old man doesn’t know that this son has such a vicious plan. I know that you are angry because of this fierce… because of this Yan Cheng. Since no one else is in serious trouble now, you also let that son die, you should come out.” Got mad.”

“The rest of the people have been deceived to this point. Why don’t you do it conveniently, and you can also form a good relationship with me. We don’t care about the past.”

Although Yan Cheng, who has always been in the center of the vortex, does not understand what “charm” he has, which can make people not hesitate to set up a big game of chess, but also kill himself, but he has long been used to these malice from Taoism.

After hearing the words of the deputy head of the Qianqing Sect, he couldn’t help frowning slightly.

After so many years, these “superior” seniors are still like this, even begging for help can speak so arrogantly, as it should be, and it is the only one.

The meaning inside and outside the words is ‘you helped me, and Qianqingmen will give you face regardless of previous suspicions’.

I don’t know whether to say that he is naive, or really too confident, so confident that he thinks that Gu Zhisang dare not offend the entire Qing Dynasty.

But it was obvious that Gu Zhisang didn’t like this at all.

She chuckled lightly, her eyes were deep, and she folded her arms and said:

“Forget the past? With what face and qualification did this elder say these words?”

“Yan Cheng, who was put in danger by your own selfish desires, the outsiders who gave their lives for it, and those innocent people who were also slaughtered by the villains who committed all kinds of crimes and were finally sheltered by you, they are qualified to say, ‘Let’s forget the previous suspicions. ‘Those four words. You can only kneel down and kowtow, begging for their forgiveness.”

“You are presumptuous!”

The face of the old man who was punctured so badly turned red.

It turned out that among the four secret agents that were detected before, one of the youngest was also a person who received the Qianqing Sect from Fanchen when he was a child. He was the product of this old man’s romance in the world decades ago.

When he came out of the mountains, he met a beautiful ordinary woman.

In that relatively conservative era not long after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, he felt that it was a blessing for him to be able to see ordinary people as an outsider warlock.

So the deputy head acted recklessly, and half-coaxed and half-forced to have a brief relationship with that woman.

Several months after the other party was pregnant, he received the order from the sect and abandoned the woman without any regrets.

When he left, he left only some gold and silver belongings and a sentence of “kill the child”, and then disappeared.

From the deputy head’s point of view, how can an ordinary woman deserve to go back to the Qianqing sect with herself?

He never thought that with the medical environment at that time, it would be very difficult for a woman to have an abortion when she was six months pregnant;

Coupled with the conservative environment at that time, how difficult it would be for her to be treated as a single woman who was pregnant before marriage.

In short, decades later, a young man went to the Qianqingmen to join him, saying that the deputy head was his grandfather, and how miserable and painful his grandmother’s life was.

After verifying the bloodline and confirming that this is indeed his grandson, the deputy head placed him in the sect and taught him to enter the Tao.

Because the illegitimate grandson was extremely talented, he gradually valued this son.

Who would have thought that this son was already a meticulous worker when he came to defect to the door!

It came with hatred.

The reason why he made such rapid progress was that he took a lot of evil medicine made from the essence and blood of living people like that middle-aged Xuanshi.

After the grandchildren were arrested, the deputy head was very annoyed at the lack of honor, and felt that this was his own blood, how could he be pulled out to be criticized and humiliated by others, it would damage his face.

So he took him out of the place of detention very forcefully, and so far his grandson has not been punished as he should.

From the beginning to the end, this person only felt that his blood was noble, and that his grandson was justifiable.

But when he was protecting the other party, he never thought about how innocent and painful those ordinary people who died at the hands of his grandson were.

Sensing the coldness in Gu Zhisang’s words, the deputy head of Qianqing Sect scolded:

“You yellow-haired girl, do you still want to teach me a lesson?!”

He thought that he would not be weaker than Gu Zhisang.

No matter how talented this woman is, she can’t be much stronger than herself.

