I Became a Villain's Hero

Chapter 62: Weight Class Difference (6)

Chapter 62: Weight Class Difference (6)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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With crescent-moon shaped eyes and a prominent nose bridge, Stella had brown, wavy hair, a tall figure, and curvy chest and hips.

To some, she might seem like an ordinary beauty one might encounter occasionally.

Yet, her actions were anything but ordinary.

She was the first to initiate a conversation with Song Soo-yeon, asking if she had any dreams.

Soo-yeon, finding her suspicious, had no interest in continuing the conversation.

Turning her body away, she began to leave.

"Are you going to leave me here like this?"

Stella's soft voice called from behind.

Soo-yeon kept walking, unfazed.

Stella calmly followed, insisting,

"I'm not suspicious. Let's just talk for a moment."

"...Get lost."

"You're quite prickly. Okay, but could you spare me a little time..."

"I said no-"

Before she could finish, Stella swiftly caught up, using her height to drape an arm over Soo-yeon's shoulder.

She then thrust her phone in front of Soo-yeon.

A video was playing.

"...Still don't have time?"

Feeling uncomfortable, Soo-yeon stopped, about to shake off Stella's arm and use her power.

But then, the video caught her eye.

It was CCTV footage with Soo-yeon at the center.

Stella pointed at the video.

"This is you, Soo-yeon, right?"

Soo-yeon remained silent.

In the video, her hand glowed purple, and all the workers in the warehouse froze like puppets with severed strings.

Only Soo-yeon moved freely.

"Really... that's an incredible power,"

Stella murmured, awestruck.

Soo-yeon felt a chill.

Unable to respond, she realized she was completely exposed.

She had always used her abilities impulsively, never expecting such a moment.

Stella continued, her voice filled with fascination.

"...Is this hypnosis? Or control? Whatever it is, it's rare to see power affecting over a hundred people. How many can you handle?"

Struggling, Soo-yeon asked,

"...Are you... a hero?"


Stella seemed surprised, then burst into loud laughter.

Soo-yeon looked up at her.

After her laughter subsided, Stella spoke softly,

"I'm a villain, a villain. That's what everyone says, at least."

Soo-yeon stepped back, gasping for breath at Stella's frank admission.

Stella didn't pursue her but showed her palms, reassuringly.

"Don't be so scared, Soo-yeon. Even if I'm a villain, I don't harm people without reason."

She approached the retreating Soo-yeon.

"Besides, I'm here today with a proposal. How about joining us?"


"The Villain Alliance."

The idea was too overwhelming for Song Soo-yeon to understand.

Yet Stella pressed on.

"...I'm sharing a secret with you, Soo-yeon.

Her words had gravity.

The Villain Alliance.


Repulsed, Song Soo-yeon could only respond with,

"...I have no intention of becoming a villain."

"Hmm. But aren't you already somewhat of a villain?"

Stella tilted her head, shaking her phone.

The video of Song Soo-yeon using her powers played on a loop.

"...I won't use my powers anymore."

Song Soo-yeon's voice was almost pleading.

But Stella wasn't finished.

"Are you going to let such incredible power go to waste?"


"And miss the chance to have everything you desire?"

Admittedly, Song Soo-yeon felt a tug of temptation.

Her vulnerability was at its peak.

The helplessness and anxiety post-Min-Bom's confession.

The comfort and warmth from Jung-gyeom.

Caught between these feelings, desires stirred within her.


Shaking her head, Song Soo-yeon tried to regain her composure.

Even with the promise of everything she wanted, she knew she couldn't win Jung-gyeom with control.

She couldn't betray him, her benefactor.

Unless the world was crumbling, she wouldn't use her powers on Jung-gyeom.

"...Enough. Leave now. You said you didn't come to harm me."

"I get it. The idea of becoming a villain so suddenly is repulsive. But listen to my proposal."

Stella held up three fingers.

"Ill grant you three wishes."


"Our Villain Alliance operates on this principle. Every new member tells us their three wishes, and we all work to make them come true."

