I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Nightmare Tapir

A warning sign had been placed near the intersection of    Xiushui Road and Yunqing Road. When He Mu arrived, there was no one in the surroundings, only bright street lights.

After decades of disaster, ordinary people are cautious about monsters.

Anything with monsters will definitely be avoided.

This road is located in an industrial area, and some night shifters often pass by late at night, but today I’m afraid…

But He Mu is not impatient.

has been sitting for eighteen years, and his patience is very comparable.

sat on the road splinter next to the street lamp, He Mu took out his mobile phone and began to check the specific intelligence of the mission.

“Three accidents occurred in three days, one in the morning, one half in the morning, and two in the morning…Of the three accidents, two were accidents involving a bicycle hitting a car, and one was an electric car hitting a wall…”

Click on the relevant surveillance video. He Mu saw the first two accidents when bicycles and cars crossed, he turned abruptly and hit the car.

As for the last one, it was even more ridiculous. The man riding the electric bike slammed straight against the wall, seeing that it fell hard enough.

Afterwards, the person involved also said that he had never seen a wall there.

These abnormal behaviors do seem to be mentally disturbed.

After reading the information, He Mu closed his eyes.

appeared in his mind one after another monster images, without exception, all monsters with mental interference ability.

“There are six types of monsters that may appear in the city, all of which are Type II monsters.”

He Mu calculated silently in his heart.

Monsters are divided into first type monsters, second type monsters and third type monsters.

The    category refers to monsters that do not have a bit of earth biological genes in their bodies. These monsters are all extremely powerful, and they are likely to come from the meteorite that descended on the moon.

The two types of monsters have both the genes of a type of monsters and the genes of earth creatures. These monsters have strong or weak strengths. Most of them are earth creatures that have absorbed the genes of the first type of monsters, and their offspring will be born afterwards.

As for the three types of monsters, all earth creatures have absorbed the red mist and mutated.

There are more than ten kinds of monsters with mental interference ability recorded in the monster illustration book, either one type of monster or two type of monsters.

But a type of monster is too powerful to appear in the city. It is definitely not as simple as a car accident.

Throwing aside one type of monster, there are only six types of second type monsters.

“The monitoring of the accident site did not find any trace of the monster… It shows that the monster is small… and it is very good at hiding.”

He Mu silently used the elimination method in his heart, and finally eliminated only two monsters.

A kind of tapir called Nightmare. It has two fighting strength and never comes out during the day.

The other is called psychedelic butterfly, which has no combat effectiveness.

“Psychedelic butterfly…”

He Mu raised his head subconsciously and looked at the big tree on the side of the road.

Psychedelic butterfly, like a chameleon, can change its color according to the environment.

This kind of monster generally likes to stay on the leafy trees, then turn green and mix in the leaves.

The night was getting deeper, and He Mu stayed under the street lamp for more than an hour without seeing any clues.

At this time, a battery car slowly approached not far away.

Riding the battery car is an uncle in gray overalls. After seeing the warning sign on the side of the road, his face suddenly turned pale.

Looking at He Mu who was sitting under the street lamp, he almost frightened his soul out. He immediately shouted “Hurry as a law” and drove away from the intersection.

Seeing this scene, He Mu was slightly startled.

After a while, he realized something.

In the middle of the night, in a place where monsters were infested, he was sitting alone on the curb, which was indeed a little scary.

What’s more, his face is still a bit pale.

shook his head, He Mu took out his mobile phone and searched for psychedelic butterfly and nightmare tapir, ready to see if the information on these two monsters has been updated.

Moreover, holding a mobile phone in hand can also be a bit more human.

Not long after, another car drove up in the distance.

The people in the car didn’t seem to know that there was a problem at this intersection before. After seeing the warning signs, they also speeded up significantly.

But when I drove to the side of He Mu, the car stopped suddenly.

Immediately after the car window was opened, a young man in his twenties poked his head out.

“Hi! My buddy, it’s not stable here, should I take you away?”

He Mu smiled and stood up and took out his credentials.

“Thank you, but I am a member of the Red Mist Alliance, and I am here to perform a mission.”

After seeing the certificate, the young man suddenly opened his eyes, and then said in an admiring tone: “You’re a Red Mist Warrior at a young age, buddy! Then I’m leaving, be careful!”

He Mu nodded.

The car closed its windows and drove away from the intersection without any problems.

He Mu continued to sit on the road teeth, without the slightest impatience in his heart.

Not only that, but in this dark night, his heart is even more calm.

In fact, neither the nightmare tapir nor the psychedelic butterfly has too much wisdom, it is impossible to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, let alone see him sitting here and not come out.

So all he needs to do is wait slowly.

If you can’t wait today, then continue to wait tomorrow.

Just like that, another three hours passed without knowing it. At this time, it was close to four o’clock in the morning, and mist was falling outside.

Over the past three hours, more than a dozen people have passed by this intersection. UU reading www.uukanshu.com has nothing unusual.

He Mu is still sitting on the road teeth, sitting still for such a long time, the dew has unknowingly wet his clothes, but he is like those old fishermen by the river, motionless like a mountain.

At this time, the sound of a bicycle came not far away.

He Mu raised his head. This time, riding a bicycle was a young woman in blue overalls. It should be a female worker returning home from the night shift.

As the young woman got closer, He Mu’s pupils shrank slightly, because this woman was very strange, and the place she looked at was not the road ahead, nor the “weird” on the side of the road, but the street lamp not far away. .

“has a problem.”

He Mu stood up abruptly, and at this moment, a sharp squeaking sound suddenly reached his ears, making him feel a little uncomfortable.

“Ultrasound that ordinary people can’t hear… It’s a nightmare tapir.”

He Mu subconsciously covered his ears, and at the same time, quickly took out the phone and played a piece of audio.

There was a weird “zizi” sound in this audio. As soon as this sound came out, the sharp ming sound instantly disappeared.

He Mu settled down. At this time, the woman riding a bicycle was about to hit the street light next to her.

He didn’t have time to think about this. He immediately took a leap and walked directly to the back of the bicycle. Then he grabbed the back seat of the bicycle and lifted the bicycle with people in the air.


The young woman regained consciousness in an instant, and screamed subconsciously.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s okay.”

He Mu gently put down the bicycle, and at the same time turned to look at the green belt on the other side of the road.

as predicted.

In the mist, there are a pair of seeping green eyes in the dense bushes, looking towards him.

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