I Became a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 290

Chapter 290

It didn't take long to modify the Green Belt, thanks to the skills I learned earlier.

[Name: Black Belt (Reversed)]

[Class: Artifact]

[Type: Belt]

[Description: The belt of Sir Gawain from the legend of King Arthur. Its effects are reversed by the influence of other items. When worn, the wearer's strength increases according to the level of the moon's fullness in the sky.]

"That's crazy."

As someone who is mostly active at night, this is a very versatile item.

Moreover, the most important thing about this item is that its power doesn't depend on the height of the moon, but on its fullness.

This means I can use it anytime, anywhere, as long as the moon is up.

I put the new item on to see how effective it was.

"Hmm……overall stats increased by 10%?"

A 10% increase on a new moon, I thought it must be a mythical artifact.

"Also, I took this."

[Name: Cross of the Holy Order of Brass (Sealed)]

[Class: Holy Relic]

[Type: Necklace]

[Description: The mark of the Knights of St. Brass, an order that once fought against the darkness. It has a faint holy power, and if you hang it over your bed, you're unlikely to have nightmares.]

It was an ordinary looking cross on the outside but that's only how it looks to those who don't know its true value.

"Usually, to unlock a holy relic like this, you need to stimulate it with divine power from the outside……."

Luckily, I had just the thing to stimulate it.

I took out my Ascalon chopsticks and began tapping on the cross like a triangle.

I must have tapped it about 20 times.

Zing── zing── zing──

The cross, which had been making only the sound of clanging brass, suddenly began to resonate.

Slowly, the brass cross begins to glow brightly, returning to its original color.

Finally, the cross regains its brightness comparable to gold, and it begins to radiate holy power, showing off its holy relic status.

[Name: Cross of the Knights of Saint Brass]

[Class: Holy Relic]

[Type: Necklace]

[Description: The mark of the Knights of St. Brass, an order that once fought against the darkness. When infused with Aura, it will turn Aura into a Holy Power at a 1:1 ratio.]

"Eek, that's it!"

It was an item that allows those who are not gifted with Holy Power to use it.

Until now, I've been borrowing Ascalon's power because I couldn't use my own holy power, but this will allow me to not have to worry about running out of holy power in Ascalon.

Best of all, it would allow me to make better use of……Ascalon.

"With this, I'll be more comfortable as Magical Rogue."

Initially, Magical Rogue was intended to be the ultimate combination of a Paladin and a Rogue.

With this, the completed Magical Rogue was ready to go.

I've made all the items, it's getting late, and I'm calling it a night.

The Villain Alliance request for Magical Rogue…….

* * *

~The next day, on the way to the academy~

"Master. Isn't that you, Master?"


Han Seo-joon stops the car in front of the school gate as usual and points to the top of the gate.

As I followed his finger, I noticed a banner that I didn't know why it was hanging there.

[Jegal Hyun-ho and Eugene Han Win War Bush Lands World Championship (Congratulations)]

"Holy shit……."

A picture of me and Jegal Hyun-ho holding the trophy and looking excited.

Just when I was wondering what was going on, I saw the members of the board game club and Jegal Hyun-ho coming down with a banner.

For a moment, I thought that I should burn them all, but when I saw his face looking at them with pride, I realized that I should leave them alone.

In a way, it was the board game club's achievement, so it was right to leave it alone.

I was sitting in class killing time. When Young-jae arrived, he smiled and told me about the banner on the school gate.

"Eugene, it's a great photo, but when did you participate in such a competition?"

"I really wanted to bring up this story, but I was afraid I'd get beaten up if I brought it up first, so I held my tongue. Really, boss, what happened?"

As if he's been waiting for this, Jin-woo turns his head and jumps right into the conversation.

I realized that he was growing up, he even though he'd get punched if he spoke first.

"It's just that the prize was something I needed, and I won thanks to Mr. Jegal Hyun-ho."

"Hya, that guy, I thought he was just a normal board game otaku, but he's surprisingly good, isn’t he?"

"Well, yeah."

Now that he had just graduated and joined the Association, the tactics of the Hero Association were about to change dramatically.

After enjoying the now routine morning chit-chat, it was time for class.

"It's been a while since you've been in my class, aren't you excited?"

Ji-hyun's first period class started immediately.

"Don't you think it's been boring in the academy lately? I want to smell the fresh air and see the flowers around me. That's what kids your age should be doing."

For some reason, Ji-hyun started saying things she didn't normally say and I started to feel uneasy.