The reason why he was so embarrassed at a disadvantage was that he was plotted against by that big ghost, and now he couldn’t use all his strength!

He was bitten by a hundred ghosts again, unable to do what he wanted and trapped.

This woman is an emissary of the underworld, and she can avoid the ghosts only by having friendship with the ghosts of the underworld.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Gu Zhisang raised his hand again.

This time, she swept off the ghost rope on the deputy head of the Qianqing Sect, and before the other party got up, she grabbed the old man’s neck with her soul power and lifted him up.

Like the others, the deputy head of the Qianqing Sect also felt like he was seven months pregnant, with a big, spooky lump bulging.

Gu Zhisang already knew the reason for the swelling after hearing the complaints from the members of the spirit group.

Because mystic masters and warlocks all have the strength to protect their bodies, especially they can protect the altar, preventing their essence and blood from being taken away.

If the essence and blood are emptied, then their lives will be lost, and their morals and deeds will be lost.

Therefore, every warlock is in a hurry. If they feel life-threatening, they can choose to detonate blood essence as much as possible;

Since both of them die, it can’t benefit the other party, so it’s better.

The daughter of the Xiao family who has turned into a big ghost does have the ability to directly kill everyone except the deputy head of the Qianqing Sect, but what she wants is the blood and Taoism of these mysterious masters, not a dead body.

One of the two dead members of the spirit group chose to commit suicide when he was forcibly deprived of blood, and they died together.

Although it failed to severely injure Xiao’s daughter, it delayed the time for other partners and trapped Taoists.

The Xiao family girl knew that she couldn’t grab it, so she came here to hide.

It collected some ghost mothers in the underworld, tore up and devoured the souls of those ghost pregnant women, and took away the ghost babies in their bodies.

This kind of ghost mother and baby who had an accident in life, one corpse and two lives, basically have two souls after returning to the underworld.

Once the unformed ghost fetus is put into the body of a living person, it will regard the human being as a new ‘matrix’.

It doesn’t matter if it is a man without a womb, they mainly absorb the blood and vitality of living people, and continue to grow bigger and stronger.

Until the parasitic ‘mother’ is emptied, the satisfied ghost baby will crawl out of the corpse.

The stronger the ‘matrix’, the more powerful the ghost babies will be;

At the same time, these ‘mother bodies’ can live longer because of the energy and blood.

The Xiao family daughter used these ghost babies to plot against these mysterious masters.

The more they use their strength, the blood and vitality will flow away, and the faster they will be swallowed by the ghosts in their stomachs.

So far, these mysterious masters have been **** and hanged at the entrance of hell.

Knowing that they are about to die and there is no way out, most people may be able to ruthlessly die with their enemies.

But when encountering such a situation where there is still a ray of hope, knowing that there is a ghost in his stomach, which is still devouring his flesh and blood, how many people can be so determined and commit suicide directly.

This way of boiling frogs in warm water will give people hope.

It will make those mysterious masters think: what if the rescue team from outside will arrive soon?

With such thoughts in mind, these mysterious masters could only hold on.

In just two days, the ghost baby in the stomach is getting bigger and bigger!

This is also a scheme set up by the daughter of the Xiao family, taking advantage of the fragility of people’s hearts.

Just wait for those ghost babies to completely devour these mysterious masters, and then it will tear up and devour the souls of the stronger ghost babies, which can be regarded as indirectly swallowing the essence and blood of these Xuanmen people.

At this time, the ghost baby in the womb of the head of the Qianqing Sect also sensed the danger and squirmed wildly.

But because of his deep knowledge, he was quite angry, “What are you doing?!”

Gu Zhisang fixed his eyes on the squirming belly, and smiled shamelessly: “It’s really a beautiful sight.”

Her voice suddenly turned cold, “Now you may be able to have a little empathy for those innocent women who were played by you and abandoned by you.”

“But it’s not enough.”

In the long life of the Deputy Head of the Qianqing Sect, although he did not directly kill anyone, he indirectly killed many people because of his conceit, arrogance, and treating ordinary people as worthless ants.

