I Became a Villain's Hero

Chapter 59: Weight Class Difference (3)

Chapter 59: Weight Class Difference (3)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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Song Soo-yeon got off the shuttle bus and hurried to the restaurant, trying to act as if she wasn't in a hurry or anxious, but it was easier said than done.

Still, Jung-gyeom hadn't answered her calls.

It was past 7:30 PM.

If Jung-gyeom was still with Min-Bom, it meant they had been together for about 12 hours.

She hated the thought of it.

12 hours.

What could be so interesting that they would spend so much time together?

She shook her head.

They wouldn't be together.

They must have separated after lunch, after watching a movie at noon.

That's what she wanted to believe.

Turning the corner of the alley, she saw the sign shining in the distance.

Heros Heart Restaurant.

Once a sign she found ridiculous, now the lit-up sign was more welcome to Song Soo-yeon than anything else.

Jung-gyeom was inside.

He wasn't out enjoying a date with Min-Bom somewhere.

A warm tingle ran from the top of her head down her body.

Her tense muscles relaxed.

Breathing became easier.

Feeling relieved, irritation began to set in.

Why hadn't he answered her calls while he was in the restaurant?

She felt justified in being angry today.

They had agreed to stay in touch frequently.

But all Song Soo-yeon received was a cold text.

Although Song Soo-yeon always wanted to show Jung-gyeom her best side, today she was determined to express her dissatisfaction.

It was time for Jung-gyeom to apologize.

She approached the restaurant.

There was a sense of relief and joy, but she still scowled, forcing herself to maintain a state of anger.

She organized her thoughts on what to calmly say to him.


She opened the unlocked restaurant door.

Bright light streamed out from inside.

The air was comfortably warm, and there was a pleasant smell of food.

Song Soo-yeon entered with a raised voice.



But her voice was cut off by laughter.

She stopped in her tracks at the sight that followed.

"So, -huh? Soo-yeon, you're here?"

Jung-gyeom, more handsomely dressed than ever, and

"Soo-yeon's here? Welcome!"

Min-bom, who had made herself prettier than ever, was drinking with him.



Song Soo-yeon couldn't explain the pain she felt in her heart.

It was her first time seeing Jung-gyeom dressed so handsomely.

Sharp black slacks with a matching black leather belt, and a beige half-neck knit tucked into the pants.

His muscular upper body, usually hidden under loose sports clothes or an apron, added to his charm.

His hair was styled, swept up to reveal his forehead.

In contrast, Min-bom wore jeans and a baggy gray turtleneck knit.

Though different in design, the fact they both wore knits didn't sit well with her.

Min-bom had on a necklace she hadn't seen before, silver earrings about the size of a finger joint, and appeared to have brought an expensive-looking bag.

...Even at a glance, this was clearly a date scene.

Song Soo-yeon's eyes shook violently.

'You can dress up so nicely? Why didn't you dress like this when you were on a date with me?'

She silently questioned him.

Jung-gyeom, noticing Song Soo-yeon standing stiffly without a word, gestured to her.

"Soo-yeon, don't just stand there, come in and close the door. It's cold."


Song Soo-yeon couldn't restrain her swelling emotions any longer.

She asked him,

"Why didn't you answer my calls?"

Jung-gyeom immediately looked sorry as if he realized something.

"Soo-yeon, I'm sorry. Actually... I lost my phone."


"I wanted to contact you, but I couldn't."

Jung-gyeom got up, sensing the mood, and walked slowly towards Song Soo-yeon, closing the door of the restaurant behind her.

With the door closed, his scent became more pronounced.

...He had even put on cologne.

Song Soo-yeon felt an inexplicable sense of betrayal at his well-groomed appearance.

Dressing up wasn't wrong.

There was no betrayal in that.

Yet, Song Soo-yeon felt betrayed.

She didn't even know he owned cologne.

"Sorry. It's my fault. Come in and sit down. Are you hungry?"


There was nothing to say about the lost phone.

But it didn't quell her anger.

Especially seeing the state of Min-Bom and Jung-gyeom.

Jung-gyeom, sensing Song Soo-yeon's growing unease, took her by the shoulders, trying to change the atmosphere.

"Come on, come in and have a drink. You've worked hard today too. Applause!"