"So, I, this compassionate and beautiful person, have come up with a plan for you."

As she says this, she raises her finger like the final villain in a movie.

The entire class freaks out at the familiar gesture.

"Now, wait a minute, Instructor!"

"Don't do it! Don't snap your fingers!"

As if the children's cries were not enough, Ji-hyun snaps her fingers with a giggle.

"Yes~ I will~"

With a snap everyone except me disappeared.

"Huh? Hey, Eugene Han."

"Oh, yeah."

"Did you just resist my power?"


"Ha, I didn't think there was anyone in our class who could resist my power already. This is unexpected."

Hearing her words, the current situation began to make sense.

I had recently become quite powerful, and it was because of that that I was able to resist Ji-hyun's ability to teleport targets.

"It's annoying, but I can't help it."

Saying that, she stomped over to me.

"Uh……instructor, what are you trying to do?"

I was taken aback by her bold gait, but Ji-hyun dismissed it with a dismissive wave of her hand.

"Huh? I was going to knock you out and take you away, so you wouldn't be able to resist."


I look up at her, wondering if she's serious. "Phew!" Ji-hyun bursts out laughing.

"Just kidding, hands."


"Give me your hand. We have to go now."

"Oh, okay."

Apparently, she wanted to direct contact with me in order to move.

"Next time, don't resist at all and just fly with me. Do you understand?"

"Well, I don't know how to stop the resistance."

"Just bruise it."

"……I'll try."

"Okay, here we go."

With that, Ji-hyun grabbed my hand and activated her power.

In an instant, my vision starts to reverse, then gets blurry, and then starts to get brighter and brighter with a slight headache.

Slowly, my vision returns.

I raise my head and realize that there is something huge in front of me.

"What……is this?"

A giant creature is standing in front of me, looking at me with those "what is this?" eyes.

An elephant.


A huge elephant was in front of me.

"Oops. My mistake."

Ji-hyun smiled and activated her ability.

My vision flashed again, and this time, the elephant moved off into the distance. "Huh? Bo, boss!"


All the kids had moved in this direction.

"Hey, guys, how's everyone doing? Everything okay?"

Ji-hyun smiled and talked to the kids and Jin-woo, who hadn't been paying attention, shouted out.

“Throwing a person into the middle of a pride of lions! If I wasn’t an awakened person, I would have been left behind?!”

Uh……wondered why the hem of his shirt was torn, so he must have a sad story.

"Hya, you were able to see the lion right in front of you. You're so lucky. Do you want to go see a tiger this time?"

She smiled at Jin-woo and raised her hand.

Jin-woo is surprised, and he laughs haha, forcing a smile.

"Hey, it's okay, I got to see the lion's teeth thanks to you, so I guess that’s enough, hahaha!"

Jin-woo finally succumbs and Ji-hyun nods in satisfaction.

"By the way, instructor. This place looks like a zoo……why are we here?"

At that moment, Young-jae, the class leader, asks Ji-hyun why we came here and she replies as if it's nothing.

"Volunteer work."


"Volunteer work?"

The kids start to panic at Ji-hyun's sudden mention of "volunteering," but she doesn't let that stop her.

"Some rare animals are supposed to arrive here today. Our job is to patrol the zoo and keep the peace in the meantime. Doesn't sound too difficult, right?"

"Uh, what kind of animal is it that you're sending Academy students out to protect?"

"That one."

In response to Se-ah's question, Ji-hyun pointed behind her, where a huge banner was hanging.

[Welcome to Korea! Fantastic animals. Fresh green is with you!]

Shinrok (新綠), an animal that appears in old Korean folk tales.

TLN: I’m not sure if Shinrok it’s the correct name.

The banner had a picture of a giant deer with wings.

"Huh? Shinrok! I saw on the news that a Shinrok has been discovered, but is it coming here?"

Se-ah said in surprise, recognizing the deer from the news.

"Yeah. It's a new species, after all, and the Association said that there might be some people who want to steal it and turn it into an elixir, or get the byproducts. It seemed like a good excuse to have fun, so I offered to go with my class to guard it. See the animals and eat the food."

Ji-hyun smiles as she looks around as if nothing is wrong.

The other children were also looking very happy as it was an outside activity, not a class, but…….

‘Fresh green, a zoo. Isn't this the one?'

The ‘Shinrok kidnapping incident' is mentioned once in the game.

I don't know if Ji-hyun intended it or not, but we could have been involved in a big case.

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