He seems to be calm and breezy, with an immortal demeanor, but he is stepping on the spines of many innocent people. He is not a slender and clean immortal.

Just like Yan Cheng.

If it weren’t for his own firm mind, he had absorbed the evil spirit in the underworld for two full days, and he still managed to hold on to the pain of his tendons exploding every moment without losing control;

Otherwise, when Gu Zhisang found him, he would have turned into an irrational, even more troublesome and fierce monster than the daughter of the Xiao family.

At that time, even if Gu Zhisang cared about him, he could only kill him with his own hands.

All these karma and tragedies did not happen, but because Yan Cheng had enough perseverance and Gu Zhisang was fast enough.

But the three profound masters who died, as well as hundreds of villagers, will never come back.

This account has the deputy head of the Qianqing Sect, or people like him – the driving force behind the warlocks who think that they are superior and ordinary people are ants because of their own ability.

Even if today’s trip is over, the members of Qianqingmen have been taught a lesson and slapped in the face, but they will not change.

They will not realize that this is their own mistake, they will only bury their grievances carefully, burying their grievances against Gu Zhisang, Lingzu, and even Yan Cheng.

How to make the warlock who put himself on the altar feel regret, this is a problem.

Killing them all is unrealistic.

Some of them have a little conscience.

Gu Zhisang is not a judge in the world or the king of Hades in the underworld. He has no reason to deprive others of their lives and kill their souls.

For a rotten person, it’s not worth dirtying her sword.

Gu Zhisang was thinking, and suddenly realized after a while, as if he finally thought of a suitable solution, with a smile on his face.

It’s just that I can’t smile enough.

“Since you treat ordinary people as ants and trample on them wantonly, why don’t you go and taste the feeling of falling to the bottom of the valley.”

As she said, she raised the wooden sword and covered it with powerful soul power.

Seeing this, the deputy head of Qianqing Sect had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Before he could threaten him, a soul-torn pain rushed straight to his heavenly cap, causing him to let out a scream and howl.


I saw that Gu Zhisang drove the mahogany sword to directly break through his self-defense ‘qi field’, piercing through the dantian guarded by his abdomen!

This was not enough, Gu Zhisang broke through his altar with a backhand.

The power of more than a hundred years of Taoism turned into flowing water, pouring out from his body, but he couldn’t hold it anymore.

From today, he has completely become a mortal!

An ordinary person who could never step outside Fangfang again!


The collapsed and desperate Xuanshi roared like a trapped beast, insulting Gu Zhisang with the most vicious words.

His original silver-white eyebrows and hair were like dead grass, the full red light on his face quickly dimmed, and the vitality on his body soon became lifeless, like an old man in his eighties or nineties who was dying.

Gu Zhisang: “I don’t want your life, it’s worthless.”

“But from now on, you will have no morals and deeds, and there will be no possibility of re-entering Fangwai.

You will become the ordinary person you despise the most, an incompetent mortal, and maybe you will be abandoned by the sect, and you can only go to the world to taste the rest of your life. “

This seemingly ‘easy’ ending is a more painful punishment than the death of the soul for someone like the deputy head.

Gu Zhisang turned his head to look at the rest of the people.

At this time, the remaining Xuanshi Qianqingmen finally felt fear when they saw Shigong’s tragic situation.

They realized that the young woman in front of them was a madman.

A complete lunatic!

She is not afraid to clean up the sect at all, or she is confident that she has the strength to be an enemy of the entire sect.

The mysterious masters who noticed this finally gave in one by one and begged for mercy.

Gu Zhisang was merciless, abolishing the cultivation of these people one by one according to their evil power.

The mysterious master with the least fate was only abolished two levels of Taoism. Although for him, several years of hard work were in vain, but look at the other sects around him who have been abolished for most of the time, or even directly exploded the dantian Lingtai. I feel better again.

