I Became a Villain's Hero

Chapter 73: Doubt (6)

Chapter 73: Doubt (6)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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The moment the name weakly spilled from my lips and echoed back to my ears, I snapped back to reality, shocked.

That couldn't be possible.

What was I even saying?

Of course, it wasn't possible, as Song Soo-yeon had gone to a photoshoot.

Hadn't I seen the evidence myself?

After having seen that stunning photo album with my own eyes, how could I doubt it?

Song Soo-yeon is currently relying on me. Who else would stand by her side if not me?

At the very least, I should not be thinking this way.


Once again, chairs flew through the school windows.

My expression darkened.


I shook my head and bit my lip.

No matter how similar to Luna's powers it may seem, it couldn't be her.

After all, Song Soo-yeon isn't an ability user.

When I pulled her from the rooftop, the future that could have blossomed surely disappeared.

So... these powers must belong to another villain.

While Song Soo-yeon hasn't awakened the ability to control, another villain must have.

It was another villain replacing Luna.

It had to be.


Yet, why couldn't I take my eyes off it?

If I could see them just once, then I could be certain.

I wished I could see that the person behind this power wasn't Luna.


But the truth was, I had no time to focus on that scene.

Right next to me, Solace was in the midst of a fierce battle.

She was getting pushed back as time went on.

She couldn't withstand the combined assault of Tryno, Liquid, and Stingshot.

With countless students running wild and three villains attacking her, it must be hard to decide whether to protect the citizens or herself first.

The situation was chaotic, yet she refused to back down.

Even I found myself alternating my gaze between Solace and the chaotic students.

My body kept twitching, itching to leap out.


I lowered my head again, catching my breath.

Everything will be okay.

Staying calm is most important.

Let's calm down. Don't rush into negative thoughts.

This isn't Luna, and Solace won't lose.

I have to believe.


I prayed.



"Give up, Solace!"

Tryno threw a punch with a laugh.

Solace struggled to block it.

At the same time, she grimaced, bracing for the incoming pain.


Sure enough, a significant shock was felt on her wrist.

Her body withstood Tryno's explosion, but her sleeves did not.

Not just the sleeves, but various parts of her hero costume were getting torn apart.

Blood even flowed from where Stingshot's bullets grazed her.

She tried to create distance, but Liquid didn't give her a chance.

He tenaciously followed her, filling in the gaps between Tryno's attacks.

'I'm scared.'

She thought to herself alone.

It was clear that the Villain Alliance was targeting her and had come to this school.

Tryno, Liquid, and Stingshot were after her... and the rampaging students were undoubtedly Luna's doing.

The students' rampage imposed limits on her powers. Fearing possibly hurting them, she couldn't unleash her full strength.

'I want to run away.'

She thought.

If she wasn't careful, she might die here. This moment could be her last.

Facing the infamous Villain Alliance alone, there was no chance of winning.

...And when hope was absent, the desire to turn and flee grew stronger.

Even if it was disgraceful, she could survive.

Dropping all the reputation she had built up to now and facing immense criticism... but she could live.

After all, the students were also running amok. It wasn't as if she could save such people, could she?

They weren't looking for help, and being manipulated, they were more of a hindrance... perhaps it couldn't be helped if she couldn't save them.

Her body was gradually getting tired.

She realized there wasn't much time left to use her powers.

Her abilities were also cooling down.


While she was lost in her complex thoughts, a bullet from Stingshot penetrated her foot.


She momentarily lost her balance and fell.

Simultaneously, Tryno launched a punch towards her face.

Solace managed to block the punch with her hands by turning her head.


But she couldn't stop herself from being thrown backward.

Sliding across the playground, she fell backward.

A shock transmitted through her back.

"Argh! Haah...!"

Though she had fallen, she quickly got back up.

With trembling arms, she lifted her body and squeezed out her powers to float in the air.

To stop was to die.

She couldn't stop.

Unable to walk any further, she had to fly.

Although slower, she had no choice.

Solace scanned her enemies from the air.

Tryno was smiling, watching her, while Liquid was creating water in the air. Stingshot was reloading his next bullet.

The citizens she needed to protect were just fighting amongst themselves.

...This was a first for her in such a battlefield.

A fight without any cheers from anyone.

A fight without comrades.

A fight where she didn't even know what she was fighting for.

She really wanted to run away.

...Is anyone watching?

Maybe no one was watching.

It might be okay to run away.

After all, there's no one in their right mind here.

Solace pressed her in-ear communicator and asked.

"...When is backup coming?"

The reply came back.

"5 minutes...! Just hold on for 5 more minutes...!"


Solace swore for the first time in a while.

It was a moment where she couldn't hold back from cursing.

5 minutes.

There was no hope.

The more she thought about it, running away seemed like the right choice.

At that moment, Tryno spoke.

"Don't even think about running, Solace. You're our target. Even if you run, we'll chase you."

Liquid nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, don't bother. Heroes shouldn't run away."