Stella stepped closer, exuding a subtle charm.

A peach fragrance filled the air.

"You wont have to work here anymore. You can have all the money you want."

She nodded towards the warehouse.

"Billions a month? That's nothing for us."

Song Soo-yeon recalled the gifts Min-Bom had given Jung-gyeom, highlighting their wealth gap.

"And youll never be looked down on again."

She remembered a lifetime of being oppressed.

The faces of her bullies etched in her memory.

"You could even make men of your liking obey you, like slaves."

At the thought of Jung-gyeom, Song Soo-yeon frowned.


Observing her reaction, Stella whispered.

"...You have someone you like, dont you?"

Song Soo-yeon inhaled sharply, her secret feelings exposed for the first time.

She shoved Stella away with all her strength.


"...Get out of here."


For the first time, Stella's composed face showed a hint of disappointment.

She sighed, seemingly resigned, and stepped back.

"...I'll leave for today. You're still hesitant, I see."


"But here, take my number. You might change your mind one day."


"-Just take it, and Ill delete the CCTV footage. As if it never existed."


After pondering for a moment, Song Soo-yeon reluctantly took out her phone.

It seemed like a win-win deal.


Then she realized something.

Her phone was off.

Since there was no need to contact Jung-gyeom, she hadn't even bothered to check it.

Uncharged from the night before, her phone was dead.

In a way, it was a relief.

Showing her dead phone to Stella, Song Soo-yeon said,

"My phones out of battery."

Yet Stella persisted.

She took out a notebook and pen, wrote down her number, and handed it to Song Soo-yeon.

"...It's rude, but take this."


Accepting the paper, Song Soo-yeon tucked it into her pocket.

"...Make sure you delete that video."

She confirmed the agreement once more. Stella nodded.

"Of course. Trust is key in our world."



Min-Bom and I were heading back to the restaurant.

Song Soo-yeon would be back soon, so we needed to prepare dinner.

"Can I join you guys for dinner?" Solace asked.

I saw no reason to say no.

"Sure, let's eat together. It's nothing fancy."

Our date, lasting about six hours, was comfortable, without anything extraordinary.

There was no physical intimacy or intense emotions.

That was actually a good thing.

A rapid change in our relationship would have been hard for me to handle.

After a while, Solace remarked,

"Ah... It's a shame."

"What is?"

"...I'm about to get busy."

"With villains?"

"I am a hero, after all."

I looked at her, intrigued.

Solace elaborated.

"...The villains have been more active lately, right? Theres a theory that it's all part of forming a 'Villain Alliance'. Essentially, villains making a statement."

"...Villain Alliance?"

"The alliance of Tryno and Liquid. It seems they're inviting prominent villains to join."


"It's still just a rumor... but it seems plausible."

An alliance of villains.

I had my suspicions, but I didn't expect it to be such a significant movement.

Was this already a well-known rumor among villains?

Clearly, heroes wouldn't be privy to this, as such information circulated only among villains.

Rumors about the underworld's activities were spreading.

Lost in thought, Solace nudged me again.

"That's not the point, oppa."

"Then what is?"

Her response was straightforward.

"...I might not be able to see you much. I dont know how busy Ill be."

A smile naturally formed on my face.

I reassured her.

"...I'll always be at the restaurant. Drop by whenever you can."

"Is that really okay?"

"Its always been like that. Why the surprise?"

Solace's expression slowly brightened, which made me feel a bit shy.

I moved on without showing it.


Then, subtly, I felt a touch on my hand.


It was Solace's hand, silently interlacing with mine.

For a moment, I was too stunned to react.

I didn't grip back or pull away; I simply lost myself in the moment.

...The last warmth I felt before dying was her hand.

Emotions both familiar and distant surged through me, gratitude among them.

I turned slowly to look at Solace.

She avoided my gaze.

In that silence, we continued walking.

Holding hands with Song Soo-yeon had been different... playful and somewhat childish.

But with Solace, it was a quiet, careful connection.