The abolition of cultivation base was not finished yet, Gu Zhisang smiled and looked at the young man who was the first to scold angrily and fight for the injustice of his fellow seniors, and also the one whose cultivation base was the least abolished, and said slowly under the other party’s frightened expression:

“As for me, I am a small-minded person, and I am also timid, so I am more cautious.”

The Taoist sect of the spirit group ghosts:? ? ?

Is this still timid?

Gu Zhisang: “This colleague just said that even a ghost would not let me go, and the rest of you must have a lot of resentment in your hearts.”

No matter what these Xuanmen people thought in their hearts, they all shook their heads in trepidation at this moment, saying that they had absolutely no resentment in their hearts, and even promised not to mention today’s events after returning to Qianqingmen.

Gu Zhisang acted as if he had never heard of it, and continued to speak softly:

“In order to protect myself, in case you have the ability to do evil again in the future, or take revenge on me with a grudge, I can only make a deal with you.”

As she spoke, she bit her fingertips and squeezed out a drop of blood that scattered in the air.

As the spell fell, the most humble contract regulations appeared in midair.

“Please also sign it, so that I can rest assured.”

The moment he saw the contract, there was a mysterious master who was holding back his anger and resentment and wanted to scold the ‘demon girl’.

This regulation is no different from a ‘master-servant contract’ or a ‘ghost-slave contract’. In short, it is an extremely unequal treaty, and the signing party will be controlled in both behavior and thought.

As long as Gu Zhisang wants to, he can follow the contract to check any events they have done!

They have no privacy at all.

In addition, if they harbor evil intentions towards Gu Zhisang and plan to murder him, the other party will be able to detect it in advance;

Even if they didn’t realize it, as long as Gu Zhisang died, they would die too!

No one wants to be worse than a slave all his life, and there is always the threat of death.

They don’t want to sign!

But if they don’t sign, it is estimated that they will not survive today.

In desperation, everyone can only sign a contract.

After the contract was successful, several mysterious masters looked ashen.

Gu Zhisang said with a good temper: “This kind of contract can be terminated by itself as long as you surpass me in morality.”

Whether these people are happy or not, she is in a good mood.

When these people reached the point of crossing the catastrophe in their practice, they estimated that she had already ascended, and she still had this confidence.

It’s just that Gu Zhisang was never a kind person.

The way she said to get rid of it was just to be polite, and she would not give these people a chance.

If any of these people suddenly became the chosen one one day, and ascended like a god, she would also cut him down by the sword in advance, strangling any factors that threatened her.

Gu Zhisang looked at these earth-colored mysterious masters and said:

“As for today’s matter, you don’t have to hide it for me, and it doesn’t matter if you tell the people in the sect.”

Under the astonished gazes of these profound masters, she was as imposing as a rainbow:

“Take a sentence with Xuanmen for me: Clear the snow in front of the door, and then stretch your hands elsewhere.

Otherwise, don’t blame other people for meddling in their own business, and clean up the door for Xuanmen. “

“Of course, if Qianqingmen or any other sorcerers are dissatisfied with today’s events and me, as long as they have the ability, they can come to me at any time.”

Before she finished speaking, the members of the spiritual group were already startled by the words, which were almost a declaration of war against the entire Xuanmen.

But if you think about it carefully, even the deputy head of the ‘earth’ level Xuanshi Qianqing sect, the life and death of the top group of people can be easily controlled by her, and their Director Gu does have the capital of pride.

“Oh, by the way, the ghost fetus in your womb has already formed, it is best to let your seniors help resolve it as soon as possible, especially this—a mortal old man who has no morals.

Otherwise you are in danger. “

Under the eyelids of the deputy head who are as old as tree folds, Gu Zhisang kindly reminded:

“Although he has no Taoism, he still has the physique of many years of practice, and he still has some life span.

Now that the ghost baby has no energy to devour, it can only burn this little bit of life essence. “

“It would be too unlucky for him to be devoured by the ghost baby before you persist until you return to the sect.”

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