I Became a Villain's Hero

Chapter 32: My Hero (8)

Chapter 32: My Hero (8)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 4-5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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No, you cant...!

Song Soo-yeon spoke out even before Jung-gyeom could answer.

Jung-gyeoms head slowly turned toward her.

No...you cant. Just no.

She repeated like a parrot, not meeting Jung-gyeom's gaze.

She hadnt yet come up with a reason to convince him.

She just held onto his arm, pleading with her words.

.....Did you hate heroes this much?

Jung-gyeoms voice echoed.

Song Soo-yeon gave no response.

.........Soo-yeon... do you hate me that much...?

The hurt in Min-Boms voice was just an afterthought, barely piercing Song Soo-yeons consciousness with guilt.

Song Soo-yeon bit her lip and then came up with a seemingly valid reason.

"It's... because you're a hero."


What if villains find out you're helping Mister? Can you guarantee this restaurant will remain safe?


"Don't you care about our safety?

Song Soo-yeon....

Min-Bom glanced at Jung-gyeom before responding.

"I'll be as careful as possible in that regard. I'll always be by Gyeom oppa's side to protect him...."

Song Soo-yeon swallowed hard.

That was even worse.

She couldnt bear the thought of her always being by Jung-gyeoms side.

It just couldnt happen.

...No..you cant. I dont trust you. I dont trust heroes.

Then, a light laughter eased the tense atmosphere.

Jung-gyeom tousled Song Soo-yeons hair.

Ah, Mister?

....Hah. Why am I smiling and feeling happy?


"......You're pushing Bom away because you're worried about me, aren't you?"


...Ah. I learned a lot today. Soo-yeon doesnt actually hate me.

Mister, thats not what were talking about.

Its okay.

Jung-gyeom stated firmly.

Song Soo-yeon doubted her ears.

She looked up at him.


Thank you for worrying. Ill be fine. There wont be any problems.

But, but-

If that were the case, wouldnt all heroes acquaintances be in danger? Youre overthinking it.

Song Soo-yeon slightly distanced herself from Jung-gyeom and looked at his expression, asking weakly.

......So, youre accepting her proposal?

"....Yes. I don't think it will be too difficult for me."

Song Soo-yeon shut her eyes tightly and shook her head, not letting go of Jung-gyeoms hands.

....I said no....

Instead of an answer, the sound of Jung-gyeoms laughter reached her ears.


It was a laugh that sounded both regretful and awkward.

Song Soo-yeons heart fluttered again at the renewed confrontation.

Song Soo-yeon.

Min-Bom wasnt silent either.

She forced a cheerful voice, speaking up.

"I... I don't plan to ask Gyeom oppa for help without giving anything in return."

Song Soo-yeon slightly lifted her head.

"Really. Ill talk to the Hero Association about sponsoring this restaurant."


"Yes...! Its a place doing good deeds! So... I'll find ways I can help..! I want to learn various things from Gyeom oppa..."

"....But thats-"

"-The restaurant is struggling a bit, right?"

Song Soo-yeon was speechless.

Unknowingly, she envisioned a future where the restaurant received sponsorship.

In truth, Song Soo-yeon was still unstable.

She had only set aside her fight with Jung-gyeom, without finding a solid solution to stay in the restaurant.

....But if there was money.


Song Soo-yeon couldnt find any more words to say.

It all comes down to money.

Always money.

Always bending to it.

Min-Bom continued.

"Ill be careful not to cause any trouble. Okay...? I really want to learn, Soo-yeon. Being by oppas side... I feel like I might realize something more."


Jung-gyeom intervened between them.




Lets stop this conversation for today. Bom, let's talk another time.


Jung-gyeom smiled, his usual familiar smile.

....Soo-yeon is having a hard time. Give her some time. Okay?

Song Soo-yeon realized that Jung-gyeom was asking for time because of her.

Until now, he was ready to accept it.

The only reason his mind changed was one.


.....But this didnt bring any relief.

She felt a growing dislike for herself.

If not for her, Jung-gyeom might have received sponsorship money from the Hero Association through Min-Bom.

She was the one who stopped it.

Why did she always end up causing trouble for him?

....Thank you, Mister.

Even so, she expressed her gratitude.

She was thankful for his consideration.

.....And Im sorry.

"....Its okay."

Under the influence of alcohol, conveying her feelings didnt seem as hard as before.



Time passed again.

The drinking session that started at lunchtime was now nearing evening.

"....Wow. You're really drunk."

I said to Song Soo-yeon.

The count of empty bottles had already passed ten.

Of course, most of them were drunk by me and Solace.

I had never assumed that Solace, destined to be the top-ranked hero, couldnt handle alcohol.

I did warn her to be careful, though.

And I, despite trying to hide it, had basic physical abilities that made it hard for me to get drunk.

The surprising part was Song Soo-yeon.

She put all her effort into keeping up with our pace.

No matter how much I tried to dissuade her, she wouldnt give up.

If I drank, she drank; if I refrained for her sake, she would grab the glass.

Whether she wanted to get drunk or make someone else drunk, it was unclear, but in the end, it was Song Soo-yeon who collapsed.

Leaning naturally against my shoulder, she fell asleep.

Even in her drunken slumber, her beauty shone.

Sometimes, it was astonishing to realize how beautiful she was.