Though their words were meant to taunt, Solace felt they struck a nerve.

Her mind began to be overtaken as well. The fear wouldn't leave her.

...Suddenly, Jung-gyeom came to mind.

She couldn't understand why he appeared in her thoughts.

Was it because, as both her body and spirit were breaking, the mask of Solace shattered, returning her to Min-Bom?

Was it because she had no allies in this battlefield?

Or was it because, facing death, she regretted not having eaten the lunchbox?

Did he manage to escape?

She hoped the debris from Tryno's explosions hadn't flown near Jung-gyeom.

The temperature kept dropping. Her abilities were reaching their limit.

This might be the end.

Min-Bom secretly bit her lip.

Yes, running awa-

"-Solace!! You can do it!!"

At that moment, a shout that snapped her back to reality rang out.


She whispered.

Had he not run away?

'Because he was worried about me?'

Simultaneously, a surge of emotion welled up inside her... and her powers began to reignite.




Tryno's fist exploded, causing a massive sound.

Holding onto the railing and about to leap towards the playground, she hesitated one last time.

Solace tumbled on the ground before lifting herself into the air.

She chose to fly, as Stingshot's bullet had earlier pierced her foot.

Her hands trembled.

I repeated in my head hundreds of times that I must believe.

She would endure this.

She would grow.

She would overcome.

Because she was Solace.

But it was clear.

She had reached her limit.

The bright light she emanated was gradually dimming.

A symptom that always appeared when our fights dragged on.

She didn't have much time left.

Yet, there was a reason I did not step in.

I remembered Solace, crying bitterly beside me as I was dying.

The regret I felt at resolving everything with force.

As long as she struggled to fight, I wanted to believe.

My hero would not crumble here.

It would be wrong for me to interfere and hinder her growth.

...Also, if I used my power... our relationship would never be the same.

But I was ready to sacrifice everything.

I couldn't watch her die.

I was prepared to use my power at any moment.

I will hold out until the very end.

Tryno gradually approached her.

Liquid's created liquid took the shape of icicles. Stingshot aimed for his next shot.

In the end, I couldn't contain my voice.

"-Solace!! You can do it!!"

I hoped she would grow as I desperately watched her.

For a moment, the battlefield fell into silence, as my voice echoed through.


And then, as if by magic, Solace began to reignite.

Soon, her brightness became dazzling.

As Tryno and Liquid were taken aback, Solace's figure moved.


Like a flash, she created a long beam of light, cutting across the playground.

Tryno instantly disappeared from Liquid's side, caught by Solace, being dragged across the ground.

The tide of the battle flipped in an instant.

As I focused on the fight, a sharp sound echoed once more.



But this time, his bullet did not fly towards Solace.

The moment I tilted my head to the side, a bullet grazed my cheek.


The bullet pierced the wall behind me and disappeared.

He had targeted me, likely because of my earlier cheer.


I looked down at Stingshot, positioned on the school's rooftop.

Stingshot, with his gun turned towards me.

Was he still looking at me?

I hoped he was.

I wanted him to read my lips.

Suppressing my emotions, I spoke.

"...Don't provoke me anymore."

I warned him, clenching my teeth.

From afar, I saw Stingshot, puzzled, lowering his gun.

Then, the ground began to tremble. I staggered briefly before regaining my balance.

Shake had arrived.

Other heroes had come along with him.

Looking at Stingshot, he now turned his attention away from me and started sniping at the approaching heroes.

It was all over now.

Just a little more to hold on.

What happened to Solace?

I rolled my eyes, searching for Solace.

"Yes...! Yes...!"

Then, I felt a chilling heat on the back of my neck.

Trusting her was the right decision.

Before I knew it, Solace was fighting both opponents evenly.

She was still slightly overpowered, but it was clear she had mustered her strength.

Her hair and eyes still shone brightly.

She could hold on until the other heroes arrived.

She did not falter or retreat.

She showed that admirable figure even at her young age.


Liquid shouted.

Stingshot retreated into the school with his gun.

Liquid also transformed his body into water and flowed into the school, disappearing.

They were all retreating.

The only one who hadn't retreated, indecisive and frustrated, was Tryno.


Like a last struggle, Tryno spread his arms wide.

Solace, wary of his powers, stepped back.

And at the same time, everything within a close radius of Tryno exploded into dust.

As the cloud of dust cleared, Tryno was nowhere to be found.

He too had successfully retreated.

The heroes arrived.

One by one, the students began to come to their senses.

I quickly scanned the area, desperately searching not for Luna, but for the controller.

However, the Villain Alliance that had entered the school was nowhere to be found.

Probably, they had escaped the school using Riem's teleportation.

Meanwhile, down below, Solace waved at me.


Did I do well?

Her action seemed to send that message, momentarily bringing tears to my eyes.

And then, as if her strength had left her, she collapsed.


I put aside the matter of Luna for a moment and rushed down the stairs.

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