I Am That Little Fox [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 035 Village Bull and Little Educated You


On this day, Bai Xiaoxi had breakfast, went to the mountain as usual, and met many villagers along the way.

“The creek goes up the mountain again?” a woman asked her.

Bai Xiaoxi raised a smile: “Yes, we Yangmeiling has better scenery, and it is more beautiful than anywhere else.”

“That is,” the woman proudly said, “we are just a little poor here, and the mountains and rivers are all good, raise people!”

Bai Xiaoxi smiled and nodded.

After the woman walked away, she said to others: “The little girl from the city is really interesting. She saw us Yangmeiling as a landscape, and she went up the mountain with a book.”

Bai Xiaoxi walked to the old place on the mountainside, climbed up a bayberry tree, sat on the tree and looked down, facing the backyard of Captain’s house.

She prepared a hornet’s nest for Liang Zhiqiang.

It was found on a bayberry tree. It has been abandoned. There is no wasp in it, and it can’t kill people. It’s very suitable as a scare tool.

After observing on the mountain for a few days, she roughly grasped the work and rest rules of the captain’s family, and planned the surrounding route twice, and she waited for the action today.

At about nine o’clock, she saw Liang Zhiqiang walk into the backyard, immediately put the book away, picked up the hornet’s nest, and rushed down the mountain from a small road.

This road is not the same as the one she went up the mountain. It was off the beaten track. She didn’t meet half of them when she ran all the way down. The foot of the mountain is an abandoned house. A little bamboo forest is next to the threshing field. The backyard of the captain’s house is close to the bamboo forest.

Before leaving the bamboo forest, she looked around attentively and saw that there was no one. She hurried out of the forest, climbed up the wall of the captain’s house, flicked the hornet’s nest somewhere, and quickly slipped off the wall.

When she ran into the bamboo forest, there was a scream from behind, followed by a series of movements, and finally a muffled sound.

Bai Xiaoxi didn’t look back, until he ran back to the mountain and reached under the tree, he breathed a sigh of relief and fixed his eyes to watch the movement under the mountain.

Several people had gathered in the backyard of the captain’s house, and the exclaim of the captain’s wife came vaguely.

Bai Xiaoxi smiled complacently, and slowly descended the mountain with a book in his hand.

When she reached the bottom of the mountain, she stopped someone and curiously said: “Auntie, I saw a lot of people in the captain’s house on the mountain. Did the captain call us to work?”

“Where!” The woman looked excited, “Liang Zhiqiang fell out of the pit!”

“Ah…” the little fox whispered pretentiously, “How can such a big person fall into the pit?”

“Who said no? Maybe something upset God.”

“Has anyone caught it?”

“It’s coming up, that smell, vomit… It won’t go away in a few days!” The woman slapped her hands in disgust.

Bai Xiaoxi returned to the educated youth point with satisfaction. The educated youths were also talking about this. Several female educated youths covered their mouths, disgusted and wanted to laugh.

“Yes, let him be dishonest.” A female educated youth whispered.

With Liang Zhiqiang’s temperament, which of them looks more upright, which one hasn’t been accosted by his glib tongue? It’s just that I dare not speak up.

Hearing this, everyone was relieved.

Later, according to Liang Zhiqiang himself, he would fall into the pit, and someone threw a hornet’s nest.

But apart from his family, no one believes that if there is a hornet’s nest, why didn’t they see it? Why are you Liang Zhiqiang not stung?

Besides, anyone who is so courageous to pick a hornet’s nest is scary.

The village names all wondered if everyone was saying bad things about Liang Zhiqiang and Ye Zhiqing a while ago. The captain was going to take this as a pretext and arrest individuals to retaliate, so the rebuttal was particularly straightforward.

Liang Zhiqiang added that there were no hornet in the hornet’s nest.

People don’t believe this even more. Since there are no hornets, why are you so scared to fall into the pit?

Liang Zhiqiang was so angry that he was frightened, and he caught a little cold while washing, and he fell ill immediately.

Bai Xiaoxi estimated that the hornet’s nest was too small and was crushed in a hurry, or kicked into the pit, so it was not found.

However, she will not defend Liang Zhiqiang.

In the afternoon, Bai Xiaoxi went to Liang Sheng with two books, one for himself and one for him.

The two were sitting in the yard. Liang Sheng looked at the book in front of him, his mouth twitched. He still wonders what kind of ecstasy soup he drank that day that he would agree to study with this kid?

“Let’s start reading,” Bai Xiaoxi urged, “you have both the book and the pen. After reading it, remember to write down the new words.”

Need to write?

I especially want to regret…

But a manly man, if he doesn’t say anything, he will be ridiculed.

Liang Sheng took a deep breath, slowly turned the book to the first page, read a few lines half-heartedly, and glanced at her.

“This is the plan you mentioned earlier?” he asked.

The words were boring, but Bai Xiaoxi understood, and smiled slyly: “Yeah, not bad, right?”

Yes, yes, in order to make fun of people, even observe when they go to the toilet, and the determination is commendable.

However, he said: “It’s easier to beat him directly.”

Such a thing is not worth her so much thought.

Bai Xiaoxi shook his head: “It’s different.”

