I Am That Little Fox [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 40

Chapter 40 040 Village Bully and Little Educated Yo

Survive the hot summer and usher in the autumn harvest season.

After the busy schedule, looking at the food piled up in the warehouse, everyone’s tanned faces were full of smiles-this year’s harvest is good, so you can save a few days of hunger!

In the blink of an eye, in October, a sensational piece of news, like a stone thrown into the water, caused waves in the calm Yangmeiling.

The college entrance examination is restored!

Whether workers, peasants, young educated people, or fresh graduates, they can take the unified examination and choose the best for admission to university.

When the educated youth heard the news, they couldn’t help crying. Especially for the old educated youth who have been in the countryside for several years, their journey back to the city finally has hope!

The educated youth who had thought about finding a target before suddenly stopped thinking about reading and reviewing books, hoping to squeeze through the single-plank bridge of the college entrance examination among thousands of troops.

At this time, Bai Xiaoxi and Liang Sheng received more attention than before. Leaving aside Liang Zhiqiang and Ye Yumei, they are the only pair of educated youths who talked with the locals.

Many people secretly guess whether Bai Xiaoxi will leave or stay? And can someone like Liang Sheng be willing to be abandoned by the target?

Some of the educated youth are older. Based on their love for more than half a year, they sincerely persuade Bai Xiaoxi: “If you have the opportunity, you should go back to the city. You are so young and the future is promising. Do you really want to grow a life in the countryside? ”

Others echoed: “Yeah, after all we are from the city, even if we stay, we won’t be able to blend in.”

Some people from Yang Meiling also quietly told Liang Sheng that he should pay more attention to the thoughts of the target, “It’s okay here. Other brigades are going to have a lot of trouble. Those who have become educated men and women, some want Abandoning wives and children, some husbands and children don’t recognize them, they just want to go back to the city!”

“If you want me to say, it’s better to have the banquet as early as possible.”

“The child can run even after giving birth. What’s the use of a banquet? People are not here, even if they tie their feet, they can still walk.”

The two parties never expressed their views. They still stayed together every day, going up and down the river, reading and writing, so that people could not understand what it meant.

On this day, the two went to the county seat, and Liang Sheng took the initiative to take Bai Xiaoxi to the bookstore.

You know, with so many places in the county seat, the last thing he doesn’t want to set foot in is the bookstore. This time it was abnormal.

He found the salesperson and asked him, “Which books should I buy for the college entrance examination?”

The salesperson glanced at him suspiciously before pointing to the bookshelf next to him. It is estimated that he is full of fierceness, without the slightest literary spirit, he is not like a scholar.

They are just a small county with few resources and can’t buy reference materials for the college entrance examination, only some textbooks.

Liang Sheng stood in front of the bookshelf, frowning earnestly.

Bai Xiaoxi shook his hand: “Are you going to take the exam too?”

Liang Sheng glanced at her, “Can my brain take a test? I bought it for you.”

Bai Xiaoxi actually knew that it was for her. These days, although they stayed together as before, Liang Sheng became more and more silent, more and more trances, and the darkening of his eyes became deeper and deeper.

Until we met in the morning, he suddenly had a firm aura. He seemed to have made some decision and was not ready to look back.

“I don’t need to take the exam.” Bai Xiaoxi said softly.

Other educated youth wanted to leave because they wanted to return to their family members and to go ahead, neither of which was true for her. As for university, she has also read it before, so she doesn’t have to revisit it.

Liang Sheng said decisively: “I want to take a test.”

She can stay for him, but he can’t drag her.

Of course, he will not let go.

Bai Xiaoxi thought for a while, “Let’s take the exam, but I want to take the exam next summer.”

This year is the first year of the resumption of the college entrance examination. The examination time will be in the winter. The next spring will be enrolled in the next year.

Liang Sheng didn’t object this time, and it’s okay to take the exam next year. They will have more time to prepare.

After returning, Bai Xiaoxi began to study, and Liang Sheng frequently went in and out of Dayang Meiling.

It is difficult for rural people to enter the city. The biggest problem is that the household registration and work cannot be solved. In Liang Sheng’s view, as long as there is enough money and tickets, these problems can be solved.

Even though doing so may bring him prison disaster, but he has long been determined to break the boat, and if he doesn’t even have the courage to take risks, he will never let go.

He used to go to Dayangmeiling for food and clothing, not necessarily once a month, but now he has to get as many resources as possible to give her a comfortable life after leaving Yangmeiling.

However, his solo action only lasted twice, and he was discovered by Bai Xiaoxi, and the number of people entering the mountain became two.

Although Liang Sheng did not want her to be affected, it is undeniable that with Bai Xiaoxi joining, the rate at which he accumulates resources more than doubled.

Although I have never encountered valuable things like Tai Sui again, other medicinal materials, flowers, and fungi accumulate in small quantities, and they will be considerable in the long run.

Sometimes I got too many things, and I was afraid that they would be too eye-catching in the black market in the county seat. Liang Sheng had to go to several nearby counties.