Jung-gyeom started clapping proudly.

Min-Bom joined in the applause, riding the mood.

Song Soo-yeon was even more irked by their timing.

But she had no reason to be angry, except about the lack of contact.

Song Soo-yeon returned to the original topic.

"Mister, then you could have borrowed Min-Bom's phone to call me."

Jung-gyeom hesitated, realizing Song Soo-yeon's anger hadn't subsided, and again took a humble approach.

"...Min-Bom doesn't have your number."

"But you know my number."

"Uh...? I don't know your number."


"If I don't have my phone, I don't know it."

"You didn't memorize it?"

"Memorize it...?"

Song Soo-yeon burst into incredulous laughter.

"You don't know my number?"


"You didn't memorize my number out of the few in your phone? I could recite yours with my eyes...!"

Song Soo-yeon stopped mid-sentence as she noticed Jung-gyeom's expression changing.

The kind man looked sincerely sorry and at a loss.

In an instant, Song Soo-yeon felt like trash.

During this, Min-Bom spoke up.


Her voice was somewhat cold.

Song Soo-yeon and Jung-gyeom turned their heads toward her.

She said,

"I understand you're upset, but that's no reason to be angry, right?"


"Why are you taking it out on him?"


"-You're not even his girlfriend."

Song Soo-yeon froze.

"Oppa doesn't have an obligation to always be in contact with you."

Min-Bom's words pierced Song Soo-yeon's heart.


Silence fell in the restaurant.

The air turned chilly in an instant.

But Song Soo-yeon knew Min-Bom was right.

She wasn't his girlfriend, yet she was acting like one.

Her heart had outrun her reason.

Her impatience had caused this mistake.

Jung-gyeom, sensing the mood, again tried to lighten the atmosphere.

"Come on, come on! Bom, don't say that. It's my fault. I was wrong. I promised to stay in touch. Soo-yeon, I'm sorry. I really messed up. It won't happen again. You must feel left out, working while we're having fun."


He grabbed Song Soo-yeon's wrist, gently pulling her.

She couldn't resist his strength.

"Let go of your anger and come sit here. I've prepared a lot of delicious food. You must be hungry."

Jung-gyeom guided Song Soo-yeon to a corner seat, then sat down beside her.

Their thighs gently touched.

His efforts made it hard for Song Soo-yeon to stay angry.

But it didn't mean her negative thoughts disappeared.

Song Soo-yeon surveyed the food laid out on the table.

Salad, bread, steak, and wine.

They were already enjoying the sophisticated date menu that Song Soo-yeon once wanted to have just with Jung-gyeom.

Despite the fragrant smell of the food, the bitterness in her mouth lingered.

"...Did you make all this, Mister?"

"Yes. If you wait, I'll make some more for you."

Song Soo-yeon chewed her lip, then asked.

"...It's different from what you usually make for me, isn't it?"

"Bom wanted to eat it."

Bom. Bom. Bom.

That nickname grated on her every time.

Song Soo-yeon closed her eyes and then opened them, suppressing her feelings.

At least it was a relief that Jung-gyeom hadn't voluntarily cooked this menu.

"And this too. All of it was a gift from Bom."

Jung-gyeom spread his arms, showing off his outfit.

"She also did my hair at the salon. And bought the wine."

As Jung-gyeom's words continued, Song Soo-yeon's anger gradually subsided.

The fact that he dressed up nicely wasn't his own doing.

It wasn't a date that made him dress up.

After hearing this, Song Soo-yeon found the space to compliment Jung-gyeom.


'Good on you.'

She was about to say, but hesitated.

It felt like she was conceding something.

After all, Jung-gyeom was wearing Min-Bom's gifts.

So, she just nodded and turned to Min-Bom.

"...Didn't you spend too much money, Unni?"

Underneath the question was an unasked one, a question she couldn't dare to ask in front of Jung-gyeom: why would you spend so much on just an acquaintance?

But Min-Bom, seemingly unfazed, smiled and said,

"It's okay."


A sense of ease, characteristic of a star hero, was conveyed.

Only then did Song Soo-yeon realize it.

She had always been smiling, so it was hard to notice, but the woman in front of her was the hero that South Korea focused on the most.

The most successful woman among them. The dream of all men.