".......She really is pretty."

Solace muttered as well.

She wasn't so drunk that she couldn't hold her senses, but a flush had risen to her cheeks.

With a slightly slurred speech, she asked me.

"....Do you really feel nothing with such a beautiful person leaning on your shoulder and sleeping?"

I paused for a moment, looking at Solace.

".....Why are you asking that all of a sudden?"

"...Pfft.. Sorry. Just wanted to tease you, oppa."


I kind of get the feeling that you're not the type to fall for someone just because of their looks.

Her words made me reflect for a moment.

Scenes from before my regression, when Solace appeared.

.......I couldnt say I was charmed by her appearances, but it would be a lie to say I didnt think they were cool.

And sometimes, just her intimidating presence made my heart race.

So, if I think about those moments, what Solace just said might not be entirely accurate.

"....Hmm. I don't think I completely disregard looks. It's nice if someone is pretty."


"Of course."

"...Hmm. I see."

Suddenly, I felt incredibly fortunate to be having this conversation with Solace.

Even the fact that we could become friends like this.

Before my regression, there was nothing more I could have wished for.

I had longed for a friend, and I wished dozens of times that it would be Solace.

And now, that dream had simply come true.

Not an archenemy, no complicated past.

It was perfect.

A smile naturally came to my face.

Ha... But really. How did you do that, oppa?

"....Huh? Do what."

With Shake. How did you get angry at him? Im still scared of him..

This part was a bit uncomfortable.

I could do that because I was stronger.

Of course... even if I couldnt win now, there was a time in the past when I could...

But as much as Solace admired me, I wasnt anything special.

The reason I reached the top villain ranking in the past was all due to overwhelming force.

Not because I was cruel or vicious, but simply because I was unstoppable.

Thats why I was ranked first.

Of course...... I did commit some crimes.

So now, it's hard for me to feel fear towards anyone.

I've always been cautious about becoming reckless, though.

But I couldnt reveal that truth.

I couldnt say, "I did it because I was strong."

Reluctantly, I had to continue acting.

Just... you know, it's like that.

You werent scared?

Noo... I guess I should say I was scared...?

Sigh. I just wish I wasn't afraid at all.

I stop acting whenever it feels like I could give advice.

Oh. Thats not good. It's better to have fear.

".....How would you know that, oppa?"


Solace burst out laughing.

I joined in, laughing along with her.


At that moment, Song Soo-yeon leaned more heavily against my shoulder.

I gently pressed the side of her head to keep it from falling off my shoulder.

"But I really think youre amazing. Everything you do, oppa."


"Standing up to Shake for a student youre close to, talking about school violence. Providing food for people for free. Even giving a house to Song Soo-yeon. While you sleep at the restaurant..."

I couldnt help but feel embarrassed.

Not because I was uncomfortable with praise, but because I felt somewhat guilty.

I was a villain.

I started living this way all because of Solace.

Thats why she couldnt help but admire my actions.

All the good deeds I did were things Solace would have done.

I was just doing what she would have dreamed of doing in the future.

So my actions must have struck a chord with her.

She saw my change and thought I was great for mimicking her.

I had no choice but to feel embarrassed.

"....It's not like that."

"Wow. Humble too?"

Knowing I was feeling embarrassed, Solace started to tease me.

Pretending to be overly surprised, she covered her mouth.

Her playful side, which I hadn't seen before, made me burst into laughter.

As I laughed, Song Soo-yeon shivered as if she was cold.

As she moved, I calmed my laughter and pressed her head back against my shoulder.

Song Soo-yeon wriggled a bit and then lightly embraced my arm, instinctively seeking warmth.

I thought about what excuse I could make if she suddenly woke up.

Solace activated her power for a moment.

Her eyes and hair began to glow brightly.

A warm heat filled the restaurant, driving away the winter chill.

"....Thank you."

I expressed my gratitude to Solace.

"Huh? Whats there for you to thank me for? I did it for Song Soo-yeon."


Solace looked at me for a while, then changed her position to lean towards me.

"....Tell me honestly, oppa."


"Song Soo-yeon is asleep right now. I'm just curious."

"What about?"

"......Based on what youve done for Song Soo-yeon so far, Im skeptical."


"......Do you really not like Song Soo-yeon?"

I looked at Solace.

Song Soo-yeon seemed to twitch slightly.

I shrugged my shoulders.

The same thought, no matter how many times Im asked.

".....I like her, but if you ask if it's love, then no."

A silence fell for a moment.


Solace smiled gently.

I answered.

"....Yes. Besides, Song Soo-yeon...

I looked at Song Soo-yeon leaning on my shoulder.

".....She told me never to harbor such feelings."


*so looking at the raws, it seems to mostly refer to Solace as Min-Bom when the narrative is in 3rd, and Min-Bom as Solace when it is from Jung-Gyeom's view point.

However, I say mostly cuz there was a few sentences that called Min-Bom 'Solace' in the 3rd person, and there was 1 sentence at the very beginning of the pov switch to Jung-Gyeom that called Solace 'Min-Bom.'

I've fixed it to Min-Bom only and Solace only on the different povs and just decided to assume they were mistakes...

Though in future chaps using Min-Bom in the narrative text is slowly phased out and only 'Solace' is used...

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