When others saw that Bai Xiaoxi was reviewing, they all sighed secretly. She and Liang Sheng are such a good match, and they will finally be separated.

But I don’t know that these two people are making good money.

This winter, both long and short, the tense exams finally ended. After tormenting waiting, the Yangmeiling School of Educated Youths ushered in two admission notices, one by Tan Zhili and Huang Pingping.

Putting aside the envy, unwillingness and disappointment of other people, Huang Pingping cried with joy. After crying, she gave her information and notes to Bai Xiaoxi, wishing her a good school.

Bai Xiaoxi lived up to her blessing and was admitted to the university in the capital the next summer.

Liang Sheng escorted her to the train station, and when separated, he said, “Wait for me.”

Bai Xiaoxi nodded and said, “Waiting for you.”

Liang Shengyuan wanted to secretly engage in activities and get himself into the capital, but soon after a major reform and opening up, he saw opportunities.

He packed up, took the letter of introduction, and embarked on the train heading south with a few pieces of luggage. Half a month later, he appeared at the Capital Station with two huge burdens.

In the first year of Bai Xiaoxi University, Liang Sheng set up a small stall outside her school, selling all kinds of women’s clothing, women’s shoes and small accessories.

Bai Xiaoxi has a copy of all the commodities he sells.

Once, she was wearing a white shirt, a red skirt, and a pair of small leather shoes, painting in front of Liang Sheng’s stall.

She painted the summer pond in Yangmeiling very seriously, but she didn’t know that she was also an excellent scenery in the eyes of others.

A girl came over and asked Liang Sheng: “I want the same dress on her, do you have it?”

After the first one, there will soon be a second and a third… Within two days, red skirts can be seen everywhere on the university campus.

Bai Xiaoxi then changed to a dress with polka dots. Soon, Liang Sheng sold out the polka dot skirts. There were two girls who even became blushing over the last skirt…

The business was booming, and Liang Sheng had to buy goods once in a few days.

In fact, he doesn’t really want Bai Xiaoxi to accompany him to the stall and let her classmates meet her, which is not good.

But Bai Xiaoxi never cared about such things.

She has a lot of fame in school, because she is beautiful, has good grades, and has a cheerful personality. How many people are watching her.

And she quickly spread about what she suspected to be someone who set up a small stall.

A classmate asked her in public: “I often see you at the stall outside the school. Is the boss your acquaintance?”

Bai Xiaoxi said calmly: “He is my object.”

“How could he do… this kind of work?” The businessman was discriminated against at this time, it was “speculation”.

“I was with him when I went to the countryside and jumped in the line. He accompanied me to the city and made money by his own ability. Is there any problem if he doesn’t steal or rob?” Bai Xiaoxi asked back.

The others stopped talking. Many of them were educated youths. In order to return to the city to go to university, some broke up with their counterparts, some abandoned their families, and some even if they were single, they had seen many separations from others.

How many people can not dislike rural subjects after entering the university? How many people can leave behind everything in their hometown and accompany their lover to the city without hesitation?

They are not qualified to judge others.

In the second year of university, Liang Sheng rented a store near the school. He specially went back to Yangmeiling to bring out two young men who were willing to mix with him. With helpers, he was finally able to spare some time to play with Bai Xiaoxi all over the capital. Attractions.

In the third year, Liang Sheng invested all his wealth and granted a piece of land from the public to build a clothing city.

Before making this decision, he held Bai Xiaoxi in silence for a long time.

Because once he fails, he will have nothing. He has the courage to start all over again, but he is afraid of her suffering.

In the end, Bai Xiaoxi helped him make up his mind. She held his face and said: “If you lose money, you will be replaced by me to support you. I will also make money.”

In the past two years, many self-employed businesses have emerged, and there are not a few women’s clothing stores. Many of them have taken a fancy to Bai Xiaoxi, a good model, and they all want to dig a corner from Liang Sheng.

After listening to Liang Sheng, he became more determined and must not lose money! Those who dig the foot of the wall come and get beaten!

In the fourth year, Shengxi Clothing City opened, and it was booming on the first day. Countless people were holding a handful of banknotes and wanted to buy a shop from Liang Sheng.

However, Liang Sheng only rents and does not sell. These people are slurping with him for a good location and to extend the lease.

The money received that day was later packed in sacks.

Shengxi Clothing City soon became a must-go place for women in the capital to go shopping. Liang Sheng also made a splash in this city. From then on, he will usher in a broader world and his future is immeasurable.

Bai Xiaoxi’s classmates knew that the boss of the clothing city was her target, and they were envious. They praised her for her good vision, that she was rich and considerate, such a busy person, and even ran school every day to give her food.

They seem to have forgotten how they used a contemptuous tone to mention the small vendor outside the school gate a few years ago.

When Liang Sheng was twenty-six years old, he had a shopping mall and a house in the capital. Anyone who saw him had to give a thumbs up and praised young talents and talents.

At this time, he felt that he finally had a little confidence, and on the day of Bai Xiaoxi’s graduation, he proposed to her.

In the decades that followed, the two never separated.

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