I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 The Entrance To The Dark Room (For Collection)

Such a courtyard wall naturally could not stop Chu Feng.

Chu Feng just took off from the ground and landed in the yard lightly.

His Thunder Prison Body Refining Technique has reached the third level, and his body is much stronger than ordinary people.

Chu Feng sneaked to the front of the house.

Pushing it with his hand, he found that the door was locked, but it was locked from the inside.

Chu Feng turned around the house and found that the back door was also locked.

It seems that the people inside are very cautious.

In that kind of movie, you are clearly doing something very important, and the result is that the door is not locked, which will not happen in reality.

Because that’s what a fool would do.

In reality, there are very few such fools.

However, this is not difficult for Chu Feng.

Chu Feng took a few steps back, then took a run, and jumped up along the wall.

After a few steps, Chu Feng gently landed on the terrace on the second floor.

The door on the first floor is closed, and the second floor will not be so cautious.

Sure enough, Chu Feng tried it out, and quickly opened a window, dodged, and jumped in.

All the way down, Chu Feng came directly to the basement.

When he came in to investigate during the day, although Chu Feng’s spiritual vision did not see anything abnormal, he could see the basement exposed outside, which was obviously small in size.

This is unusual for such a large house.

Angelina Jolie and the other three didn’t pay attention for a while, but Chu Feng discovered something was wrong.

So, now he doesn’t look anywhere else at all, and goes straight to the basement.

In the basement, as it was during the day, nothing changed.

It was also pitch black.

Chu Feng turned on his spiritual vision and could only see a vague outline.

Chu Feng is not in a hurry to find secret doors or institutions. He believes that if the old woman is really performing the soul crossing technique now, there will be some movement.

Therefore, Chu Feng put all his energy on his ears and listened carefully to the voices inside.

Soon, a faint voice came.

It was a young male voice: “Why are you in such a hurry, didn’t you say it took a few days to start?”

“It’s too late, Elaine’s sister is here, and she’s still a star.

The police also came during the day, and if we didn’t hurry up, there might be an accident. ”

It was the old woman’s voice.

“The police are here too?” the male voice asked, “Didn’t you find anything?”

“No, the secret door here is so hidden, who can find it.

They couldn’t imagine that the dark room was not behind the four walls, but in the basement of the basement. ”

There was a bit of pride in the old woman’s tone.

Chu Feng was overjoyed when he heard it, but he didn’t expect to get such a big clue.

He also had to admit that the old lady was very smart.

Who would have thought that there is a basement hidden under this basement.

“Well, that’s good.” The male voice relaxed a lot.

The old woman continued: “I didn’t expect this Elaine to be the sister of a celebrity. After I take his body, maybe I can borrow her sister’s relationship and become a celebrity as well.”

“Stupid.” The male voice scolded: “Once you become a star, there will be countless people staring at you every day, how will you use the Soul Transmutation Technique in the future?

Don’t you want to live forever? ”

The old woman was silent for a while, and then said, “I’m just imagining it, isn’t this okay?”

“Okay, don’t waste time, let’s get started.” The male voice comforted.

The voice of speaking was interrupted, thinking that they were starting to prepare for the ritual of transcending the soul.

Chu Feng felt a little anxious in his heart.

Don’t wait for him to break in, the soul crossing technique has been completed, and the fun will be great.

Chu Feng took out a flashlight from his body and carefully looked for it on the floor of the basement.

If it wasn’t for knowing that the darkroom was underground, Chu Feng might have spent a lot of time.

But now, now that there is a goal, it is much easier to find.

Chu Feng looked around and saw a carpet in front of him.

I walked over and opened it up to see that everything was normal, and there was no trace of a secret door.

Continuing to search, Chu Feng checked a place from time to time, but still could not find the entrance.

“It’s strange, this basement is not big, I have basically searched the whole ground, but I still can’t find the secret door.

The old woman didn’t know that someone was eavesdropping outside, so there was little chance of deliberate obfuscation. Where will that be? ”

Chu Feng thought to himself, and finally, he cast his eyes on a box in the corner.

This is a large box about one meter high. The appearance is very dilapidated, with quaint patterns, and it stays quietly in the corner like that.

Just now, Chu Feng also checked the box and opened it. There were some messy things inside. Chu Feng found nothing unusual.

Now, Chu Feng turned his attention to the box again, and he noticed something was wrong.


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