As Song Soo-yeon's anxiety grew, Jung-gyeom offered her a glass of wine.

"Soo-yeon, try some wine too. It has a nice aroma. It's different from the soju we had before."

He looked around for a moment, emptied his glass, and offered it to her.

"Sorry, we only have two glasses, so use mine."

Just as Song Soo-yeon, hiding her anxiety, was about to take the glass, Min-bom suddenly raised her voice.


She quickly picked up her own glass, poured the wine into it, and offered it to Song Soo-yeon, covering her mouth gracefully.

"Soo-yeon, use mine."

Song Soo-yeon didn't understand why Min-Bom suddenly intervened.

They weren't that close, after all.

It felt like there was a hidden agenda.

"You said you were uncomfortable around men. Use mine."

"...But it's okay with Mister."

"Still. Leave oppa's glass and use mine. It's more natural to share among women. You're not lovers, after all."

Min-Bom had been emphasizing 'lovers' since earlier.

Song Soo-yeon couldn't refute that.

She weakly accepted Min-Bom's glass.

Jung-gyeom refilled Min-Bom's glass with a smile.

"You don't have to drink it if it's too bitter. I'm just giving you a chance to try it."

"...I'll pour for you, Mister."

As soon as her glass was filled, Song Soo-yeon offered.

Jung-gyeom paused, then broke into a happy smile and nodded.

"I'd appreciate that."

After filling his glass, Song Soo-yeon handed it to him.

Jung-gyeom glanced at Min-Bom and said,

"Sorry, Bom. Can I share a sip with Soo-yeon?"

"...Of course. I don't mind."

Min-Bom returned the smile.


The glasses chimed crisply, and Song Soo-yeon tilted her glass, sipping the wine.

It was her first time, but she could tell it was expensive.

The aroma was rich, the taste bittersweet and pleasant, slightly sharp but not unpleasant.

She couldn't help but feel the gap between her and Min-Bom.

After all, it was the wine Min-Bom had brought.

It was a good experience, but her mood didn't improve.

She just became sadder.

She put down her glass listlessly.

Jung-gyeom also put down his glass and said,

"Now, I should go and cook Soo-yeon's steak. Just a moment, okay?"

He then got up and headed to the kitchen.

The distance he moved wasn't far, but it felt like he had gone far away.

The parting of their thighs felt regrettable.

Song Soo-yeon was left alone with Min-Bom.

It was Min-Bom who broke the silence.

She let out a short sigh.

As soon as Jung-gyeom left, the atmosphere shifted slightly.

She whispered softly,

"Soo-yeon. Let's not keep doing this."


"...I don't want to fight with you. It makes Oppa uncomfortable."

Song Soo-yeon was aware of that.

It was because she sympathized with this thought that she had suppressed her anger several times.

"I know you don't like heroes. You must have your reasons. But, please, just tone it down a bit. Oppa will get tired if we keep doing this."

Song Soo-yeon only moved her eyes to look up at Min-bom.

From Min-bom's slightly furrowed brow, her sincerity was conveyed.

However, Song Soo-yeon couldn't find the same desire to reconcile as Min-bom.

As long as Min-Bom continued trying to stay close to Jung-gyeom, it was impossible.

Of course, she might just want to be by his side as a friend.

Considering Min-bom's actions today, even if the possibility seems slim, it could still be believed.

Heroes might think differently.

Maybe Song Soo-yeon was being too defensive.

Objectively, Jung-gyeom is just an average-looking guy, not successful either.

Considering how he lives, donating and all, his future doesn't seem very bright.

There's a social status gap between Min-bom and him.

They wouldn't match even if they continued.

At least, that's what Song Soo-yeon wanted to believe.

Min-Bom leaned in and whispered,

"...I like Oppa."

Her face looked a bit embarrassed.


Song Soo-yeon's mind went blank at Min-Bom's sudden confession.

Her heart constricted sharply.

"...I want to date Oppa."

She began to imagine Jung-gyeom leaving her.


"...I know you're not interested, but I don't want to miss out on a good man like Oppa."

Song Soo-yeon was too stunned to respond.

Now, it wasn't about comparing the statuses of Jung-gyeom and Min-bom.

It was between Min-bom and herself.

She continued,

"So... let's not fight anymore. I want to show Oppa my best side."

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