Although she is not a human being, she has also learned a little about her human affection and sophistication. The same is to beat Liang Zhiqiang and Yang Meiling’s people to do it, and the consequences are quite different from their educated youth.

People in this village were beaten by outsiders. Even if this person is usually not seen by everyone, the villagers will not be happy and will even reject the educated youth. When the time comes, it will be easy for the captain to retaliate.

“At least now everyone thinks that he has done too much at a loss and suffered retribution.” Bai Xiaoxi smiled.

Liang Sheng thought to himself that Liang Zhiqiang was so arrogant and the only thing he could rely on was his dad. Yang Meiling had long had opinions on this. The position of the captain was actually not that stable, as long as–

“Don’t be in a daze, read the book quickly.” Bai Xiaoxi stretched out his hand and waved in front of his eyes.

Liang Sheng returned to his senses, staring at the book, his brows furrowed, his face was irritable, the scars on his face were corrected, and those who didn’t know thought he was going to hit someone.

He sighed and stood up the book resigningly.

Just after looking at a few lines, there was a chattering sound from outside the courtyard.

A few young people who often follow Liang Sheng, behind the wall yard, you push me, I squeeze you.

“I’m not dazzled, Brother Sheng is really reading a book!”

“Mom, Brother Sheng actually started studying.”

“Bai Zhiqing smiled at Brother Sheng.”

“Go away and let me see…”

“Don’t squeeze me!”

“Who the **** stepped on my foot!”

After the suppressed voice, it still reached the ears of two people in the courtyard.

Liang Sheng heard the blue veins jump on his forehead.

Bai Xiaoxi was funny and curious. How did such a group of people get together with Liang Sheng, who is always full of grumpy faces?

She doesn’t hate these people. Although they usually peek at female educated youths on the road, their eyes are different from those of Liang Zhiqiang. Sometimes looking back at them, they will panic like a big girl.

Some female educated youths even deliberately amused them.

Seeing the voice getting louder and louder, he couldn’t ignore it, Liang Shenghao stood up and strode out.

A few young people were too late to run, and were caught on the spot by him. They lowered their heads one by one, and pushed me and you back.

One unlucky one was pushed out and smiled flatteringly at Liang Sheng. He glanced into the courtyard and said, “Brother Sheng…hehe…”

“Is all so idle?” Liang Sheng glanced at them.

“Isn’t this… what I’m doing lately.”

Liang Sheng said: “Go back and prepare, and follow me up the mountain tomorrow.”

“Eh, okay!” Several people responded quickly.

They only look forward to Liang Sheng’s horse, and naturally there is a reason.

Liang Shenghui took them up the mountain, in the outskirts of Dayang Meiling, and in the valley to find something for money, wild vegetables, wild fruits, and medicinal materials. He knew a lot and was bold enough. Help them sell things at a price.

These few people’s family conditions are not very good. Early on, they were young and starved for three days before earning work points. If it weren’t for Liang Sheng, it’s hard to say whether they could grow up wisely, so they all agreed he.

Seeing them still rushing to the yard, Liang Sheng sighed: “Get out, go to Liang Zhiqiang’s side to see if there is any movement, come over and say.”

“Good-bye, good-bye, Brother Sheng,” Xiao Young replied dogmatically, and shouted boldly, “Goodbye Bai Zhiqing!”

The others laughed and screamed.

“Goodbye Sheng, goodbye Bai Zhiqing!”

“Brother Sheng and Bai Zhiqing study hard!”

“Going up every day!”

“Boom!” Liang Sheng stepped forward and gave them a kick before pushing them away.

Back to the stone table and sit down, Bai Xiaoxi looked at him and asked with a smile, “You will go to the mountain to make money tomorrow?”

Liang Sheng nodded. He didn’t take them every time. He was looking for the two orchids by himself.

He would take people away only if he estimated that the pocket money they earned last time was almost used up. By doing so, he would not go too frequently and be too eye-catching, and there would be no need to worry about having too much money in his pocket. Those few people would learn Bad.

He glanced at Bai Xiaoxi and said, “Don’t go.”

Bai Xiaoxi puffed up, “I didn’t say go.”

I didn’t say it, but my eyes were a little bright. Liang Sheng thought.

Bai Xiaoxi soon put him in the army Reading, I have read ten pages, how about you? ”


Liang Sheng bitterly looked at the page number “1” in front of him, but he didn’t finish reading a page.

Bai Xiaoxi chuckled and said, “On your first day of study, set your goals lower. As long as you finish reading two texts and write the new words five times, isn’t it easy?”

She looked at how tolerant I looked at you.

Liang Sheng held up the book again aggrieved.

Maybe he left the class for too long, or he was not the material for reading. Anyway, when Bai Xiaoxi announced that today’s study was over, Liang Sheng only felt dizzy. The words that were jumping in front of him were all new words learned today. He looks familiar, and he seems to be unfamiliar with him, waving his arms and legs, laughing wildly at him.

With his eyes open, Liang Sheng heard Bai Xiaoxi’s inspection and said: “The writing is very correct, the task is completed well, and I should be rewarded.”

He felt that she was getting closer, and then there was something soggy and soft on his forehead, leaving a warm fragrance.

Liang Sheng: “???”


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