As we approached the restaurant, someone burst out.



On the shuttle bus home, Song Soo-yeon mulled over Stella's number.

...She had thought change was necessary.

She feared losing Jung-gyeom to Min-Bom.

But she hadn't anticipated that this change might lead to her becoming a villain.

Despite pretending otherwise, she was deeply shaken.

Perhaps she had longed for the world to collapse.

She had only cared for herself, but Jung-gyeom had slightly altered that.

The lure of money also tempted her.

Her life had always been a battle against poverty.

The bullies, the ragged tights, the hunger, the endless part-time jobs, the brink of despair.

The prospect of erasing such poverty was an irresistible temptation.


Song Soo-yeon shook her head.

Though she had subtly controlled people before, becoming a villain was a different magnitude.

It meant embracing the role of a stereotypical villain.

Jung-gyeom despised villains.

Knowing his views, Song Soo-yeon finally made her decision.

The decision was made. She chose to disregard Stella's proposal.

Crumpling the paper with Stella's number, she tossed it carelessly onto the bus floor.




Song Soo-yeons expression twisted in confusion as she shook the locked door of Jung-gyeoms restaurant.

The locked door signified Jung-gyeom was out.

Where could he be?

Whenever he disappeared to unknown places, anxiety gnawed at her.

Entering the restaurant's code, she stepped inside.


Her call echoed in the dark, empty space.

No reply came.


Then, a lone shining object caught her eye.

It was Jung-gyeom's phone, charging.

Her heart dropped.

Though Jung-gyeom might have found it himself, her instinct told her Min-Bom was involved.

This also explains Jung-gyeom's absence.

"...Today too?"

Were they on another date?

Despite not wanting to believe it, no other explanation fit.

With a heavy heart, she hurried out, heading towards his studio apartment.

As she walked, someone called her name.


Turning around, she recognized the voice.


Jung-gyeom was there, his hand entwined with Min-Bom's.

Her breath caught.

She could sense that things were escalating, even without any words exchanged.



The next moment, she found herself in the studio apartment.

Jung-gyeom and Min-Bom had only released each other's hands upon nearing Song Soo-yeon, creating an awkward atmosphere.

Overwhelmed, she had refused Jung-gyeom's suggestions and fled to the apartment, claiming she needed rest.

Sitting on the bed, she buried her head under a blanket.

Then, she dialed a number on her phone.

She thought she had discarded it on the shuttle bus, but the number had etched itself into her memory.

Without hesitation, she pressed call.

After a brief ring, a seductive voice answered.


"...The three wishes. You'll really grant them, no matter what?"

Song Soo-yeon asked directly.

After a pause, Stella responded.

"...With our combined powers, anything is possible."

Song Soo-yeon bit her lip and declared,

"I want money. A lot of it."

Stella's casual response made it seem trivial.

"That's simple. What else?"

Song Soo-yeon, her lower lip trembling, hesitated before asking.

"...You know about Solace, right?"

"Hard not to."

"...I want her destroyed. Can you do that?"


A brief pause followed.

Song Soo-yeon waited, her resolve firm.

Stella finally spoke,

"It might be challenging initially, but well get there. Remember, Soo-yeon, you'll need to help fulfill other members dreams too, as part of the Villain Alliance."

Song Soo-yeon didn't reply.

She was prepared to do whatever it took.

She was about to voice her final wish.


Struggling to express her deepest desires, the words hesitated on her lips.

Impatient, Stella prodded.

"What's your last wish, Soo-yeon?"


A soft chuckle escaped Stella.

"...People save their deepest desire for last. I'm curious about yours, Soo-yeon."

Taking a deep breath, Song Soo-yeon confessed,

"...There's a man I want for myself."

For the first time, she laid bare her obsessive longing.

"...I want him to only have eyes for me. To love, desire, and need me so much he can't live without me. I want him to depend on me."


"Without using powers... just naturally."

Stella's response was a light laugh.

"...Welcome to the Villain Alliance."

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